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Author Topic: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs  (Read 6363 times)

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Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:24:42 PM »

Hey all, most of you know I did 8 CM with Paley on my femurs. Some might have seen me talking about a persisting pain in my lower left leg, whereas my right leg feels brilliant. Paley initially suggested this was from the area where the bottom of the rod meets the bone, which some people notice when running or from pressure. However my pain seems to come from not applying pressure per se, but activating the muscles in that area. For example, lying flat I can move my right leg with ease but raising my left is slightly slower and uncomfortable.

Paley has said he would need to see me to evaluate, but seeing as I'm not in the area and if anything need to be hunkering down and continuing getting back into shape and finances in order, not spending more money. It seems like a muscular issue as opposed to bone related. I'm wondering if working it out and walking(once I've confirmed my left is fully healed like the right) and forcing past the pain would help resolve it.

Looking to hear some of your guys thoughts.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 04:38:54 PM »

no idea. but I remember reading that the femur bone is actually flexible and bends somewhat with pressure which is normal.

double check that this is indeed accurate and applies to you. Paley will know best.

by memory I think there was a thread where internal rods being left In forever was being discussed (for sweeden), and the issues that internal rods can cause people was also discussed. you might find it interesting.

also note:, by memory there was a couple threads where internal rods being left in forever was discussed but the information I am talking about is only in 1 of them.
Nope, 20cm is just nope.

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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2015, 05:35:54 PM »

The thing is I don't think it has to do with the bone, at least seems to be muscle.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2015, 07:00:10 AM »

Does anyone know if this is in line with a contracture? Mobility, aside from pain, isn't too limited, but full ROM bending inwards is slightly less than ideal.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2015, 07:25:40 AM »

Forcing past pain is not good idea if its inflamed muscle or tendon. Get an evaluation from an MD.


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2015, 09:48:54 AM »

I have a contracture in my right knee, yet my left knee is in a little more pain. But then again, I'm still clicking.

I'm sure you'll get this sorted out PD, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You're an athletic guy and young and will recover surely.


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2015, 10:09:12 AM »

How would you describe what your contracture feels like? My left leg just hurts a bit when walked on/raised, doggystyle etc. Its not overwhelming but the rest of my recovery has been going so well its kind of a drag.

Main concern is having it improve to the point of walking and sex being fine without needing another florida trip..
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2015, 10:22:19 AM »

Yeah doggy is my favorite position so I'm hoping my recovery goes well there too. Lol I miss sex big time. And yea your recovery seems good, you just want it perfect, and you'll get there my friend!

I can't really describe what my contracture feels like. As of now, any knee pain I feel I believe has all to do with tightness from lengthening because biking eases it almost completely (until I click again later). So I don't think it's my contracture per se. I do have a little pain on my right ITB (Guichet doesn't release them), so I'm wondering if that's related to my right contracture.

At this point I just miss walking and sex lol. I'm looking forward to walking (albeit stiffly and duck-ass-y) soon after I'm done clicking in early/mid Feb


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2015, 10:49:08 AM »

The whole recovery thing has taken a pretty damn long time, I'm jealous of the people I met doing 5-6 who are messaging me about how they are doing sports already, while Im painfully transitioning into doggy.

Well, jealous for now.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2015, 10:51:43 AM »

Actually I wanted to right thigh is always super tight (I'm in a cab going to PT now and it's killing me!). I believe it's my right knee contracture, but cycling always helps soothe it. I'm only doing .8mm a day anyway.

I'll hit you up on Skype at some point we will talk. Good luck bro you'll be fine. At least you ain't old like me :)


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2015, 02:26:44 PM »

But does your contracture hurt when you start using it? Or more when dormant? When dormant my leg feels fine, but after a step or raising it it tends to hurt.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2015, 04:54:34 PM »

It only hurts when I have to use it after bdung still for a while. Whenever I begin to cycle, my right quad hurts as it stretches, but then the pain seems to be soothed and goes away gradually.


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2015, 12:47:51 PM »

Wanted to update- Pain is gone, strength is drastically increasing, and fluidity of movements is improving. So pretty much, things are looking good. What seemingly ended up curing the pain was actually just doing leg press and extensions with as much weight as the weakened muscle/tendon could handle. After a couple rest days and two gym sessions doing this, it seems to hav strengthened enough to be good to go.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2015, 04:33:16 PM »

programdude, I'm new on the forum so I hope you can tolerate probably my repeating of questions you've answered elsewhere.

I'm 5'9-10, looking at 5cm for a solid 6'. You're 5'11+, how does that feel?


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2015, 06:15:54 PM »

I have avoided posting too much about it as I would hate to aggravate peoples height dysphoria, especially those who are unable to afford the operation safely, so don't read on if you are prone to that.

But it feels really great. The way I am regarded, even when blatantly crippled is noticeably different, and my height dysphoria is gone. One of the best feelings is how every girl I have been with since, has noted how I am tall, where before it was simply not something that would happen(except, very ironically, the night before my surgery). The one girl who knew about my surgery even said "I love how big you are" referring to the size of my legs/me in general.

Funny walk aside, I look much more proportionate and natural in the mirror. I actually think that surprisingly, at least while standing and walking, that for some reason the longer femurs make my tibia look longer instead of comically short as I somewhat feared.

My biggest concern right now is walking normal in around a month and a half, for something I am obligated to attend.I would be pretty frustrated if I wasn't, as that will have been 8/9 months post op. But other than that, everything is very very good. If not for the cost and scarring, I wouldn't mind even doing 1.5-2 inches on tibia, but at this point that would be a total luxury as opposed to necessity.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2015, 06:43:04 PM »

My biggest concern right now is walking normal in around a month and a half, for something I am obligated to attend.I would be pretty frustrated if I wasn't, as that will have been 8/9 months post op.
Hey, dude. What's your problem with walking exactly? Is that muscle atrophy or you're getting used to the new biomechanics? 9 months is a lot of time. By the way, how many months post op did it take you with Precise to walk unaided?
Pre-surgery - 167 cm, Post-surgery - 181 cm
Final arm span - 177 cm, Sitting height - 90 cm

Lengthened 7.5 cm in tibias and femurs and 3.5 cm in each humerus. Surgeries performed all external by Dr. Kulesh, in Saint-Petersburg, Russia -


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2015, 06:51:09 PM »

I am still using one crutch as a walking stick when I am out of the house. It has been about 7 months now. My problem initially was the left leg pain. Now it seems to be tight right hip flexor and potential IT band.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2015, 11:11:23 PM »

PD,  you did ~7.5cm?...

In your opinion do you think going for less length (say 6-6.5) would have made a difference in your healing?


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Re: Looking for opinions, persisting left leg pain internal femurs
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2015, 11:52:30 PM »

8 CM. 6.5 would have been significantly better healing and tightness, I believe. I would not however, have been as satisfied with the height and proportions.
Dr. Paley Patient- Surgery completed successfully on July 22nd
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