Sorry to hear about your struggles. Just know that you aren't alone; look at us, this entire community is populated with people like you.
Make a mental decision that you're going to be taller. Maybe next year, maybe three years from now, who knows. But just imagine it. It might make you feel better just to think that things can get better. You'll also need to be in good mental health, as reputable doctors require a psychological evaluation before they accept you as a patient.
Start wearing some height increasing insoles or elevator shoes. Don't go too high that it's obvious, but add a few centimeters to your height now and get used to it. It also helps others gradually get used to your new height too.
With your budget, you might consider Dr. Parihar; you're only four hours away by plane. You can read more about him in
this thread.
Here's his official site with info about CLL (cosmetic leg lengthening), complete with pricing, timeline, and consultation details. As MirinHeight suggested, Dr. Pili is a great option as well, though you'll need to save a little more.
Note that you won't be able to gain 10cm in one procedure, and that will mean that you either need to settle for a little less (6-8cm) or have two procedures. You can still wear height increasing shoes after the procedure as well, so if 10cm is your goal, you can reach that with one procedure. You can also consider other affordable countries like Russia; we have a few diaries on
Dr. Solomin and
Dr. Kulesh.