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Author Topic: Money for surgery  (Read 4947 times)

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Money for surgery
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:04:47 AM »

For those who did the surgery, did you loaned money? If so, how much and with who?


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 12:07:15 AM »

For those who did the surgery, did you loaned money? If so, how much and with who?

Yes, student loans, about 14 000, dkb-bank, kfw-bank. 

Medium Drink Of Water

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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 12:12:15 AM »

Just go outside the U.S. and get it done, dude.  The rest of the world ain't so bad.  It'll expand your horizons and open your mind, and you won't have to mortgage your whole life away to afford Paley's fees.


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2015, 12:21:53 AM »

I actually dont live in the US, I`ll be living in Canada, and if I go out to stay the whole time of the surgery I might lose my visa.
But if I decide to do outiside the US, what are the most affordable safe options in which I can come back to my home on the process?


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2015, 12:23:20 AM »

Also I dont care for selling my soul to the Devil so if someone has any Idea of anywhere that I can loan money with a ridiculous amount of interest, I down to it


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2015, 12:51:46 AM »

I'll lend you the money with 120% interest. ;)

But srs, you should spend time saving up. And remember: Do not go to a crappy doctor just because it's in your price range.


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2015, 01:11:12 AM »

I`ll pay you when I`m 40 ok? kek


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2015, 10:22:26 AM »

Ok first thing's first. Getting into debt over leg lengthening is stupid as fk. DoingItForMyself is a successful app-developer who has reaped millions from his craft and so is able to afford Paley's fees. Being money literate is the best thing, your height wont help you get a better job and it will not make you more likely to earn enough money to cover the cost of this surgery.

Debt is borrowing from your future self. Save the money. You will be sitting in a hospital bed, writhing in pain, far away from home and emotionally tested. Do you really think that you also want to put financially ruined to that list as well?

The importance of financial literacy is paramount to things like this as you want it so god damn badly but cant afford it. You just need to work smarter. Build a system, let the system run itself. Find safe investments and in 5-10 years you could sell the system (business) to somebody else or reap large amounts from investments and have all the money quicker than you thought.

Do not get into debt over this. You will ruin your life.


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2015, 01:25:58 PM »

Ok first thing's first. Getting into debt over leg lengthening is stupid as fk. DoingItForMyself is a successful app-developer who has reaped millions from his craft and so is able to afford Paley's fees. Being money literate is the best thing, your height wont help you get a better job and it will not make you more likely to earn enough money to cover the cost of this surgery.

Debt is borrowing from your future self. Save the money. You will be sitting in a hospital bed, writhing in pain, far away from home and emotionally tested. Do you really think that you also want to put financially ruined to that list as well?

The importance of financial literacy is paramount to things like this as you want it so god damn badly but cant afford it. You just need to work smarter. Build a system, let the system run itself. Find safe investments and in 5-10 years you could sell the system (business) to somebody else or reap large amounts from investments and have all the money quicker than you thought.

Do not get into debt over this. You will ruin your life.
I agree with this. I don't think LL is worth going into debt for. I don't judge anyone who would do that. I think it's very brave to do so - like throwing yourself in a burning house type of brave. But perhaps I can talk you out of potentially committing financial suicide over vanity: It sucks to be 5'3". I know. But you know what sucks more? Being broke and in debt. You'll become a slave to your job. Your friends will not want to hang out with you, because you can't afford to do things. You worry every time you drive, because any crash or car problem means that you can't afford the repair bill and can't drive to work. Speaking of bills, you have to forfeit nice things like heat in the winter and AC in the summer because you can't afford the energy bills. Then you also have to eat the same cheap meals each day, because you can't afford the nice foods.

So ask yourself what you're doing LL for.

Is it to get dates? If so, get ready for disappointment, because nothing makes a girl leave you faster than a guy who's broke and can't afford to take a girl out on dates. I've seen guys your height get dates. It's a bit rare, but it happens. I'm actually single right now, and I enjoy being single. Don't have to waste money on dates. Everything is half off. Don't have to waste time on stupid small talk. This saves up a lot of free time and money for me to enjoy my life. I can play my video games in peace without worrying about the girlfriend bugging me to do something.

Is it because people make fun of your height? Forget them. They aren't your friends, and their opinions don't represent everyone's opinions. There are genuine people out there who could care less about your height. For example, I don't care how tall you are. As long as you're a cool and fun guy, that's all I care about. I'm sure that I'm not the only person in the world who thinks this way. And sometimes you think that everyone is judging you by your height, but in reality, people don't really care about other people. They care about how you make them feel, rather than how tall you are. As long as you make them feel good, they'll want to be around you. People are selfish in that way.

