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Author Topic: Grew nearly 5 inches after 18 but i still want LL to go from 5'10 to 6'2.  (Read 1924 times)

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I now play the lottery everyday. I know this might sound crazy, but i went from 5'5 to almost 5'10 after 18 years old. From 18-21 i was very lucky to have my growth plates open. I definitely surpassed my genetic height i believe, being that my mother is 5'2 and my father is barely 5'4 if not shorter. My dads father was a tall man. I believe my dad stunted his growth some how when he was younger and never had the chance to catch up because my older brother is 5'8 and im 5'10.  I think i got my grandfathers genetics for sure. As my dad always tells me i resemble him alot. This is good and bad because my grandfather died of a heart attack in his 50s but thats besides the point. Im very surprised i grew this much after im certain i stunted my growth earlier on in life, from ages 12-17. My doctors always said my bone age was a couple years younger than my biological age and i will say if you're a really late bloomer, growth up till 21 is very possible. Even if you are 18 or 19. Even at 20 years old. I still cant believe i grew this much. The problem is that im happy with my height currently but im not satisfied with 5'10. Now i want the majestic 6 ft 2. The only reason why i believe i grew so much after 18 is because of how underdeveloped my torso was, and the synthetic HGH being effective on my body. Literally most of the height i gained was in my torso. Only a bit came from my legs. After this miraculous growth spurt i still want to get LL to reach 6ft 2 in one surgery if possible. The only doctor id get LL done with is Paley so im not sure if he'd do 4 inches in one segment. Any great LL doctors that would do 4 inches in Femurs ? Idk why but id love to be taller than 99% of people i come across. 6ft2 would look magical on me personally. Thats why i want to get there. Do you guys think im asking for too much? And if you were in my situation, would you be content with 5'10 or get to 6'2?


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Definitely not.

Do 6 inches with Paley. Anything short of 6'4 is manlet status nowadays.

Body Builder

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I think that hgh helped your height but stunted your mental state.
I don't think that anything else is suitable for a 5.10 boy who wants to lengthen 4 inches and especially in one segment!
Even a lunatic that wrote here in the past called Vader who did 4 inches at 6ft initial height did it in both segments. And he was a madman (he wore 4 inches stilts to appear taller), you are not better.


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Lol, I only got ~1.25 inches out of it and seemed to have plateaued at 19.5 and 5'6. You got extremely lucky, I would say this probably happens to 1/10,000 people or less.

Also, I'd be content with 5'10. That's already average. I don't think being 6'2 will make as significant of a difference, and post-LL mobility and proportions are always retarded.


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Risk, benefit, cost, time. If those make sense for you, go for it.

But please do some research, or at least directly contact Dr. Paley's clinic to get informed. Like Body Builder said, 4 inches in femurs is unreasonable, not to mention physically impossible with Precice (maximum distraction is 8 cm). You can also see that 8 cm is the maximum for femurs according to Dr. Paley's site as well.

Personally I'd count my blessings and put that money toward something else.
5'4" and 1/4" (163.2 cm) | United States | early 30s | Cross-lengthening with Dr. Solomin & Dr. Kulesh


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Lol, I only got ~1.25 inches out of it and seemed to have plateaued at 19.5 and 5'6. You got extremely lucky, I would say this probably happens to 1/10,000 people or less.

Also, I'd be content with 5'10. That's already average. I don't think being 6'2 will make as significant of a difference, and post-LL mobility and proportions are always retarded.

Have you tried getting on injectable HGH? Zomacton is what was prescribed to me when i got diagnosed with HGH deficiency. But on to what you said, you do have some good points. Idk why but every video i've seen of a LL'er, it seems like most of them have this odd way of walking. Like it doesnt look normal. Especially the running. Though i have seen a few videos where the LL'er actually did look normal walking. But most of them dont look normal while running. My arm span is about half a inch under 6ft, so i can pull off 6'2 but i will not go through the hassle of getting my tibias done also. I feel like that'd be pointless. 6'1 barefoot would be the goal with 3 in Femurs since thats the max for internal Precise method, I definitely wont be getting LL anytime soon unless i hit the lottery of course lol. Cus id only do Paley and he's expensive for sure. As for now i dont have any problem with my height, id just love to be officially over 6ft barefoot.


