If anyone is curious, here’s a vid of the process for forearm lengthening, by none other than a young Dr. Paley.
Seems to be similar to tibial lengthening. I just wonder how they perform the break though? How big if an incision would that require? Anyways, based on a ton of studies for non cosmetic cases, forearm lengthening actually seems to be a pretty safe surgery (disclaimer - safe=\=easy), with the only common complication being pin site infection since it must be done with frames. Neurovascular complications are rare, at least in the studies I’ve read. Recovery of normal function is almost universally reported, albeit after a long while (2-10 years)
I think the reason Doctors don’t want to do it isn’t necessarily because they don’t think they could do it. I think it’s more because they literally can’t see why you’d want to. As the others have said above, the social utility of long arms has never been observed. Breaking your legs to be tall is already crazy. But breaking forearms? That’s a whole new level lol. It’s a lot of pain for questionable gain.
There’s one US doctor I know of who will perform it. It’ll be expensive though.