This morning I got rejected by a chick. And often time when I get rejected, I visit this website for consolation (for a short guy). There I saw an entourage of heated argument of whether tall guys should do LL. The post was eventually deleted.
But I want to bring this question out into the open again, so that we have the chance to discuss it once and for all and get it over and done with.
Should guys over 6'0 be able to do LL? The answer is yes. We live in a democratic society. People should be able to do what they want to their own money and time without getting harassment. It's just like a woman living in a muslim country (i.e.. Pakastan) should be able to marry whomever she wants without the society condemning her.
But is it rational for a guy over 6'0 tall to do LL? That is another question, and I have yet to come up with a rational answer for why a tall guy (tall relative to his country's average like 6'1 in the USA) to pay a hefty sum of money and put himself through pain, torture and time for no recognizable gain. It's just like an anorexic girl who thinks she is fat and wants to be skinnier. She herself cannot see that she has some mental illness but other people can see it.
So that is my opinion.
Another thing which I want to tell you guys is that you need to use TACT in your communication, not just in this forum but in life in general. Unless you want to come off as a troll and illiterate, you need to use TACT in your communication, which is a sign of maturity and education. Just like you don't come up to a girl and tell her in the face that she is ugly, or tell your boss that you are smarter than him (unless you want to piss him off), you don't go around posting comments that evoke resentment from other member. Even if you have a different viewpoint from another person, you need to bring your idea across in a way that other people would be receptive to you. Don't resort to name-calling and obscene comment which doesn't win the debate but only to highlight your immaturity. You can't force anyone to agree with you. They only agree with you if they want to just like a girl goes on a date with you only if she wants to.
And for the tall folks.. you need to SENSITiVE to other people's reaction in your posts. You need to be awared that the majority of the members who seek to do LL are of lower height level. So comments like, "I'm 6'1 and my sister make fun of me for being shorts," or "I feel so short being 5'11 and I want to end my life" are really irritating comments and will provoke heated response from other member who are way below that height level.