Limb Lengthening Forum

Limb Lengthening Surgery => Limb Lengthening Doctors => Topic started by: Muse on July 03, 2014, 12:50:42 AM

Title: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Muse on July 03, 2014, 12:50:42 AM
Here are the responses from Dr Alex Monegal of Clinica Diagonal based in Barcelona, Spain.

Note: please refer to our disclaimer about The Doctors Directory

Method of Surgery

Presentation Fitbone:

" I recommend to use intramedullar devices. I use Fitbone since 2009. We can lengthen up to 8cm in fémur and 6 in tibia. It depends on your current height and the tibio-femoral proportion What i might advice you to lengthen. Other options are external fixators but i do not use It for Cosmetic, just for trauma.

My advice is to do one limb and then the other. Walking on crutches is straight away after surgery (15-20k of bearing). Lengthening time for 6cm is approximately 3 months and 6 to 8 weeks after you must be fully weight bearing. I recommend to perform second limb when the first one is fully recovered.
It is very important to achieve proportion.  It is obviously more expensive to do all 4 bones but result is better in terms of Cosmetic.

I am using the most recent version of the Fitbone technologies as I am official Fitbone user here in Spain. So I use the Fitbone 4. They are currently working on a new version but won't be released until 2017-2018.

My advice is to start with one leg doing 1 or 2 segments (femur and tibia), and then proceed with the other one.

Reasons for performing a Two stage lengthening are extremely important.

First of all the risk of fat embolism syndrome increases. I do bilateral in dwarfism on a regular basis. Problem is that post operative management is far away much worst. If for instance we do perform both tibias at the same time patient must remain on a wheelchair with both limbo extended as you might have seen in the presentation I sent you. On the other hand if we do a Two stage lengthening you will be Able to walk with crutches loading 18-20kg on the operated limb.

Second limb will be performed 6 to 8 weeks first limb is completed depending on how the first limb recovers and how fast you create new bone.

Wanna do a 1 stage procedure? We can discuss It but My advice remains the same. I would do 2 stage. "


"The plan for Cosmetic is to perform first one leg and then the other one. 

There are 2 options for treatment. To lengthen 1 segment or 2 segments on each limb.

Total cost for bilateral 1 segment lengthening is 2 x 17900€ (Euros) =  35800€

Total cost for bilateral 2 segment lengthening is 2 x 30600€ (Euros) = 61200€

Budget will include

- Hospital stay Includes 4 nights
- Operating Room
- Scrub nurse
- Anesthesist
- Assistants
- Surgeon  Including 2 Surgeons
- Implants 

After procedure is completed implants must be removed.   Implants need to be removed 2 years after finishing lengthening.  I will not charge you for removal of implants. You will have to Pay only for hospital expenses which might be 1500-2000€. "

Doctor's Background

" All doctors allowed to use Fitbone are trained by the company and It takes more than 2 year to be approved by the company. So all surgeons are limb lengthening specialists and we do meet on a regular basis at Fitbone users meeting.

My training in lengthening has been beside the most experienced doctor in bone distraction Ignacio Ginebreda and José María Vilarrubias. I spent 9 years with them. I have Also been trained in Germany with Reiner Baumgart and i go to operate with Him on a regular basis since 2009. I have been working at University Hospitals coventry Warwickshire for 18 months performing complex limb reconstruction. I have Also been in Baltimore USA last summer with Dr Standard and Herzemberg where they introduced me to Precice technique

We always use the latest version of Fitbone implants as the company brings the latest version to us. There are few Fitbone users worlwide and we are selected surgeons trainned by them for such procedure.

You will see patients sitting on a wheelchair as they did both femur/tibia at the same time. This is very dangerous.  So my advice is to do first one limb and then the other one.
Number of Lengthenings well beyond 500 segments.  Using Fitbone technique more than 50 in the last 5 years. Sorry I can't say an exact number."

Contact Info:
Dr Alejandro Monegal Avila
Clinica Diagonal

Email :,


Tel: 902 88 33 55 / 932 05 32 13

Address: C/ Sant Mateu, 24-26 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona Spain
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on July 03, 2014, 04:30:18 PM
Im also quite confused about the pricing, mainly the wording of it. Could you please clarify?
Is segment 1 the tibia or femur? Or doesnt it matter?

Also regarding the hospital stay that is included in the packaged price, how many days in the hospital is it for? The whole distraction phase or 4-5 days and then leave?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Medium Drink Of Water on July 03, 2014, 05:56:13 PM
A segment refers to either the tibiae or the femurs.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Muse on July 03, 2014, 07:54:47 PM
Hello. Im from spain. The price for lengthening both tibias is 35.800 euros? And tibias and femurs 61.200?

Im also quite confused about the pricing, mainly the wording of it. Could you please clarify?
Is segment 1 the tibia or femur? Or doesnt it matter?   Also regarding the hospital stay that is included in the packaged price, how many days in the hospital is it for? The whole distraction phase or 4-5 days and then leave?

I've updated the pricing information and also the presentation fitbone file of Dr Alex Monegal (mainly written in Spanish with some English text).   Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: mediocre on July 05, 2014, 07:21:03 AM
Living in Spain sounds very appealing. Perhaps they'd offer Precice soon as well.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on July 05, 2014, 11:05:18 AM
So if someone wanted to do both the tibias and femurs, this doctor would do it on one leg first then the other once the first one has consolidated? Or did I misread that? He prefers to do a 2 stage over a one stage operation?
How does one combat the height difference between the two legs while lengthening? Say one leg is 10-12 cms more than the other. Wonder how long that would take to finish.

61200€ for all 4 segments sounds very appealing
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on July 05, 2014, 03:25:35 PM
From what I've seen in the presentation, it seems like this doctor inserts the Fitbone nails into the femur canal through the knee, and also breaks the femur quite close to the knee.

Knowing what we know from patients that have had nails inserted like this into their tibias and their high rate of permanent knee pain problems, this is a big no no.

I wonder if he'd insert the nails through the side of the hip, like other doctors do, if we asked him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on September 10, 2014, 11:40:24 PM
Hello all.

I am Dr Monegal And i have been working with Dr Ginebreda for 9 years. I have been the guy in Charge of Fitbone project in Dexeus And I changed clinic a few months ago. Dr Ginebreda continues performing cases but he is not very keen to perform cosmetic. If you want to contact him you will fins his contact details at
About pricing, in the new clinica it is 5000 to 6000€ cheaper per segment. And when I say segment I am refering to bone (fémur or tibia)

About the discussion of performing a 1 or a 2 stage lengthenning i must say I have done both. Life quality And recovery is much better with a 2 stage. Apart from that, from a Medical Point of view it is much safer. We presented some cosmetic cases performed in 1 stage at Last years Fitbone users meeting in Aalborg (denmark) And all Fitbone users found them extremely risky.
It is true we create a temporary limb lenght discrepancy which can be compensated othopedically. But believe me it is much better to deal with this rather than with fat embolism syndrome.

My best regards for all
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Metaller on September 13, 2014, 07:43:09 AM

What is the total price here? fitbone is expensive, right? I could not find the price on that website.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on September 15, 2014, 10:27:26 PM
Implant price is 13700€ for unilateral And 11000€ for bilateral lengthenning.
Price is set by the Company.
Then you have to add Medical expenses end Clinic expenses.

For a unilateral procedure it is approximately 19500-20000€
For bilateral 2 femur or 2 tibia 32000-34000€

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on September 15, 2014, 10:48:38 PM
Femoral lengthenning can be done either antegrade (from the hip) or retrograde (through the knee). Indication depends on the axial correction you need to achieve.
In the knee approach a transtendon access can be done as well as a parapatellar tendon access which avoids speading the tendon.

Another possibility for tibia lengthenning is to perform a suprapatellar approach. In this case we Also avoids to damage patelar tendon.
In all procedures we chose the best approach for the patient on each case.
Every procedure and every approach is deeply studied And plannified.
We are doctors, not just limb lengthenners And when we do perform a procedure we consider the best option And any issue that may arise after surgery.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TRS on September 15, 2014, 11:01:05 PM

Another possibility for tibia lengthenning is to perform a suprapatellar approach. In this case we Also avoids to damage patelar tendon.

Hey Dr.Monegal
Does the supra patellar approach avoid the permanent knee pain that many patients complain about after nail insertion into their tibias?
What is your opinion on permanent knee pain after tibial nail insertion?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Adriano on September 16, 2014, 02:45:19 AM
what is th total price for bilateral femural lengthenning including 1 week hospistal stay?

I think this is the cost that everyone else in interested to know.

Does the doctor allow paitents to return home to complete distraction?

How muc is the maximum possible height gain with the fitbone nail used?
When does the doctor allow paitents to partially weight bear with cructches?

Thanks Dr for participating in our forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Greek-Semidget on September 16, 2014, 11:44:05 AM
Don't like this doctor, One leg and after the other? jesus!!! And this price is pretty damn high
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on September 17, 2014, 12:14:24 PM
Dr Monegal, thank you for participating in this forum.

I live 900km from Barcelona, so your clinic would be a good choice for me, but I'm finding it hard to understand the pricing.

Could you post the current prices like this:


1 leg (femur + tibia) + the other leg later (femur + tibia) = ... euros

1 femur + the other femur later = ... euros

1 tibia + the other tibia later = ... euros



2 femurs in a single operation = ... euros

2 tibias in a single operation = ... euros

Also, if I do a two stage 6cm femur lengthening with Fitbone how many months would I have to wait from the first operation to the second operation?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on September 17, 2014, 08:03:01 PM
you have to wait 2 or 3 months depending how it is your cosolidation.
The Price is 34000 euros for tibias and the same for femurs.
Cheers, Paco.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GROWtalORdieTRYING1 on September 17, 2014, 08:16:20 PM
this is all very confusing.

have you thought about doing Full external femur (NOT LON) followed by internal femur or LON femur(if they have monorail).

 doing this back to back could allow you to do surgery in 9 months for both.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on September 19, 2014, 06:32:20 AM
Dear All.

Can you please write me at my email address?

It is very important that all of you understand that doing a bilateral procedure in one stage it s very risky for your life. I am aware there have been cases of fat embolism syndrome that cause death to patients. Fortunately never happened to me and i do not want to put life of my patients into risk. This Was discussed Last week in Toulouse at the Fitbone users meeting.

"Don t like this doctor"??? I would ask for respect to all participants. You have to be aware bone lengthenning is a complicated procedure And I am guiding my patients through the proper path.

People asked for pricing. I am obviously not in charge of preparing budgets at my Clinic. Variation can be caused by the OR, medication, anaesthesia total time or the Clinic expenses. Implants And my team is always the same.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 04, 2014, 12:20:01 AM
For Spanish Speakers, here's a YouTube video about Clinica Diagonal that shows the premises and staff.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on December 04, 2014, 05:48:30 AM
I have two questions, Dr. Mongel. First, do you think it would be possible to lengthen 6.5-7.0 cm in the tibias? I know other doctors, such as Dr. Paley, do allow that much lengthening in that segment. Second, why do you think it is necessary to lengthen one leg at a time? Most other leg lengthening doctors seem to suggest simultaneous lengthening; why do you think differently?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 07, 2014, 09:29:31 PM

From what I've read this doctor seems very conservative and his rational is that if lengthening both legs at the same time the patient would be wheel-chair bound during the distraction period, and that's why he prefers one leg at a time. I've e-mailed him with other questions I had, and he's pretty good at answering. His e-mail:
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: JP on December 10, 2014, 08:08:50 AM
Hi Dr. Monegal

Assuming you lengthened the “second leg after the first one is fully recovered”

Can you please explain how soon (months) can I get both femurs lengthened?

Do I pay in full before the 1st femur operation or separately after the 2nd femur operation ?
Thank you,
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KrP1 on December 10, 2014, 04:48:50 PM
hello, i had an appointment with Dr Monegal one week ago in Barcelona. The clinic is really big and modern, doctor Monegal told me that it has only 2 years.
I have been talking with Dr Monegal around 2 hours about lengthening methods and my personal options for  treatment.
He took some photos of me  to look my proportions and do a mock up of how i will look with the elongation. he measures me at 165.5cm tall.i have done some X-Rays of my legs and he told me that i have good bones for the surgery. We have been talking more about LON metod because Fitbone is out of my Budget. I have seen the monorails he uses for this propose and them look pretty well, he told me that he could do corrections with them, them are triaxx monorails.
He says that with LON method we could do both tibias or both femurs at the same time, because the risk of fat embolism is less than with internal metods.
Dr Monegal seems like a nice guy, when our appointment finished it was 22.00 hours so he approached me to my hotel in his car.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 11, 2014, 09:56:15 AM
What did he quote you for LON on either the tibias or femurs?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KrP1 on December 11, 2014, 11:20:38 AM
What did he quote you for LON on either the tibias or femurs?

We have been talking about femurs. Because my tibias are 37cm long and femurs 42cm
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 11, 2014, 12:03:30 PM
We have been talking about femurs. Because my tibias are 37cm long and femurs 42cm

Did he give you a price for the procedure to do both femurs with LON?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 11, 2014, 12:22:37 PM
At first it seems bizarre to have one leg lengthened 4 to 6 inches doing 1 femur and 1 tib .

My first thought was hopping around with this dangling leg too big for me , but then I realized that all I had to do was to wear increasing elevator shoes. As my other leg grew, I add on for my short leg to even it out.

When I first was introduced to LL, it was on old forum  and I told all the guys there I was so excited about it I went and built 6 inch blocks out of 1x4 wood . I made boxes six inches high by 5 inches wide and then attached a rope through it and tied my feet to it.

I stomped around my house and it was quite strange. The world was really built for short folks. The toilet was now way too small. So was the sink. The fridge. Everything. Being over 6ft gets some getting used to.

As for the lengthening, with all the troubles with ballerina and wandering around in a wheel chair for months on end, why not just use a professional prosthesis and crutches to help strengthen the healing leg?

Makes a hell of a lot of sense to me.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KrP1 on December 11, 2014, 01:56:23 PM
Did he give you a price for the procedure to do both femurs with LON?

we have not detailed the exact Price
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 11, 2014, 03:34:50 PM
Way beyond my budget, but this doctor prefers to lengthen one leg at a time, both the tibia and femur, and the benefits of this is you have one pain free leg. Less chance of embolism and better mobility since this is for the fistbone method. He prefers not to use external fixators for cosmetic, but for trauma. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 12, 2014, 02:00:51 AM
I have emailed the Doc asking him how much in one price it would be to go have 1 tibia and femur then one year later go do the other leg.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 12, 2014, 08:32:23 PM
Hey, Dr Monegal mentioned in his medical backgraound that he did some training with Precise nail. Quote "I have Also been in Baltimore USA last summer with Dr Standard and Herzemberg where they introduced me to Precice technique." Who knows, maybe in the short term Precise will be available in Barcelona. I'll e-mail and see what he replies.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 13, 2014, 12:36:02 AM
that's not true,your not confined to a wheelchair after surgery normally. 1 leg at a time seems ridiculous.

at the very least you should do the second leg 2 weeks after the first leg.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 13, 2014, 01:52:45 AM
Hey Musicmaker,

I asked him about Precise, too, and he told me he's trained on it but that he still prefers Fitbone. I asked him other questions (in Spanish) such as what would happen if the Fitbone nail would malfunction and I needed a replacement. He told me that this is rarely to happen but if it were to happen, then the manufacturer Wittenstein would replace it for free and he would not charge anything extra. Then I asked him the material of the Fitbone he uses. He mentions that he prefers no to use Titanium because of "cold fusion" and "deformation" of the nail that could later on difficult its removal. He said his Fitbone nails are approved by the CE and the FDA. And I also asked him about physical therapy. He said that it is included in his price -- 18k Euros per leg -- for the time you are at the hospital. Then he said that it could be done at your home/hotel for 20 - 40 Euros per session or he could refer you to a PT Center in Barcelona. Finally, he recommends operating one leg and staying close by for 1 month and then going home to continue the lengthening there. I hope this helps.

His presentation of the use of Fitbone on his patients looks very convincing to me: I wish I could take a vacation to Barcelona and pay him a visit.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 13, 2014, 02:15:46 AM
that's not true,your not confined to a wheelchair after surgery normally. 1 leg at a time seems ridiculous.

at the very least you should do the second leg 2 weeks after the first leg.

I am not one to take concepts lightly nor act on impulse on something as drastic as this. However, after much thought, for those of us who intend to do all 4 bones should definitely consider one leg at a time .

I have never been a fan of doing either tibias or femurs only. Our bodies are designed to specifications for a reason. Lengthening one segment of a bone without the other throws our entire genetic training out of whack. For hundreds of thousands of years we have had femur / tibia relationships that allows movement in all kinds of ways we take for granted.

For those of us who have maladies that make the relationship uneven, then certainly lengthening the shortened bone to fit is good medical practice.

For us seeking cosmetic surgery with normal tibias and femurs, we need to lengthen both bones the same amount.

I would far rather wear lifts and use crutches to move around during the lengthening period rather than be stuck in a wheelchair because both legs are damaged. The more I have thought about it the more it made sense.

Yes, it means a 2 year commitment. However you have reasonable mobility during the entire two years.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KiloKAHN on December 13, 2014, 03:05:38 AM
Seems like a whole lot of time wasted if you ask me.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on December 13, 2014, 04:17:53 AM
Damn straight.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 13, 2014, 09:52:58 AM
Seems like a whole lot of time wasted if you ask me.

Correct me if I am wrong , but isnt the timeline for doing 1 tibia 1 femur at the same time then 10months to a year later do the other leg the same as doing tibias one time then a year later doing femurs?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leo on December 13, 2014, 12:52:07 PM
2 years, are you sure?

According to Monegal: to lengthen 6cm will take about 3 months. So if you do "stage 1" that could take approx. 8 months when you consider full consolidation for all 4 bones. I think he wrote earlier to wait about 4-6 weeks to enter the 2nd surgery. By the time you lengthen the other bones your first tibia and femurs will have fully consolidated. So the way I look at it maximum 1 year.

He also mentioned that Fitbone will release a new version by 2017 or 18. One can only hope this new version will improve recovery time and make it more painless.

Maybe Monegal can confirm this.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on December 13, 2014, 01:48:15 PM
2 years, are you sure?

According to Monegal: to lengthen 6cm will take about 3 months. So if you do "stage 1" that could take approx. 8 months when you consider full consolidation for all 4 bones. I think he wrote earlier to wait about 4-6 weeks to enter the 2nd surgery. By the time you lengthen the other bones your first tibia and femurs will have fully consolidated. So the way I look at it maximum 1 year.

He also mentioned that Fitbone will release a new version by 2017 or 18. One can only hope this new version will improve recovery time and make it more painless.

Maybe Monegal can confirm this.

How can a mail improve recovery time of Your organism?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 13, 2014, 09:42:28 PM
Well, he told me he would start on the second leg 4 months after the first one. So, to put it in simple words, you go to Barcelona and have surgery for one leg, stay there for 1 month, then go back home to continue lengthening, then 4 months later when you finish lengthening and are consolidating you come back to Spain to start the second leg and after 1 month go back home again, and 1.5 years later obviously you go back to have him remove the nails free of charge except for the hospital stay fees. He mentions that his rational for going home after just one month is that he wants his patients to continue his normal activities back home. however, he told me that he could help arrange for lodging in Barcelona if the patient requires it. In my personal opinion going back home early can save you money. I hope this helps. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 14, 2014, 02:31:54 PM
Hey Musicmaker,

I asked him about Precise, too, and he told me he's trained on it but that he still prefers Fitbone. I asked him other questions (in Spanish) such as what would happen if the Fitbone nail would malfunction and I needed a replacement. He told me that this is rarely to happen but if it were to happen, then the manufacturer Wittenstein would replace it for free and he would not charge anything extra. Then I asked him the material of the Fitbone he uses. He mentions that he prefers no to use Titanium because of "cold fusion" and "deformation" of the nail that could later on difficult its removal. He said his Fitbone nails are approved by the CE and the FDA. And I also asked him about physical therapy. He said that it is included in his price -- 18k Euros per leg -- for the time you are at the hospital. Then he said that it could be done at your home/hotel for 20 - 40 Euros per session or he could refer you to a PT Center in Barcelona. Finally, he recommends operating one leg and staying close by for 1 month and then going home to continue the lengthening there. I hope this helps.

His presentation of the use of Fitbone on his patients looks very convincing to me: I wish I could take a vacation to Barcelona and pay him a visit.

Leonard, are you sure 18k euro is for entire leg, 1 tibia + 1 femur, also known as unilateral?  Incredible price if correct.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 14, 2014, 03:08:41 PM
I think the whole deal for 4 bones is 66,000 Euros I read on the other page.

I really like the idea that its only 4 months after consolidation begins that we can do the other leg. That really cuts down on the time. :D

I wonder if he would offer a discount if you paid for all of it upfront.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on December 14, 2014, 09:07:21 PM
No no. Patients pay fist operation and second one when second leg is operated.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on December 14, 2014, 09:22:15 PM
Hello. It all comes up to your proportions between tibia and femur. It is very important ends up with cosmetic and biomechanical good outcome.
Reasons to perform first one leg and then the second while using intramedullary are many. You can ask others like Baumgart or Christensen and they will give you same reasons.
First of all is to avoid fat embolism due to Long bone reaming. Second is you can go back no a quite normal life quite straight away. Performing both legs would confine you to a wheelchair while lenthenning and consolidating.
It s not a matter of being afraid, It is that I will never put life of my patients under vital risk.
Other doctors can do whatever they want. I am aware that some patients do not like the idea at first...but they change the ir minds 2 week after surgery when they can go back to theur offices.
Our protocol might be different, but do believe me It s much safer.
My duty is to inform you and that s why I am here. You guys do a great Job sharing experiences and opinions. So please keep doing It and I will be more than happy to help you all on whatever question that may arise.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 15, 2014, 12:34:55 AM
Ok Doc but just to make one thing clear:

We can do 1 tibia and 1femur on the same leg at the SAME time. Then wait to do the other leg.

1) How long do we wait to do the other leg?

2) How much does each leg cost (1 femur 1 tibia) ? Is it the 32,000 euro?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: JP on December 15, 2014, 02:15:06 AM
Hi Dr. Monegal:

Do the fitbone nails come in different sizes?  What is the smallest size you have?

After I finish my lengthening (6cm) with internal femur my knee axis will be shifter out of place will this cause arthritis?
 I would like to hear what you think about this:
 " The effect on mechanical axis deviation of femoral lengthening with an intramedullary telescopic nail. "
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: JP on December 15, 2014, 03:42:29 AM
Thanks, Dr. Monegal :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 15, 2014, 06:07:21 AM
His presentation of the use of Fitbone on his patients looks very convincing to me: I wish I could take a vacation to Barcelona and pay him a visit.

I viewed the presentation. Thanks Leonardo !  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: JP on December 15, 2014, 09:55:01 AM
Hello Dr. Monegal;

What I meant to say earlier was that the femurs will have malalignment because of internal lengthening, according to the article;

" The effect on mechanical axis deviation of femoral lengthening with an intramedullary telescopic nail. "

so is a little malalignment (6mm) enough to cause arthritis ?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 15, 2014, 11:37:42 AM
it will cause uneven wearing to do 1 leg at a time.

I have no clue on earth why people are trying to jump on this bandwagon. from a scientific point of view this method sux.

the only advantage is you are safer from fat embolism. that is it.

everything else about doing 1 leg at a time is crazy.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 15, 2014, 01:58:21 PM
first off please stop going off like a broken record on fat embolism, I already said it was the only advantage, even if its probability is over exaggerated,

second please stop saying you are confined to a wheelchair and this method means no wheelchair, there are many internals from different doctors which will not leave you confined to  wheelchair. so this point is mute.

lengthening 1 leg at a time will cause uneven wearing, its is ridiculous to even question this. I wont bother explaining why.

lengthening 1 leg at a time means you will be crippled for much longer, all because of the "scary" fat embolism.

and after you operate on the second leg if it is within a 6 month period of the first surgery, I highly doubt you will be walking any distances other than short distance,  which means you will need a wheelchair. a wheelchair is not for people who can not walk, it is for people who can not walk large distances.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leo on December 15, 2014, 03:46:34 PM
Ok Doc but just to make one thing clear:

We can do 1 tibia and 1femur on the same leg at the SAME time. Then wait to do the other leg.

