In this topic I’d like to review few studies that discuss leg-to-body ratio and attractiveness of males and at the end discuss these findings on my case.
I’d like to start with “The effect of leg-to-body ratio on male attractiveness depends on the ecological validity of the figures” by T. Versluys and J. Skylark since it the most sophisticated I’ve found on this matter.
The review of this study could be found here:, authors have found that man with slightly longer legs is more attractive.
Authors proposed not to use most common measurement of leg from ground to cotch (perineum). Instead total leg length was measured as the height to the trochanter landmark on the hip minus ankle height, which was calculated as the distance from the floor to the lateral malleolus landmark on the ankle.
They base their limb measurement techniques on the database of male participants in the 1988 US Army Anthropometry Survey (ANSUR). total, trochanterion and lateral malleolus (ankle) heights could be found on pages 270, 286 and 222 respectively. The mean of those measurements are:
Total height: 175.49 cm (69.09’’)
trochanterion height: 92.65 cm (36.48’’)
lateral malleolus height: 6.69 cm (2.63’’)
Thus, (92.65-6.69)/175.49 = 0.4898
This ratio is close to the one of the generated average male model in the study that is 0.491.
As the study indicates the most attractive ratio for male is between 0.491 and 0.506. That is about 0.4985.
I have ratio of (86-6.5)/170 = 0.4676
To obtain the desired ratio of 0.4985 I would need to lengthen my legs by:
x= 10.5 cm
What do you think about this reasoning?