Man it’s tough because I don’t believe it’s shallow to have physical preferences for someone in most cases. I think if a woman needs a guy to be a certain height to find them attractive then it’s best for both the man and the woman for her to bring it up as to not waste everyone’s time. There is a certain point where it becomes shallow and it’s an arbitrary line to draw but I’d say if a woman can find a man attractive at say 5’8” but she needs a man to be 6’ not because of her attraction to that height but as a sort of social signal that she can get a tall boyfriend, then that to me is shallow. Another example would be if a woman is a certain height in heels and requires a guy to be an inch taller than that, that to me would be shallow. Like you are basing dating prospects on a pair of shoes? But if she just genuinely is not attracted to guys shorter than a certain height then it is what it is. Unfortunately being 5’3 is going to be a genuine turn off for a lot of women. Just like if a women had a very flat ass and breasts, she can have a cute face but that might not be enough for some guys, whereas others will be ok with it.