I'm just slightly over 5'6, but I live in a country where my height is considered slightly "above avg" (3rd world SEA). Unfortunately, those statistics are only disproportionately skewed if considering also the older generations and outside the cities. I can't look away from it nowadays, but younger generations just tend to be taller, and that's statistically a fact due to better nutrition and environment especially those who live in cities and are atleast middle class. Per generation, a population can get taller, and I unfortunately took a hard hit on my dysphoria when I really started to notice a lot of people are taller than me. I personally never had much issues with my height before, but it has become really increasingly been an issue for me in the past 5 years or so when I just got more aware.
Here's the thing as well, you also don't necessarily need to be in a country where the height avg is taller than you to feel short. Honestly, just travelling to US for a duration of my work managed to make me feel incredibly smaller than how I usually feel. I had to wear high-cut shoes and wear some insoles to make me feel relatively normal. And since I somewhat travel frequently in countries like US, I just usually feel my dysphoria growing whenever I go out just to eat. I genuinely dislike using the excuse, "cause of my race" why I'm short, because I do think I still want to be as tall as the actual avg in the world.
I didn't think of wanting to do CLL for dating reasons. I think height dysphoria comes in many shapes and forms, and for most men it's usually because of women and dating. Personally for me, I just feel less confident when I see myself being shorter than the next avg guy, even if I'm athletically fit. I also feel less intimidating to a lot of people because of it(hence less personal space). The feeling gets worse when most young women in this generation, especially those from atleast middle class families, are starting to reach my height and more. I can't count how many times I've seen a woman of my same race and in another country that's close/as/taller than me, and that just feels really emasculating personally speaking. Like I most likely wouldn't mind if a woman was taller than me per se if I was atleast in the global avg height for men. It really just feels emasculating, and I'm not even talking about dating. I'm also slightly pissed of the fact that I have short femurs(atleast from looking at it), and most pants/shorts just don't look good with me, and I kind of get it why longer legs look pretty attractive.
Personally, I do agree it's life-changing for very short people, but I also think the same for just under shorter than avg guys as well. Just being atleast part of being the slightly near or over 50% of males atleast imo, makes it look confident and intimidating enough that some people wouldn't take you as some pushover even if you're skinny af. I do think however, 5'8~5'10 is the golden avg range where I really wouldn't consider CLL, and 5'11 being really 6'0 at that point but of course individual height issues can vary from person to person. I firmly believe however, someone who's atleast 172cm with a pretty good fit body is less likely intimidated in a lot of countries. However I agree with finertoga's perspective, with an avg/above avg height at the very least most people would not mock you. I've had co-workers at 5'1~5'3 males and not once have I made fun of their height because I do know that feeling(in my own perspective), but they do get laugh at sometimes, even if they jokingly laugh with them.