Limb Lengthening Forum

Limb Lengthening Surgery => Height & Proportions => Topic started by: tempthrowaway on January 14, 2023, 08:13:09 PM

Title: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on January 14, 2023, 08:13:09 PM
I only want to lengthen like 6 cm, I'm not greedy, but I don't want to look like I have baby tibias.

This pic doesn't look too good to me tbh. And he only did 5.5 cm apparently. 

Either I have to do both tibia and femur or just accept that I"ll have this proportion :/
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: Medium Drink Of Water on January 14, 2023, 09:34:08 PM
Yeah, that caterpillar leg look femur patients get is not an asthetically pleasing one.

It's one of the reasons I went for tibias.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: Ak95 on January 14, 2023, 09:47:49 PM
he has definitely extended more than 5.5 cm. I've seen people who have lengthened 5-7 cm and it didn't look that bad
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: the188cmdream on January 14, 2023, 09:54:54 PM
he has definitely extended more than 5.5 cm. I've seen people who have lengthened 5-7 cm and it didn't look that bad

Generally speaking, the shorter you are the less you can lengthen without looking disproportionate...sadly.

Also many people have different initial femur/tibia ratios. Some people could look better after lengthening if they had longer tibia.

I also notice that being fat to the point where you have a muffin top makes your proportions look a lot worse. If you stay lean your hips and your belly almost blend together and if your flaccid penis is big enough even while wearing boxers* you can still look very good since a longer flaccid penis can give your hips an extra inch of perceived length and conversely make your femurs an inch shorter. This wouldn't work with the kind of underwear seen in the picture.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on January 14, 2023, 10:08:21 PM
Yeah, that caterpillar leg look femur patients get is not an asthetically pleasing one.

It's one of the reasons I went for tibias.

This would alone convince me to do tibias. Can most normal proportion people do tibias and be fine? Honestly seeing some of these femur proportions is killing my hope.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on January 14, 2023, 10:29:20 PM
he has definitely extended more than 5.5 cm. I've seen people who have lengthened 5-7 cm and it didn't look that bad

You saw them with or without clothes on. I know clothes can hide these things but I also want to look good nked.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: lessthanavg8300 on January 14, 2023, 10:39:52 PM
This pic looks even worse because of how hes wearing his shorts.  Its making his femurs look even longer.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: informationispower on January 14, 2023, 11:04:41 PM
In the pic is a patient of the arab ukranian doc if I am not mistaken. I think he lengthened 10cm or more on his femurs.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on January 14, 2023, 11:15:56 PM
In the pic is a patient of the arab ukranian doc if I am not mistaken. I think he lengthened 10cm or more on his femurs.

This is relieving to hear. Whoever posted this thread claims it was 5.5 cm.

Seems weird that they would conjure that number out of thin air, but people do weird  things. I’m probably going to try to track down the original place this was posted to investigate.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: 1team on January 14, 2023, 11:22:14 PM
The proportions don't matter type people are either trying to justify their more extreme lengthening goals and are ignorant of various studies/reality that most humans are around 0.8 tibia/femur ratio.

Other reason is viewing their body like any other item. They have spent a large amount of money for surgery and they want "to make it worth it". This usually means very large to extreme lengthenings which will give odd proportions.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on January 14, 2023, 11:37:53 PM
The proportions don't matter type people are either trying to justify their more extreme lengthening goals and are ignorant of various studies/reality that most humans are around 0.8 tibia/femur ratio.

Other reason is viewing their body like any other item. They have spent a large amount of money for surgery and they want "to make it worth it". This usually means very large to extreme lengthenings which will give odd proportions.

I agree with this. But given that you acknowledge that, would you say people who do a typical 2-3” lengthening end up looking okay?
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: 1team on January 15, 2023, 02:35:13 AM
I agree with this. But given that you acknowledge that, would you say people who do a typical 2-3” lengthening end up looking okay?

I have yet to see a 2 inch lengthening look weird to me.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: RealLostSoul on January 15, 2023, 05:13:05 PM
The proportions don't matter type people are either trying to justify their more extreme lengthening goals and are ignorant of various studies/reality that most humans are around 0.8 tibia/femur ratio.

Other reason is viewing their body like any other item. They have spent a large amount of money for surgery and they want "to make it worth it". This usually means very large to extreme lengthenings which will give odd proportions.

To me there is 2 ways; want perfect proportions or want to get taller? If first don‘t do the surgery, period. 
Ratio is a price to pay for getting taller. Of course there is a limit but I would have never ever done this hardcore extreme brutal surgery for 2 inches (nobody didn‘t even notice anything at 2inches).
People that think they will do 2 or 3 surgeries and even arms and whatever for proportions are always those that haven‘t experienced one surgery to begin with. I was the same before but once you are in you understand how brutal that whole thing is. So once you are in it‘s perfectly justifiable going for the maximum your body safely tolerates in my eyes.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: Uchiha on January 25, 2023, 08:51:54 PM
Long tibias look better than femurs. If you are not obsessed with numbers, it would be better to do the tibia. If your only goal is to be 1-3 cm more taller and it doesn't matter how you look, choose femur.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: Werewolf on February 06, 2023, 09:43:29 PM
Long femurs look bad.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: newLLperson on February 09, 2023, 01:14:53 AM
Is it possible to lengthen both tibia and femur in a single operation (by 3 inches total - so 1.5in to femur and 1.5in to tibia)?

I'm 5ft9 and both my tibias and femurs are short. So I feel that if I only did femurs, I'd definitely have my knees too low. I could do only tibia as well, which would look much more natural than femur only, but my ideal case would be splitting the 3in between femur and tibia. 2in-1in or 1.5in-1.5in.

Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on February 09, 2023, 01:44:01 AM
It’s been done, but it’s not recommended because it’s extremely difficult apparently.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: newLLperson on February 09, 2023, 01:55:15 AM
It’s been done, but it’s not recommended because it’s extremely difficult apparently.

I see some surgeons don't even do femurs. People say lengthening tibia looks better aesthetically and I agree, my tibias are quite short. I really wouldn't wanna add all of the 3 inches to my femurs. I'd rather lengthen my tibias by 3 inches. Would it be more "normal/standard" to just add 3 inches to tibia and not lengthen femur at all? Thanks

I also see some surgeons recommend 2 inches (~5cm) max for tibias, I'd be okay with that too if what I'm talking about actually makes sense.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on February 09, 2023, 02:53:14 AM
Most people who get the procedure just get one segment, not both.  Of course proportion-wise it's better to do both segments, but most people sacrifice ideal proportions for the ease of not doing two surgeries

Some guys on here have done about 3" on tibias, but most doctors would not recommend going over 5 or 6 cm.  I'm probably going to go 5cm on tibias.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: newLLperson on February 09, 2023, 03:17:43 AM
but most doctors would not recommend going over 5 or 6 cm.  I'm probably going to go 5cm on tibias.

I've been researching more and what you said is what I keep reading (5-6cm max on tibias). I doubt it'd be worth taking more risks for a centimeter so I guess I'd stop at 5cm on tibias too.

So could this be the best formula?: good surgeon + internal + 5cm on tibia + unrushed lengthening
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: tempthrowaway on February 09, 2023, 03:51:27 AM
I've been researching more and what you said is what I keep reading (5-6cm max on tibias). I doubt it'd be worth taking more risks for a centimeter so I guess I'd stop at 5cm on tibias too.

So could this be the best formula?: good surgeon + internal + 5cm on tibia + unrushed lengthening

I think it depends on how tall you are right now.  If I was 2 inches shorter, I'd be more inclined to go femurs for more lengthening, screw proportions. 

But for my situation, yes, I've come to the same conclusion.  Don't skimp on money, get a good surgeon.

5cm tibias may cause more complications than, say, 5cm femurs, but proportions are worth that added risk imo.  I want to be comfortable in my body and how I look.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: newLLperson on February 09, 2023, 09:09:36 AM
I think it depends on how tall you are right now.  If I was 2 inches shorter, I'd be more inclined to go femurs for more lengthening, screw proportions. 

But for my situation, yes, I've come to the same conclusion.  Don't skimp on money, get a good surgeon.

5cm tibias may cause more complications than, say, 5cm femurs, but proportions are worth that added risk imo.  I want to be comfortable in my body and how I look.

Fully agreed. I'm 5ft9 and I'm not really looking to get super tall. 5cm (2 inches) would get me to 5ft11 and I'd be 6ft whenever I'm outside (wearing shoes). Even without shoes nobody would be able to tell the difference between 5ft11 and 6ft so I just wanna be able to say "I'm 6ft tall" without taking a lot of risks.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: sphenopetroclival on May 07, 2023, 01:37:42 PM
Long femurs look bad.

a spark of lucidity at a world where everyone is opting to get femur implants.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: Unknown on May 07, 2023, 06:42:20 PM
Tibias>Femurs aesthetics
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: throwaway123456 on May 08, 2023, 02:31:34 AM
maybe Tibs>femurs aesthetically for 5-6 cm tibs max, but 8cm then I think femurs > 8cm tibias for both aesthetic (avoiding the Heron look associated with long Tibs, and Tib/Fem ratio not so obvious). and medical reasons(less risk of arthritis, and no issues with ballerina).
BTW if u still feel short after 8cm then at least with Femurs U can wear lifts , but lifts on long tibs just exacerbate a disproportionate T/F ratio.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: saltedchocolate on May 08, 2023, 04:47:39 AM
yeah thats why i went for tibias , 7 cm and i got fked lmao
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: junior006 on May 08, 2023, 05:40:57 AM
i have a very hard time believing that was 5.5cm, looks at least 8cm
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: guy_incognito on July 31, 2023, 10:58:29 PM
If you have to go for femurs, start strength training, doing deadlifts and squats. It will make femurs appear smaller
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: betzbone1236 on August 01, 2023, 08:15:02 AM
Some people are, while some people just care about getting taller. It just depends on the person. For me my original femur to tibia wasnt crazy different. So adding the height didnt make much difference in end. Some people have naturally long femurs either way
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: Kyuss on August 01, 2023, 01:49:26 PM
Some people are, while some people just care about getting taller. It just depends on the person. For me my original femur to tibia wasnt crazy different. So adding the height didnt make much difference in end. Some people have naturally long femurs either way
  r u really saying that adding 12 cm to your femurs doesn´t make much of a difference?! 🤨😆
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: BelowTheMean on August 02, 2023, 06:33:30 AM
It's really not that bad. I don't share media on here anymore, but people take pictures and videos of me all the time and I look perfectly normal (with a much better leg to torso ratio than before).

If you're concerned about what you look like while nked.. well women tend to have much longer femurs relative to their tibias, so they don't even notice that you have long femurs because it looks normal to them.
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: betzbone1236 on August 02, 2023, 06:41:38 AM
  r u really saying that adding 12 cm to your femurs doesn´t make much of a difference?! 🤨😆

speaking from experience yes in most cases
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: Kyuss on August 04, 2023, 01:50:11 PM
speaking from experience yes in most cases
lol, sry can´t take u serious 🤦‍♂️😆
Title: Re: Why aren't people concerned about weird femur:tibia ratio?
Post by: otaviognu on August 04, 2023, 04:44:38 PM
My only concern is my height, till the day that I reach 1,90m. It is coming soon.