1) How long do we wait to do the other leg?

2) How much does each leg cost (1 femur 1 tibia) ? Is it the 32,000 euro?
That was the price he listed, so it should be correct.

Thank you.

1) I believe, from what I understood, you do 6cm on tibia and femur. That will take approx. 3 months. After the 4th month you do the second surgery. Because you consolidate for one month before you enter the 2nd surgery.

2) That was the price he listed, so it should be correct.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 15, 2014, 09:27:32 PM
first off please stop going off like a broken record on fat embolism, I already said it was the only advantage, even if its probability is over exaggerated,

second please stop saying you are confined to a wheelchair and this method means no wheelchair, there are many internals from different doctors which will not leave you confined to  wheelchair. so this point is mute.

lengthening 1 leg at a time will cause uneven wearing, its is ridiculous to even question this. I wont bother explaining why.

lengthening 1 leg at a time means you will be crippled for much longer, all because of the "scary" fat embolism.

and after you operate on the second leg if it is within a 6 month period of the first surgery, I highly doubt you will be walking any distances other than short distance,  which means you will need a wheelchair. a wheelchair is not for people who can not walk, it is for people who can not walk large distances.

You havent explained your point of view.  You are doing the surgery on 1 leg so there is no stress on the other leg . You wear increasing lifts on your healthy leg to match what you are growing on the other. Its not rocket science.

Doing bi lateral surgery puts 'uneven wear' on either the tibias or femurs . The bone that isnt being operated on will get 'uneven' wear instead of one tibia and one femur.

I have known many folks growing up who broke their leg and its far different from someone who broke both legs. The difference in mobility is night and day.

I would prefer to be able to walk around the entire time I am doing both surgeries. This would allow that.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 15, 2014, 09:31:13 PM
1) I believe, from what I understood, you do 6cm on tibia and femur. That will take approx. 3 months. After the 4th month you do the second surgery. Because you consolidate for one month before you enter the 2nd surgery.

2) That was the price he listed, so it should be correct.


So it means 6cm EACH right? I would prefer 7 each so i suppose I can talk him into it if I have no complications by 6cm.

I have written him via email and asked him a question about pricing on here but still no reply. The main thing is the guy doesnt honestly expect us to do FOUR surgeries.

One tibia, then wait. Then come back for second tibia, then wait, then come back a year later one femur then wait then come back for another femur.

That is why I want clarification for the record that it be 1 femur 1 tibia one leg at the same time. Otherwise its not worth it.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leo on December 15, 2014, 09:38:58 PM
So it means 6cm EACH right? I would prefer 7 each so i suppose I can talk him into it if I have no complications by 6cm.

I have written him via email and asked him a question about pricing on here but still no reply. The main thing is the guy doesnt honestly expect us to do FOUR surgeries.

One tibia, then wait. Then come back for second tibia, then wait, then come back a year later one femur then wait then come back for another femur.

That is why I want clarification for the record that it be 1 femur 1 tibia one leg at the same time. Otherwise its not worth it.

The best option would be to visit him..
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 15, 2014, 09:58:11 PM
doing tibia and femur on 1 leg at the same time is a bad idea. you will loose your range of motion like you have no idea.

this is such a fad. weak minds will fall for shinny ideas.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 15, 2014, 10:29:55 PM
doing tibia and femur on 1 leg at the same time is a bad idea. you will loose your range of motion like you have no idea.

this is such a fad. weak minds will fall for shinny ideas.

You keep saying this but you don't say how you know that. 

Lose your range of motion? How?

I think it makes common sense. However, I am not a doctor so we will see what he says . This is a very rare question. Most of the time the question is posed as doing both sets at the same time. As in all 4 bones.

I went and had a gander at old forum  and the issue gets brought up but then is always all 4 bones at the same time which would be too much for your body to bear.

If you can do 2 tibias or 2 femurs, it stands to reason your body can handle 1 tibia and 1 femur.

Lets see what the doctor has to say. If anyone else can point us to medical abstracts regarding ONE tibia and ONE femur, I would also like to take a look at them.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 15, 2014, 10:47:54 PM
The best option would be to visit him..

Hi Leo.

I feel that a question this basic can and should be given to potential patients of his on this thread.

Either he is willing to lengthen one tibia and one femur at the same time or not.

If he wants us to do 4 separate surgeries to get the job done then it is in fact a waste of time. There is no need for it.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leo on December 16, 2014, 02:46:13 PM
Hi Leo.

I feel that a question this basic can and should be given to potential patients of his on this thread.

Either he is willing to lengthen one tibia and one femur at the same time or not.

If he wants us to do 4 separate surgeries to get the job done then it is in fact a waste of time. There is no need for it.

Hello TomB

He starts with one leg by doing tibia and femur in one surgery, and then you do the other leg. He calls it stage 2.
Stage 1 is when you do all 4 bones at the same time in one surgery.

Hope this helps


Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 16, 2014, 07:51:58 PM
so let me get this right.

he does not do 2 tibias at the same time because hes scared of fat embolism.

he does not do 2 femurs at the same time because he is scared of fat embolism.

but he does both tibia and femur in the 1 operation because fat embolism magically disappears when its the same leg................

I smell bull  .
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KiloKAHN on December 16, 2014, 08:21:55 PM
I asked Dr Parihar's assistant Dr Ahuja (or Dr Divya as I always called him) about doing one leg at a time as opposed to bilaterial tibs or bilateral femurs to help prevent embolism and he responded "But you are still reaming two bones, how are you reducing the risk of embolism?"
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 16, 2014, 08:28:25 PM
so let me get this right.

he does not do 2 tibias at the same time because hes scared of fat embolism.

he does not do 2 femurs at the same time because he is scared of fat embolism.

but he does both tibia and femur in the 1 operation because fat embolism magically disappears when its the same leg................

I smell bull crap.

You forgetting just how beneficial  mobility can be for a person who's had a serious surgery. A surgery that involves the legs, using internals that are in your bone canals and that require reaming to be done to them. My feeling on it would be that one tib one femur surgery has less chance for embolism than two tibias or two femurs.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's tons easier to walk with one broken leg than two that are broken.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 16, 2014, 08:32:59 PM
Well, I just want to give my two cents. From what I've been communicating with this doctor I understand that other than Fat Embolism (which by the way should not be taken lightly 'cause one could die from it) he prefers to do one leg first (whether is tibia or femur or both) and leave the other leg "fine" so that the patient have more free mobility and comfort and can go back to his activities. Hope this helps. As said before, the best thing is to visit him in Barcelona.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 16, 2014, 08:35:20 PM
The added mobility stops embolism in it's tracks so speak..
Beyond my ll spending budget anyhow, and not really sure how I feel about having all internals with additional surgeries later when the internals will have to all be removed eventualy.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 16, 2014, 10:18:19 PM
One leg = 1 tibia and 1 femur at the same time in one surgery, just to be clear is my understanding

So it helps with fat embolism, but what about the cons?
If you did one leg then you really wouldnt know how your proportions will be or when you should stop as its only on one leg, you'd need 12,13,14 cm lifts to make up the difference or what ever length it is you choose to lengthen. Me Im after 13cm in total, so hopeful of 6.5cm on each. Do they even make 13 cm lifts?

So the whole purpose of this 2 stage surgery is so that you still have one good leg but what happens when the second leg is operated on which is supposedly about 4-5 months after, you'd still end up on a wheelchair nonetheless, no? I doubt the first operated leg will be strong enough to stand on at this stage and be you 'good' leg so you'd still end up on a wheelchair anyway. Am I correct in saying this?

And going home after one month and continue lengthening at home is a bad idea imo, yes it saves money but you really should stay for the whole lengthening process, at least thats what Im going to do. I like how this saves time doing all four(2 tibias + 2 femurs), the first operation should  feel good since you'll still have one perfectly good leg albeit you'll need lifts of equal lengthening amount or there abouts to make up the difference. But on the second surgery I dont think there'll be much of a difference since the first leg is still recovering

Also regarding internal tibias with Fitbone, do you guys think its a good idea considering knee pain?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 16, 2014, 10:25:55 PM
So just to clarify and I hope Dr Monegal can clear this for everyone

66,000 Euros or there abouts is for all 4 bones? As in 2 tibias and 2 femurs?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KrP1 on December 16, 2014, 10:47:59 PM
Why is so dificult for people to understand that???? It is really clear in the first page
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on December 16, 2014, 10:48:23 PM
So just to clarify and I hope Dr Monegal can clear this for everyone

66,000 Euros or there abouts is for all 4 bones? As in 2 tibias and 2 femurs?

Yes, that's correct.

In all honesty, the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to consider Dr. Monegal over Dr. Guichet. Yes, you have to lengthen one leg at a time, but you are also simultaneously lengthening the tibia and femur on the operated leg--if you pay for the 61,200 euro package, that is. This means one can gain a total of 14 cm in barely more than six months! Adding in the extra mobility one gets through having only one broken leg instead of two makes me think that this doctor could be a pretty sweet deal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 17, 2014, 01:45:53 AM
One leg = 1 tibia and 1 femur at the same time in one surgery, just to be clear is my understanding

So it helps with fat embolism, but what about the cons?
If you did one leg then you really wouldnt know how your proportions will be or when you should stop as its only on one leg, you'd need 12,13,14 cm lifts to make up the difference or what ever length it is you choose to lengthen. Me Im after 13cm in total, so hopeful of 6.5cm on each. Do they even make 13 cm lifts?

So the whole purpose of this 2 stage surgery is so that you still have one good leg but what happens when the second leg is operated on which is supposedly about 4-5 months after, you'd still end up on a wheelchair nonetheless, no?
Also regarding internal tibias with Fitbone, do you guys think its a good idea considering knee pain?

You raise valid point that I did not take lightly. I did some research on it.

1) I would need 6 inch lifts. I even went and made my own and walked around my house . Its bizarre at first but definitely not the end of the world. Sure beats sitting in a wheel chair.

2) At first it was bizarre to me. Hopping around on one leg with this ever growing second leg dangling on the side. However I thought the process through and it does make sense.

-get lifts to increase the good leg while the other one heals. You would only need crutches and eventually when you get good enough at it , probably 1 crutch or a cane.

-I plan to do the right leg first. This is because it will pay off later on. The first operation I will have to get used to the lifts and the crutches so I will be in tough for the first month or so. However, this idea I am racing back to do the second one right away is a non starter. I would only go 3 or 4 months after consolidation of the right leg. This way I have full use of the right leg .

-With a healthy right leg we can drive an automatic vehicle because there is no clutch. So our freedom is enhanced even further.

The ability to walk around the entire time during both procedures makes it a no brainer to me. I am certain this doctor will be able to offer us the prosthesis necessary to make the other foot the same length so it seems reasonable to me. The 66k euros is pricy but in my opinion worth it. Its a european doctor with no visa hassles.

3) The abstracts regarding knee pain I have read are limited to patients with deformaties who do not have well muscled legs and joints. I have been told its rare with cosmetic patients with well defined lmbs . 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 17, 2014, 05:06:00 AM
So the cons of the 2 stage procedure is that we'd need an equal amount of lengthening shoe lift on one leg at all times, even when you're in the house and dont want to be wearing shoes you'd have to, otherwise its a 13cm difference, well atleast for me since thats my goal.

Im also starting to rethink my journey, originally I was going to go to India and do Precice 2. Dr Monegal is a lot pricier but its Spain, who wouldnt want to lengthen in Spain  ;)

66,000 Euros + accommodation, food, helper(?), physio
Does anyone know how much he charges for physio? I feel that physio and accomodation are going to bring the price up a lot more

So is it 66,000 Euros or 61,200 Euros? I mean thats a huge difference
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 17, 2014, 05:19:51 AM

He told me 20 - 40 Euros per session for in-home (they come to your hotel) physical therapy. But he said he could also appoint a PT Center in Barcelona if patient wishes to do outpatient instead. I hope this helps.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on December 17, 2014, 06:03:52 AM
It's 61,200 plus accommodations, food, entertainment, etc. it lists the price on the first page.

Also, I'm pretty sure he makes the lifts for you. It would be awfully strange if he didn't.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 17, 2014, 06:14:14 AM

He told me 20 - 40 Euros per session for in-home (they come to your hotel) physical therapy. But he said he could also appoint a PT Center in Barcelona if patient wishes to do outpatient instead. I hope this helps.

Thanks for that, could you tell me more about the things you guys talked about? No personal info needed of course
Pm me if you want to keep it private?

How did you find Dr Monegal in your exchanges?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 17, 2014, 06:17:52 AM
So the cons of the 2 stage procedure is that we'd need an equal amount of lengthening shoe lift on one leg at all times, even when you're in the house and dont want to be wearing shoes you'd have to, otherwise its a 13cm difference, well atleast for me since thats my goal.

Im also starting to rethink my journey, originally I was going to go to India and do Precice 2. Dr Monegal is a lot pricier but its Spain, who wouldnt want to lengthen in Spain  ;)

66,000 Euros + accommodation, food, helper(?), physio
Does anyone know how much he charges for physio? I feel that physio and accomodation are going to bring the price up a lot more

So is it 66,000 Euros or 61,200 Euros? I mean thats a huge difference

I think its fine. I am doing 14 cm and I realize its going to look funny for a while but its not that long. Dont forget it takes months to get to 14cm . Then when you do the other leg it decreases.

If the leg is strong enough after 3 months consolidating then that is all you will have at the maximum 14cm.

I am now going to scout around and see if other doctors will consider this approach. See what they have to say about an internal femur and external tibia to cut down on costs.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Moubgf on December 17, 2014, 06:30:26 AM
Spain is a sneaky country now with its current economic meltdown. Everybody there will have cloud of depression over them and i think that will infect your stay at their facility. Id rather go to china. Always proffesional and calm.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 17, 2014, 06:57:47 AM
I just thought of something that I think is worth mentioning.

You dont need to walk around with 14 inch lifts all the time .Not even part of the time. You can only put the lift on when you want to exercise the broken leg.

Other than that, walk on your good leg with the crutches and simply bend your leg at the knee pushing your tibia backwards and have something to hold it up in a sling. Then you can go to work or whatnot without this ridiculous lift in your shoe. You can tell folks you busted your leg and cant put any weight on it. They could never figure out its longer that the other one in that position.

That is what I would do if I wasn't self employed.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 17, 2014, 07:50:06 AM
Reading the first page again, so do we lengthen both the tibias and femurs at the same time or is it one at a time after the first bone(either tibia or femur) is done lengthening?

So is it 3 and a half months to do 6.5cm tibia and 6.5cm femur for a total of 13cms at the same time?
Or is it 3 and a half months to do 6.5cm on say the tibia, consolidate and do the femur 4 months after?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 17, 2014, 11:50:22 AM
Hey Shorty.

I know its confusing and I sure wish the Doc would come and clarify some things. I think we can all agree none of us want 4 separate surgeries . We want 2 surgeries. Either 2 bilateral or 2 legs one at a time.

I wish he would clarify the prices for 1 leg.(31k?) I think he said 8cm for femurs and 6 for tibs.

I also believe he indicated right after surgery we will be on the crutches putting 20kg weight on the broken leg. Then we keep exercising the leg during the 3 months distraction. I would prefer and hook up with a doc right here in Tampa who can do the xrays but I will drive down to Miami where Paley is if I have to.

I would leave Spain as soon as the doc cleared me to fly. Come home do my phsyio here and go to Paley once a month for the xrays.

Then, 3 months after the consolidation (6 months from surgery) We should be able to be fully weight bearing, easily able to walk on the new leg with crutches without the other leg.

So after 6 months we can return to spain and do the whole thing over again. 62k euros is pricy but for internals that offer 1 leg at a time in a western hospital with no visa hassles?

Easy. Half of us in the US speak Spanish anyways.  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 17, 2014, 10:49:07 PM

Well, since Spanish is my primary language, I've been e-mailing this doctor in such a language. Most of the info I gathered I already shared it. As I repeat he seems to be a very conservative doctor and has his own approach for CLL. I personally think that it's a big plus that he doesn't charge extra if unplanned treatment is required and neither for removing the nails 1.5 years later. And to clarify about the price, he charges 18K Euros for one segment, so for instance if you want to do your left leg (tibia + femur together) it will be 36k Euros. Barcelona is a very large metropolitan and tourist destination, so to my understanding English should be widely spoken there. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 18, 2014, 01:49:23 AM

Didnt he give different prices if you do 2 limbs at the same time? Can you ask the doctor to come here and clarify two main points for us

He can do tibia and femur at the same time 1 leg

price of one tibia and one femur.


p.s. Will he let us go home within a week of the surgery if we have a doctor here to take the xrays during the lengthening?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 18, 2014, 05:30:05 AM
Implant price is 13700€ for unilateral And 11000€ for bilateral lengthenning.
Price is set by the Company.
Then you have to add Medical expenses end Clinic expenses.

For a unilateral procedure it is approximately 19500-20000€
For bilateral 2 femur or 2 tibia 32000-34000€
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 18, 2014, 08:49:54 AM
36k Euros for tibia and femurs, so its 72,000 Euros for all 4 bones?

61,200 Euros I'd do it, 72,000 Euros is kind of pushing it over. Thats a difference of $16,000 for me when converted
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on December 18, 2014, 12:50:09 PM
This is what I got from him:


1 leg (femur + tibia) + the other leg later (femur + tibia) = 64-65000 euros

1 femur + the other femur later = 34-35000 euros

1 tibia + the other tibia later = 34-35000 euros



2 femurs in a single operation = 32000-33000 euros

2 tibias in a single operation = 32000-33000 euros

He doesn't recommend the one stage lengthening (both femurs or both tibias at the same time) because of the increased risk of fat embolism, but it doesn't mean he won't do it if you really want it. It's just that doing one leg at a time also has added advantages since you won't be stuck in a wheelchair for 2-3 months minimum. So it's a no brainer for him to recommend a two stage lengthening even though it adds to the cost because of the two separate surgeries to insert the nails, since it increases safety and mobility for the patient.

I'm seriously considering this doctor and I don't plan on using lifts at all. I'll just walk around in crutches with my operated leg growing longer than the other and keep it from toughing the ground like I had an accident or something. I'll stretch it and exercise it when I'm in bed or on a sofa following the doctor's physio instructions. Then I'll come back when the doctor tells me the operated leg is strong enough to bear my weight and that it's time to repeat the procedure with the other leg.

You'll be "out of order" for an aggregate total of around 4 weeks during the entire two stage procedure, not  like in the one stage procedure where you'll spend several months in a wheelchair and then need to start to "learn" how to walk again with crutches because you've lost your muscle strength in both your legs.

I can't really imagine myself in a wheelchair for several months (going to the toilet, washing myself, shaving, climbing stairs, not being able to do the things I want and go where I want, always depending on someone else), when I can choose not to. How do you take the bus in a wheelchair?  ;D

Yes, it will take longer, but in my opinion this is a much better approach.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 18, 2014, 06:39:44 PM

I can't really imagine myself in a wheelchair for several months (going to the toilet, washing myself, shaving, climbing stairs, not being able to do the things I want and go where I want, always depending on someone else), when I can choose not to. How do you take the bus in a wheelchair?  ;D

Yes, it will take longer, but in my opinion this is a much better approach.

Dingo, I agree with you on this one. Having freedom of mobility is a plus to drive (with your good leg) and be independent during the treatment. Let us know if you happen to go with Dr Monegal 'cause I'm also considering him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on December 18, 2014, 08:14:34 PM
Not to mention the psychological benefits of having a functional leg.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leo on December 18, 2014, 10:18:45 PM

I'm 99% sure that the price is about €66k for all 4 bones. Half if you do 2 bones.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 18, 2014, 11:35:36 PM
This is what I got from him:


1 leg (femur + tibia) + the other leg later (femur + tibia) = 64-65000 euros

1 femur + the other femur later = 34-35000 euros

1 tibia + the other tibia later = 34-35000 euros



2 femurs in a single operation = 32000-33000 euros

2 tibias in a single operation = 32000-33000 euros

I'm seriously considering this doctor and I don't plan on using lifts at all. I'll just walk around in crutches with my operated leg growing longer than the other and keep it from toughing the ground like I had an accident or something. I'll stretch it and exercise it when I'm in bed or on a sofa following the doctor's physio instructions. Then I'll come back when the doctor tells me the operated leg is strong enough to bear my weight and that it's time to repeat the procedure with the other leg.

Hey Dingo

From what I read , the doctor wants you to put 20% weight bearing on the operated leg right after surgery . I feel the bone will grow faster and we can avoid ballerina if we walk around on it with crutches.

I am getting the lifts, but again only when I am at home during the evening or feel like going for a short walk. Going to work I would stick my broken leg in a sling or some other apparatus and just use the good leg and crutches.

I am for doing the right leg first. This is because during the first surgery we dont know how to deal with the crutches, pain, and our hobbled leg. So we probably wont be doing much driving anyways.

Then what that is done and we are used to the side effects of the surgery, our right leg will be full weight bearing when we do the left leg. Now we can drive a vehicle and with our experience with the crutches we should be able to be a lot more mobile .

Just my .02
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on December 19, 2014, 11:21:00 AM
There is one thing that we must be aware of and follow the instructions of the doctor very closely when doing the two stage procedure, and that is to keep the distracted length within reasonable limits.

This advice is valid for all limb lengthening procedures but in a two stage procedure it takes on a new dimension.

Why? Because most of the times, people want to do large amounts of lengthening to get a bang for their buck and then at one point one of their legs stops them from going any further due to muscle or tendon pain, ballerina, etc. So they stop lengthening and end up far from their crazy initial goal of 10cm per segment but with both legs the same length.

When doing a two stage procedure, one must really be conservative about the amount of lengthening per segment (<6cm), because you might be able to do say 8cm with your right leg during the first stage of lengthening, but then get insane amounts of pain after reaching 6cm on your left leg at the second stage, disabling you from going any further and making you end up with a 2cm discrepancy. You really don't know which leg will be the first to say "NO MORE!", when your initial goal is unrealistic.

So stick with a conservative amount of lengthening and follow your doctors instructions very carefully.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 19, 2014, 12:29:19 PM
exactly dingo.

there are many reasons why this 1 leg(femur + tibia) at a time time is such a bad idea.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 19, 2014, 01:54:48 PM
There is one thing that we must be aware of and follow the instructions of the doctor very closely when doing the two stage procedure, and that is to keep the distracted length within reasonable limits.

This advice is valid for all limb lengthening procedures but in a two stage procedure it takes on a new dimension.

Why? Because most of the times, people want to do large amounts of lengthening to get a bang for their buck and then at one point one of their legs stops them from going any further due to muscle or tendon pain, ballerina, etc. So they stop lengthening and end up far from their crazy initial goal of 10cm per segment but with both legs the same length.

When doing a two stage procedure, one must really be conservative about the amount of lengthening per segment (<6cm), because you might be able to do say 8cm with your right leg during the first stage of lengthening, but then get insane amounts of pain after reaching 6cm on your left leg at the second stage, disabling you from going any further and making you end up with a 2cm discrepancy. You really don't know which leg will be the first to say "NO MORE!", when your initial goal is unrealistic.

So stick with a conservative amount of lengthening and follow your doctors instructions very carefully.

This is a very good point. I did put some thought into it but the amount of patients who have to stop short of 5cm is very rare.

Perhaps the doctor can shed some light on this because no matter how cautious you are, if you lengthen your first leg any amount, you have to lengthen the other one the same.

I suppose they would have to stop the lengthening, let the bone consolidate as you tendons and muscle repair, then rebreak it and finish the job. That would be a major hassle but not the end of the world as you already have the internal devices still in there.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on December 19, 2014, 02:26:40 PM
there are many reasons why this 1 leg(femur + tibia) at a time time is such a bad idea.

