Hello! It has been approximately 2 months after my internal nailing. My legs are getting stronger everyday but still working on my ballerina foot on my right leg (slowly going down though). I am now able to do full weightbearing with crutches. Cannot wait to get back to normal walking!!
Hey Stillsmall -
Here are some exercises that worked well for me to reduce the ballerina and knee bending.
1)Knee Bending -
Put on ankle weights (start with 1 Kg and go upto 2Kg), sleep on your belly with Knees just below the edge of your bed and dangle your legs in air. Fold your leg near the knee and then straighten it back. Keep doing it alternatively with each leg, as many as you can.
2)Ballerina -
Wear ankle weights(2 Kg or more if you can) when you walk or stand. I'd say first focus on standing for long hours with ankle weights and get your heels grounded. Then wait for your calf to relax in that position. You would know it when your toes stop pushing against the ground. Once your calf is relaxed, walk for some time (on your heels and not on toes) and then get back to standing. You'd notice that your heel goes back in the air after few mins of walking. So you do the this multiple times and over a period it gets better.
Good luck, You're a brave girl. I hope you feel content now and wish you a quick and safe recovery.