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Author Topic: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.  (Read 9075 times)

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So basically I have found the cheapest way for people living in 1st world countries to get Limb Lengthening done.  You could get the surgery done for as little as $10,000 total cost including flights, living, physical therapy, literally everything.  How?  Keep reading... and no this is not some advertisement for any doctors.  This is just a strategy for working the insurance game. 

Over View Of Grand Strategy:
Essentially you will be going over to cheap countries to get the first surgery done which is technically the only "elective" surgery throughout the process.  The rest of the surgeries are medically necessary, or are preventative in nature, which in the state of Oregon in the United States does covers a lot preventative surgeries.  SO when you come back to your home country what you will tell the doctor is that you have had infected pin sites.  Insurance will cover the cost of having the metal frames removed because removing them is a "preventative surgery" to avoid the risk of pin site infection.  Infections are a BIG deal in the medical industry.  When you have frames removed the Ortho surgeon will doing plating, LATN, LON or if you did straight externals, will just have the frames removed for good.  The 3rd surgery of having the plates removed or the rod taken out will also be covered by insurance because why?  You guess it, it is medically necessary to avoid infection.  In New Delhi, India there are a few doctors that will do straight illizarov externals for like $5,000 dollars.  Then you fly back to your 1st world country which has a good health care system, and finish your limb lengthening journey there.  It gets even better, since I am not working,  I qualify for social security disability, as well as a bunch of other public resources, so at least back in your home country you won't be burning through savings.  Also, you could even live with your parents to save money, not recommended lol jk

Overview Of Tactical Strategy:
Step 1:
Make contact and reach out to a few orthopedic doctors prior to leaving the country, and unofficially (meaning ask the doctor not to put this conversation on your medical records) explain to him what it is you will be overseas, and your strategy for completion of limb lengthening journey, which I will give you throughout this blog post. 

What to tell your home orthopedic doctor: Basically tell him the truth, that you will be going over seas, and you are reaching out to him/her to see whether or not the orthopedic surgeon will take over your case, one doctor turned me down, but that is because I tried lying at first saying it was an accident, and that turned him off, so its best to tell your doctors the truth.  They know how to code anything up in order to have it covered by insurance, so they main thing you have to do is just be friendly lol so they will help you. 

Side note: If you can get a wheel chair for free, consider bringing a wheel chair with you to the country, you are planning on going to, if you can.  This will save you close to $150.00 usd.  And every thing adds up. 

Step 2:
Fly to prospective country get whatever procedure your heart desires.  If money is not an problem then obviously do internals method that doctor Paley recommends.  If money is a factor then consider doing straight illizarov externals tibia.  Then you can do LATN once in home country,  Or if you want to do LON then thats fine too.  I did LON, and I think I would of rather have done LATN just because now the nail, inside my leg leg/tibia shaft, is short after lengthening 6.5 cm.  My theory is that this is causing me pain but I am unsure because I just got my illizarov external devices taken off on september 1st 2016.  I did 6 months in those things, when if I knew what I know now, I would have only done 3 months in them.  Some people think that its stupid to leave your Doctor during the lengthening phase; hind sight is always 20/20 but from my perspective it would not of really mattered if I lengthened next to surgeon or with an orthopedic from my home country.  My surgeon wasn't much help anyways, he was way to busy, and always having 2 many patients.  Plus when I got home I went to Slocum Orthopedic center in Eugene, Oregon, and the facilities are far more advanced than that of India. 

Side Note: Reach out to Orthopedic centers that handle a lot of sports medicine like athletes because facilities are generally better with more advanced medical solutions.

Step 3:
If you choose to do lengthening in your home country you will probably want to wait at least a few weeks to heal from surgery before flying (YOU WILL NEED A LETTER FROM YOUR DOCTOR SAYING YOU ARE MEDICALLY CLEARED TO FLY).  If you want to lengthen in the country you chose then thats fine to, but you will spend more money on living costs, but if thats not a problem for you then it doesn't really matter.  I am just writing this to show you how to save a little bit of money.  Lastly, when you are back in the 1st world country see if the doctor will do whats called a stem cell bone marrow injection.  These are what they give professional athletes and College athletes to regenerate different tissue cells.  In our case its bone marrow.  What they do is take bone marrow from my hip, and then mix it with blank stem cells, which turns the stem cells into bone marrow specifically for your body.  Insurance will cover it if your doctor says that you have a "delayed union" this is good because these shots are not cheap.  It is best to get the bone marrow stem cell shot done at the same time you are getting the second surgery, so that way you don't have to deal with another surgery at a later time. 

Any one have questions?



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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2016, 11:10:31 PM »

So how are you now? And also, dont you need to find a surgeon who specializes in LL in your home country?
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2016, 11:21:16 PM »

Dude not really bro this surgery is pretty easy for Orthopedic surgeons.  Plus the surgeon in your home country won't really be doing much except steering clear of complications. 

