Since the quads give you the infamous duck ass you should look into quad yoga stretches. I think you should do this yoga position for your quads Do it slowly and you will get use to it. Yoga journal is an awesome website and quite helpful that shows stretches for each body part.
Thanks for the quads tip!! I will check the Yoga journal to try to diversify my stretches!
BTW I like your username and Nietche's philosophy is both inspiring and quite depressing at times.
I just take from him the bits i like the most!
Übermensch is about the idea of creating a better/superior self, but Nietzsche obviously means a moral/intellectual better self, not necessarily a physical better self. And i don't think this is contradictory because i truly think limb lengthening is mainly about your mind! I mean the psychological part, the confidence part.. It liberates you from this physical constrain that clouts your mind and prevents you from putting 100% of your energy in the things that make you happy.. So, ultimately, limb lengthening allows you to reach your better self..
And i just love his huge mustache!!
I went to a hot yoga studio a couple years ago that offered a free week to attract new members. I went 6 times that week. You would be surprised on how much of a good workout it is and how much you sweat. It's also very relaxing. I didn't join because it was $199 a month and I didn't think I would go enough to justify the expense. But I will join before I do LL for 2-3 months. There are also a lot of hot girls there Some classes had about 40 - 50 girls and there was me and maybe 1 or 2 other guys.
Hot sweating girls!! loool
I actually did Yoga (regular Yoga) and Pilates for some time in preparation for LL, but unfortunately my gym doesn't offer those classes anymore.. so I will just pick some stretches from Yoga journal and add them to my routine..
What about the frequency of stretching/yoga classes?
I need to gain flexibility in a very short period (i have only 40 days left)
I'm doing stretching daily for 15/20 minutes after strength training.. should I start doing more than once a day, or i'm doing already too much and i should give my body a rest like once every 3 days for instance..?