I accidentally stumbled upon these forums and the makemetaller forums and I have spent a few hours reading the content and I feel obligated to write this message to all of you. Maybe I am wasting my breath here but I will try for the sake of my own conscience.
Let me start off by saying I am 165cm tall and I can sympathize with your troubles. I see many guys around my height or even taller that want to do this surgery in these forums. But I would never consider doing this surgery, EVER. I think such a drastic surgery is only warranted if you are very, very short. Too many of you are extremely misguided and I dare say many of you could benefit by going to a therapist and talking about your troubles. Others probably are extreme narcissists (some guys 180+cm who want to do the surgery) and there's not much I can say to help, but I hope I can reach some of you with my message.
Let's tackle some of the difficulties shall we.
1. Women
I live in Germany and I am virtually shorter than pretty much 95% of the guys here and probably shorter than 60-70% of the females. This hasn't stopped me. Guess what, it does limit my playing field, but I learned to deal with it. I realized early enough that I couldn't just go to a club and expect to meet girls, because that is an extremely shallow environment which attracts equally shallow people. Why would a girl that likes this environment want to hook up with me instead of any other dude with 10cm over me?
Instead, I focused on meeting girls through social circles, clubs, hobbies. Guess what, in such environment, you are able to project your personality and any girl worth getting to know will not disqualify you for not being tall. The big majority of them only want you to be not shorter than them. Like I said height does limit your playing field, but you only need one girl right?
And another thing, getting muscles will help you tremendously. Women like muscles, doesn't matter if she's a nerdy girl or a sorority slut.
2. How others see you
This is all about how you carry yourself. Like I said before, muscles will help you get a better first impression. If you are a scrawny short guy, of course people will see you as weak. And that's your own fault. Hit the gym, get muscles. Guess what, people respect muscles. It's in our primitive ape brains, monkey see muscular strong monkey, monkey respect that monkey. But guess what, sometimes even a small dog can scare a tiger off if it behaves like a lion would.
There are many materials you can read on how to carry yourself with confidence. It's all in your head. People will only step on you if you look and/or behave like a doormat. If you don't have anything to be confident about, fake it until you make it. Act as you have a 10 inch ck hiding there, but you don't tell anyone that, you just subtly let them know that through the way you carry yourself. That's the mentality you should have. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. That's where, again, getting muscles help. Actually, having anything that you are proud of will help.
3. Letting go
Yes, tall guys have it easier. Even if you are good looking, you probably don't have a good chance to be a slayer like the 200cm tall good looking dude. You won't fk a different club slut every night of the week like him. But why would you want that? It's not satisfying like your fragile ego tells you it is. A lot of young men are completely delusional about this. Just let go of this part of your ego.
Let go of your sorrow for being the way you are, of your insecurities. Let go of your desire to be noticed fast and attract attention like the tall guys, once you are comfortable in your skin, are interesting and confident people will notice you have more to offer than some empty big vessel.
You were dealt a more difficult hand to play with, accept that. It doesn't matter if your that brother was born from the same mother and father has 3 inches on you, it doesn't matter that your father is much taller than you so you got it from your mother, it doesn't matter. Let go.
Those are my 2cents, goodbye and good luck to all of you, whatever you decide to do.