You know there's a method called LATN, after the external fixators removal, your bone gets nailed and you can weight-bear after that.
Consider that you are going to go with LATN method on tibias, instead of LON. What benefits could you possibly achieve?
I mean, the external fixators have an advantage of not occuring knee pain. I think if you go with pure externals and after 3 months, you get "nailing", It's probably going to increase the odds as much as the LON itself as having the knee pain for the rest of your life. (minimal chance)
So, I guess going with the LON instead of having pure externals then nailing would be better. Because you won't need to carry them big ass rings surrounding your shins.
Then I thought about it deeply, I guess if you go with fully externals, you'll have chance of correcting the misalignment i guess, that's why people choose LATN rather than LON, am i right?
Is that the only benefit you could take from LATN instead of LON? Correcting the misalignment? Because as far as I remember you cannot correct the alignment with LON method. You'll need another surgery. I might be wrong, forgive me.
Summary: Are there any more benefits that we could possibly achieve with LATN method except the misalignment correction?