I agree with you that doing 1 leg (femur+tibia) in a single surgery is probably a bad idea because you'll really overstretch it. It's too much for one leg to have two segments being lengthened at the same time and your recovery will last forever.

But I think there are many advantages in doing a two stage lengthening, provided you do only femurs or only tibias, stay below the recommended limits (<6cm femurs; <5cm tibias), and follow your doctor's instructions very carefully.


- only one segment is "broken", so you have less overall pain and your recovery is faster because your body is "concentrated" on healing that segment

- you can move around in crutches and still do most things you used to do before surgery, which is better for your recovery and your psychology

- if you study at a university, you can do 1 femur when classes are over in June/July, and then do the other femur during the Christmas/New Year break 5 or 6 months later

- if you work, just take 2 weeks off and do 1 femur (down time after surgery is about 1 week), then take another break some months later and do the other one (without leaving your job)

I'm planning to do 1 femur then the other femur a few months later, and I won't go beyond the recommended limits so there shouldn't be a problem.

I just wanted to warn people with crazy plans of doing unreasonable amounts of lengthening beyond the recommended limits.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 19, 2014, 04:17:56 PM
I agree with you that doing 1 leg (femur+tibia) in a single surgery is probably a bad idea because you'll really overstretch it. It's too much for one leg to have two segments being lengthened at the same time and your recovery will last forever.

But I think there are many advantages in doing a two stage lengthening, provided you do only femurs or only tibias, stay below the recommended limits (<6cm femurs; <5cm tibias), and follow your doctor's instructions very carefully.


- only one segment is "broken", so you have less overall pain and your recovery is faster because your body is "concentrated" on healing that segment

- you can move around in crutches and still do most things you used to do before surgery, which is better for your recovery and your psychology

- if you study at a university, you can do 1 femur when classes are over in June/July, and then do the other femur during the Christmas/New Year break 5 or 6 months later

- if you work, just take 2 weeks off and do 1 femur (down time after surgery is about 1 week), then take another break some months later and do the other one (without leaving your job)

I'm planning to do 1 femur then the other femur a few months later, and I won't go beyond the recommended limits so there shouldn't be a problem.

I just wanted to warn people with crazy plans of doing unreasonable amounts of lengthening beyond the recommended limits.

1)When you do both tibias or both femurs,you are imparting the same amount of stress on your body as one femur and one tibia. Its two broken segments either way.

Doing one segment at a time isnt what I would do. I would do 2 segments at a time , if its bilateral or this approach.

I am not a fan of only doing femurs or tibs and then quitting. If I do the LL it will be all 4 segments in 2 surgeries.

2)This doctor advised us the 'safe' limit is 6cm for femurs and 6.0 for tibias on page 1 . I dont think anyone on this thread has planned on doing much more than this. Maybe 1 cm more. I didnt read anyone wanting anything crazy like 10cm segments.

If he caps us at 6 and 6 , I am ok with it. The only thing that I agree with is your assertion that a catastrophe can strike and you have to stop the other leg before it catches up to the first leg.

And in that unfortunate case , like I stated above, you would need to let that segment heal for a while then rebreak it to lengthen again.

I understand that you do not like this approach. I appreciate your thoughts on it.  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on December 19, 2014, 07:40:06 PM
1)When you do both tibias or both femurs,you are imparting the same amount of stress on your body as one femur and one tibia. Its two broken segments either way.

I was talking about the difference between the one stage procedure and the two stage procedure:

1 femur + other femur later = 1 tibia + other tibia later = 1 "broken" segment at a time = less stress and trauma and shorter recovery

2 femurs at the same time = 2 tibias at the same time = 2 "broken" segments at the same time = more stress and trauma and longer recovery due to loss of muscle strength

1 femur + 1 tibia at the same time (same leg) = crazy and recovery takes much longer (that's why some doctors perform the infamous and also crazy cross lengthening: right femur + left tibia, then left femur + right tibia)

I didnt read anyone wanting anything crazy like 10cm segments.

You can bet there are people on this forum (who may just read and not write anything), who think that getting a total of 20cm would be desirable and achievable without consequences. Never underestimate desire.

2)This doctor advised us the 'safe' limit is 6cm for femurs and 6.0 for tibias on page 1 .

If you're set on doing all 4 segments, you should lengthen your tibias less than your femurs to maintain the bio-mechanical ratio of your legs, which is usually around T/F=0.8, but the doctor will give you the exact measurements of your bones and advise you on that.

I was considering your approach of doing both femurs at the same time before I read what Dr. Monegal wrote and started thinking about it. Considering all the variables in my life right now, I think his approach is the best one for me, because I can't really stay away for several months in some foreign country doing this.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on December 19, 2014, 07:44:30 PM
Hi all in the forum.

There are several things people is asking me to clarify.
About pricing i am not in charge of the finantial of the Clinic expenses but when you do perform 2 bones (femur and tibia) It is not 2 times 18000 because you save or/anaesthetics/hospital stay expenses of one procedure.
So when performing simultaneous femur and tibia total cost per limb is 31-32000€ approximately.

People from abroad can go home and they can be followed up in their countries. I always ask patients to send me an x-ray to check consolidation progress and they usually come at the end of the procedure for a clinical check.

Barcelona is a wide international city and most people speak English. At clínica diagonal we do receive lots of international patients and do believe that facilities are modern (Clinic Was built 2 years ago) and all patients are astonished when they visit it.
I don t like one of your comments saying people here is depressed and you might get an infection or whatever...i don t think he or she is serious saying China is a best option. He or she might have never been to china, chinese facilities or in touch with Medical and nursing staff over there. But as I always advice to you guys is not a matter of being conservative, but this is serious stuff and it s better to stay in the safe side.

Some of you wanted to contact me and you are welcome to send me an email to my personal address. For those interested to see the Clinic you can have a look at
In this sense, Fitbone manufacturers do select all their COE  (centers of excellence) so all Clinics where Fitbone technique is performed needs their approval.

Once again Thanks to all of you. This forum is very helpful not only for you guys, but Also for LL specialists to understand your concerns and thoughts.

Let me wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy new year
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 19, 2014, 11:41:41 PM
When it comes to internal lengthening, does any one know what's "easier" (pain, comfort, contracture) to do - femurs or tibias? I mean, I'd like to do only one segment for about 6cm and would like to know the pros and cons. Thank you.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 20, 2014, 04:09:47 AM

1 femur + 1 tibia at the same time (same leg) = crazy and recovery takes much longer (that's why some doctors perform the infamous and also crazy cross lengthening: right femur + left tibia, then left femur + right tibia)

You can bet there are people on this forum (who may just read and not write anything), who think that getting a total of 20cm would be desirable and achievable without consequences. Never underestimate desire.

If you're set on doing all 4 segments, you should lengthen your tibias less than your femurs to maintain the bio-mechanical ratio of your legs, which is usually around T/F=0.8, but the doctor will give you the exact measurements of your bones and advise you on that.

I was considering your approach of doing both femurs at the same time before I read what Dr. Monegal wrote and started thinking about it. Considering all the variables in my life right now, I think his approach is the best one for me, because I can't really stay away for several months in some foreign country doing this.

1) Posters keep putting up this stuff about it being 'crazy' to do but never get around to showing the abstract or quotes from medical professionals whom suggest it is outrageous or recovery time is greater. I have done my own research to answer this question and have found nothing outside knee pain in children with deformities whom do not have well developed muscles and ligaments.

2) Peoples desires are none of my business. It not for any of us to determine what they are. We all have our opinions on how much we will lengthen but in the end its up to the doctor and patient to decide what is reasonable.

3) I am fairly certain we know how to listen to a doctor and heed his advice, but thankyou anyways.

4) The safest way of all would be the 1 segment at a time if you want to do 4 separate operations which I do not. If you do, then great. I hope it goes well for you.

5 Lengthening the tibs or femurs only then quitting throws your ratios out of whack. Unless your femur / tib relationship is way out to begin with and lengthening the lower or higher bones would correct it. I doubt that is the case with those of us seeking cosmetic surgery.

And again for the 3rd time, I appreciate the point about the fact once you do one leg, you have to hope you can also do the other leg to the same proportions. I wish the doctor would address that issue. Perhaps stats on how many folks are unable to do the second leg as long as the first.

Good luck with your surgeries. Let us know how it goes.  :)

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 20, 2014, 05:06:27 AM
This link shows several video clips of Clinica Diagonal:
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 20, 2014, 01:39:53 PM
If I were to go with Dr Monegal then I'd do all four bones(2 femurs+ 2 tibias) in two operations, no way am I going to do 4 separate surgeries.
Thats probably as mad, if not, more than doing 1 femur+ 1 tibia in a single surgery.

2 surgeries for all four bones and tank having one whole leg broken each time is my plan. Not only is doing 4 separate surgeries more time consuming but its also going to be more expensive and a lot of flights back and forth. I wouldnt do this if I were planning to do either only the tibia or femur unless I lived in Barcelona.

64,000 Euros for all 4 segments, hmmm, that is still expensive but a lot cheaper than other well known doctors. Decisions, decisions
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 20, 2014, 01:46:47 PM
Im still not sure about internal tibias and the risk of permanent knee pain though...

Ohh and the hospital looks so clean and brand new from those vids
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 20, 2014, 03:18:37 PM
If I were to go with Dr Monegal then I'd do all four bones(2 femurs+ 2 tibias) in two operations, no way am I going to do 4 separate surgeries.
Thats probably as mad, if not, more than doing 1 femur+ 1 tibia in a single surgery.

2 surgeries for all four bones and tank having one whole leg broken each time is my plan. Not only is doing 4 separate surgeries more time consuming but its also going to be more expensive and a lot of flights back and forth. I wouldnt do this if I were planning to do either only the tibia or femur unless I lived in Barcelona.

64,000 Euros for all 4 segments, hmmm, that is still expensive but a lot cheaper than other well known doctors. Decisions, decisions

Hey shorty. Yeah he does bilaterals so he can do 2 femurs for 32euro which = $39124 US which is pretty sweet if you ask me.  :)

I am either doing one leg all internals then the other or bilateral femurs then cheap out on monorail in India for the tibs.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 20, 2014, 03:31:29 PM
 (with both the tibia and femur being lengthened at the same time on  the same leg)

your ligaments for 1 leg will not be able to keep up, you will loose range of motion for femur which is normal, but if you loose range of motion for femur you will not even be able to perform stretches for tibia.

but by all means you have been warned. do what you want. there are so many reasons why doing 1 complete leg at a time is a terrible idea.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 20, 2014, 04:47:56 PM

Ohh and the hospital looks so clean and brand new from those vids

Yeah, and not only the hospital looks modern and clean but the female staff looks very attractive, which might be a tremendous psychological motivator for many patients.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 21, 2014, 07:13:48 AM
(with both the tibia and femur being lengthened at the same time on  the same leg)

your ligaments for 1 leg will not be able to keep up, you will loose range of motion for femur which is normal, but if you loose range of motion for femur you will not even be able to perform stretches for tibia.

but by all means you have been warned. do what you want. there are so many reasons why doing 1 complete leg at a time is a terrible idea.

Yeah. About that. Doing two femurs or two tibias is the exact same stress to your ligaments than doing one femur and one tibia at the same time. Its two broken segments.

You systematically have refused every request to put up the abstracts from the medical profession or links to doctors opinions on this matter of one leg tibia and femur so your 'warning' is irrelevant.

We do however, have this medically trained doctor in Spain who has been doing this for a while now telling us its fine and even offers bilateral but does not recommend all 4 segments at the same time.

Surely we should reject his expert medical opinion and listen to a guy on LL hiding behind the internet using a fake name.

Seems legit.  ;)

If anyone else has some abstracts from the medical profession to suggest doing one leg  tibia /femur at the same time has drastic consequences compared to bilateral surgery, feel free to post the links. We will definitely consider those.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 21, 2014, 07:23:33 AM
Yeah! The female staff are young and attractive (as well as the male staff). And the meals are fantastic!  ;D
Joking apart, it is true that the attention you receive is above and beyond the norm. Nice people over there.

I am seriously considering him for femurs, unless he is willing to offer externals for tibias at a lower price then I am considering the two stage.

39k USD for fitbone is pretty good pricing for a european doctor.  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 21, 2014, 11:55:42 AM
Yeah, and not only the hospital looks modern and clean but the female staff looks very attractive, which might be a tremendous psychological motivator for many patients.

You'll be in hospital for only 4 days lol

Of course they'll show all the pretty ones in the vid, Im sure there are uglier and 'meh' ones as well. The same way you dont show a cars problems or wear and tear when you're trying to sell it
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on December 21, 2014, 01:32:39 PM
You'll be in hospital for only 4 days lol

Of course they'll show all the pretty ones in the vid, Im sure there are uglier and 'meh' ones as well. The same way you dont show a cars problems or wear and tear when you're trying to sell it
this 100& especially in Barcelona it seems to be quite common
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KrP1 on December 21, 2014, 01:48:55 PM
people talking here havent been never in Barcelona, i have been there and in clínica Diagonal, and its a really modern and big clinic . probably a lot better than most of USA
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 21, 2014, 04:04:22 PM
bad luck TomD its not my job to baby you through the information on dumb topics.

its like me saying if you do leg lengthening you will experience pain. im not going to post medical articles proving you get pain when you do leg lengthening. its preposterous. you lack any basic knowledge on how this works if you think you can lengthen both tibia and femur at the same time and not see any bad consequences.

2nd this supposedly amazing doctor from spain is a person and no person is all knowing just because they wear a white coat, that is ludicrous, there is another thread where this doctor sais that internal tibia is a piece of cake and is a good idea, and people have nothing to worry about  because the knee pain probability is extremely low, he even states it is next to nothing in terms of probability of getting knee pain with tibia lon, and then we have massive CLINICAL STUDIES and a range of WORLD CLASS doctors saying that the complication rate for lon and knee pain is greater than 50%. it suggests that your messiah from spain does not know what he is talking about. far from knowing everything like you claim because he wears a white coat.

there are so many reasons why it is a bad idea, and just 1 is that when you lengthen femur you will loose range of motion and you will not be able to do exercises to prevent ballerina foot when you have this femur loss of range of motion. and no my doctor is none of your business but he is certainly much more qualified than this guy from spain.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 21, 2014, 05:04:58 PM
people talking here havent been never in Barcelona, i have been there and in clínica Diagonal, and its a really modern and big clinic . probably a lot better than most of USA

There you have it. Someone who has personally been there is confirming that this is a state-of-the-art clinic.  ;D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 21, 2014, 07:04:20 PM
I have also been there. In fact, I am a current patient of this doctor. I have visited this wonderful and modern clinic, I have met this doctor personally, and I have already had my first procedure done. In other words, I know a little bit whereof I speak.


Great to know you're a patient of Dr Monegal. Are you having cosmetic lengthening or is it for other reasons? Are your from Spain or from other country? How do you like the clinic and the city of Barcelona? Good luck, and hope you can share with us some information. Thank you.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 21, 2014, 09:34:52 PM
grow up music maker, stop with your conspiracy theories.

any top doctor will tell you it is ludicrous to get both the tibia and femur lengthened. yes it can be done but it will be much harder and you will take loads longer because of the ligament issues. and you will certainly be needing a wheelchair if you get your second surgery 4 months later or even 6 months later.

there is no chance in hell you will not need to buy a wheelchair.

also in my opinion there is nothing wrong with this doctor performing surgery on both femurs at the 1 time(providing we have diaries proving he is good). but my qualms have nothing to do with the doctor but the ridiculous way he does his procedure lengthening 1 leg at a time.

 I call bull  on the issue of him freaking out about fat embolism for doing bilateral(on 2 legs), but then doesn't think fat embolism is a problem if he breaks the tibia and femur on 1 leg at the same time.

it sounds more like he is securing the patient into having to do both surgeries as they cant leave the second leg unfinished.

as for me being jealous. that is hilarious considering I already have frames on my legs.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on December 21, 2014, 10:40:52 PM
Dear all

Easy there. I am here to read your opinions and concerns, not to be judged.
I don t know what kind of Medical trainning (probably none) and LL experience apart from your own you have so far, but being slightly more respectfull would be far away much better.
I don t know your sources (probably internet) but our protocols are based on hundreds of LL procedures and experiences we share with other doctors. You can ask the TOP guys (with whom i ve been trainned) and they will say exactly the same words.
Let me say it this patient died after bilateral simultaneous femur doing intramedullary device (fortunately not one of my patients) and it s not a matter of safety, it is a matter that if surgeons are aware of this, none of them will carry on doing bilateral because of legal issues.

It is unacceptable you say a surgeon bases his protocols trying to secure a second surgery. This confirms me your ignorance (you obviously don t know me) and your malignant spirit. I have performed hundreds of procedures in dwarf kids for free and fortunately my income does not rely in this.
When i do perform cosmetic Limb lenghtening i first want to meet the patient, his family and we do talk a lot with them. I receive lots of emails and patients everyday and i do reject lots of patients. I have been working hard to make people reach their dream. This takes a lot of time to become a LL surgeon, and it is discouraging to read what you ForcedPuberty just wrote.
It is your decision but making a proper use of the forum is trying to help each other and not to throw whatever on it. You probably won t like a doctor like me... I am sure I would never operate someone like you.

You already have frames so good luck, stay with your doctor and stop Messiing with other doctors.
And don t confuse tendons with sounds ridiculous.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on December 21, 2014, 11:11:41 PM
I don't doubt your knowledge, Dr. Monegal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 21, 2014, 11:31:23 PM
I agree with Dr Monegal on we all shouldn't disrespect each other. This forum should be a tool of knowledge and help and not to insult or discredit anyone without having relevant facts.


Best of luck with your procedure and hope that everything goes well for you. By the way, I'm not from Spain. Spanish is my main language but I'm from the US. What do you mean when you say "Virtual follow-up visits are performed by the doctor"? Does he do it online (virtual) or comes to your place? I went to India this year and changed my mind once there, but definitely would love to lengthen in Barcelona.  :D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 22, 2014, 12:04:39 AM
dr mongeal. no one is calling you a bad doctor in regards to surgical technique, I have no idea how well you perform surgery, I am stating that many doctors think operating on both the tibia and femur at the same time is not a good idea.

your fat embolism argument is irrelevant because your still operating on 2 limbs.

and ps. when we say ligament or tendon we are referring to soft tissue in general, please try to keep up with the slang of a forum, this is not pubmed.

all you have done is go on about some heart felt story about how you donate time to people with achondroplasia, this does not address the issue. its an argument based on emotions.


dr mongeal I am curious about a few questions?

when you operate on the (tibia and femur simultaneously) on the 1 leg do you use internal for both segments?

and after how many months as an average do you then perform surgery on the second leg?

also how many patients have you performed this unique method of cosmetic leg lengthening (for for both tibia and femur simultaneously on the same leg). I am curious.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 22, 2014, 06:47:06 AM
Yeah! The female staff are young and attractive (as well as the male staff). And the meals are fantastic!  ;D
Joking apart, it is true that the attention you receive is above and beyond the norm. Nice people over there.

Hey, I watched the videos . The place really is state of the art. Question I have is ........

Someone mentioned earlier that the doctor was prepared to do LON instead of Fitbone. Would he consider LON or externals for the tibias at a reduced price ? I am shying away from fitbone tibias due to some concern about knee pain and the price.


Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 22, 2014, 10:13:12 AM
Hey musicmaker, will you be writing a diary?

Would love to hear about your experiences as Im also planning on going to Barcelona once I have enough for both procedures

Dont worry about ForcedPuberty and his nonsensical bs, clearly an arm chair expert and even I find his comments offensive
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 22, 2014, 08:18:53 PM
I wanted to share this interesting article talking about Fitbone in comparison to other nails, and where it says:
"The Fitbone system was well tolerated. There was minimal or no pain on lengthening and no case of infection. All patients achieved their lengthening goal except for two who had femoral lengthening, one of whom required an exchange to a larger nail to achieve the desired distraction length."

*Remember this article is from 2001 and since then the Fitbone nail has been improved several times.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 23, 2014, 03:01:26 PM

Good luck on your surgery Music Maker.

Please do make a diary if you can manage it. We will be encouraged by your progress  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 24, 2014, 05:18:24 PM

By the way, in case anyone is interested..............on this very same forum a renouned and well respected German Doctor discusses fitbone and doing one leg femur/tibia at the same time leaving the other leg intact to walk on.

I am satisfied that it is a medically endorsed method.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 25, 2014, 08:35:06 PM
well I was actually researching a completely separate issue when I came across this.

but it would appear that the warnings I gave you gys for lengthening both the tibia and femur on 1 leg(apart from my world class doctor) are also backed up by dr paley in writing.

lets go back to my statements.

I said you will not be able to lengthen both segments at the same time because of the soft tissue limitation.

now for dr paley.
Misc. on quadrilateral lengthening.
Chances are, with quadrilateral limb lengthening, you will not be able to lengthen as much as you'd like.  The reason is the intense strain your soft tissue is going under simultaneously, and for this reason, you will only be able to lengthen at max 10 cm.

in case anyone doesn't understand when you stretch 1 segment(ie tibia or femur) in the leg both segments are affected. when you do surgery on both segments at the same time you compound the soft tissue strain.

so now that it has been cleared up in writing by dr paley. all people who disagreed with me kindly jump off a large bridge into a small pool of water. so 10cm............... as a max according to dr paley.

another issue I brought up. when you lengthen both segments at the same time you loose range of motion and so you cant stretch the tibia soft tissue. this will happen to different people to different degrees. my opinion was that if you loose your range of motion in your femur then your ballerina will skyrocket.

now for dr paley......... he agrees. and states that you will have to stop lengthening entirely if this happens. so please forgive me people for warning you. I really cant believe you all couldn't work this out. its really simple.

again for lengthening both femur and tibia at the same time:
and we will be monitoring your rate of progress to see which segments need adjustments based on the complications you're incurring.  ROM is key, and if your ROM is affected, we'll have to act accordingly by reducing your lengthening (for some patients, we have stopped lengthening entirely).

so forgive me guys because I was smart enough to know that there are serious restrictions to this kind of surgery due to soft tissue restrictions. doing tibia and femur on the same leg at the same time has restrictions, paley believes the limit max is 10 cm, and there is a serious issue with range of motion being lost which could result in you to stop lengthening entirely.

in laymen's terms if people cant visualize it:
ps guys if you cant straighten your leg because of femur range of motion issues, then you can not even attempt to stretch you ballerina foot.

and if you cant do any stretching exercise's then you will develop serious issues that will take a long time to resolve. so much so to the point where paley has stopped his patients from continuing to lengthen entirely.

don't get angry at me. im just the messenger. this is paleys opinion. but there are many doctors who think lengthening 1 leg at a time has restrictions and other issues.

my recommendation is if you use this doctor, just get both femurs done at the same time, and to avoid fat embolism then have a 4 week gap in between surgeries which is how all other doctors seem to avoid fat embolism.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 25, 2014, 09:27:37 PM
well I was actually researching a completely separate issue when I came across this.

but it would appear that the warnings I gave you gys for lengthening both the tibia and femur on 1 leg(apart from my world class doctor) are also backed up by dr paley in writing.

lets go back to my statements.