So how are you now? And also, dont you need to find a surgeon who specializes in LL in your home country?


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2016, 04:36:27 AM »

so how are you now?


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2016, 06:12:41 AM »

I kinda used similar strats like you. Oregon insurance really does cover so many things... even the free one (OHP).

I was very lucky, never had any infection throughout the 15 months with frames on, and I got my frame removed by an OHSU surgeon for free.

Full support on this post.

Big Daddy

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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2016, 07:38:50 AM »

"Find a surgeon in India for $5,000..."

What kind of advice is this?

5'11 visitor from r/subredditdrama. Not interested in leg lengthening. Come at me!


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2016, 07:47:59 AM »

At least he did it regardless of the result and you can just sit here being salty for the next 10 years  ;D

I hope him the best.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2016, 09:59:24 AM »

Legally cheating my health insurance company is something I would never do  :-\
I'm a poor university student and even I told my 1st-world orthopedist right away that I require his services for cosmetic reasons and that I will pay everything before and after the surgery in India myself. (Finally found someone who is willing to take x-rays of my legs and measure my bones on Monday btw. Yay!)

I'm not saying that you shouldn't walk the grey area, because it seems to be legal, but other people will have to pay your treatment for something that was purely cosmetic through their fees/charges.
I think this is morally questionable.

I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2016, 04:45:40 PM »

I am ok.  I can't really walk a whole lot, but I just got my frames off 4 days ago.  I have a club foot and I am not sure as to why.  Maybe some stretching and swelling will make the leg go back but we will see. 

Any suggestions or links I should read anyone? 
so how are you now?


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2016, 05:30:05 PM »

I can see you are trying to occupy the moral high ground, but you are doing so in vain because you are not cheating your health insurance company hahaha by law they have to cover those surgeries if you have a state funded insurance.  I told every doctor the truth that I had limb lengthening done in India, and they are still being covered.  You can't lie to Ortho's because they already know. 

Let me know how your journey goes.  Once you go to India and see the level of care that is given, something tells me that if you have an opportunity to make your circumstances better by coming back to the US to have better treatment you will do it.  It is really easy to sound and say moral things, until you are in a 3rd country sleeping next to ck roaches, lizards, ants, taking care of yourself everyday, cooking, cleaning, wound care,  because none of the helpers speak English, and worrying everyday if you will every walk again.  Thoughts of not being able to run, climb, jump starts entering your head.  You constantly have 2nd thoughts.  Not to mention opiod with drawls where your skin is crawling and you are having cold sweats, and shaking constantly, and you haven't showered in over 5 months, and you have seen anyone in a few days.  That feeling of being and feeling absolutely disconnected from humanity, not having anyone around that cares about you. 

All I am saying is to keep an open mind.  You don't know what you are about to experience once you get to India, so you really don't know what you would and would not do once met with adversity. 

A little tip about India:
Everyone tries to deceive and trick foreigners.  People are going to try to steal from you, which they will.  They will try to deceive you, which they will.  It will hurt your feelings, which it did mine.  Good luck. 

I can help you as much as I can with contacts to help you, and introduce you to trustful doctors.  Plus I have girl friend who likes Americans and whom lives in Delhi.... just sayin lol haha

Legally cheating my health insurance company is something I would never do  :-\
I'm a poor university student and even I told my 1st-world orthopedist right away that I require his services for cosmetic reasons and that I will pay everything before and after the surgery in India myself. (Finally found someone who is willing to take x-rays of my legs and measure my bones on Monday btw. Yay!)

I'm not saying that you shouldn't walk the grey area, because it seems to be legal, but other people will have to pay your treatment for something that was purely cosmetic through their fees/charges.
I think this is morally questionable.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2016, 05:39:39 PM »

Bro I am the guy who has met with Doctors in India, I admit that I should have been more clear, but if a person does pure externals illizarov method (NOT TSF frames) then 5k is roughly the price for JUST the surgery.  AND these are the prices of reputable Limb Lengthening doctors in India.  The same ones mentioned on this site.  The price you are seeing where the surgery is 10k and 15k are packaged deals usually.  But if you go to India, and JUST get ONE surgery done, AND that surgery is the easy old fashion illizarov method then the cost for JUST the ONE surgery is roughly 5K. 

Does that make more sense now?

I was not advising people to go meet quack, no named drs.  My best advice for people going to India is to consult with many Doctors, and get advice from all of them.  If you don't like what one is saying then simply use another.  Doctors in India, in my mind, are no doubt skiLL Forumul.  Even my Orthopedic doctor in the US was saying that my procedure was done well.  I just trust 1st world countries for follow up care. 

"Find a surgeon in India for $5,000..."

What kind of advice is this?



