As someone who is probably a year away from lengthening and is very concerned about sitting height ratios, I've been looking into ways to increase spine (and torso) length. If I gained an inch, it wouldn't be just another inch of height, it also give me a much better SH ratio too. Getting 1 or 2 inches of SH would allow me to go from my current height of 5'6 or 5'7, do 3-4cm of LL on both segments to reach my goal height of 5'9 to 5'11
with a sitting height ratio in the 50th percentile! There are several methods that may seem promising, but I don't understand them well enough to swear by them--still doing research. I wanna see if any of you can add to them or criticize...but please don't completely shoot them down and make me lose hope
What do we know about the spine? We know it consists of 33 bones, with a flexable (and growable!) cartlidge discs in between most of them. We also know that it can shrink. Old people lose several inches from the cartilage degenerating. What if we could turn the tables and grow because of our spines? We get as much as an inch difference in it between night and day. Astronauts get a temporary lengthening of it by 2 to 3 inches after spending months in space. Those neck stretching ladies can make
just the discs in their necks grow several inches. All this proves that the spine is growable, and that gradual lengthening is will never make you paralyzed because the nerves can grow and adapt.
The methods I have been looking into are:
glucosamine. 1500mg daily was proven to increase height from by 2-4mm in just a month. I'm currently a guinea pig seeing if gains continue after the first month
a few other supplements can thicken discs, but I cant remember the names right now.
LSJL. Many LLers would scoff at this, but if it indeed works, it would be able to thicken the spinal bones.
LIPUS- low intensity pulsed ultrasound. Another way of thickening and growing bones. Proven to regrow teeth in rabbits.
Of course the classic stretching, hanging, and yoga. I've heard mixed things about these, but possible combined with supplements that can give you a measurable and permanent height increase.
Surgery to get a bone graft into part of your spine, thus lengthening a part of it? Very expensive and extreme, can't imaging any Dr doing it for cosmetic reasons
Finally...this device probably doesn't exist, but imagine if there was a sort of brace for your torso, which you strap around your waist and at the top of your chest. It has tension from springs or a bungee cord, constantly stretching your spine and trunk out. Like the neck ring ladies, diligent wearing of it could cause significant gains.