I said you will not be able to lengthen both segments at the same time because of the soft tissue limitation.

now for dr paley.
in case anyone doesn't understand when you stretch 1 segment(ie tibia or femur) in the leg both segments are affected. when you do surgery on both segments at the same time you compound the soft tissue strain.

so now that it has been cleared up in writing by dr paley. all people who disagreed with me kindly jump off a large bridge into a small pool of water. so 10cm............... as a max according to dr paley.

another issue I brought up. when you lengthen both segments at the same time you loose range of motion and so you cant stretch the tibia soft tissue. this will happen to different people to different degrees. my opinion was that if you loose your range of motion in your femur then your ballerina will skyrocket.

now for dr paley......... he agrees. and states that you will have to stop lengthening entirely if this happens. so please forgive me people for warning you. I really cant believe you all couldn't work this out. its really simple.

again for lengthening both femur and tibia at the same time:

so forgive me guys because I was smart enough to know that there are serious restrictions to this kind of surgery due to soft tissue restrictions. doing tibia and femur on the same leg at the same time has restrictions, paley believes the limit max is 10 cm, and there is a serious issue with range of motion being lost which could result in you to stop lengthening entirely.

in laymen's terms if people cant visualize it:
ps guys if you cant straighten your leg because of femur range of motion issues, then you can not even attempt to stretch you ballerina foot.

and if you cant do any stretching exercise's then you will develop serious issues that will take a long time to resolve. so much so to the point where paley has stopped his patients from continuing to lengthen entirely.

don't get angry at me. im just the messenger. this is paleys opinion. but there are many doctors who think lengthening 1 leg at a time has restrictions and other issues.

my recommendation is if you use this doctor, just get both femurs done at the same time, and to avoid fat embolism then have a 4 week gap in between surgeries which is how all other doctors seem to avoid fat embolism.

You put information that is again without any links for anyone to objectively verify so it is again irrelevant. Put up the link to Paley so we can see for ourselves what he wrote . Secondly, your  quote from paley is for quadrilateral which does not apply. This doctor wants two stages, not all in one stage.

The ROM is a legit concern but this Spanish Doctor states for himself that its not an issue and the link I provided was a direct interview Daemon had with the German doctor who also recommends the 1 leg surgery.

Most importantly, you keep stating and restating that 'your recommendation is' and your 'advice' is. I dont mean to be rude but at this stage we need to be a little more blunt.

You are a layman. A guy who is not a medical professional. In fact, you havent even had LL surgery so you cant even give us that experience.

Yet you still sit here and tell us your musings like you are some kind of expert in the field. In my opinion you have some delusional grandiosity issue .

Nobody gives a flying @#$#@ what your 'advice' is regarding LL surgery. I dont know how to make it any clearer to you.

You have repeatedly refused to put up any links backing up any of your posts, I would like to ask you to kindly stop acting like some authority on the medical theory on here. You have no medical advice to give anyone so stop. Get a grip on yourself.

If you have links from Paley stating that doing 1 leg (not all 4 legs or some other spin you try to put on it) is a bad idea, just put up the link and shut up. We can view Paleys thoughts for ourselves.

Thank you
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 25, 2014, 09:40:05 PM
it was from this forumn.

also it does not matter if it is quadrilateral lengthening. dr paley was stating how each leg will behave, and have a max limit of 10 cm.
doing 1 leg at a time will not change the soft tissue strain per leg. that is simply a ridiculous statement. you don't even understand basic physiology if you believe those statements.

and actually you are incorrect in saying I have no medical training. but no I am not a dr. but very far from a laymen.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Leonardo2013 on December 26, 2014, 03:38:15 AM

When are you going for surgery, so we can start reading your diary?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on December 26, 2014, 11:10:30 AM
Hi Dr. Monegal

I have read this thread from the beginning and am very happy to find especially this information. 
I can actually see that you are a nice doctor who cares about the patients. 
Thank you so much for your willingness to help and to share your knowledge and time with LL users in this forum.  I am sure that a lot of people are encouraged and/or helped by this thread and you. 
Please don't be too much upset by some bad or disrespectful comments.  You know there are a lot of different people out there who may have different opinions, attitudes, experiences, preferences, etc.  I am sure that most of people here are grateful for you joining this forum.
I know you are an extremely busy person as a renowned doctor in the specialty.  Thanks again for your time being here.

Happy New Year! :)
P.S. I may see you someday.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on December 26, 2014, 01:53:53 PM
Omg the bumlicking in the post above is unreal
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 26, 2014, 02:29:12 PM
it was from this forumn.

also it does not matter if it is quadrilateral lengthening. dr paley was stating how each leg will behave, and have a max limit of 10 cm.
doing 1 leg at a time will not change the soft tissue strain per leg. that is simply a ridiculous statement. you don't even understand basic physiology if you believe those statements.

and actually you are incorrect in saying I have no medical training. but no I am not a dr. but very far from a laymen.

This doctor does not recommend quad. He recommends 2 stage procedures either bilateral or one leg at a time. Yeah. That makes a huge difference. Paley never discusses 1 leg .

I have 2 doctors who say 1 leg at a time both segments is fine. You have Dr Paley saying all 4 segments is too risky. Do you honestly expect anyone to throw out the 2 doctors advice and listen to you parrot another doctor talking about a different procedure completely?

Paley says 10 cm max on quad lengthening. Great. Its one doctors opinion. I respect it. Lets hear about 1 leg lengthening max. If its the same great. Put up the link for it.

You realize you are one guy hiding behind the internet using a fake name with no credentials whatsoever. Right? In spite of that you honestly think you can strut around like you can give others medical advice? Now you are 'far from a layman' yet again for the 10th time put up no proof of that. You just make it all up at will.

. You are coming to this thread to smear the doctor without any evidence from medical professionals whatsoever . I think you are here to troll those who take the doctor at his word . You even had the doctor tell you to shut up on 2 occasions because your whining is unsubstantiated.

We have given you opportunity after opportunity to do the right thing and substantiate your claims through abstracts or other links to doctors. You have systematically refused every step of the way. In the end, you put up a one flimsy quote from Paley discussing a different and much more dangerous procedure that this Spanish doctor himself doesnt even approve of.

We all have the right to state our opinion, but smearing the doctor repeatedly through 10 posts over and over without any evidence  ruins the  thread for those who want to ask the doctor question or those who have visited him at his facility. Those are the people who can share their experience..

I am certain we all get the fact you are not a fan of 1 femur and 1 tibia operation. You laymans opinion is duly noted. You can feel free to leave now. Stop trolling the thread.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 26, 2014, 03:15:44 PM
I am not trolling.

that statement is ridiculous.

it is irrelevant that it is quadrilateral lengthening. the soft tissue on 1 leg does not interfere with the soft tissue on the second leg.

dr paley stated that each single leg has in his opinion a 10cm limit due to lengthening both the femur and tibia at the same time.

that is all I am saying. but you keep refusing to accept it.

I am doing what a forumn was intended for, to warn others or risks or benefits of surgery.

there are many better methods compared to this procedure. doing the whole leg will result in more time and more pain and strain.

people who try to save time and/or make it easier for themselves will ultimately make it harder for themselves.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on December 26, 2014, 03:23:59 PM
Omg the bumlicking in the post above is unreal


We are here to get information and help each other for LL.  No need to make bad comments or insult other people.  I thought most of people here are just short of height but not of heart.  Be respectful!  Young man
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on December 26, 2014, 03:43:26 PM

We are here to get information and help each other for LL.  No need to make bad comments or insult other people.  I thought most of people here are just short of height but not of heart.  Be respectful!  Young man
u serious?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on December 26, 2014, 04:10:08 PM
You cynical guy, Hallijah! You should be ashamed for saying things like that!
I'm not cause I didn't say anything bad about monegal, so I didn't touch him, therefore u shouldn't even be bothered had u paid attention to my words
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on December 26, 2014, 04:16:46 PM
Hi musicmaker

Thanks for your reply!  I am actually quite interested in this procedure over bilateral femur or tibs at one time.  I think it makes a lot of sense to me to have one leg done while the other leg helps move around, so that it could help minimize the absence time of working or studying.  That is very important for me since I can't afford too much time for this.  The whole process may take a little longer than one bilateral surgery including recovery.  But it should be much faster than two sequential bilateral surgeries, meaning that one surgery for two femurs followed by another surgery for two tibs.  There was one arguement about how much height you can gain by one leg with two segments.  ForcedP said that 10cm is max while others say it is possible to achieve 12-14cm.  I am not aiming like 13-14 cm.  10cm would be fine with me. 

Thanks again!

Hi ForcedP

I really respect your concerns and warnings.  Those are alos important opinions no matter what they are.  However, it is also important to know how to address the same messege, that could make a huge difference in the end.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 26, 2014, 05:04:25 PM
thank you ghostfish, you sound like a kind person. good luck with your procedure.

and if you do 1 leg, be sure to write a diary.  :)

also I recommend you read disobedient diary. its the closest diary we have to seeing how soft tissue responds to lengthening both segments.

you might find it interesting.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on December 26, 2014, 06:00:16 PM
Hi ForcedP

Thanks for your reply.  Sure, if I do this surgery, I will write a diary, but it won't be soon, since I am stuck with my current work.

Thanks for your link.  I haven't finished it since it has really really a long thread and I have dysrelxia.  :P  I will do read that all.

Happy New year!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 26, 2014, 06:32:22 PM
Hi musicmaker

Thanks for your reply!  I am actually quite interested in this procedure over bilateral femur or tibs at one time.  I think it makes a lot of sense to me to have one leg done while the other leg helps move around, so that it could help minimize the absence time of working or studying.  That is very important for me since I can't afford too much time for this.  The whole process may take a little longer than one bilateral surgery including recovery.  But it should be much faster than two sequential bilateral surgeries, meaning that one surgery for two femurs followed by another surgery for two tibs.  There was one arguement about how much height you can gain by one leg with two segments.  ForcedP said that 10cm is max while others say it is possible to achieve 12-14cm.  I am not aiming like 13-14 cm.  10cm would be fine with me. 

Thanks again!

Hi ForcedP

I really respect your concerns and warnings.  Those are alos important opinions no matter what they are. However, it is also important to know how to address the same messege, that could make a huge difference in the end.



This is why many of us are considering Mongeal . In fact, I have spoken with him several times now in private. As others have said to me, you might want to email the doctor yourself at the hotmail link he provided.

As far as opinions go, everyone is welcomed to theirs . However, there is a difference between giving an opinion and giving the same opinion over and over again 10 times on a thread taking the position of a medical expert without backing any of it up with medical abstracts .

The fellow in question does not agree with the one leg surgery and his hell bent on trolling the whole thread in hopes that others wont either regardless of his lack of proof.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 26, 2014, 07:04:01 PM
everyone could also say you are trolling tomD.

you are giving the same opinion over and over again. insisting that I am wrong.

anyway the point has been heard so I have no desire to go on about it. but just remember your soft tissue runs up your entire leg and is in the tibia and femur.

if you stretch the femur and tibia you are stretching the same tissue, not 2 separate tissues. you have limiting factors that run through the entire leg.

it would be like someone telling me they are going to break the tibia at 2 points and expect the soft tissue to be able to lengthen twice the amount because there are 2 surgical sites. it is preposterous.

god luck.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 26, 2014, 08:17:18 PM
thank you ghostfish, you sound like a kind person. good luck with your procedure.

and if you do 1 leg, be sure to write a diary.  :)

also I recommend you read disobedient diary. its the closest diary we have to seeing how soft tissue responds to lengthening both segments.

you might find it interesting.

I am sure glad you 'recommend' he keeps a diary. Without your recommendation who knows what the guy would do?

And your link is to our famous quad patient who did all 4 (6 actually) bones at the same time . With externals to boot. Its not the same as doing 1 leg and then the other a year later.Not even close.

The soft tissue strain Paley discusses are for a patient doing all 4 segments at the same time. Your body cannot keep up with the strain of it. This is why he feels our bodies cannot handle more than 10cm . That is 20cm of lengthening at once.

When we do bi lateral its only 2 segments and therefore doing one leg is also only 2 segments. I am sure 14cm is fine for one leg or bilateral  at the same time if 20cm  is fine doing all 4segments  at the same time.

I assume you have no evidence that doing 1 leg at a time is overwhelmingly poor compared to bi lateral or you would have put it up by now. I 'recommend' you put your ego down and let it go.  :)

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 26, 2014, 08:26:21 PM
everyone could also say you are trolling tomD.

you are giving the same opinion over and over again. insisting that I am wrong.

anyway the point has been heard so I have no desire to go on about it. but just remember your soft tissue runs up your entire leg and is in the tibia and femur.

if you stretch the femur and tibia you are stretching the same tissue, not 2 separate tissues. you have limiting factors that run through the entire leg.

it would be like someone telling me they are going to break the tibia at 2 points and expect the soft tissue to be able to lengthen twice the amount because there are 2 surgical sites. it is preposterous.

god luck.

Yeah. Except nobody has. In fact I have had the doctor thank me in private.

On the other hand, several people have told you that you are trolling ..........including the DOCTOR who this thread is named off of. But why should a delusional guy like you care about something as concrete and obvious as that ?

You gave your layman opinion on it. Let it go.Let us who are interested in this procedure carry on with the thread. Feel free not to have the procedure.

You have no right to tell others what to do or hijack a doctors thread.

Thank you in advance.  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 26, 2014, 09:31:52 PM
I am sure glad you 'recommend' he keeps a diary. Without your recommendation who knows what the guy would do?

now your just acting weird.  its a common statement. your paranoid acting like there's some sinister nature to it.

you are trolling ..........including the DOCTOR who this thread is named off of

sarin also said 6 people are trolling him. doctors will always say this to discredit anyone who doesn't worship the white coat they wear as gods.
a troll is someone who is not sincere. obviously the doctor does not understand the definition to troll. not my problem.

there has never been  single study to prove that lengthening the entire leg at a single time is safer, effective and faster or better in any way shape or form. you keep asking me for sources yet YOU HAVE NONE YOURSELF. you have no proof of your claims. your just some guy who sided with a random doctor in a white coat with no studies to back you up or the doctor.

the link to disobedient was not meant to represent this Spanish doctors surgical technique, you just randomly said that I was saying it was.
I said it would be interesting to read, as it demon straights what happens to soft tissue when you lengthen to fast. you get massive ballerina. I never said this proves or shows anything in relation to the Spanish doctor. in fact I said it is the closest diary we have to his procedure and would be only of value for interest sake. stop saying I said things that I never said.

listen here you imbecile I have studied ligaments, tendons, soft tissue, biomechanics, physiological and anatomical sciences and a hell of a lot of other things at university level, these subjects which are over a dozen cross and are accredited for the medicine degree. I know a   load more about the body then you ever will.

and quadrilateral and single leg make no difference, because soft tissue on 1 leg does not affect the soft tissue on the other leg. you have no idea what your talking about because you are the laymen not me. I am actually accredited to comment on these issues. because I have a tertiary education in this.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 27, 2014, 12:23:52 AM
I don't know the correct answer and it's a good question for Dr. Monegal to give his expert opinion. It would be best to ask him directly about it if you are seriously interested in this. With my total goal being 9 cm, 4.5 cm + 4.5 cm, I would be the perfect candidate for this one whole leg at once method..;) Then, because of my age I might have the benefit to lengthen at a much slower rate and not over tax the soft tissues.

The experimental "double cut" method everyone raved about ended up being a very bad idea except for one guy, but I believe he only lengthened 6 cm and he might have lengthened at a slow rate, not sure. You could always choose to lengthen super slow, but then you risk being sent back to the OR to rebreak the bone because you consolodated from the slow lengthening rate.

PS - It is not going to do any good for those interested in this to make one another out to be a troll because two people are in disagreement. FP is much more credible than his previous statements on embolism risk and being wheelchair bound, which I did not agree on. It's probably the reason Dr. Monegal responded negatively towards him.

Tom, being that you are in your 40's, it's possible lengthening over 10 cm and doing at slower a rate will work out for you great. You won't have a very high risk of preconsolidation as a younger person would. Did Dr. Monegal in your PM communications give his expert opinion on the matter?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on December 27, 2014, 12:30:22 AM
The only problem with Dr. Monegal is the time I'd have to take off. With other internal device doctors, I could lengthen over the summer overseas, then come back home to go back to school (college). With Dr. Monegal, I'd have to spend the whole six months overseas.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on December 27, 2014, 03:52:33 AM
Hi ReadRothbard

As far as I know, you don't need to stay for 6 months.  You stay about one month for the first stage or one leg surgery and go back home.  And then you can lengthen your leg and do PT at home.  When your first leg is almost or completely healed/consolidated, which I don't know how long it will take 4mon?, you come back to Spain again for another leg. And then stay again about 1 month and go back home.  That is pretty much it.  Of course, you need to do lengthening and PT and check X-ray regularly and communicate with Dr. Monegal until it is done.  Once two legs are consolidated, which may be about 8-9 month?, you probably can do most of normal life.  About 1.5 years later, you go back to Spain again to remove nails.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 27, 2014, 05:09:20 AM
What are peoples thoughts on lengthening at home? So that means you got to go find your own physio who has somewhat of a clue dealing with patients with broken legs or do you think a normal physio is more than enough?

What are the Visa rules for Spain, from my understanding if you are staying for less than 3 months then you dont need a Visa?
Is there a limit on how many times one can come back in one given year?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Taller on December 27, 2014, 06:41:39 AM
now your just acting weird.  its a common statement. your paranoid acting like there's some sinister nature to it.

sarin also said 6 people are trolling him. doctors will always say this to discredit anyone who doesn't worship the white coat they wear as gods.
a troll is someone who is not sincere. obviously the doctor does not understand the definition to troll. not my problem.

there has never been  single study to prove that lengthening the entire leg at a single time is safer, effective and faster or better in any way shape or form. you keep asking me for sources yet YOU HAVE NONE YOURSELF. you have no proof of your claims. your just some guy who sided with a random doctor in a white coat with no studies to back you up or the doctor.

the link to disobedient was not meant to represent this Spanish doctors surgical technique, you just randomly said that I was saying it was.
I said it would be interesting to read, as it demon straights what happens to soft tissue when you lengthen to fast. you get massive ballerina. I never said this proves or shows anything in relation to the Spanish doctor. in fact I said it is the closest diary we have to his procedure and would be only of value for interest sake. stop saying I said things that I never said.

listen here you imbecile I have studied ligaments, tendons, soft tissue, biomechanics, physiological and anatomical sciences and a hell of a lot of other things at university level, these subjects which are over a dozen cross and are accredited for the medicine degree. I know a crap load more about the body then you ever will.

and quadrilateral and single leg make no difference, because soft tissue on 1 leg does not affect the soft tissue on the other leg. you have no idea what your talking about because you are the laymen not me. I am actually accredited to comment on these issues. because I have a tertiary education in this.

I too have some university education in the field of biomechanics and medicine and I must say that everything you've written on this forum about LL does seem accurate according to what I've been taught.

I've personally toyed with idea of doing 4+4CM quadrilateral (internal femurs and LATN tibiae), but wonder if even this would be too taxing on my soft tissues. Some patients of Dr. Paley have been able to pull this off, but it depends on a lot of individual factors. 4+4CM does seem dangerously close to the soft tissue limit of quadrilateral lengthening in general, though.

If quadrilateral lengthening of 4+4CM proves to be unrealistic after I consult with a few doctors, I'll do 6.5-7.5CM on a single segment (leaning towards femurs) and move on with my life.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 27, 2014, 05:36:20 PM
Hi Fpuberty

f you go back to the original assessment on this thread you harped on and on about 1 tibia and 1 femur being a 'horrible' idea. You harp on and on about it being 'bull crap' and even insult us as having 'weak minds' for a fad.

Go re read the thread. Read your own words.   :-\

Over the course of this thread  we have asked you to prove your profane objections. You have never done so. Now  you have been backed into a quadrilateral corner. Nobody asked to do all four segments . You have purposefully twisted it into this  because you could not produce any evidence regarding the single femur and tibia operation.

The fact you claimed to have studied some medical information in university and dropped out is fine but it is utterly irrelevant compared to a medical doctor who performs these surgeries. Surely we can all agree on that.

We who believe in the procedure read your objections. You dont need to keep repeating yourself. This thread is about the doctor and its up to us to decide . To be fair, we understand you are entitled to that opinion, but it stands to reason we will take the opinion of two medically trained doctors over yours.

 Paley says you can do it but you should limit yourself to 10cm per leg. 20cm growth at the same time. He never states you 'cant' do it or that its dangerous. Many doctors on here recommend 5cm maximum using bilateral or even single segment surgery of all stripes. That means 10cm as well . Just as Paley indicated for the quad.

The Disobedient thread indicated at only 5ft tall she did 11cm easily but the doctor told her to stop in fear of doing too much. This was on both legs at the same time using externals.  Stands to reason someone of our stature being 5ft 7 only doing 1 leg internals should be able to do 12 to 14 cm without major complications. Maybe we can, maybe we wont. I can live with 11 cms if I had to.

For the third time, we get it. You dont like the one leg surgery. Your laymans opinion was duly noted long ago. Feel free not to do the surgery. . We got it the first time. Move onto something constructive.

Suggestion; Start up a Qaud thread and serve up all your concerns about it there.  :) This thread is about Doctor Mongeal's facility and his 1 leg or one segment or bilateral options.

I have some feedback from Dr Mongeal I wish to share. I am going to follow up with 2 objections

1) What if you lengthen 13 or 14 cm and then your other leg cant lengthen that much?

2) What about the range of motion and the ability to lengthen both bones at the same time. What kind of stress does that put on the knee?

I assume he cuts the femur higher up towards the hip and the tib/fib lower down so the leg muscles and tendons at the knee are not strained anywhere near as much. That is my layman guess. We shall see what he says.  :)

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 27, 2014, 05:42:16 PM

I have some feedback from the Doctor that might be interesting to some of you.

Dear Tom

Please find my answers as follows

1) Are you prepared to do LON for 1 femur and 1 tibia for the same leg at the same time?

This is technically possible but I do not recommend this. First of all because of the disturbance that might cause having to external fixators in the same limb. And second because temporary LL discrepancy that is created. But of course this can be done. 
When doing simoultaneous procedures using LON technique the most commonly done is bilateral femur or tibiae. Some doctors perform tibia in one side and femur in the contralateral limb. I do not recommend this crossed-limb technique. When doing this procedure knee joint is temporary at different height and it obligates patients to undergo second crossed limb procedure.
Sometimes when performing bilateral femur or tibiae, some patients are happily satisfied with the result of the first procedure and they prefer not to perform second procedure.

2) If so , how much is the Cost?

For a bilateral procedure using LON technique cost is
3500€ Clinic and Medical expenses
15000€ materials (2 ex fix/2 nails/12 hydroxiapatyte pins)
5000€ Medical team (2 surgeons/anaesthaesist/scrub Nurse)
Price includes preoperative tests and planning

3) Are you prepared to do Fitbone for femur and LON for tibia for the same leg a the same time?

I have never done this in the past. This is technically possible but I do not think this is a good idea. The reason is that pinsite infection occurs in almost 100% of cases and I am not happy to implant a 12000€ device with a "close risky infection zone" that close.
I know all patients are mostly concerned about cost and time. I always try to show them to the safe zone. I don t think it s a matter of being conservative, it s a matter to stay away from problems. And do believe me in LL sometimes trying to speed up slows down the process, and cheap becomes more expensive.

4) If so , how much would that Cost?
It is approximately 4000-4500 euros more expensive than 2 LON. Diffference is basically because of implants different price.

5) If I do LON, could I keep it on until the bone is 100% weight bearing ? I ask because I have to come back to Spain to get the external pins removed and I wonder if I could do the other leg while I was There.

When performing LON what I normally do is to proceed inmediately to lock the nail and remove the external Fixator.
I don t think this is a good idea for 2 reasons:
1- having pins during such a Long time increases risk of infection and cosmetic result of the scars is much worse.
2- having the ex fix on does not allow recovery of the knee joint and can create stiffness and delay the full recovery.

So as I told you before, sometimes fast becomes allow and cheap becomes expensive.
In 2001 Paley wrote a paper about introducing a nail when doing monolateral ex fix lenghtening. One of the reasons why they Did recommend LON over ex fix itself Was early removal of the ex fix and early recovery of knee joint.

I hope my replies were helpfull and not very confusing. If you need any other support or you want me to answer to other questions just let me know.
By the way...whhere are you from?

All the best

Dr Alex Monegal

Notes: I get the impression that the only way to do one leg is fitbone for both. Otherwise he recommends bi lateral surgery using LON or other external methods.

I will follow up with soft tissue and knee objections when doing 1 leg
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 27, 2014, 05:44:56 PM

Tom, being that you are in your 40's, it's possible lengthening over 10 cm and doing at slower a rate will work out for you great. You won't have a very high risk of preconsolidation as a younger person would. Did Dr. Monegal in your PM communications give his expert opinion on the matter?