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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2016, 09:59:23 PM »

I can see you are trying to occupy the moral high ground, but you are doing so in vain because you are not cheating your health insurance company hahaha by law they have to cover those surgeries if you have a state funded insurance.  I told every doctor the truth that I had limb lengthening done in India, and they are still being covered.  You can't lie to Ortho's because they already know. 

Let me know how your journey goes.  Once you go to India and see the level of care that is given, something tells me that if you have an opportunity to make your circumstances better by coming back to the US to have better treatment you will do it.  It is really easy to sound and say moral things, until you are in a 3rd country sleeping next to ck roaches, lizards, ants, taking care of yourself everyday, cooking, cleaning, wound care,  because none of the helpers speak English, and worrying everyday if you will every walk again.  Thoughts of not being able to run, climb, jump starts entering your head.  You constantly have 2nd thoughts.  Not to mention opiod with drawls where your skin is crawling and you are having cold sweats, and shaking constantly, and you haven't showered in over 5 months, and you have seen anyone in a few days.  That feeling of being and feeling absolutely disconnected from humanity, not having anyone around that cares about you. 

All I am saying is to keep an open mind.  You don't know what you are about to experience once you get to India, so you really don't know what you would and would not do once met with adversity. 

A little tip about India:
Everyone tries to deceive and trick foreigners.  People are going to try to steal from you, which they will.  They will try to deceive you, which they will.  It will hurt your feelings, which it did mine.  Good luck. 

I can help you as much as I can with contacts to help you, and introduce you to trustful doctors.  Plus I have girl friend who likes Americans and whom lives in Delhi.... just sayin lol haha

I'm European ;)
We have an universal multi-payer health care system, so I would definitively cheat my insurance company if I pulled this off.
Never thought about other forms of insurance like your state funded one though.
And I don't think there will be any ckroaches in the ISIC  :D If you can't take a shower, you can still use a washcloth. I'm planning to stay in the clinic for 3.5 protected and boring month and then I'll fly home and have my follow up.
And it's way cheaper than most ppl think because it's not a place for medical tourism where everyone is running to.

I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2016, 10:10:27 PM »

Most of the doctors won't agree to let you go before lengthening phase ends and i agree with them.

Don't go cheap with your own health.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2016, 10:27:53 PM »

Yes, is better to saty near you surgeon during the procedure, I am very scared of fractures, but with a good doctor that usually doesnt happen.
Budget will determine my future.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2016, 10:31:03 PM »

I am very scared of fractures, but with a good doctor that usually doesnt happen.
It's not a good LL doctor, if the fracture doesn't happen ;D

Edit: Oh, you meant being scared. I'll take myself out to the trash now :P
I'm a real LL-patient.
I did my tibiae, had complications and will do femurs next.
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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2016, 12:26:22 AM »

Well, the second fracture just happen with the best.
Budget will determine my future.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2016, 11:41:39 PM »

Most of the doctors won't agree to let you go before lengthening phase ends and i agree with them.

Don't go cheap with your own health.

No one is saying to go cheap.  Again roughly 5k is the cost the just externals, which is what I am refering too.  5K is not cheap to Indians.  There are a lot of Indians that read this website. 

Also, a doctor couldn't stop you if you want to leave the country. 


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2016, 12:27:12 AM »

No one is saying to go cheap.  Again roughly 5k is the cost the just externals, which is what I am refering too.  5K is not cheap to Indians.  There are a lot of Indians that read this website. 

Also, a doctor couldn't stop you if you want to leave the country.

I wasn't pointing going to a cheap doctor but leaving your surgeon as fast as you can just to save few bucks.

You don't know what kind of complications you can face tomorrow so it's best to sit with your limb lengthening specialist that knows your case fully.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2016, 01:45:39 AM »

"Find a surgeon in India for $5,000..."

What kind of advice is this?


5000 for surgery is that possible in India? really?


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2016, 06:50:55 PM »

I wasn't pointing going to a cheap doctor but leaving your surgeon as fast as you can just to save few bucks.

You don't know what kind of complications you can face tomorrow so it's best to sit with your limb lengthening specialist that knows your case fully.

Well then I guess we should agree to disagree.
Have you done Limb Lengthening before?  Have you dealt with Indian doctors before? If you have you would know that they can be hard to deal with because the constantly use deception, anger, and manipulation to get out of doing any kind of extra work for you.  I just got done lengthening and just got done dealing with 4 to 5 different specialists in India.  I hate to break it to you but Limb Lengthening in the world of Orthopedic surgeries, are not that difficult.  Once the hard part of the initial surgery is done then most Orthopedic doctors IN THE US would be able to manage the rest of the lengthening phase.  Plus in 1st world countries they have better methods, and technology for handeling complications.  Case in point: if I would of stayed in India one of my Orthopedic surgeons was telling me to keep frames on until more tibia bone grows in.  I came back to the US, and the Ortho told me "lets get these things off you because I know that they suck, oh and by the way lets give you a stem cell bone marrow shot that will fill in the bone and speed up the recovery process by 4 times faster."

