Well honestly I think its really shallow of anyone to put so much of their self worth based on appearance. Appearance isn't the most important thing in the world. Its our character, our talents and how we treat ourselves or others. First of all being short is not a flaw. Its just how the media portrays it that way. There a lot of short people, medium and tall people. We all come in different sizes. Its extremely shallow and superficial to put so much weight on our appearance. There is only so much we can do with our appearance. And also we are also forgetting that whats more important than height or appearance is health. Being tall doesn't mean you are healthy...and it doesn't mean you are sick either. Secondly people who put so much value on height ,,hasn't done much study on the human body. In our bodies we have the cardiovascular, respitaory system, the endocrine system..the reproductive system..our skeleton is just one part of our bodies..al of these systems need to work to function as a healthy person. I really hope for the sake of humanity that we start valuing how we treat people and others. To me looks doesn't matter neighter does tall matter if its weaponized to treat someone better. If being tall means you get to be arrogant,,prideful, self righteousness.. and have a superior complex..those are not good traits to have. Plus as far protection..a bullet can kill anyon short or tall. And lastly everyone has strengths and weakness. Some of the most smartest people in the world were short..or handicapped..