I'm almost 1 week post surgery and so far so good. My LLD was due to a couple a motorcycle accidents over 30 yrs ago. I'm a 57(M) and the stars have finally aligned with work/home-balance that allowed me to take this step.
My experience so far has been very good. I stayed in the hospital overnight. The pain was manageable w/ oral meds (~ 6/10), my only issue initially was not being able to urinate by myself which was overcome by a one-time catheter and then 'standing up' to pee.
I'm at home w/ crutches, wheelchair and a walker. I wasn't sure about using a walker at first, but it seems to be a good option for me.
I'm not sure how many of these exact procedures my doc has performed before mine, I think it was less than 20, but more than 1. He used the Nuvasive Precise Nail 2.2, so I'm TDWB until around November. I'm not starting the distraction phase until my 2 wk visit, which does concern me, but I have to trust my doc on this.
I'm doing PT 4-5 times/day following some exercises I found on-line and my ROM has improved daily.