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to anyone considering this, please read the side effects of this treatment before diving in.

it should only be taken by those with deficient amounts of HGH and when prescribed by a physician.

abusing HGH when you have sufficient amounts in your body can lead to a variety of cancers due to it affecting the growth of cells (making growth faster)

be safe,
currently 179 cm with a 6'2 wingspan
Goal: 182-183
top 5 LL surgeons: Paley, Rozbruch, Mahboubian,  Donghoon Lee, Giotikas

- planning to have LON tibias with dr donghoon lee in summer 2021


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Hard to believe he was HGH deficient too, as his parents are so very short. But the doctors tested him and found that to be the case, so...

Also, this is just another showing of how later puberty nets people taller heights.


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Hard to believe he was HGH deficient too, as his parents are so very short. But the doctors tested him and found that to be the case, so...

Also, this is just another showing of how later puberty nets people taller heights.

Hard to believe he was HGH deficient too, as his parents are so very short. But the doctors tested him and found that to be the case, so...

Also, this is just another showing of how later puberty nets people taller heights.

If it wasnt for my personal motivation and diligence on getting taller, and mainly my cousin telling me to get on HGH, i probably would have never known i had HGH deficiency. I only got extremely motivated after reading about how HGH deficiency can cause short height, chubby face when skinny and just slow growth over many years. I was 17 years old and i literally looked 12 years old because of how short and skinny i was at 5'5. The funny thing is that my dad also suspected HGH deficiency when i was 13 because i was a legit midget at that age, under 5ft so i was referred to an endocrinologist at 13 and they assumed everything was normal and didnt test me for hgh or igf1 deficiency only because of how short my parents were. That was very disrespectful by the endo. I could have gotten on HGH treatment way earlier if it wasnt for the incompetence of that endo. Luckily, my body was JUST beginning puberty at 17-18, like i was barely into puberty around that age. One to two years in and thats when i started producing semen etc. I switched doctors right when i turned 18 because my lifelong family doc was an old lady thats a pediatrician. I also found her incompetent in my care because she didnt even care about what the endo said when i was 13, and she didnt take yearly height measurements at doctor visits. Like she didnt even investigate whether i was tested for HGH deficiency or not. I noticed all of this so i switched doctors and it was this male indian doctor i started going to. He immediately believed i was HGH deficient because i looked too young for my age which was true, i had no facial hair and a full on baby face, could easily pass for 12-14 years old at the time being 18. So he took X Rays of my knee, wrist and hip/pelvis area, then he tested me for my igf1 levels and it was very low according to him. Low to the point where he was surprised i wasnt alot shorter. He didnt even bother asking about how tall my parents were, this was a new doctor and i was 18 so all he did was get me the prescription for Zomacton that my insurance covered, and i started taking daily injections of it, and i bought letrozole on my own online and didnt mention being on ai's to the doc. I didnt really notice how much i grew up until about 1 year and 6 months to 2 years later after starting HGH treatment, i stood next to these framed pictures in my bathroom wall at my moms house, that i used to be shorter than when i was 17 cus i remember the whole of my head barely even reached to the top of the frame with shoes on, and nearly 2 years later i was eye level with the top of the frame while barefoot. Thats when i was like wow, i got taller. I measured to the top of that frame on the wall the other day from ground up, and its about 67 inches from ground till top of frame. So im eye level with 5'7. I also took measurements of my height while wearing timberland boots and im a hair under 6'0 with timberland boots on. Im starting to wear boots alot now when im in public due to the job i have and man you really feel superior being about 6ft tall, especially around women. I still cant grow a beard and the baby face is still there, but HGH even changed my face a bit. My face is alot more masculine. I developed a jawline that i didnt have before the HGH. It also grew my dk almost a whole 2" , no fkn lie. I got alot stronger as well. Its almost like i turned into the superman version of myself LOL its crazy how lucky i was to have insurance that covered the GH without me paying a dime.


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Yeah, your story is incredibly rare. Still, thanks for sharing all the details.

Having such a later puberty allows you take matters into your own hands much more. Someone whose growth plates closed before 18 was totally dependent on their parent(s) and their actually agreeing, accepting and looking into treatment for you.

By the way, sorry about the sarcasm in the first post. It's always human nature to want more, but I think you should just be content with your new height. You're average in the tallest regions of the world and above average in the rest. Go read about the worst cases regarding this surgery. It's no joke. Focus on working out and you'll get much more out it than CLL at your height. Then just go be happy and live your life.
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