There is still a confusion I'm trying to figure out-- wonder if someone with some medical background can look at the data Dr. Paley used to discover that stretching beforehand seems to only last 24 hours he says
I'm confused by this because --how do we reconcile it with what we see anecdotally? Ex: there is a 23 year old patient in Athens who started out with great flexibility and guess what, the days and weeks after his flexibility is alot better than ours still (ex: heel of foot to butt, other stretches he has great range of motion). It feels like he did retain alot of that flexibility so what's going on?
And also uh like.. if someone did not stretch at all before the surgery, it seems like they'd be tight and it would hurt them in the recovery afterwards? Ex: patients who didn't do the assigned stretches, do they do worse during recovery?
But Dr. Paley looked at the data so he should be right, he has way more datapoints than us, I just want to understand how things work exactly. I think one forum person suggested an idea that maybe pre-stretching helps but won't get you the whole way there, but I wonder if there is more to it than that
But I guess at this point I mean screw it, I am going to stretch no matter what, I mean aside from the time it takes up I don't see any downside and it may have possible upside so I will do it. And you have to do some kind of physical activity to be healthy in general, why not make it stretching and some mobility exercises. If I do internal tibias someday, it makes sense to me to stretch the tibias everyday before the surgery ---like I feel like I have nothing to lose (except a few minutes per day) by doing so and probably something to gain