You raised a good point. Yes he did. He indicated that someone my age would have no issues someone in their 20s would have, save for the rate of recovery. In other words, what you guys can lengthen at age 25 is the same I can, but you will on your feet much faster  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 27, 2014, 06:28:58 PM
you keep repeating the same nonsense tomD.

1)soft tissue stress on 1 leg does not affect or interact with soft tissue stress on the second leg. so everything you say is completely irrelevant. you need to learn how the body works before we can debate this because you are not educated.

2) disobedient did 10cm as I understand it. and it was not easy. she will recover I believe. but she had a 7cm ballerina if I remember correctly at 1 time and she is still recovering after a very painful and long journey. I wish her well.

3) I did not drop out. you made that up. and further more your argument is going in circles, you were calling me an uneducated laymen for so long and I resisted telling you that I was actually educated, only after finding out do you then proceed to tell me being educated does not matter. this is a silly tactic where you keep trying to discredit people based on education but magically if they are accredited then it is irrelevant. you don't need an education to learn things, it was you who brought it up not me. I just happened to be accredited and was sick of you tring to discredit my opinion based on academics.

Stands to reason someone of our stature being 5ft 7 only doing 1 leg internals should be able to do 12 to 14 cm without major complications.

this statement is groundless, I can tell you now that your rational for thinking you can do 12-14cm is wrong. as I pointed out earlier disobedient had a very long and grueling time and is still recovering after a extremely tough time because of soft tissue restrictions. and she only did 10cm.


LET ME REPEAT YOU HAVE NO PROOF. YOU NEVER WILL BECAUSE YOUR WRONG. and you will never understand why unless you gain a tertiary education.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 27, 2014, 06:35:20 PM
from dr mongeal:
When doing simoultaneous procedures using LON technique the most commonly done is bilateral femur or tibiae. Some doctors perform tibia in one side and femur in the contralateral limb. I do not recommend this crossed-limb technique. When doing this procedure knee joint is temporary at different height and it obligates patients to undergo second crossed limb procedure.

think about it guys.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 28, 2014, 04:22:47 AM
Seriously Forcedpuberty, you ought to compared apples with apples and not bloody watermelons.
Disobedient did all externals on all four bones in one go, how is that relevant to the one leg all internals procedure Dr Monegal does...? Le sigh

Plus disobedient was well.... disobedient. She listened to no one but her borderline quack of a doctor and went against everyones advice. She only listened to what she wanted to hear and her doctor only told her things she wanted to hear. She failed to think outside the box. But thats not the point, the point is theres no relevance to your comparison

On another note, you two should take your little debate to another thread and stop hijacking what is essentially the Dr's thread.
Have some decency geez

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on December 28, 2014, 07:28:13 AM
Dear participants.

I do not perform simultaneous femur and tibia as an elective treatment. I think that there has been some misunderstanding orround this debate. The only thing I say is I prefer to go for femur/tibia ain one leg and then proceed with the other one for 2 basic reasons:
1- Performing the reaming of both femurs is high risk of fat embolism syndrome. this was discussed at last Fitbone user meeting and Profeesor Baumgart said there have been cases in the past where patient died due to this unlikely event.
It s not a matter of being conservative, it s a matter of safety.
2- Having a healthy leg during lengthenning allows patients to preserve more mobility and autonomy during lengthening and consolidation phases. Fitbone device does not allow full weight-bearing, in case patient performs bilateral femur or tibiae, they should remain in a wheel chair with straight legs during the procedure.
One thing you guys must be aware of is that bone lenthenning was originally indicated in cases of limb length discrepancies. You must be aware of that some of the LL specialists don't even want to talk about Cosmetic procedures.
In most cases of congenital massive LLD ther is a femur/tibia combined deffect. In the early days of LL specialists were treating such defficiencies performing simultaneous femur/tibia using externals (not even performing LON). You can check it

My ideal of cosmetic is to perform 4 segments in 4 different procedures to stay safe, functional and proportioned. But of course there are 2 variables I cannot control: TIME and MONEY
Simultaneous femur and tibia is just an option which is valid and can be performed.
So just stop messing arround a stupid question like that because I don t think this is the Point of this forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ShortyMcShort on December 28, 2014, 08:14:44 AM
Hey Dr Monegal, what about the likelihood of knee pain when doing internal tibias?
What are your thoughts on that? Can it be avoided? Or is there no way around it? 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on December 28, 2014, 08:23:13 AM
Hi shorty

It can be avoided performing a suprapatellar approach for the insertion of the nail.
Like this you avoid to split patellar tendon and we can prevent knee pain.
This is very usefull specialy in thhose patients with patella baja.

Please i am not saying you avoid 100% knee pain because there is always stress in soft tissues while lenghtening. It s then when muscular stretching becomes relevant, but this approach is in my opinion a great way not to harm the tendon (main cause of recurrent knee pain when performing this procedures).

I wish that helps
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 28, 2014, 03:19:01 PM
I want to thank Dr Mongeal for his candor and those who participated to the thread.  :D

Dear Tom
Once again thank you for your words
I do not perform simultaneous femur and tibia as an elective treatment. I think that there has been some misunderstanding orround this debate. The only thing I say is I prefer to go for femur/tibia ain one leg rather than proceed with the bilateral for 2 basic reasons:
1- Performing the reaming of both femurs is high risk of fat embolism syndrome. this was discussed at last Fitbone user meeting and Profeesor Baumgart said there have been cases in the past where patient died due to this unlikely event.
It s not a matter of being conservative, it s a matter of safety.
2- Having a healthy leg during lengthenning allows patients to preserve more mobility and autonomy during lengthening and consolidation phases. Fitbone device does not allow full weight-bearing, in case patient performs bilateral femur or tibiae, they should remain in a wheel chair with straight legs during the procedure.
One thing you guys must be aware of is that bone lenthenning was originally indicated in cases of limb length discrepancies. You must be aware of that some of the LL specialists don't even want to talk about Cosmetic procedures.
In most cases of congenital massive LLD ther is a femur/tibia combined deffect. In the early days of LL specialists were treating such defficiencies performing simultaneous femur/tibia using externals (not even performing LON). You can check it

My ideal of cosmetic is to perform 4 segments in 4 different procedures to stay safe, functional and proportioned. But of course there are 2 variables I cannot control: TIME and MONEY
Simultaneous femur and tibia is just an option whisch is valid and can be performed.
Regarding your questions, please find the answers as follows:
1) Why are you prepared to do one leg surgery as opposed to bilateral surgery? .
Performing bilateral is high risk of fat embolism yndrome. We can do bilateral performing 1st one leg and the second one 3 weeks later...but as I told you patient will remain on a weelchair during lengthening and consolidation periods.

2) How long do you have to wait after distraction ends (consolidation phase) until you are strong enough to walk on the new leg so you can return to lengthen the other leg?
One of the reasons of performing first one leg is that keeping one leg fully functional, allows patients to walk on crutches from day 2 after surgery. Patients walk partially weight bearing (20 kg) on the operated leg from day 2.
Once lengthening is completed patients increase load 10 kg per week until they are able to fully weight-bear.

3) Where do you make the cuts on the femur and tibia?
It depends on each case. Fitbone technique can be done antegrade or retrograde in femur. So the osteotomy is 1,5 cm below lesser trochanter when doing antegrade/9-10 cm above knee joint for retrograde.
When performing tibia, osteotomy is approximately 7-8 cm below knee joint.
To prevent patelar tendon split, I recommend antegrade femur and suprapatellar approach for tibia.
SOmetimes this is not possible or adviceable. One of the particularities of the Reverse planning Method is that with the Fitbone technique we can also corrert malalignment. This is only possible in femur performing retrograde procedure.

A lot of concern has been the 'range of motion' because of the strain on the soft tissue surrounding the knee as the leg lengthens .Tell us your thoughts on the soft tissue issue with 1 leg surgery.

To prevent this we can do different surgical gestures
1- is approach (antegrade femur/Suprapatellar Tibia)
2- Tenotomies (adductors/Fascia Latta/Harmstrings
3- Pace of lengthenning (Not 1 mm + 1 mm) I recomend 1,5 mm/day in total.

4) How much can someone lengthen one leg in this procedure?
Implants allow to lengthen 8 cm in femur and 6 in tibia. This is a massive lengthening for an adult (kids are different)
I think that an initial goal of 4-6 or 4,5-5,5 (Tibia/Femur) is good enought. It is important to follow up the soft tissue/the bone creation and the ankle/knee rehab and progress during the procedure.
If everything is fine, there is always a chance to add some extra mm.
I hope everything was helpfull. Sorry for the misunderstanding out there.
Do believe me that I care for my patients and I want the best for them. I don t want them to suffer or to be in trouble.
The day this happens I will stop performing cosmetic procedures.
I write in the forum to help people out there. I want to be in touch with you guys to improve my understanding and to share with you thoughts and experiences.
, I had patients in the past insisting to go for simultaneous femur and tibia nd they ended up lengthening just one segment, and 6 cm later...they were happy and did not go for the whole lot.

Have a pleasent evening
Dr Alex Monegal


The Doctor sticks by his guns that doing the femur /tib one leg is viable but he wont do it for simple cosmetic procedures.  His goal is to talk us into doing the 4 segments in 4 different surgeries. However, he does prefer the femur/tib combo on one leg to bilateral surgery .

He conclusively puts to rest any concerns regarding lengthening, soft tissue wear and range of motion regarding the 1 leg procedure. Its too bad he insists on 1 segment only.  :-\

My goals do not allow for flying to Spain for 4 different surgeries so I am going to have to pass .  :)

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 28, 2014, 03:20:49 PM
You raised a good point. Yes he did. He indicated that someone my age would have no issues someone in their 20s would have, save for the rate of recovery. In other words, what you guys can lengthen at age 25 is the same I can, but you will on your feet much faster  :)

7 cm + 7 cm on a single leg will be a tremendous feat I must admit, but if your set on 14 cm, then no harm aiming for it, it's not like it's set in stone. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 28, 2014, 03:28:06 PM
7 cm + 7 cm on a single leg will be a tremendous feat I must admit, but if your set on 14 cm, then no harm aiming for it, it's not like it's set in stone.

Thank you for the encouragement Galaxy. I want to be stubborn but not stupid. Therefore I am prepared to go for 6cm each segment (12) and then is everything is fine go for the extra 1 cm each segment.

Who knows? I may end up only doing 5cm if my legs cant hack it. I would be disappointed if I only did 5 but could live with it.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 28, 2014, 03:46:27 PM



The Doctor sticks by his guns that doing the femur /tib one leg is viable but he wont do it for simple cosmetic procedures.  His goal is to talk us into doing the 4 segments in 4 different surgeries. However, he does prefer the femur/tib combo on one leg to bilateral surgery .

He conclusively puts to rest any concerns regarding lengthening, soft tissue wear and range of motion regarding the 1 leg procedure. Its too bad he insists on 1 segment only.  :-\

My goals do not allow for flying to Spain for 4 different surgeries so I am going to have to pass .  :)

Correct - he states single leg tib & femur is best suited for LLD (limb length discrepancy) patients, their physiology can handle single leg tib & femur method.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on December 28, 2014, 04:10:08 PM
I do not perform simultaneous femur and tibia as an elective treatment.

The Doctor sticks by his guns that doing the femur /tib one leg is viable but he wont do it for simple cosmetic procedures

I hope everyone can realize that dr monegals opinion and mine are the same in this regard...............

600 posts later.................

I have always said it is a valid procedure but not equal to traditional methods. in any case I guess those here will say I am wrong even when me and monegal express the same opinion.

thank you for clearing this up dr monegal. I wish you a good xmass.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on December 28, 2014, 04:23:08 PM
Dear all

In the mail I sent to Tom I wrote:

My ideal of cosmetic is to perform 4 segments in 4 different procedures to stay safe, functional and proportioned. But of course there are 2 variables I cannot control: TIME and MONEY
Simultaneous femur and tibia is just an option which is valid and can be performed..

Every patient is particular. That s why I introduce the non-controled variables time and money.
Performing 4 procedures It always takes longer and It s more expensive particularly for patients coming from other countries. That s why I always try to agree with them their best option and the most suitable treatment for each one.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 28, 2014, 06:15:56 PM
Dear all

In the mail I sent to Tom I wrote:

My ideal of cosmetic is to perform 4 segments in 4 different procedures to stay safe, functional and proportioned. But of course there are 2 variables I cannot control: TIME and MONEY
Simultaneous femur and tibia is just an option which is valid and can be performed..

Every patient is particular. That s why I introduce the non-controled variables time and money.
Performing 4 procedures It always takes longer and It s more expensive particularly for patients coming from other countries. That s why I always try to agree with them their best option and the most suitable treatment for each one.

Hi Doctor. I sent you an updated email with questions regarding the different options. Many of us may not want to go to Spain for 4 surgeries. Especially someone like myself who lives in the United States.

None of us feel 1 surgery for all 4 segments is something we want to pursue. However, if we insist on 2 surgeries only, what would you suggest?   :)

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 28, 2014, 06:27:49 PM
Correct - he states single leg tib & femur is best suited for LLD (limb length discrepancy) patients, their physiology can handle single leg tib & femur method.

Not too sure that is what he is suggesting. He states clearly doing femur/tibia is a valid option. I bolded it for you on his email.  He just doesnt want to do it. He wants us to do 4 surgeries.

The German Doctor Baumgart does freely recommend the procedure and you can read here as he had a n interview with Daemon. He also insists on Fitbone for both uppers and lowers.

He is too damn expensive though  :'(
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: galaxy1 on December 28, 2014, 07:18:20 PM
Not too sure that is what he is suggesting. He states clearly doing femur/tibia is a valid option. I bolded it for you on his email.  He just doesnt want to do it. He wants us to do 4 surgeries.

The German Doctor Baumgart does freely recommend the procedure and you can read here as he had a n interview with Daemon. He also insists on Fitbone for both uppers and lowers.

He is too damn expensive though  :'(

I read darn fast sometimes! :0) Great information gathering though, I see this doctor being a viable option for some people.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on December 29, 2014, 02:42:32 AM
Ok I have send Dr Mongeal another email and he has clarified some things for us. Sending information through e-mail is often misunderstood or confused because we cannot see the other persons body language or the tone of their voice.

I have recieved another reply from him :

Here are my questions and his anwers

1) If pressed, will you do the 1 leg femur/tibia surgery using fitbone? It seems as though you think the procedure is fine but only for those who need correcting. Am I reading that Right?

 That s not what I said. I said simultaneous tibia and femur Was originally indicated in those comined femur/tibia LLD.
I said performing 4 surgeries (one segment at a time)  is safer but I cannot control TIME and MONEY. So simultaneous is Valid option for cosmetic LL. That s What I said.

All Fitbone users meet every year and we discuss cosmetic LL. You can read Prof Baumgart and he says exactly the same. I discussed with him the best procedure for cosmetic LL and he thinks exactly the same as me.

For those of us who are willing to do 2 surgeries, to lengthen femur/tibia is the best option compared to bilateral. I said that several times.
I have currently patients doing simultaneous femur/tibia.

I have said several times that this is a Valid method.

2) Are you willing to compromise? Do 1 femur, then the tibia a few months later like you prescribe, and once those are healed and 100% weight bearing then do the other leg femur / tibia at the same time? 

It s not that complicated. If you want to perform 4 segment you have 2 options:

1- 4 procedures
2- 2 procedures (simultaneous fem/tib one leg)

I do not perform simultaneous femur or simultaneous tibia (bilateral) because I do not want you to put patients in risk and wheelchair.

Probably I don t make myself clear but my mentality and system is exactly the same as other Fitbone users. You can read prof Baumgart s thread and it s very clearly explained.


I hope this puts it all to rest (finally)

Now I am back on board. I want to send some emails to Dr Baumgart in Germany to see if he has any added imput on the 1 leg femur / tibia combination. Questions I would have for both doctors are the type of prosthesis used to prop up the shorter leg while the other one is lengthening , and the total time required before we can stand on the first lengthened leg and do the other one.

Thank you again to Dr Mongeal who has taken time from his very busy family life to make sure he answers all our questions.


Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on December 29, 2014, 04:09:35 AM
Hi TomD

Good job finding valid information.  I can see you are quite persistent ;)  I am wondering what you do for a living. 

This time, the answers from Dr. Monegal are quite clear. 

If one want to do 4 segments surgery, there will be only 4 choices.

1. 1 segmet -> healing -> 2 segment -> healing -> -> -> 4 segment -> healing:  Safest, but most time cosuming and expensive, very unlikely that people would want to do this.
2. 2 segments at one surgery: bilateral (Femurs or Tibias) -> another bilateral: However, Dr. Monegal does not perform this due to the safty. If one wants to do this method not necessarily by fitbone, one can find other options like precise 2, Betzbone, or Guichet nail (improved version of Albizzia)
3. 2 segments at one surgery for one leg (femur + tibia) -> consolidation -> another 2 segments for one leg: This is a valid option that Dr. Monegal probably would do.
4. 2 segments at one surgery for two legs at cross positions (femur + tibia) -> another 2 segments: I heard that some Dr. may do this and of course Dr. Monegal wouldn't do.  It sounds very weird and very likely that most of people wouldn't consider this.
Considering possible aspects, most of people would go for 2 or 3.  However, if one want to do just 2 segments or only bilateral (femurs or tibias) without considering 4 segments, one may need to find a doctor who does bilateral surgery, since Dr. Monegal generally does not consider this.

Many Thanks to Dr. Monegal for your time and effort for answering many questions. 

TomD, I also have the same questions as you about the time, although Dr. Monegal mentioned about the time earlier, it seems still a little unclear to me. Or it could be depending on patients though.  Regarding prosthesis, I remember that Dr. Baumgart also can do one leg for 2 segments followed by another leg surgery and provides a special shoes that can be adjusted for the height.  His time schedule for this type of surgery seems longer than what Dr. Monegal said.  Anyway, once you have some answer from Dr. Baumgart, please post it here again.  I am very looking forward to seeing them.  Thanks a lot, TomD
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: XXX on January 07, 2015, 10:02:17 PM
My name is Xavi, I'm 33 years old, I’ve got athletic build, my weight is 63 kg and my height was 166 cm.
For personal reasons, become taller, it was my life dream. My legs were slightly curved and they were quite short in compare with the trunk. Also, I've broad shoulders and they seemed disproportionate to my body.
I’ve been walking with shoe insoles until now, because I usually felt lumbar pain. However, I've always been a running lover, but for a long time, I couldn't run because always ended with contractures in the knees or plantar fasciitis.
In August from 2014, I was searching the Internet, when suddenly I found Dr. Alejandro Monegal expert and authorized by Wittenstein Intens in bone lengthening by Fitbone system. He is one of the 25 doctors in the world, who practice this type of surgery.
In September I had the first interview with him. He had empathy with me and he understood perfectly my problem and my complex.
The 16th of October, he made me the first intervention surgery of my left leg. He introduced the Fitbone system inside my femur. Before, we had been agree to do an elongation of 6 cm. At the end, my height is 172 cm. My dream was come true!
Eight days after the surgery, I began with two pulsations of Fitbone system (0.27 mm each pulsation) each day.
11 days after the surgery, I could start walking with crutches. I've been walking 45 minutes every day.
In October 30, I stopped taking painkillers. At that time, I was connected the Fitbone system three times every day.
November 3rd I started working. My life it was more or less normal with crutches limitations.
November 13th I'm connected the Fitbone four times each day. From the third centimetre, I begin to feel some tenderness in the fracture, when I connect the Fitbone system.
On December 19th I'm finished the treatment. I had grown 5 cm and my actual height is 172 cm. That was more than I’ve been expected. Dr. Alejandro Monegal had put my leg completely straight and with that I finally won an extra centimetre. Now, the ratio between the femur and tibia is perfect.
Today 4th January 2015 I can walk without crutches and my femur is consolidating well. So, If all goes well, at the end of February Dr. Alejandro Monegal will do the second surgery on my right leg.
The result is extremely spectacular, and I am very happy and pleased with the process and it seems impossible that my dream was becoming true.
I'm still doing leg stretches (hour and a half every day). It’s important that tendons and muscles have to stretched and is absolutely essential this type of stretching. It is very important to keep track of increases in footwear to adapting to the new height.
Slowly I'm breaking the leg adhesion, because I can’t bend more than 90 degrees. At the same time that the bone is consolidated is important to do some rehabilitation.
My assessment of the whole process is excellent, if you have enthusiasm, discipline and work hard every day, the lengthening process will be effective.
You can see the results from week to week. Dr. Alejandro Monegal has been an excellent surgeon for me. We talk frequently to monitor the whole process and I’m so thankful with him, because he made my dream come true.
My life is changing completely and this is a new beginning for me.
Now that's all. Once, I’ve finished the second surgery, I will write again telling my experience.
Bye and see you soon. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: XXX on January 08, 2015, 08:35:48 PM
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ReadRothbard on January 09, 2015, 07:13:56 PM
Is there any way that Dr. Monegal could do 7 cm on the tibias? Otherwise, everything looks great!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on January 10, 2015, 05:54:56 AM
Hi Xavi

Congrats on your progress!  Looks like your ll journey seems to go very well!
I have one question for you.  You said that Dr. Monegal also corrected your curved leg during lengthening.  How did he do that while you are lengthening your femur?  What if your tibia is curved not femur?  Is it possible to correct the curved tibia while lengthening femur?  My legs are also curved so I am very curious about it.  Can you tell me a little bit about it?

Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on January 10, 2015, 06:03:26 AM
For the tibias the maximum lengthening allowed by the Fitbone system is 6 cm. But ask Dr. Monegal. He will study your case and give you his opinion.

I am doing more research on internal tibias but if all goes well I am going to Dr Mongeal for my right leg then 10 months later for my left leg if there are no complications.

8cm femurs and 6 tibias. I have short femurs anyways.

I have seen the videos of his hospital, talked to some who have visited there and spoken with the Doctor on several occasions.

All I want is to talk to a patient who has done both the femur and tibia at the same time about the knee pain and drastic height gain . I want to know about the prosthetic lifts for the leg not being operated on.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on January 11, 2015, 06:12:00 PM
Hi Ghostfish

I am pleased to answer instead of Xavi.
All Fitbone users planify all cases as we are all trainned by Professor Baumgart and Wittenstein in Munchen Germany. We all use The Reverse Planning method (published by Rainer Baumgart) and it s a way to planify, NOT only LL But Also axial deformities and malrotation of limbs. That s one of the reasons I prefer Fitbone by far rather than others like Precice or Guichet systems. With Fitbone and Reverse planning method (Available when you use Traumacad 2.0) you can measure limbs, make allignment test and planify lengthenning and axial/rotational Correction.
It is a matter of reliabilty and Also to we in the safe zone not modifying the biomechanics of the limb. You might have seen x rays (mainly when using ex fix) where tibias finish with a terrific valgus deformity (I ve seen it in some of the x rays posted) which Will cause knee pain and early osteoarthritis.

Xavi had genu varus on his legs. We optimized his mechanical axis and lengthened his left limb. You obviously cannot modify tibia vara by operating a femur, you can improve the mechanical axis but not the tibia (if that s the origin of the deformity).
You can check Payley's malalignment test where you will find all the basics to understand How the Limb allignment works.

It is very important that patients understand that LL is not Just a matter of cm, a bad procedure can end up with a limb malalignment which might cause issues in the future.

I hope my reply Was helpful
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Shuya on January 12, 2015, 03:25:59 AM
Hello all.

I am Dr Monegal And i have been working with Dr Ginebreda for 9 years. I have been the guy in Charge of Fitbone project in Dexeus And I changed clinic a few months ago. Dr Ginebreda continues performing cases but he is not very keen to perform cosmetic. If you want to contact him you will fins his contact details at
About pricing, in the new clinica it is 5000 to 6000€ cheaper per segment. And when I say segment I am refering to bone (fémur or tibia)

About the discussion of performing a 1 or a 2 stage lengthenning i must say I have done both. Life quality And recovery is much better with a 2 stage. Apart from that, from a Medical Point of view it is much safer. We presented some cosmetic cases performed in 1 stage at Last years Fitbone users meeting in Aalborg (denmark) And all Fitbone users found them extremely risky.
It is true we create a temporary limb lenght discrepancy which can be compensated othopedically. But believe me it is much better to deal with this rather than with fat embolism syndrome.

