Thanks for the answer, I owe you a lot for all the help.
I cannot even understand why people would have simultaneous lengthening, literally why would you do this to yourself?
I'm literally the MOST impatient person I've ever known in my entire life but even I'd NO WAY do this to myself. I think the best way to have 2 surgeries is to wait for a year, or more than the first surgery.
Also yeah, cross lengthening sucks though.
Yeah no problem, and the way I see it is that most people want to get back into their job and life but gain enough height to satisfy themselves. Not many people can afford to wait a year between surgeries, look for reemployment twice, quit their jobs twice, etc, so they want to get it over with in a year. Many of us at at the 160-165cm mark, and average happens to be 170-175cm, so we would prefer 10cm minimum.
I'll be honest, I wanted simultaneous lengthening for the reasons above. I didn't want to wait a year in between. But after reading the diaries of some patients, I realized it was not going to be just tough, it would literally be unbearable. High chance of stopping short from goal, and not to mention double the price. You're definitely right that waiting a year is the best way to lengthen max.
As a side note, after reading more and more diaries, I've realized that I don't even want to bite more than I can chew. I was set on sequential quadrilaterals, but now I've realized I don't need to reach a height considered average. I need to reach a height considered not short, and that would be 172cm for me. I've decided to just do Femurs and be done with it. My entire goal is to cure height neurosis, and I feel like 5' 8 will cure my neurosis, in America. Sorry for the rant, I think I'm coming to terms with myself finally for the first time since I've joined this forum in April.