Is it because you are disgusted by the way you look in the mirror? Ah, this is what I suffer from. It's a never ending battle, though. Now that I'm average height, I'm starting to see other things wrong with my physical attributes. Maybe my head is too round. Maybe my stomach is too fat. Etc. Etc. It's called body dysmorphia, and it probably stems from the fact that I hold high standards for myself and am sort of a perfectionist. This can be harnessed to become a good thing. Maybe it motivates you to hit the gym. Maybe you use the perfectionist trait on your work. I know I have, and that's why my apps do so well. Anyway, this is more of a psychological issue. And can be remedied with therapy and learning to love yourself. I'm starting to learn to let things go and accept that I can't be perfect.

I'm going to assume by the way you talk that you're a young guy and don't really have your life sorted yet. My advice: Save up the money to buy yourself a nice house instead. In terms of things worth buying, here are some things I think made me happier than LL did: A nice house, a nice car, a trip to a foreign city, a nice TV/entertainment system, a nice bed, a pet, taking girls out to fancy places, getting Lasik surgery.

Am I saying that LL is not worth it? Nope. I'm saying that there are many things more worth spending money on first before LL. Getting LL didn't change my happiness or life as much as those other things did. LL is sort of a last resort kind of thing.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2015, 11:48:20 PM »

I want to do it because after have been on treatment for like 10 years, not doing everything possible is borderline unthinkable to me
Also I dont see were tou are coming from on most of your arguments, like, I`n my group of friends we always had some broke people and we would still hang out without a problem, even if he didnt had money, we would find a way to make possible he hang out with us
According to Paley I still be able to work, also I`m not getting any kind of student debit so I dont care to entering in debit for the surgery


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2015, 01:20:16 AM »

I want to do it because after have been on treatment for like 10 years, not doing everything possible is borderline unthinkable to me
Also I dont see were tou are coming from on most of your arguments, like, I`n my group of friends we always had some broke people and we would still hang out without a problem, even if he didnt had money, we would find a way to make possible he hang out with us
According to Paley I still be able to work, also I`m not getting any kind of student debit so I dont care to entering in debit for the surgery

It's your choice but you will be in the rat race for the rest of your life. You will never be financially free and you will never be rid of the feeling of inadequacy, as you have just replaced a height problem with a financial problem. Do yourself a favour and think for 5 seconds. Once you get into debt and you owe somebody money .. its not like 1980 where debt was just a casual thing (unregulated and easy). Now its "take out a mortgage .. the bank basically owns your soul". As somebody who has had an interest in finance and economics .. I can assure you. You will never .. ever ... ever pay that sort of money back unless you either run a company, become an established investor (both take a long time), win the lottery .. or somehow find a source of cashflow that builds into the exponential repayment of all of your debts + interest.

You want to know how badly I want to be 183cm tall. The goal is there, the drive is there, the technology is there, the time-frame is there. EVERYTHING IS THERE. But the money isn't. So what do you do .. you go out into the world. Recognize you have a goal, and earn some god damn money !



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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2015, 01:40:49 AM »

I`m currently working in 2 jobs in a country in which the minimum wage is $3 and studying to enter in college, the point is that, I like to work, I`m a workaholic by soul, earning my own money give me energy, but a lot of things beyond my control stop me
I`ll be moving to Canada in 2016 when I`m 18, I plan on doing the surgery 3-4 years after but I still will have to get a loan unfortunately, even with help of my parents


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2015, 04:56:40 AM »

I`n my group of friends we always had some broke people and we would still hang out without a problem, even if he didnt had money, we would find a way to make possible he hang out with us
According to Paley I still be able to work, also I`m not getting any kind of student debit so I dont care to entering in debit for the surgery
Hanging out with broke people when you're young is different from hanging out with broke people when you're an adult. You end up feeling awful for constantly relying on your friends to pay for you. Or maybe you don't mind asking them to pay for you, then never mind.

You could theoretically work online. But it's very very difficult when you're constantly in pain and have physical therapy everyday.

Being a workaholic has nothing to do with how much money you make, unfortunately. At your age, you're not really thinking about finances much. That's because you haven't moved out of your house yet. Once you do, you'll realize how expensive it really is to live in this world, then you'll see what I mean. Unless you plan on living with your parents for most of your life, then never mind.

Anyway, my main point is: The amount of happiness LL will bring you is not worth going into debt for or even spending all of your life savings for. And the reason is because the happiness improvement is not that great, especially when you lose athleticism in the process and risk potential long term health problems. If you go back to my previous reply, I list many things worth spending money on over LL. Try wearing shoe lifts for a few months and see how little different in your life your height affects you.
8 cm gained with Dr. Paley using Precice 2.1 internal femurs in Summer 2015.
Starting height: 167 cm (5'6") Currently at: 175 cm (5'9")
Link to my experience


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Re: Money for surgery
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2015, 06:36:40 PM »

making millions might not be in everyone.

would it be reasonable to spend whatever you can that will not affect your lifestyle greatly? I mean you might not be able to buy a house right away, but stuff DoingItForMe was saying, like not having any money to eat good food, take girls on dates, etc. shouldn't be an issue, right?
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