My best regards for all

Hello Dr Monegal

You are really helpful answering questions about LL. I am also interested in Fitbone, which I believe would cause less complications, like scarring and infections. Thus, I am planning to go for it.

I am currently staying in Hong Kong and will migrate to Australia in 2015, before which I would like to have my LL done. I do not think I have time for a two-stage operation (which requires me to travel among several places). Will it still be safe if I do bilateral lengthening simultaneously using Fitbone?



Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Outgrown on January 12, 2015, 03:57:06 AM
Not being a killjoy - nor saying I am correct, but I find it familiar to see this come into occurrence in the forum - sounds more like a promotion rather than an opportunity. Sure, that business is on MakeMeTaller, and is part of why this forum was created; however, that doesn't mean the same can't happen on this one.

Just my opinion, but I am willing to see success in patients during and after operation.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on January 12, 2015, 06:26:36 AM
Not being a killjoy - nor saying I am correct, but I find it familiar to see this come into occurrence in the forum - sounds more like a promotion rather than an opportunity. Sure, that business is on MakeMeTaller, and is part of why this forum was created; however, that doesn't mean the same can't happen on this one.

Just my opinion, but I am willing to see success in patients during and after operation.
birkholz did the same
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on January 12, 2015, 07:38:44 PM
Hi outgrown

I don t know if I get your Point but let me say something about What you just posted.
I have never used this forum to promote Myself. I think the goal of this forum is for you the patients to be aware of LL techniques and specialists, to solve Medical questions rather than to promote doctors.
I receive emails from worldwide on a daily basis, and do believe that I try to reply to all of them and in most cases I do not advice the treatment. Such is the case of Musicmaker to whom I Did not recommend to perform 2 segments per limb...I even adviced Her not to be operated. She is very determined and we finally agreeded to perform 1 segment per limb.

Secret of success when performing LL surgeries is time, full dedication to your patients, planification and protocol whatever treatment you perform. This includes Number of cases...the more you operate, bigger are the chances to get into trouble. So I am not here to promote Myself (i have enought patients) I am here to try to assist you guys from a professional Point of view. If for some reason you are not happy or you want to speculate, it s up to you. Maybe you want doctors to be banned to participate in this forum.
On the other hand, I Was surprised that Xavi posted here. But he is a web designer and he is in touch with forums and similar sites... So for me, as a doctor, this Was very pleasant. None of my patients gets any benefit from participating in the forum.

You might think whatever. But forum is an experience sharing and if patients are happy with procedure they should be welcome to participate.
I told you before you can think whatever and it s up to you. I have a lot of work and it takes time for me to reply here. So I beg you to be respectful with me and all participants. And yes, i Also hope the result at the ends is optimal. And the secret of success is to study, listen and being respectful with each other.

I hope I Was clear enought
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on January 12, 2015, 07:54:00 PM
Nothing wrong, but let me advice you to better keep everything about the patient as private as possible, things like web designer
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on January 12, 2015, 08:10:45 PM
Hi Hallijah

You are 300% right. I always try to keep my patients privacy.
He is not exactly a designer maybe I should have said he is "in touch with computers".
You will never see me posting neither x rays or clinical pictures of my patients.
This is Also part of success and It s legal to keep privacy. That is why I sometimes get upset when private messages are posted, or some participants just post relevant Medical information.
But i do believe in the principle of freedom.

But once again thanks for your words and advices. I am a rookie here!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Outgrown on January 12, 2015, 10:48:32 PM
Hi outgrown

I don t know if I get your Point but let me say something about What you just posted.
I have never used this forum to promote Myself. I think the goal of this forum is for you the patients to be aware of LL techniques and specialists, to solve Medical questions rather than to promote doctors.
I receive emails from worldwide on a daily basis, and do believe that I try to reply to all of them and in most cases I do not advice the treatment. Such is the case of Musicmaker to whom I Did not recommend to perform 2 segments per limb...I even adviced Her not to be operated. She is very determined and we finally agreeded to perform 1 segment per limb.

Secret of success when performing LL surgeries is time, full dedication to your patients, planification and protocol whatever treatment you perform. This includes Number of cases...the more you operate, bigger are the chances to get into trouble. So I am not here to promote Myself (i have enought patients) I am here to try to assist you guys from a professional Point of view. If for some reason you are not happy or you want to speculate, it s up to you. Maybe you want doctors to be banned to participate in this forum.
On the other hand, I Was surprised that Xavi posted here. But he is a web designer and he is in touch with forums and similar sites... So for me, as a doctor, this Was very pleasant. None of my patients gets any benefit from participating in the forum.

You might think whatever. But forum is an experience sharing and if patients are happy with procedure they should be welcome to participate.
I told you before you can think whatever and it s up to you. I have a lot of work and it takes time for me to reply here. So I beg you to be respectful with me and all participants. And yes, i Also hope the result at the ends is optimal. And the secret of success is to study, listen and being respectful with each other.

I hope I Was clear enought

Excellent. We've had issues of heavy promotions on an older forum from unprofessional surgeons through admins, patients, and blackmail, but I am happy to see that you would take the time to reach out to us.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ghostfish on January 13, 2015, 04:43:24 AM
Hi Ghostfish

I am pleased to answer instead of Xavi.
All Fitbone users planify all cases as we are all trainned by Professor Baumgart and Wittenstein in Munchen Germany. We all use The Reverse Planning method (published by Rainer Baumgart) and it s a way to planify, NOT only LL But Also axial deformities and malrotation of limbs. That s one of the reasons I prefer Fitbone by far rather than others like Precice or Guichet systems. With Fitbone and Reverse planning method (Available when you use Traumacad 2.0) you can measure limbs, make allignment test and planify lengthenning and axial/rotational Correction.
It is a matter of reliabilty and Also to we in the safe zone not modifying the biomechanics of the limb. You might have seen x rays (mainly when using ex fix) where tibias finish with a terrific valgus deformity (I ve seen it in some of the x rays posted) which Will cause knee pain and early osteoarthritis.

Xavi had genu varus on his legs. We optimized his mechanical axis and lengthened his left limb. You obviously cannot modify tibia vara by operating a femur, you can improve the mechanical axis but not the tibia (if that s the origin of the deformity).
You can check Payley's malalignment test where you will find all the basics to understand How the Limb allignment works.

It is very important that patients understand that LL is not Just a matter of cm, a bad procedure can end up with a limb malalignment which might cause issues in the future.

I hope my reply Was helpful

Dear Dr. Monegal

Sorry for the delay for your reply. I have been quite busy lately. Thank you so much for taking your time to explain how Xavi have his legs treated and how Fitbone is working as compared to other methods.  Your reply is indeed of great help for me to understand not only Fitbone process but also LL in general.  I am really grateful to you making time for everyone in this forum.

By the way, I just don't understand why or how some people think or feel some sort of promotion from his or his patients' posts.  I may be too naive but have not perceived any sort of that kind of implication.  I do believe that he has been trying to help us understand better about LL or to clarify some procedures.  I don't really know what happened to the old forum. But just let's be not too much cautious about the posts and let people decide what is good for them.  Most of people should be able to figure out what it is good or right for them.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TomD on January 13, 2015, 05:52:50 AM
Hi, everybody.

I can’t but confirm what Dr. Monegal says.

He’s a very busy doctor. Thus, he has no need of using this forum to attract patients. In fact, he even rejects to perform procedures if he feels that they are not indicated at all for a particular patient.

In my case, I was thinking about four segments, and he advised me to do only two. He would have made more money by performing four separate surgeries, but he decided to perform just two because he considered that 6 cm. were enough for me. As he has explained to all of you, when I had my first appointment with him, he even told me that the surgery was not indicated in my case, because I was not particularly short, and agreed to perform CLL just because he understood how important height was for me and my self-esteem.

Dr. Monegal is a very sympathetic doctor. It is obvious that he is not trying to sell anything; he genuinely tries to help people feel better about themselves and to instruct everyone here about LL, which is very necessary, since most of us don’t have medical background. I like his approach very much.

And not, I’m not being paid for saying this nor I am getting benefits of any kind. I am writing this post just because I cannot stand the fact that some of you misthink of him and spread fake rumors in this forum.

Best regards,

I have never heard of any of us wanting to do one segment, then a separate surgery for the other segment. It takes too much time even though it very well may be the 'safest' way to do it.

Many patients have done bilateral surgery and are fine. Virtually nobody does all 4 segments at the same time .

I hope you have a much success with Dr Mongeal . He seems like a caring guy. I will only do it if he agrees to do my entire right leg in one surgery then the left a year later.

Otherwise I will external tibias for much cheaper elsewhere then internal femurs.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Shuya on January 14, 2015, 02:13:53 AM
Hi TomD,

I understand what you’re saying. All of us want to complete the process as soon as possible. But when the doctor explained to me that bilateral lengthening was not safe nor comfortable I decided to follow his advice and have two separate procedures. That way we could avoid the risks of fat embolism and the uncomfortableness of being confined to a wheel-chair for months.

When he told me about the necessity of performing two separate procedures,  I started thinking about having my entire leg lengthened, to maximize the results obtained in a one year time. But it was expensive and not really indicated for me. Looking like a giraffe is not nice either. That’s why  I finally accepted his proposal of having only two segments performed.

I would also like to share with you some feelings I had after completing the first procedure, when I was at hospital. As you know, I’m not a strong guy like you, but a girl, and I am as fragile as a flower. The surgery was not a walk in the park. I lost much blood, which is particularly worrying in the case of a person who usually suffers from anemia, like me. Some hours later, when I was in my bedroom, I had the feeling that I would not have been able to overcome the surgery if I had had my two legs done. The experience of having one leg operated was strong enough for me.

I am sharing this with you so that you can see that I am not here to promote this doctor, but to share my experiences. Non, je ne regrette rien, but I can assure you that this surgery is not for the faint-hearted.

Best wishes,


Hi MusicMaker,

As a girl, you are really brave. Wishing you all the best in your LL journey.  ;)

I have a few questions regarding your LL with Dr Monegal:-

1. How long do you need to stay in the hospital for each surgery?
2. How often do I need for follow-up after discharge?
3. How long is the interval between two surgeries?

I am quite concerned about the interval since I am not staying in Spain. I need to travel back and forth Spain if I choose Dr Monegal.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Shuya on January 14, 2015, 02:22:39 AM
I have never heard of any of us wanting to do one segment, then a separate surgery for the other segment. It takes too much time even though it very well may be the 'safest' way to do it.

Many patients have done bilateral surgery and are fine. Virtually nobody does all 4 segments at the same time .

I hope you have a much success with Dr Mongeal . He seems like a caring guy. I will only do it if he agrees to do my entire right leg in one surgery then the left a year later.

Otherwise I will external tibias for much cheaper elsewhere then internal femurs.

Good luck.

Hi TomD,

You are right that no one is willing to do one segment on one leg and then wait for another one for the other leg. It will lead to length discrepancy between two legs for some time, which is quite funny, inconvenient, and time-consuming. However, if time is available, it seems that Dr Monegal is safer and more affordable among other doctors who perform internal LL.

To be honest, I am quite keen on it. I wonder whether there is someone showing interest so that we can discuss how we would share accommodation in Barcelona.

All the best,

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: SpaniardHobbit on January 15, 2015, 04:09:25 AM
Seriously considering Monegal since I currently live in barcelona. I would save all accommodation expenses. But so far from saving 60k...
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Infinity on January 29, 2015, 07:43:41 PM
Hello Music Maker,

I hope your journey is going on smoothly now. As i am interested in internal femur, Dr. Monegal is one of the option i am considering. I wrote to him couple of days ago but he hasn't replied yet, based on your dealings with how long he normal takes before ge gets back. Also would it be possible for you to share his mobile number via a PM.

Lastly i wish you luck and strength with your rest of journey :)...take car!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wazzup on January 30, 2015, 04:17:31 PM
I really must know the answer to this question guys:

Is the fitbone (when lenghtening femurs) able to  cause knee pain? By the way I must say I'm quite thin and my knees already look weak.

"Stay awesome" and thank you
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: itzrammi on January 30, 2015, 06:40:30 PM
 Dr. Monegal is really amazing ,I take a bow . I have never seen a Human as kind as him the way he answers to every question I ask though am not his concerned patient or just dont have any relation . I think for all the patience he have to reply us all and his motive to educate us all more on LL he needed to be named " GOD OF LIMB LENGTHENING FORUM "

this is nothing intended to promote him or spmething , all I wanted to make you all know How nice man he is  :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wazzup on January 30, 2015, 07:15:55 PM
Knowing that is awesome and i must say than IMHO nothing is better than having a doctor that is allways there to support us.

When it comes to the cuts in femurs the doctor said:
3)It depends on each case. Fitbone technique can be done antegrade or retrograde in femur. So the osteotomy is 1,5 cm below lesser trochanter when doing antegrade/9-10 cm above knee joint for retrograde.

What is the advantages and disadvantages between boths? Can one of then prevent us from permanent knee pain? I am sure here it isn't inserted through the knees and the knee gets untouched, or am I wrong?

My consern is that I am planning to do this in 3 years time and then forget about leg lenghtening and just leave a healthy life style.I'm really concerned because saving 20k might not be worth it if you then have to leave the rest of your lives with pain and weak knees.

By the way I'm 19 and plan to do this with 22. As i said before my knees already look weak so... That is why i have all this obssession. Whaiting to read some diaries :) but I'm already so excited that I can't even focus in college
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: itzrammi on January 30, 2015, 07:35:47 PM
Knowing that is awesome and i must say than IMHO nothing is better than having a doctor that is allways there to support us.

When it comes to the cuts in femurs the doctor said:
What is the advantages and disadvantages between boths? Can the "antegrade/9-10 cm" prevent us from knee pain? I am sure here it isn't inserted through the knees and the knee gets untouched, or am I wrong?

My consern is that I am planning to do this in 3 years time and then forget about leg lenghtening and just leave a healthy life style.I'm really concerned because saving 20k might not be worth it if you then have to leave the rest of your lives with pain and weak knees.

By the way I'm 19 and plan to do this with 22. As i said before my knees already look weak so... That is why i have all this obssession over knee pain. Whaiting to read some diaries :) I'm portuguese so spain is like if it was the same country.

I think yes , with any internal device there is a chance of Knee Pain coz after all Patellar Tendon is cut to insert nail into the tibia
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wazzup on January 30, 2015, 07:39:56 PM
I think yes , with any internal device there is a chance of Knee Pain coz after all Patellar Tendon is cut to insert nail into the tibia
You read my post? I was talking about femurs :) Let me see if I got this straight...

     Tibias -> through the knees
     Femurs -> you have 2 options:
antegrade: 1,5 cm below lesser trochanter            retrogade: 9-10 cm above knee joint retrograde

Now my question is what are the pros and cons of boths techniques for femurs. Am i safe of permanent knee pain in both? If so, my neighbour country here I go!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: itzrammi on January 30, 2015, 07:52:40 PM
You read my post? I was talking about femurs :) Can someone explain me like if I was a bit dump the pros and cons of both techniques to insert the fitzbone in femurs?

 I dont know but probably it has no effect on knee according to the place of cut you described

and maybe this journal would be useful to you
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on January 31, 2015, 03:55:18 PM
Thanks for your kind words guys.

You can avoid spreading of the patellar tendon using antegrade technique (when doing femur) and using a Suprapatellar approach (when doing tibia).
To decide which technique is better depends On allignment of the limb as retrograde allows axial correction.
Knee pain is an important issue, and happens in most techniques as patellar tendon is longitudinally cutted and protection while reaming is not the best. Fitbone instrumento provides special sleeves in which reamers are inserted and tendon is 100% protected. It is extremely important closure of the tendon and peritendon after the procedure very accurately, Otherwise this will be painful.

I have 2 procedures this week performing Suprapatellar approach for tibiae. Can t promise anything (it depends On patient s authorization) But maybe I can Show you How it goes.

Best regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KrP1 on January 31, 2015, 04:04:44 PM
Could knee pain be avoided with LON metod too? Or is only 100x100 protected with fitbone?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on January 31, 2015, 04:38:09 PM
There is a Suprapatellar set from Smith and Nephew regularly used for trauma fractures that might be usefull for tibiae. In femur You can perform antegrade technique
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: tallerbetter on February 02, 2015, 02:36:00 PM
This seems OK only if you do tibia and femur at once. But if you want to do only femurs or only tibias it seems that going to Spain isn't worth the effort. More surgeries mean a higher possibility of problems, more money... and a longer recovery period. More than one year for only 6-8 cm? No thanks. Only if tibia and femur are done together.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ForcedPuberty on February 09, 2015, 04:02:07 AM
Lol you telling me dr. G or Dr. Paley aren't good doctors because they don't have upper height limits?

I have to agree with read rothbard on this issue.

even though there is a very good reason why the great majority of people cant go past the safe limit, there are people who can. and so doctors cant really be judged by not having a lengthening limit.

instead a good doctor will strongly recommend that there is a very good chance for complications if you go above the safe limit and strongly advice against going further than this, but also maintaining that they will re examine whether further lengthening is advisable when you approach the safe limit for the individual. :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: heightangel on February 28, 2015, 01:33:37 PM
I am saying this because I'm remembering a guy from old forum who was operated by a surgeon in Barcelona and his knees were completely destroyed. I don't know if he was operated by this doctor or by another one in that city but this is making me worry. Well, I'm posting this just for you, to think twice before going to him, bcs I won't go to Spain. I don't know where I'll go. I would have chosen Russia, but the political crisis worries me.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: heightangel on March 16, 2015, 03:43:27 PM
There're other more reknown doctors in Barcelona, as Ginebreda, and other doctors in Madrid who do ALbizzia and in other cities (Malaga,Pamplona). You should include their names in this forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on March 16, 2015, 09:54:50 PM
Yes they are. i totally agree with you.

Dr Ginebreda is a world reference in Limb lengthening specially in All type of dwarfism. He has been my maestro during 9 years and he is an excellent limb lengthening Specialist. He deserves all my respect and admiration. He has done a marvellous carreer taking care of kids affected from growth disorders.

In Pamplona Dr Julio de Pablos is Another experienced doctor. I don t know if he is Doing internals. As far as I know he has performed some cases using Precice nail.

In Málaga Dr Felipe Luna. He is Also specialized in dwarfism and growth disorders.

Sorry I cannot tell you a name in Madrid. Maybe Dr Marti. He is a very experienced limb reconstruction surgeon.

I hope This information is helpfull for you guys.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: just_me on March 16, 2015, 10:33:07 PM
@Dr Monegal do you offer leg deformity correction with Taylor spatial frame  - If yes what is the price for such a surgery in one leg?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Freewill on March 16, 2015, 11:12:49 PM
Thankyou so much Dr.Monegal for always giving us your advice's and concerns. You are one of the most valuable resource of this forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: crimsontide on April 13, 2015, 03:51:32 PM
dr monegal is easy to deal with

also answers every mail sent to him

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on April 22, 2015, 12:29:45 PM
Hi to the forum.
I am a doctor Monegal patient. Tomorrow i lengthening 5cm in my left leg. My goal is 5,5 in this leg and 6 in the other because i have a little discrepancy.
I had my surgery on 18 in february, in clinica diagonal.
At the moment i am very happy with the surgery and the results. I have my leg more straight with the surgery too.
cheers, paco.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: goodlucktomylegs on April 22, 2015, 12:35:27 PM
Hi Paco
I hope you doing well
Please share your experienced and create your diary.
Your diary will be first diary of Dr Monegal here
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on April 25, 2015, 01:13:23 AM
I saw a doctor from Gothenburg and one from Stockholm in that video, damn I wish they accepted cosmetic patients. If I could be operated on in Stockholm I could live with my grandad and everything would just be so much easier.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on April 25, 2015, 10:58:36 AM
Hahaha that s funny,

The main Point why I look short is that I AM currently 181 And probably people from north of Europe Are taller. The guys appearing beside me must bé 185-190. This Is quite disapointing but i cannot operate myself and none of my colleagues would operate me following their criteria.

Now being serious, must say That there are many reasons why as a surgeon I choosed fitbone among other systems. If I ever needed a LL procedure due to any cause, I would do Fitbone.

Glad to See mm is Not the only caring about me  ;)

Dr. Monegal what can you tell me about the Swedish doctors? I assume they don't accept cosmetic cases but I wanted to ask anyway.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 25, 2015, 11:13:24 AM
Dear Uppland

Swedish doctor's are excellent LL specialists. As far as I know There are 2 Fitbone centers in Sweden. I cannot tell you if they do perform CLL But you will be able to find their details at
I think they do practice At Stokholm and Gotteborg

Kind Regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on April 25, 2015, 01:57:34 PM
Thank you Dr. I sent an e-mail asking about cosmetic procedures.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Taller on April 25, 2015, 05:51:02 PM
Dear Dr. Monegal,

I hope that the fact that this video puts a face and character to your name will lead to people acting more respectfully towards you on this forum.

Regardinng limb lengthening, do you prefer to lengthen the femurs or the tibiae for cosmetic purposes? Which do you feel looks more aesthetic in men?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 25, 2015, 07:36:09 PM
Dear Taller

It depends On biometrichal parameters of each patient. It is compulsory to perform radiological studies to measure each bone segment and calculate The fem/tibia ratio Of each individual.
In some cases We Migth See there Is a misproportion Between femur and tibia length, and it is adviceable to lengthen the hypometric bone maintaining a biomethrically viable limb after lengthening.

In other individuals we migth find nornal parameters preoperatively, and This means That Ideally they should be lengthenned in all 4 bones to preserve the original proportions. In case of lengthening only femur OR tibiae, the ammount of cm might be limited in order to keep the Limb in a viable ratio. Going beyond that limit migth cause a biomechanical conflict.

It Is very important to plan All Procedures so We can adjust Not only the biomechanical balance But Also allignment as well as a good cosmetic result. That is the main reason I prefer Fitbone rather than other LL internal implants or techniques.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Taller on April 25, 2015, 07:40:23 PM
Thank you for your detailed response. How much variation in natural tibia to femur ratio do you typically see between patients?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: just_me on April 25, 2015, 09:10:16 PM
Which procedure fitbone procedure or external fixator procedure is the most minimal invasive surgery?

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 25, 2015, 09:29:24 PM
Hi Taller

It depends on every individual.i have recently had a few patient's with a ratio close to 1 which means Femur and tibia Are equal. In these cases It is better to Go for femur Otherwise tibiae Will be longer At the end of the lengthening procedure.
Femur shoud be 1.1 times longer than tibiae ideally. But There is a Range in which ratio remains safe and biomechanically correct.

I think there is a post somewhere which explains perfectly about these proportions.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 25, 2015, 09:37:53 PM
Hi Just me

Referring to the operation itself nailing is more invasive for obvious reasons.
The advantage about using internals in my opinion are several.

1- no pins going throught the skin
2- no pinsite infection
3- less pain
4- better COSMETIC results: nitchy scars
5- less axial deviation
6- less delayed consolidation rates
7- early rehab of the knee joint
8- patients can start physical activities earlier (swimming pool/cycling)
9- Patient managing and handling
10- no need cures of the pinnsites
11- less surgical procedures (some of the LL using ex-fix or LON require
12- confort of the patient

So the surgical act might be More invasive as you ream the bone and stick in a nail, but in my opinion there are some factors 'non related' with the surgical act but with patient handling and post operative care, that really makes the system much safer and probably more easygoing.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: just_me on April 25, 2015, 09:43:16 PM
@Dr Alex Monegal, Very informative answer - Thanks.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: just_me on April 25, 2015, 11:27:45 PM
1) How long did you stay at the Hospital after surgery?

