I've done glucosammine for a few months now. Definitely no significant gains, but I don't want to quit and shrink, even if just a mm lol. I wonder, does gluco work by making you retain your night height or it bumps your morning & night height up the same amount?
I'm going to look into Yoga. Even just doing the cobra pose while I read or use a laptop could help. I'm a big spine guy, I really think it should be possible to gain up to 3 inches...My 86 year old grandpa went from 5'11 to like 5'4 from disc generation, the spine is clearly a malleable part of the body. If it can shrink by 7 inches, why can't it grow by just 2? Just 2! That's all I would ask for. Apart from thickening the discs, you could try growing the actual bones--studies showed low intensity pulsed ultrasound could make bones grow and thicken, if you apply it to the spine ideally it would make it grow with the moving parts in proportion...as long as you don't apply any sudden or extreme force to your spine, you WON'T end up paralyzed. Humans with spines that sensitive would have been weeded out by evolution.