Hi! I'm a slightly shorter than average guy, wanting to increase my height from 5'8 to the average around here (5'11, although I can do less if it's dangerous otherwise- I'd rather be shorter than average but with better functionality, and no really weird looking proportions). I'm 21 years old and would do the surgery in about 18 months, when I'd be just 23.
I've included a photo of my lower body which should help provide ratios to help mock-up what kind of size would look good. I measured my femur and tibia on my right leg (which is about 3/4 inch shorter than my left leg) and came out with about 38 cm on the tibia and 45 cm on the femur, but I'm not sure if that's right. Anyway, if it is it seems I'd have to lengthen the tibia which is the surgery that takes the longest to recover from and is most prone to complications if I am correct.
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2cr63wh&s=9I'm not rich, so I can't afford Paley or Guichet (unless I inherit money soon, which is a real possibility, but can't be counted on) so I'd have to go to China, India or maybe Eastern Europe.
I'd only want to do surgery once, either way. Do you think 3 inches would be possible? With a good doctor, I might want that: either way, I'd be very happy to hit 5'10, because nobody would probably notice the difference at that height. :-)