2) Did you stay at a Hotel after you left the Hospital before you went Home - if yes then for
how long did you stay at a Hotel?

3) Are there several Hotels close to the Hospital?

4) Is Barcelona/Spain an expensive country compared to other countries in Europe regarding Hotels, foods, Taxi etc.


Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: just_me on April 26, 2015, 01:27:26 PM
Hi musicmaker,
Thank you kindly for your good answers. Thank you for offering your help - It's good to know. I wish you the very best with your legs journey.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wazzup on April 27, 2015, 04:33:46 AM
Femur shoud be 1.1 times longer than tibiae ideally. But There is a Range in which ratio remains safe and biomechanically correct.
Hello to u all,

To be honest I've allways read that tibias are normally 80% of femurs. But from what you just said, femurs should be 1.1 tibia wich leads to tibias beeing more a less 90% femur.

I am 1,66m and I was planning on lenghtening only 6cm femurs in the future. That beeing the case I would love to know what you doctors believe is the normal ratio and upper and lower limit in which the ratio remains biomechanicaly safe.  :)

Why I am planning on doing femurs?
- I don't want to be tall I just don't want to be this short (I've lot of friend between 1,70-1,74 but almost none <1,70)
- Two segments would make my sitting height to height ratio look funny
- Tibia recovery time is scary

My dream is to get 6-6,5 in femurs so I would love to know what you have to say about the femur to tibia ratio  ;D

Thank you,
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 27, 2015, 07:34:09 AM
Hi wazzup

Probably I Did not express myself correctly.
I meant we need to keep ratio so It does not go underneath 1.1 at the end of lengthening.
Depending on the x rays, 6 cm femur in your case could be a good solution If This is a biomechanically correct procedure.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: bluebarbie on April 28, 2015, 04:23:39 AM
Dear, Dr Monegal

May I know what is the chance of losing the achieved length during the internal nailing surgery of LATN method?
How much can u lose? Is there any surgical method to prevent it from happening at all?

I would really appreciate ur help. Thanks
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KiloKAHN on April 28, 2015, 06:24:35 PM
Hi Dr Monegal,

Are there any advantages that you see Fitbone having over the Precice nail?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 28, 2015, 07:02:19 PM
Hi bluebarbie

I don t do LATN procedure.
To prevent the callus to colapse best is to wait until the bone consolidation is enought so It does not collapse. Callus is elastic structure and if ex fix is removed straight away after lengthening is finished you will lose lengthening.
Best is to nail and lock the nail before removal of the ex fix in the procedure. Doing This you will not lose Any length.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 28, 2015, 07:16:17 PM
Dear Kilokahn

I have been introduced to all sort of lengthening devices.  What made me decide for Fitbone Are several reasons.

1. Experience. Fitbone started in the 80's and more than 2300 procedures have been performed using the system. We Are Currently using 4th generation of implants.

2. Reliabilty of the system. There Are no failure of the implants. Electronic control gives the Patient an accurate control of the distance lengthened. You can see some issues from the group of Munster (Germany) in the following article

3. Triple correction. Whereas other implants Are just intramedullary devices, Fitbone is not exactly that. Implant is positioned in the bone according to a very exact pre-planning so you can achieve correction in length, torsion and allignment.

4. Instrument set. Special reamers and sleeves, allow to perform all kind of technical approach. Including suprapatellar for tibiae or parapatellar for retrograde femurs which prevents patellar tendon spreading and future anterior knee pain.

5. Management and handling. Control set unit is a small device and very easy to use. Magnetic system of the Precice nail is quite big, not as precise as the electric of the Fitbone, and more difficult to use.

6. Fitbone system has Also devices for limb reconstruction such as bone transport nails, lengthening prostheses or stum lengthening devices. This means that all users have the possibility to be trained in all kind of limb reconstruction procedures.

7. CEO. Stands for Centers of excellence. WITTENSTEIN selects and carefully trains the users, and choses clinics following a hight Standard and Medical equipment and quality. We do have users meetings every year sonWe can discuss cases, share experiences and improve our knowledge and techniques.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: bluebarbie on April 29, 2015, 05:30:22 AM
Thanks alot for ur information, Dr.Monegal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alittletooshort on April 29, 2015, 12:19:43 PM
Dear Dr. Monegal,
I have posted this question in another thread earlier but no one seemed to be able to give a decent answer to this.

From what I've read so far it's advised to stay as close to the 0,8\1 tiba\femur ratio as possible. What if you already have an almost perfect ratio (in my case, 390-460mm) and there is not enough space in either segment to get 7cm's.
Would it be adviseable to get the lengthening done in both segments but therefore in smaller amounts? 4\3,2cm's for instance.
Is there a benefit for the atheltic recovery if the biomechanical axes keep their initial ratio?
Many thanks in advance to your answer,
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 29, 2015, 12:45:34 PM
Dear Alittletooshort

When lengthening there is always a modification of the mechanical axis due to lengthening.
It is very important to allign the limb and to predict How the axis of the limb will end-up at the end of lengthening. For that reason, and because the liver arm of the lengthened bone will be increased I think It is better to get the limb close to an ideal mechanical axis as much as possible.
I have seen plenty of deformities (tibia valga/femur varus) when lengthening with ex-fix or X shape limbs when doing antegrade internals on femurs. Tibia is not an issue most times. It is much more important to have an alligned leg rather than the lengthening itself.

On the other hand It is ideal to lengthen all 4 segments to keep the initial ratio. In some cases We can see a hypometry of femur or tibia and This leaves us the chance to lengthen only 1 segment and stay in a biomechanical safe ratio. In your case maybe 5 cm on tibiae + what you can get from limb allignment migth be good. But i would not recommend to go beyond that (in case you only consider to perform 1 segment only).
I always perform preop simulation of each case on x-rays and clinical pictures to figure out the best solution on each case.

Kind Regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on April 30, 2015, 11:47:26 AM
Dear Dr Monegal,

- I think you've said previously that it is only possible to also perform alignment of the femur through Fitbone if it is entered through the knee. If the Fitbone nail is entered through the hip then it's very difficult to also do alignment in addition to lengthening. Is this correct?

- You've also said that there are techniques to avoid the patella tendon when doing the knee approach. But I'm curious about other parts of the knee also, like the contact surfaces between the femur and the tibia, the patellar surface and the lateral and medial condyles. When drilling through the knee, are these contact surfaces afected? Do they heal afterwards? Doesn't this bring problems in the future?

- If I do one full leg (tibia + femur simultaneously) through Fitbone, could I reach 10cm? When would I be able to come back and do the second leg? Would it be possible to also do aligment? Can this one full leg approach be done in one operation only and insert both Fitbone nails through the knee?

- When doing Fitbone in the tibias, how do you maintain the aligment and position of the smaller bone, the fibula? Are they also fixed to the tibia?

Thank you in advance for your answers and your participation in this forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alittletooshort on April 30, 2015, 11:50:55 AM
Thank you very much for your detailed and helpful answer!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 30, 2015, 07:44:39 PM
Dear Dingo

Yes It is correct. To perform correction in limb allignment It is much easier when doing retrograde nail. Antegrade is an option but It is not always possible due to femur curve and Also because of the femoral shape. I have seen some antegrade cases using other implants that end up with X shape legs due to lengthening along the mechanical axis which might cause This malalignment.

Lateral and medial condyles remain intact as the entry point is at the femoral notch which does not support any load. The reaming is performed theough special tubular sleeves so there is NO contact neither with femur/tibia and/or patella. Reaming is not an issue. I always try to avoid patellar tendon to prevent damage to It. I can go either parapatellar for femur or suprapatellar for tibia.

It can be performed simultaneous tibia/femur lengthening on the same leg and yes you can reach 10 cm. It is adviceable to addjust the lengthening pace and focus on PT and muscle stretching. When Doing This kind of procedures I do perform some soft tissue release (tenitomies) to reduce soft tissue stress. We Also perform limb allignment correction.

We do fix the fíbula to tibia distally with a screw. Some like Baumgart advice to fix Also proximal fíbula with a cannulated screw when lengthening goes beyond 4 cm in tibia

Kind regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on April 30, 2015, 10:29:48 PM
Dr. Monegal these kinds of accusations are commonplace on most internet forums, I have also yet to see a thread with more than 10 pages that didn't have some sort of argument in it. Pay it no mind, surely you're a bigger man than to let some anonymous user keep you and your potential patients apart?

Anyway, I had a question: if the biomechanical angle changes due to femoral lengthening, could that cause back problems in the future?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on April 30, 2015, 11:15:05 PM
Thanks Uppland

Now talking about serious things, limb allignment can affect the distribution of the load at the main joints of the lower limbs. So This migth cause problems at hip, knee and ankle joints rather than in spine. One of the reasons It migth cause back pain could be the way It can affect the walking motion or even the slight LLD the malalignment migth cause.
Lower back pain is more usual when there is a significant limb length discrepancy which might alterate the body balance. It can appear Also due to tense or short Harmstring muscles after lengthening.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on April 30, 2015, 11:24:01 PM
Thank you doctor. I know there's hardly any way for me to repay the favour you're doing us serious forum members from my laptop hundreds of miles away but if there is something just ask.

Also, is there any way to treat the back pain should it occur?

Finally, if you bear with me, would you say 7CM femoral lengthening is a reasonable goal for a person who is 179CM tall, I know this very much depends but if you had a spontaneous opinion?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on May 01, 2015, 01:17:26 PM
Dear Uppland

Yes harmstring stretching and abdominal muscles excercising might be good to prevent Back pain.
It can Also help to make a proper allignment study as well as a podologist static and dynamic study. In some cases foot splints Migth be needed and extremely helpful.

About lengthening a 179 guy...This Is a tricky question.
Probably i would say no straight away but I might see x rays to se either If there is an axial deviation OR tibia/femur misproportion That should be corrected. In such case LL and allignment migth be considered.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on May 01, 2015, 06:15:25 PM
Thanks doctor but I'm not sure I understand completely, are you meaning to say there is some medical reason a 179CM man shouldn't lengthen, will my body handle it differently than a shorter person?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: crimsontide on May 01, 2015, 06:26:57 PM
i can answer this question, since it's obvious

cosmetic ll is not necessary, and is much  riskier than other cosmetic procedures, and recovery is much more difficult..

most surgeons would not lengthen a 179 cm man because the risk to award ratio is way too high.. a man that's 164  has a lot more to gain from the surgery...

there are people that are 180 cm and above that feel the need to lengthen, but objectively, they likely have a mental disorder... a man that's 164 cm has issues that can objectively be attributed to his height.... 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on May 01, 2015, 06:56:06 PM
I see, hopefully I can convince the doctor of my choosing to take me on, or I might decide against the whole thing. Who knows?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: G-Man on May 01, 2015, 06:57:53 PM

 they likely have a mental disorder...

Nothing new here, you have to be mental to go thru ll anyway!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: crimsontide on May 01, 2015, 07:25:10 PM
uppland, youre 179???

ive had the surgery and it was worth it...  my ankle issues seem to have goine away,which was my biggest worry... my left leg can be corrected, its just bone... the ankle thugh were really bothering me, and seemed to be soft tissue related.... they feel almost 95% now

but i was under 170 cm when this started and am still under 179. i can say for sure id never consider doing this again... wouldnt be worth it for me even at 175-176
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Uppland on May 01, 2015, 07:46:36 PM
Yes I'm not that short honestly, still below the average where I live though. I'd like to gain 6-7CM if I can. Obviously most people my height never consider this but I'm a special case.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alittletooshort on May 06, 2015, 10:42:06 PM
Yes I'm not that short honestly, still below the average where I live though. I'd like to gain 6-7CM if I can. Obviously most people my height never consider this but I'm a special case.
I can relate to Uppland, being surrounded by very tall people gives you the impression of being short even though you are quit average :P
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: vil0 on May 07, 2015, 12:28:19 AM
Hm, I do think is little unfair to callout a 179cm guy, what I know about Uppland is that he posted a tread long time ago, and he mention that his father was around 187-189.
Just that is a hard thing to live and deal with.
Also as I think a lot of people on this forum is from the states, there the average height is around 176~ while in Sweden its 181~ (not exactly but give 1+or 1-).
That's means that Upplands 179 cm is yours around 173-4.

Also one more thing to note, people all the world has a bad look at cosmetic surgery, nose,breast,hair,ear,lips, and tell them about LL, I do think 99% would stay away from you/me.

And also mostly alot of all here is feeding our self with good propaganda to feel better, really the idea of breaking your healthy legs for some cm, Its a big NO for many.. But for me it's, and also for the majority on this forum also.

And no one is really a candidate , but rather we are all a special case as mention above.

There for we are all driving us self to do this surgery who everyone who is objective would call stupid and crazy,but  with a lot to lose,and alot to get, we are doing it.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: crimsontide on May 07, 2015, 01:07:41 AM
no one's calling him out, but your height analogy doesnt work

179 is not equivalent to 173, anywhere... it just does not work that way

you also arent  taking into considerstion other factors

america is much more diverse than the nordic countries.. if you just single out white males, and further restrict this to new york city, trust me... the avg white male in nyc is quite tall...

uppland is free to get the surgery, not going to bash him.. I just  feel the need to give him an opinion , and since i  had the surgery, i think it can be valuable to him... the cons outweigh the pros imo
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: vil0 on May 07, 2015, 12:06:13 PM
Very nearly.
And yes it's,as I said above (1-+1)
and to be honest I also think that white swedes are much taller than the foreigners in sweden, and therefore they are driving the average height down.

Yes he is free, never said he was caught by someone tho.

Your opinions are fine, and about your limb lengthen diary who I have read several times, is very good and a lot of informationto bring,
but I would rather call it more dangerous and risky than a guy who is 6'3 going to Paley and are doing 2+2 on femur and tibia for like 200K

About the cons&pros its seems 50/50.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alittletooshort on May 07, 2015, 12:34:31 PM
This discussion might be in the wrong thread, this has nothing to do with Dr. Monegal and his clinic :P
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: vil0 on May 07, 2015, 12:43:50 PM
yeah I also wanted to say that but forgot  :P
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: spaller2015 on May 07, 2015, 08:17:34 PM
Musicmaker, I've been reading this thread for a while. I'm considering doing LL in Spain (perhaps) and you're my role model, so positive and helpful. Don't be discouraged by negative people like Heightangel. He's a real badass.

I know you don't want to post your X-rays because of privacy, but tell me how many cm you got on your first leg. It must be fully consolidated right now. Are you walking unaided? Are you doing your second leg now?

Thank you very much for your help and regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: theuprising on May 08, 2015, 11:02:06 AM
Dr Monegal I am not sure if I am understanding you correctly but it seems you are saying that fitbone does not cause axial deviation when lengthening the femur?

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: morethan167 on May 08, 2015, 09:40:45 PM
Musicmaker, I've been reading this thread for a while. I'm considering doing LL in Spain (perhaps) and you're my role model, so positive and helpful. Don't be discouraged by negative people like Heightangel. He's a real badass.

I know you don't want to post your X-rays because of privacy, but tell me how many cm you got on your first leg. It must be fully consolidated right now. Are you walking unaided? Are you doing your second leg now?

Thank you very much for your help and regards

I'm also thinking about doing this in Barcelona with Dr. Monegal. Definitely going for a consultation and then we see.

I hope Musicmaker is doing great with Fitbone
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: spaller2015 on May 18, 2015, 11:25:20 PM
DrMonegal I want to do LL and go back to work as soon as possible. How  many months should I require? Thanks for your time!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on May 18, 2015, 11:38:41 PM
Dear Spaller

It depends on the type of work you are performing.
For a person working at an office they can deal with the procedure and walk on crutches to their jobs after 3-4 weeks.

As an example, i have a patient who works as a computer programmer who Was out of office 3 weeks for the first Limb, and 16 days for limb 2.

Surgery 2 Took place 3.5 months after surgery 1 for a bilateral 6 cm lengthening.
He is Currently working and lengthening (1 cm to final target).

Other type of jobs (more physical) require full recovery of the ability to walk unaided.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: spaller2015 on May 19, 2015, 12:45:32 AM
Dear Spaller

It depends on the type of work you are performing.
For a person working at an office they can deal with the procedure and walk on crutches to their jobs after 3-4 weeks.

As an example, i have a patient who works as a computer programmer who Was out of office 3 weeks for the first Limb, and 16 days for limb 2.

Surgery 2 Took place 3.5 months after surgery 1 for a bilateral 6 cm lengthening.
He is Currently working and lengthening (1 cm to final target).

Other type of jobs (more physical) require full recovery of the ability to walk unaided.

Kind regards

Thank you doctor for your answers. You're very kind.
Musicmaker, are you this patient or a different one? Could you (also) go back to work in 3-4 weeks?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Moubgf on May 19, 2015, 02:12:31 PM
i have decided to do surgery with Dr. Monegal. I have constulation 1 june and probably will be doing my surgery the same day.

Internal femurs + arm lengthening is my prefered situation right now.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alittletooshort on May 19, 2015, 03:06:34 PM
May I ask you how much you plan to lengthen and whats your starting height and wingspan?
Keep us updated about that please, I´m highly considering him and I think some others do that too.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: spaller2015 on May 22, 2015, 11:26:43 PM
i have decided to do surgery with Dr. Monegal. I have constulation 1 june and probably will be doing my surgery the same day.

Internal femurs + arm lengthening is my prefered situation right now.

The same day?   ??? ???
Perhaps you can meet musicmaker also.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wazzup on May 23, 2015, 05:22:55 AM
Musicmaker and Slim_tim why wont you make a diary? It would be great  ::)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: spaller2015 on May 23, 2015, 09:59:10 PM
Musicmaker and Slim_tim why wont you make a diary? It would be great  ::)

I would love to read a diary by Musicmaker. She was the first patient of dr monegal who posted here. She has very good English and is a good writer like Medium Drink of Water. She's funny, besides. But she doesn't want to.  :'(
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Moubgf on May 24, 2015, 08:44:55 PM
I tried to make it the same day but it didnt work (talk in the morning- Surgery after 12). So consulation one week before surgery as of now.

yeah i might start a diary, but mostly i find diaries only usefull when you first get to know LL, once you know the ins and outs there is pretty much nothing new to add, Tons of great diaries out there already. As i said before i depends on my general mood the day of the surgery. If im mad/confused i often shut down and can go days without talking/texting to someone.

I will post pictures of doctor and hospital-hotel with some general info to help future patients who wants to come to barcelona.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: spaller2015 on May 24, 2015, 09:00:08 PM
I tried to make it the same day but it didnt work (talk in the morning- Surgery after 12). So consulation one week before surgery as of now.

yeah i might start a diary, but mostly i find diaries only usefull when you first get to know LL, once you know the ins and outs there is pretty much nothing new to add, Tons of great diaries out there already. As i said before i depends on my general mood the day of the surgery. If im mad/confused i often shut down and can go days without talking/texting to someone.

I will post pictures of doctor and hospital-hotel with some general info to help future patients who wants to come to barcelona.

Great! Good luck! Can you post pictures from MM also?  :P
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Deepak Chopra on May 24, 2015, 09:38:10 PM
Dr. Monegal accepts schizophrenic patients?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wintersleep on May 24, 2015, 10:23:58 PM
Sorry if this has already been asked/answered but does this doctor ever do LON/LATN?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Moubgf on May 24, 2015, 11:32:51 PM
Dont know if they perform Lon i was in ukraine last week. They still do lon there though.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Moubgf on May 24, 2015, 11:46:05 PM
Modern and exclusive operating rooms include 6 theatresand 3 delivery rooms, fully equipped with state of the art technology designed to provide patients with the greatest comfort and service. The clínic also offers a Non Admittance Surgical Unit (NASU) with 12 beds.

The Emergency area has been created with the same idea in mind. It boasts 8 consultancy rooms, open 24/7/365 and our team of medical and surgical specialists is highly experienced in handling all cases, be they general, paediatric, trauma and orthopaedic, gynaecological, surgical, or ophthalmological.

The Clinic also has an important outpatient surgery facility with 20 consulting rooms that can attend to the needs of over 400 patients per day along with an Intensive Care Unit with 6 ICU beds.

Clinica Diagonal also uses the latest technology in diagnostic imaging, with the latest and most modern equipment in CT and MRI scans, digital mammography, densitometry, ultrasound ecography and conventional x-rays. It also has a digestive and respiratory endoscopy unit with sedation.

In oncology our clinic has 3 single rooms, where outpatient cytostatic therapy is provided for day hospital patients.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on May 25, 2015, 11:54:20 AM
My recovery with doctor monegal go very well.
I had my surgery in 18 on february, and i finished my lengthening 3 weeks ago. Now i'm walking with one crutch.
We are planing the next surgery, the right leg in july. I lengthening 5,7 cm in left tibia.
I have a little pain in the bottom part of my tibia when i walk, but it will be better with time.
Cheers, paco.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Messi on May 25, 2015, 12:52:40 PM
My recovery with doctor monegal go very well.
I had my surgery in 18 on february, and i finished my lengthening 3 weeks ago. Now i'm walking with one crutch.
We are planing the next surgery, the right leg in july. I lengthening 5,7 cm in left tibia.
I have a little pain in the bottom part of my tibia when i walk, but it will be better with time.
Cheers, paco.
Are you from Spain? I'm very interested in this doctor. I wish you the best for your recovery  ;)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on May 25, 2015, 04:23:24 PM
Yes, i am from spain.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: goodlucktomylegs on May 25, 2015, 04:44:09 PM
Yes, i am from spain.
Now you are using right leg for walk like hop walk?
And then In July you will use left leg for walk?
How?is it still in recover phase?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on May 25, 2015, 05:07:19 PM
I use both, right and left legs, and one crutch.
In july i will use my left legt and cructhes to walk.
In my operated leg i wear one boot and in the other leg one boot with lift to compensate.
I walk a lot during the day, 2 hours or more in the corridor, and biking 40 minutes per day.
I can extend my leg 180º and bend like before the surgery. I have a lot of tension in the calf muscle area and the achiles tendon  area, but i don't have ballerina foot.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: goodlucktomylegs on May 25, 2015, 05:10:00 PM
I use both, right and left legs, and one crutch.
In july i will use my left legt and cructhes to walk.
In my operated leg i wear one boot and in the other leg one boot with lift to compensate.
I walk a lot during the day, 2 hours or more in the corridor, and biking 40 minutes per day.
I can extend my leg 180º and bend like before the surgery. I have a lot of tension in the calf muscle area and the achiles tendon  area, but i don't have ballerina foot.
Glad to hear thaat
Hope you complete your diary without any problem.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on May 25, 2015, 05:16:40 PM
Thank you very much.
I hope the other leg go as well like this.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alittletooshort on May 27, 2015, 06:30:22 AM
Did you go home after the surgery? Do you life in Barcelona or somewhere else in Spain? May you list up your expenses so far? I´d be very interested about that!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on May 27, 2015, 09:05:41 AM
I live 600 km from barcelona. I was 6 days in the hospital and then i  went home.
Every three weeks i do x-ray
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alittletooshort on May 27, 2015, 03:14:27 PM
Do you know if there is something like a medical credit or something offered by the clinic?
In my case, I am missing around 10 000€ before I could do the surgery and have some money on the side for PT and complications. It'll probably take longer than a year for me to collect it and I'd like to get it done earlier.
Perhaps Dr. Monegal could inform me about that.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on May 27, 2015, 03:36:22 PM
I think you can finance the inplants fitbone. But it's better you speak with doctor Monegal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: maximize on May 31, 2015, 05:57:26 AM
Let me say it this patient died after bilateral simultaneous femur doing intramedullary device (fortunately not one of my patients) and it s not a matter of safety, it is a matter that if surgeons are aware of this, none of them will carry on doing bilateral because of legal issues.

I asked Dr Parihar's assistant Dr Ahuja (or Dr Divya as I always called him) about doing one leg at a time as opposed to bilaterial tibs or bilateral femurs to help prevent embolism and he responded "But you are still reaming two bones, how are you reducing the risk of embolism?"

I think the subject of fat embolism is interesting here. As Dr. Parihar's assistant suggests, you will still be doing both legs in the end. So the total risk of experiencing fat embolism will not be changed overall.

