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Author Topic: LL and Marathon  (Read 8138 times)

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LL and Marathon
« on: January 30, 2014, 02:33:17 AM »

Anyone who ran a marathon after fully recovering from LL?

Do you think post-LL can ever run a marathon?

(Apologies if this has been asked before here or old forums)


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2014, 04:57:02 AM »

I ran my first marathon in 2012.  I loved it and one of the biggest things that could keep me from doing ll is the loss of being able to do it.

I hope it is still possible.


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2014, 05:11:34 AM »

I ran my first marathon in 2012.  I loved it and one of the biggest things that could keep me from doing ll is the loss of being able to do it.

I hope it is still possible.

I'm usually overly optimistic and point ppl in the wrong direction but I think you can do it if you try.

1 month ago, I was only climbing the steps. 3 weeks I started jogging at 4mph. Today, I tried running at 5mph on the treadmill. By next week, I'm confident I can run at 6mph.

I think if I try, I can run 105 laps (1 marathon) by summertime, which is 5 months from now. You can too.
I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine.


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2014, 05:49:37 AM »

Thanks for the optimistic view.


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2014, 05:54:37 AM »

Thanks for the optimistic view.

For sure. And I'm not about all talking and no show... be sure to check out my video this weekend and you can see for yourself what a 6-months post frame removal of a 8cm increase recovery looks like :D
I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine.


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2014, 04:54:17 PM »

that indian dude who lengthened in the US. He was one of the first cosmetic LLers to appear on TV. He ran marathon after LL.
My diary. Tibias+femurs 3.75+3.75cm at the Paley Institute (5'5" -> 5'8") in my late 30s.
One of the last patients to use the PRECICE 2.2 nail. I met the first STRYDE patient and I strongly recommend the new STRYDE nail instead.


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2014, 10:26:04 PM »

Glad to know that kusop. Thanks.


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2014, 10:37:51 PM »

Akash Shukla is his name, in case you were wondering. You can google him and find out all about his procedure and recovery.

He had this to say to an interviewer:

So was the surgery a success?
"It was.  Before the surgery I was 4’ 11.5’ Now, I am 5’2.” My bones are as normal as they were before the surgery. The year after the surgery I ran a 5k race and finished in eighth place out of 80."


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2014, 10:45:57 PM »

Akash Shukla is his name, in case you were wondering. You can google him and find out all about his procedure and recovery.

He had this to say to an interviewer:

So was the surgery a success?
"It was.  Before the surgery I was 4’ 11.5’ Now, I am 5’2.” My bones are as normal as they were before the surgery. The year after the surgery I ran a 5k race and finished in eighth place out of 80."

Speaking of that guy, I came across a letter that the webmaster of supportfortheshort wrote to him. What do you guys think of it?

Dear Akash,

This is Joe Mangano of  I recently came across a video on huffington post about leg lengthening surgery that depicted yourself along with a couple of other guys and a doctor.  You'll see it displayed on my website on the home page.  Now you know as well as I do that the difference between 4'11 1/2" and 5'2" is not great.  You are still about 8 inches below average height and about 2 inches shorter than even someone like myself.  You are still very well within the parameters of exceptionally short but yet you seem to try to convey the image that your life has gone from night to day.  I have no doubt that you feel better being 5'2" than 4'11 1/2".  But I think you are exaggerating here greatly.  As a short guy myself, at 5'4", I know perfectly well what short men have to endure and guys 5'2" certainly endure tremendous heightism. I don't think that by promoting leg lengthening as you are doing now with these interviews and your book, that you are going to do short guys any good in combating heightism. I don't think that you're doing yourself any good either. You're still short - very short - at 5'2".  You're still enduring heightism and you know it.  Most women will still NOT date you at 5'2" and you know that I'm sure.

Most people will still discriminate against you, though perhaps not quite as bad as when you were under 5 feet in height.  I don't think that pontificating about the wonders of leg lengthening is helping people who have to endure heightism.  Heightism is a social issue like racism.  One would be hard pressed to find ANY Black person going into a video interview and promoting skin whitener as a cure for racism.  But you see my point though.  Also remember this:  the vast majority of short people CANNOT AFFORD AND NEVER WILL BE ABLE TO AFFORD THIS OPERATION, even if it could increase someone's height significantly.  You were just lucky to have a father and family who were financially capable of getting this cosmetic operation for you.  Pontificating for leg-lengthening and promoting it is a promotion only for - in reality - rich people.  You know what your father paid for this right? - About $80,000.  And then the money for medications, therapy, a home nurse, devices for home therapy, time spent in recovery and recuperation where you could neither go to school, nor work. 

The total sum in money, and time lost had to be at least $150,000 and probably a good deal more.  Average short people on the street cannot have this done and never will be able to have it done.  So limb-lengthening is really, only for the rich, and even then it can't make a 5 footer a six footer.  All it does is make doctors rich or richer than they already are and promotes the continuance of heightism.  I can also tell you this:  You're not going to be able to deceive yourself forever that somehow now at 5'2" you're no longer a victim of heightism.  You are and will continue to be and you will come to the realization that lengthening one's legs 2 1/2" is not a cure for the attitudes of others toward the short-statured.

Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2014, 12:00:06 AM »

I see the point of Joe. But he is applying his own perception of height bias on Akash.

Height neurosis (this is the term doctors see on us, height-challenged persons) is influenced by many factors—personally, culturally, nationally. A good parallel can be found in a forum like this. Not everyone would aim for 6'2." And everybody here starts from a certain height from below 5'5" to even above 5'10." But each would have different expectations and goals.

A 5'2" guy from China would be happy to be 5'5" but some 5'11" from Serbia may still be aiming for a height well above 6 feet. And the doctor should recognize these divergent perceptions, and if both are not psychotic (which I assume they are not), they will operate on them.

In short, height neurosis is very subjective and relative.

If Akash is happy to be 5'2" then that's it.  Joe shouldn't apply his morality (Joe is implying that Akash is profiteering from this mediocre transformation, for example, by writing a book) on Akash. But if Akash is sweet-lemoning his increase in height, then I agree with Joe 100%.



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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2014, 12:03:50 AM »

Did he really run a full marathon as Kusop said?

Akash Shukla is his name, in case you were wondering. You can google him and find out all about his procedure and recovery.

He had this to say to an interviewer:

So was the surgery a success?
"It was.  Before the surgery I was 4’ 11.5’ Now, I am 5’2.” My bones are as normal as they were before the surgery. The year after the surgery I ran a 5k race and finished in eighth place out of 80."


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2014, 03:16:46 AM »

Pixie, from the other site, updated her thread with this today:

Ballerina foot only happens to those who don't lengthen muscle  along side bone. I stretched and exercised daily and was fine with achilles tendons so high heels no problem, don't diss me just because i lengthened right and could wear heels straight away! I also ran half marathon 5 months after rod removal( but not in high heels loL). 
BTW, 2014, just returned from Marrakech full marathon 31/01/14 feel fantastic!!! LL rules!!!!!

This was exactly what many forum users, myself included, have long been hoping to hear!!! Hopefully Pixie will elaborate more on this milestone in future posts.


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Re: LL and Marathon
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2014, 08:44:27 AM »

I think if you can wear high heels post-LL, you can definitely marathon.

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