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Author Topic: We need to stop this obsession about proportions  (Read 4818 times)

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We need to stop this obsession about proportions
« on: August 30, 2024, 02:46:50 PM »

This is just my opinion but..

We constantly see question about propotions on this forum, many who are asking, and many who claim it is better to be shorter with good proportions than a little bit taller but with "bad propotions"

The reality is no one actually cares about proportions. No one looks at anyone in that scrutinized way some of ya'all are analyzing. The problem with asking "will my propotions look good" is that the answers are already going to be biased because the people answering  KNOWS you have done limb lengthening.

Secondly, there are many tall people with just really long legs. A very good example would be Song Kang. I'm 5'6 and I literally have the same sitting height as my friend who is 6ft(he has long legs).

The only real discussion IMO is how much of your fitness and biomechanics you are willing to sacrifice for extra height. If you ask me? None.

The difference between doing 7-8cm on femur versus 10-11cm is not really noticeable on a day-to-day basis. There is no real difference on a day-to-day basis between 177 or 181. The only difference is that the one who became 181 may become crippled or is unable to even hike after 3 years.

Some of you people treat these magical numbers as some sort of milestones, when in reality it really is negligible. Also, the truth is if you're really tall, or you're really short, no one is going to notice anything. I once wore lifts(3 inches) that made me 5'9 and no one actually said anything(all my friends are 6'1ft+).

Some people also think wearing lifts are cringe. But i hate to break it to you, but many designer shoes already gives you a 2inch boost, and every tall guy is wearing them, so you might as well just do it to feel better!

That being said, I am definitely doing 10cm on femur because my ego can't handle anything else ;D



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Re: We need to stop this obsession about proportions
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2024, 04:27:53 PM »

Torso should not even be a concern since there are many tall but slim guys and as I observed short people just tended to have short legs relative to tall guys so that if they sat on chairs you couldn't see any difference, but wingspan might stick you out like one of the Japanese LL veterans and this might necessitate an arm lengthening(humerus lengthening). But I don't think there will even be discriminations against having an aberrational and stray wingspan like being short... As I reckon nobody will get startled about it when socializing.


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Re: We need to stop this obsession about proportions
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2024, 08:13:35 PM »

why the contradiction buddy? its pretty much the same 7 cm in femurs and 10 cm but the second option may makes you crippled, the first one is inside safety parameters


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Re: We need to stop this obsession about proportions
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2024, 06:00:29 PM »

This is what I've been always saying on this forum. If you have the privilege to worry about your "proportions", you are either not serious larper or you are not short to begin with, period.

Also there is a big difference worrying about how your leg proportions look after 16, 20+cm of lengthening and 5 cm of lengthening, which is just plainly ridiculous. No one aside from your close friends or family would even notice if you gain 5 cm of height, let alone think your proportions are skewed lmao.

There are tons of tall guys with long legs and numbers as up to 63% leg-to-height ratio, which definitely are rare for men (and they are mostly non-westerners), are perfectly normal if you've ever been on tall forums. Do you understand that in order for you to get to this number, you'd have to perform over 25+cm of lengthening? And you are still worrying about how your legs look after 5-8 cm?

Please get a life.


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Re: We need to stop this obsession about proportions
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2024, 02:41:43 AM »

Would you rather:

- Be short but with good proportions


- Be tall but with bad proportions

The answer is quite simple to me.
"Welcome to the worst nightmare of all... reality!"

QLL using the PRECICE 2.2 nail with Dr. Giotikas.
4cm tib, 4cm fem. 1 year later, re-break for another 4+4. 167cm -> 175cm -> 183cm. Initial surgery on Nov 27 2024
Diary on the C4L d-cord. I no longer post here due to lack of moderation


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Re: We need to stop this obsession about proportions
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2024, 01:49:22 PM »

 In reality no one really cares about a short dude having a perfect body at the end of the day he will remain as a manlet in soyciety pov but a tall god with a bad proportions is still deemed as an ideal man look into popular culture how much their proportions are really discussed ? (assuming he doesn't have narrow shoulders which is a failo) this is the reality the ones who are short and stress on proportions are never likely to get CLL in their life + just lengthened your arms if you need.


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Re: We need to stop this obsession about proportions
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2024, 07:01:34 AM »

Proportions is important if one wants to seek out active lifestyle post LL like going to beach where you have to expose your full body.

Proportions are less important for guys who are more business life oriented for example and want to gain the maximum height possible with single or double LL. That's because it's easier to mask the proportions with right clothes and short arms are not that much of a concern in that case.

To me though, the final proportions after double LL is very important because I don't want to look too long-legged with very visibly short arms, even though my torso is huge and will handle even 20 cm LL. Disregarding awful armspan to height ratio going past 10 cm total, safety should be everyone's priority when doing this and past 8 cm femur and 5 cm tibia it's getting too complicated as we all know.

13 cm should be the realistic maximum goal for anyone as most docs advise.
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