The point of the example is that you aren't degrading your level of care at all by going back to your 1st world country for medical care, on the contrary you are actually getting way way better care by people who have far better access to technology. 



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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2017, 11:13:43 AM »

Legally cheating my health insurance company is something I would never do  :-\
I'm a poor university student and even I told my 1st-world orthopedist right away that I require his services for cosmetic reasons and that I will pay everything before and after the surgery in India myself. (Finally found someone who is willing to take x-rays of my legs and measure my bones on Monday btw. Yay!)

I'm not saying that you shouldn't walk the grey area, because it seems to be legal, but other people will have to pay your treatment for something that was purely cosmetic through their fees/charges.
I think this is morally questionable.

Just about to reopen this thread, because I wanted to response to that statement...

I would have absolutely no objection to cheat my insurance to get post-operative care. Why? Bcause they absolutely failed at doing their job when I was younger. In Austria, and as a kid, after my parents, the Austrian social system pledges to be responsible for your well-being and development, the school doctors examine you, the teachers look after you, etc. And to put it in German, "die haben eine ruhige Kugel geschoben!" The doctors never gave a fk that I was skinny and perhaps ate too little, the teachers never gave a fk that I was stressed and had a hard time with my peers, all aspects that could affect my growth. No doctor ever wrote down my growth curve, etc.! They were all just lazy people happy to get their monthly public salaries and sit down on their fat asses. So I would absolutely not have moral objections to public insurance coming up for my LL care!
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It's a long way to find peace of mind, peace of mind.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2017, 03:17:48 PM »

Just about to reopen this thread, because I wanted to response to that statement...

I would have absolutely no objection to cheat my insurance to get post-operative care. Why? Bcause they absolutely failed at doing their job when I was younger. In Austria, and as a kid, after my parents, the Austrian social system pledges to be responsible for your well-being and development, the school doctors examine you, the teachers look after you, etc. And to put it in German, "die haben eine ruhige Kugel geschoben!" The doctors never gave a fk that I was skinny and perhaps ate too little, the teachers never gave a fk that I was stressed and had a hard time with my peers, all aspects that could affect my growth. No doctor ever wrote down my growth curve, etc.! They were all just lazy people happy to get their monthly public salaries and sit down on their fat asses. So I would absolutely not have moral objections to public insurance coming up for my LL care!

No tell us what you really think about those people. :D
I would have no problems neither I more than paid for it with the leeches of society getting my tax money.
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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2017, 06:03:06 PM »

Just about to reopen this thread, because I wanted to response to that statement...

I would have absolutely no objection to cheat my insurance to get post-operative care. Why? Bcause they absolutely failed at doing their job when I was younger. In Austria, and as a kid, after my parents, the Austrian social system pledges to be responsible for your well-being and development, the school doctors examine you, the teachers look after you, etc. And to put it in German, "die haben eine ruhige Kugel geschoben!" The doctors never gave a fk that I was skinny and perhaps ate too little, the teachers never gave a fk that I was stressed and had a hard time with my peers, all aspects that could affect my growth. No doctor ever wrote down my growth curve, etc.! They were all just lazy people happy to get their monthly public salaries and sit down on their fat asses. So I would absolutely not have moral objections to public insurance coming up for my LL care!

We have constant checkups in Poland(like one every 2-3 years) so idk.

But you are not alone doe, my doctors didn't do anything with my constant dropping in height percentiles as long as i wasn't under 3rd(and my whole childhood i was 70-80 percentile).
I got under 3rd percentile after i hit 18yo but well... for most stuff it was already too late.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2017, 10:55:16 AM »

This is a dangerous game . Don't forget all the bad outcomes . If you go to a " cheap " guy will he be able to deal with them . Don't play with your life and take a good one . I know the money part is tough but would take a chance on your health I don't think so . Do the surgery in 10 years if you can by this time all the process will get easier . And be smart on the amount you will do .
All my best .  ;)


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2017, 06:31:37 PM »

If one was to go to a doctor in India, and do 5 CM femurs how long would the recovery take? For some reason people here seem to bash Indian doctors a lot, surely there has to be some that are reputable? Indian doctors are known as some of the best in the world, I'm curious on to why people don't trust them that much here.


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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2017, 07:25:16 PM »

For some reason people here seem to bash Indian doctors a lot, surely there has to be some that are reputable?

Dr. Deepak and his team @ the ISIC

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Re: How to get the surgery done the absolute cheapest way, and the most safe.
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2017, 10:39:14 AM »

I think you'll have to know a orthopedic pretty well to trust him with your case.
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