As I can imagine it, the advantage of doing it in two stages would be that if you are prone to fat embolism (or your surgeon is too aggressive in reaming), doing it in two stages would likely ensure the resulting embolism would be smaller as it would be coming from only one femur, and not possibly both femurs simultaneously.

A fat embolism from one femur would be damaging, but a fat embolism from both femurs simultaneously could be catastrophic.

But if this is the main concern regarding doing both femurs in the same operation, there is another solution. You could do one femur one day. Then one or two weeks later, he could do the second femur. You would still be spacing the operations apart. This provides the benefit of avoiding the possibility of bilateral femoral fat embolism. But it still allows you to get both legs lengthened over the same time frame.

The disadvantage of course is that you need to go under anesthesia twice, but I think could be worthwhile. Also, having both legs broken simultaneously means you can't be weight bearing on one leg during recovery. But for example, for myself, I don't think having one leg to hop around on would be that helpful anyway. I need to be able to stand and walk freely for my job. Personally, I would rather be in a wheelchair for 3 months than hopping around for 6-7 months.

I think Dr. Monegal raises a good point about avoiding reaming both femurs during the same operation. But as I have described, that does not necessitate letting one leg fully heal before doing the other. Even spacing the two operations a few days would be sufficient, providing the first operation goes without complication.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: maximize on June 01, 2015, 03:01:10 AM
On another note, I've been thinking more about Dr. Monegal's suggestion to consider doing femur & fibula simultaneously.

I think I may be sincerely considering it. The benefits are you maintain a better tib/femur ratio. In addition, because each bone has less to grow, the time for distraction/consolidation are both cut down.

Hypothetically, if you did 2.5" femur and 1.5" tibia with both legs (staggered 1-4 weeks), you'd be looking at:

- 63 days distraction (1mm/day femur)
- 6 months consolidation (based on consolidation index of 1.07 (0.75–1.62) months/cm)

In other words, it's a 8 month process for 4" balanced over all four segments. And since you're not stretching more than one segment very far, the contractures should be better spread around and less intense in any one spot. I am guessing you could start using crutches roughly half way through consolidation, so maybe 4-5 months in a wheelchair.

If you did each leg one at a time, you would be looking at a 1 year process.

I think this may be a valid option in particular because it maintains normal proportions. With Dr. Baumgart's Reverse Planning Method which Dr. Monegal uses, you also have the potential for perfectly aligned limbs after - likely better than they are before. I have a bit of tibial varus but my tibias are too long to be lengthened exclusively. So this appeals to me greatly.

It's a shame that the nail isn't full weight bearing. This would otherwise be an expensive but otherwise near perfect approach.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: greatheight on June 24, 2015, 09:45:29 PM
Dr Monegal said I could go to Barcelona to watch one of his surgeries but he doesnt answer my emails nows. Dr Monegal, are you there? When can I go to watch one of your surgeries? Do you regret having offered this chance to me? Why don't you answer my pms?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on June 25, 2015, 09:31:00 AM
Dear GH

It is Not a straigth forward thing to do as you need both (Clinic and Patient) consent for you to se a procedure. As I told you you can come of course as soon as a patient gives me consent for you to watch his/her procedure.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: axelf on June 27, 2015, 09:24:34 PM
What is the price difference between bilateral femurs (1x2femurs) and unilateral femurs (2x1femur)?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on June 28, 2015, 11:02:31 AM
Dear Axel

Difference is basically hospital stay and anaesthetics. It is approximately 2000€.
As a cost is a bit higher but doing 2 stage allows patients to go back to a 'quite normal' activity much earlier. Most patients can go back to office work walking on crutches, si their productivity is not very much affected.
In my opinion It is worth to do it in 2 stage.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: axelf on June 28, 2015, 11:45:30 PM
Okay thanks,

next question haha.

A significant number of patients that lengthened their tibias complain about the loss of athletic ability.

If I try to imagine myself with lenthened tibias or lengthened femurs, I feel like lengthened tibias would be worse for my athletic ability. do you agree?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on August 03, 2015, 07:05:49 PM
Hi forum.
I had my other surgery with doctor Monegal, my right leg, the 11 on july. I was in clinica diagonal, with cooper, musicmaker, and other guy from spain too. Now i have lengthen 2cm more or less. I can walk with cructches in my home. The worst are the firsts two weeks, when i had more pain. The third week is better, and before this, the procedure is much more easy.
My goal is 6cm, and i hope finish in the second week of september.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: greatheight on August 03, 2015, 07:53:49 PM
Hi forum.
I had my other surgery with doctor Monegal, my right leg, the 11 on july. I was in clinica diagonal, with cooper, musicmaker, and other guy from spain too. Now i have lengthen 2cm more or less. I can walk with cructches in my home. The worst are the firsts two weeks, when i had more pain. The third week is better, and before this, the procedure is much more easy.
My goal is 6cm, and i hope finish in the second week of september.
congrats bro. it seems others have been less lucky
keep well
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on August 03, 2015, 08:05:38 PM
I started with this surgery the 18 on february, i would like to finish in september.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: concernedmom on August 03, 2015, 08:15:49 PM
I started with this surgery the 18 on february, i would like to finish in september.
Paco.How is you other leg? Fully functional?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on August 03, 2015, 08:30:20 PM
Yes, my other leg is very well. Now i'm walking with crutches and i'm weight bearing with my left leg, the leg which it was operates firts.
I walk a lot in the corridor during the day with crutches.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: concernedmom on August 03, 2015, 08:32:37 PM
Yes, my other leg is very well. Now i'm walking with crutches and i'm weight bearing with my left leg, the leg which it was operates firts.
I walk a lot in the corridor during the day with crutches.
I am very happy for you.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on August 03, 2015, 08:34:23 PM
Thank you. I'M doing 6cm in my tibias.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: concernedmom on August 03, 2015, 09:27:43 PM
Thank you. I'M doing 6cm in my tibias.
Tibias are harder to recover from. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Taller on August 04, 2015, 08:47:20 PM
How did you deal with the leg length discrepancy before operating your second leg?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on August 05, 2015, 02:54:23 PM
In my first leg i lengthened 5,7 cm and in this leg i will lengthen 6.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: 3inchhope on August 18, 2015, 11:12:38 PM
Hi can you confirm what height you were prior to any lengthening surgery and what height you hope to be when all is fully complete?

Will you be lengthening in the femur on each leg also?

Would you say it is possible to be able to work during the lengthening process? I don't yet have the funds and work commitmentst may mean it is a few years before I can do it, but it is something I hope to do and im quite impressed reading of Dr Monegal.

Thanks, and well done on your lengthening to date  :)

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on August 20, 2015, 10:06:24 AM
My height was 1,63 and after the surgery it is 1,69.
I'm doing only my tibias. If you work in office or something like that you can work in three weeks or one month, i think.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on August 31, 2015, 09:47:38 AM
This week on friday i will arrive to 5cm. And then another 10 days and i will arrive to 6cm and i will finish with this adventure, which it started on 18 in february. The worst in process it has been, the boredom and the lonely. But this surgery be worth the effort whithout doubt.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ouroboros on September 20, 2015, 09:54:36 PM
@paco1   Hey paco, how are you doing?  I figured you are finished lengthening the second leg.   How is it consolidating?  Which leg gave you a harder time?   Any ballerina?  Sorry for so many questions..... thanks for writing about your experience   
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on September 21, 2015, 09:53:31 AM
Hi ouroborus.
I finished my second leg lengthening, this past friday. Now i started to walk with one crutch since this sunday, only two days after finish my second lengthening because this is my right leg and in this leg i have more strenght. perhaps in one month i can walk without any cructh. I started my lengthening on 18 in february, finished my firts lenthening in two months and one week. i did my second lengthenig, the rigth leg, on 11 in july, and i finished this lengthening this past friday. I think in 8 months i can finish this process, and walk without crutch. I lengthened 6cm.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Taller on September 21, 2015, 10:52:23 AM
Would you be comfortable posting a picture of your proportions post-lengthening? I am also interested in lengthening 5 or 6 CM on the tibiae.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on September 21, 2015, 10:56:05 AM
My proportions are very, very well.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: concernedmom on September 21, 2015, 05:10:13 PM
Question? Actually several. Was the pain bearable if you were doing only one leg. How the physical therapy if you were doing one leg at a time? Also, Can you walk already with the leg that was operated first?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: concernedmom on September 21, 2015, 09:27:44 PM
Yes. It is awesome to see encouraging results. Every body is different though.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Emef on September 25, 2015, 12:55:57 PM
I am happy that a doctor of great excellence is available at such a reasonable price.Just wanna thank this doctor right here.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: concernedmom on September 25, 2015, 05:29:16 PM
Being a great human being comes first. You cannot find very compassionate doctors that are willing to answer your questions without charging money for the consulatation :)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Taller on September 29, 2015, 03:52:01 PM
How much does it cost to meet with Dr. Monegal for a consultation, where we determine  tibia/femur ratio and which segment would be best to lengthen?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: paco1 on September 29, 2015, 03:55:51 PM
90 euros, i think. More or less.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Taller on September 29, 2015, 03:57:18 PM
90 euros, i think. More or less.

Wow, that's not bad! Does that include an X-ray?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on September 29, 2015, 07:49:43 PM
Dear all

The rate set by the Clinic for a first consultation is 120€. This fee will be discounted from surgery amount If patient finally decides to have surgery here in Barcelona.
Price does not include the x rays. In case the patients bring their own x rays and They are good for planning We can use them. Otherwise We can do It at the clinic or at University Hospital which is much cheaper. Price for a standing telemetry at hospital is 60€.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ouroboros on October 01, 2015, 03:59:03 AM
thank you Dr. Monegal for clarifying these inquiries.  I was about to ask these exact same questions about the expenses.
Gathering accurate information of all aspects of this surgery is important to all of us that are considering LL
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on December 08, 2015, 01:49:21 AM

Some months ago ForcedPuberty was tough on Dr Monegal because there were things he didn't like:

1) he didn't like Dr Monegal's two-stage procedure
2) he thought doing tibia and femur of the same leg at the same time didn't make sense.

Curiously enough, this doctor does bilateral femurs now, even if he said it was very dangerous, and opts for crosslateral approach when doing four segments. Forcedpuberty was right at the end.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Makeitorbreak on December 08, 2015, 09:09:56 AM
Hi guys,new here,is Dr Alex's email address still the same? What's the best way to contact him? He hasn't replied to my email..
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on December 08, 2015, 09:42:16 AM
Curiously enough, this doctor does bilateral femurs now, even if he said it was very dangerous, and opts for crosslateral approach when doing four segments. Forcedpuberty was right at the end.

Monegal always recommends 2-stage procedures. Always. I had a consultation with him (and I know some people who also had consultations) and he is very clear on that. For patients overseas, however, he understand that going 2-stage is too tiring/expensive, so he accepts going 1-stage.

I never asked him about doing four segments, but I guess that with crosslateral (1 tibia + 1 femur) the risk of fat embolism is low when compared to 2 femurs.

Hi guys,new here,is Dr Alex's email address still the same? What's the best way to contact him? He hasn't replied to my email..

Yep, it's the same. We are on a public holiday today in Spain, so maybe he is having some rest days.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Makeitorbreak on December 08, 2015, 10:40:25 AM
Thanks for the information!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: aspirant185 on December 16, 2015, 11:19:27 AM
Since I have no diary, I am using this thread to show publicly my support to Dr Monegal after the last events. I have no words to express my gratitude towards him.  :-* :-* :-* If you choose him, you will be in good hands. I promise.

What are the past events ? Something happened with him ?

I am also looking for his e-mail. Can somebody post it here or send it to me via pM ?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on December 19, 2015, 01:34:27 AM
You should read the thread Doctors or salesmen: cases of dishonesty in LL;topicseen#msg46124

Dr Monegal doesn’t tell the truth about his patients. He uses to prepare a tour for his prospective patients, like a salesman does. He shows them the clinic and the guesthouse but he only shows what he wants them to know.

In October some prospective patients visited Dr Monegal’s center and met some actual patients. I have visited the center. Glenn described this tour in his diary. Everything seemed fine but the doctor didn’t tell all the truth to his future patients. He introduced these people to all his current patients but one girl who was also at the guesthouse and who has had very serious complications (Musicmaker??). This is for me a case of dishonesty. I learnt about this after my trip.

I can understand that this is a difficult surgery and sometimes things go wrong, but doctor said none of his patients had had complications which wasn’t true.

After the trip, I made some research. I asked some people (patients and people from the forum) and got to know that it’s not only this girl who had problems, but other people. It seems there is one American guy whose implant failed. Dr told him that he had to be exfixed and he had to pay around 7000 eur. Finally the company sent a free implant for him but it failed too and he had to go to OR again. It isn’t about money but about all the trauma and suffering for that guy. It seems he hasn’t been compensated.

I don’t have more evidence of this than what I have been told.  Perhaps patients and doctor himself can explain but I think people should know about this. I feel deceived by the doctor. Dr Monegal should have acted like honest doctors do and say, ‘Look, guys, I try my best, but sometimes complications occur and these are the complications I have had’. But he lied. He said all his surgeries were fantastic and it seems there were at least two people with major complications and other people with other problems like misalignments, screws getting loose and nerve problems which required additional surgeries and consultations with other surgeons.

There are many LL doctors like that. They are businessmen instead of doctors. It seems LL corrupts doctors.

I’m annoyed by some of your accusations. I’m a respectful user using his freedom of speech. I’ve merely posted my personal opinion and asked the doctor and his patients to clarify some aspects I wasn’t sure about. You can’t take legal action against me because basically I’m telling the truth. When I wasn’t sure about details, I asked you to clarify. I haven’t committed any offense.
That day in October you told your future patients that you didn’t have any bad cases and when you visited the guesthouse with them you hid the girl from the prospective patients because she was having very serious complications. None of you have denied that fact. This is NOT a honest approach. A good doctor should have recognized that he has bad cases and show how he solves problems. Guichet shows his statistics to all his prospective patients; you tell all your future patients only positive things as salesmen do. I want people to know that you aren’t telling the whole truth when they visit you because such an important surgical decision must be taken only when having all the data in mind.
After my trip, I talked to some people and I learned about that girl (Musicmaker in the forum) and more patients with complications like problems with screws, nerve damage, malfunction of implants... Some people said that you used to answer all their emails thoroughly but later became carelessness (forgetting prescription of heparine shots). I’m sorry but people are in their right to know that you aren’t playing fair. It isn’t defamation. It’s just freedom of speech.
You can ask your patients to defend you, but nobody will take them seriously because they are still under your supervision and will be until you remove their nails in 2 years. Besides, if you pushed them to lie, you would be committing a crime, abuse of power.
And your patients, we can’t blame your patients if they are too scared to speak publicly. We have all witnessed your tantrums.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Alu on December 19, 2015, 02:04:53 AM
I still want to know what your evidence is regarding this doctor...
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: goldenegg on March 24, 2016, 10:28:04 PM
I still want to know what your evidence is regarding this doctor...

I originally gave this doctor the benefit of the doubt too because lluser couldn't provide evidence for any of his claims, but Cooper's latest update about his tibia complications supports some of what he said and a necessary read for anyone considering this doctor.  in particular the comment about patients under his care being manipulated to post positive things on this forum is very, very concerning and something to take into account for the other patient diaries...
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Deepak Chopra on March 25, 2016, 05:15:51 PM
I think we should not be so quick to turn on Dr. Monegal at the word of one patient who had bad outcome. Bohemia had good outcome and other patients of Dr. Monegal say really good things about his care. We also have not seen Cooper x-rays yet to know if there are problems really that bad. Rozbruch said anti Monegal thing, but I think it was programdude who said Rozbruch gave him very bad advice before. And even though I think Paley is the best of the best, I do not think there is single other doctor who Paley thinks is good enough to do the job. So I would say let us not post bad things about Dr. Monegal because he could be a victim in this.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cooper on March 25, 2016, 11:39:10 PM
I think we should not be so quick to turn on Dr. Monegal at the word of one patient who had bad outcome. Bohemia had good outcome and other patients of Dr. Monegal say really good things about his care. We also have not seen Cooper x-rays yet to know if there are problems really that bad. Rozbruch said anti Monegal thing, but I think it was programdude who said Rozbruch gave him very bad advice before. And even though I think Paley is the best of the best, I do not think there is single other doctor who Paley thinks is good enough to do the job. So I would say let us not post bad things about Dr. Monegal because he could be a victim in this.

Ok. let me break down bit further. Other patient cannot come to forum and expose about this doctor because he is monitoring forum like vultures. He is control freak and asked them to write good things. How would any patients who needs his help will come to the forum and say bad thing. Just think about it.

#2: There are few people who went to spain and backed off from the surgery because of what they saw and meeting patient personally. Few of them try to paint the real picture but however shut it off. Even one tiny concern should be major flag in my book for this kind of surgery.

#3: My goal is to bring awareness and let other people know what can happen when picking a wrong hand. I will be more busy with work once i start picking more hours. I may not able to write regularly here. Right now i am in bed and i have some time to put my thoughts, share honest experience with everyone.

Despite all this you want to support or even want to be his patient. Than by all means go to Spain and break your leg. I will pray god for those innocent heart.

I want to bring awareness and that is one objective of me coming back and writing here.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TrueSpartan on March 26, 2016, 02:44:29 AM
It takes a lot of guts to do what Cooper did. I 100% believe Cooper. There is no motive cooper could possible have to go against this doctor. He paid for him and trusted him.

Thanks again Cooper for doing what you did and saving many future LLers.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: KrP1 on May 20, 2016, 02:55:48 PM
I had my femur surgery in september 2015. And everything has been ok to this moment. Better than other experiences posted in this forum with paley. By the moment i recommend Dr Monegal for femur lengthening with fitbone.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on May 31, 2016, 07:28:25 PM
Ok. let me break down bit further. Other patient cannot come to forum and expose about this doctor because he is monitoring forum like vultures. He is control freak and asked them to write good things. How would any patients who needs his help will come to the forum and say bad thing. Just think about it.

#2: There are few people who went to spain and backed off from the surgery because of what they saw and meeting patient personally. Few of them try to paint the real picture but however shut it off. Even one tiny concern should be major flag in my book for this kind of surgery.

#3: My goal is to bring awareness and let other people know what can happen when picking a wrong hand. I will be more busy with work once i start picking more hours. I may not able to write regularly here. Right now i am in bed and i have some time to put my thoughts, share honest experience with everyone.

Despite all this you want to support or even want to be his patient. Than by all means go to Spain and break your leg. I will pray god for those innocent heart.

I want to bring awareness and that is one objective of me coming back and writing here.

Cooper has reason. He isn't the only bad case. Other patients are facing worse or similar complications but they don't want to talk. Most of them require additional surgeries due to the doctor's inexperience. The worst part is some of his patients will have awful long-term sequels in bones, soft tissues and nerves. There's nothing that can be done about some cases. I wouldn't choose Monegal. I want to bring awareness and this is my objective here in this post.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on June 12, 2016, 06:27:48 PM
Why is lack of ethics so pervasive in LL? Monegal is a liar. He underplays risks to get your money and if you have a problem he doesn't tell you the truth. I don't understand how he can sleep at night. He has destroyed so many limbs and lives

There is MM. Beautiful girl whose legs have been destroyed. She wasn't short. She won't walk again. She has very ugly scars. Worst case ever. The doctor seduced her so that she didn't tell the truth in the forum.

There is the teenage boy. He wanted to be a professional sports player. He has permanent nerve damage. The doctor didn't tell him his sport skills would be ruined forever.

There is Cooper. We don't need his Xrays. He is a recognized member of LL community. We believe him. He did his femurs with Paley, then took the worst decision of his life when he went to Spain. He was crippled for months. His life was almost ruined by this man.

There is me, almost a victim. I took a good decision because I was clever enough to do my research before choosing him.

Please, stay away from Spain. Think about all these people. Other patients have problems too but the doctor has purchased their silence.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TIBIKE200 on June 12, 2016, 10:21:14 PM
Lluser1, I think you're wrong. Dr Monegal hasn't 'destroyed many limbs and lives'. He has helped and is helping now many people to achieve their dreams. If there is something that doesn't let him sleep it's not remorse or guilt, but his concern for his patients, because he really cares.

As for the cases you are commenting upon, I am not allowed to disclose details from these patient's medical records, but side effects like temporary nerve pain are usual in this kind of surgery. I suffered from this after my first surgery and I'm perfectly fine now. Second, don’t talk about me to say I won’t walk again. I’m recovering now. I’m using crutches and I hope I will walk unaided very soon. Third, my scars aren’t beautiful, but I hope they will get better with time. Take into account that I have gone through multiple surgeries, not just one, like most people, due to diverse complications (fracture). That’s why my scars are different.

To conclude, I would like to emphasize that I have been here for a very long time and I have got to meet most of Dr Monegal's patients. I keep in touch with most of them and they are recovering well. The doctor hasn't purchased anybody's silence. So, please, stop posting false information. You’re the main reason why Dr. Monegal’s patients don’t visit this forum anymore. We’re tired of you and the toxic environment you create every time you post.

 Your complication was beyond severe and not at all a usual complication. I wont disclose the info I heard about you on this forum because it is your personal medical info. But you have hidden the fact that you had a severe complication for a very long time saying you had nothing. Also, Saying that Monegal did hundreds of cosmetic cases is completely false as he hasnt done even 15 cosmetic cases.
 I am sorry, but being more than a year and a half wheelchair bound is not a normal thing and was not reported with any other of the so called "top notch docs".
  I also know the reason why you defend the doc so furiously and honestly, it is more that ridicoulous.
I still hope you will get back 100% though.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on June 13, 2016, 09:44:34 PM
Your complication was beyond severe and not at all a usual complication. I wont disclose the info I heard about you on this forum because it is your personal medical info. But you have hidden the fact that you had a severe complication for a very long time saying you had nothing. Also, Saying that Monegal did hundreds of cosmetic cases is completely false as he hasnt done even 15 cosmetic cases.
 I am sorry, but being more than a year and a half wheelchair bound is not a normal thing and was not reported with any other of the so called "top notch docs".
  I also know the reason why you defend the doc so furiously and honestly, it is more that ridicoulous.
I still hope you will get back 100% though.

Not a severe complication, several severe complications, and she posted here she was fine. She had the fracture very early and only told the truth when people put pressure on her. Doctor Monegal is a compulsive liar and Musicmaker is Monegal's pawn created in his image and likeness.

Personal medical info can't be disclosed on this forum but everybody knows this girl's case is a disaster, the worst case ever in LL history (fracture, failed surgeries, malfunction of implants and others). She should be furious instead of furiously defending the doctor and buying mobile phones for him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 19, 2016, 06:47:53 PM
Please we shouldnt became paranoic. Dr Monegal is a high skilled surgeon(actually one of the best), the prove is that he was taught by the best and he is certificated by a high level company.Bohemia had a good recovery, Yagen , so would be ridiculous that those people hide things and that their good journasl were casuality,I think is because the care and skills of the doctor.And if we said that other surgeons have negligible complications, we should consider the number of cases too, because in the case that some surgeon has done 1000 cases failling 50, the error would be 5 %; and if other surgeon has done 50 cases and failes 2.5 would be the same apparently, but we should consider that this doesnt indicate that when the surgeon with 50 cases does 1000 will fail 50, maybe can be less(I think this is more possible because when you become more experienced you avoid and solve problems better) or more (but it is not probable).
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: aussieboy on July 19, 2016, 10:17:02 PM
I would have gone for Dr Monegal if not for the horror stories on the forum and he also refused any discount to the procedure.. If he had discounted, I might have considered. I don't want to pay so much money to have my legs butchered!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 19, 2016, 10:29:33 PM
I am new here and I think that the only patient that had  complications was Cooper or not? But I have read other diaries from Yagen, Glenn,Bohemia,SnD and all are well without complications. For example with Sarin there have been complications too, but Sweden is well, so what happen?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on July 19, 2016, 11:18:56 PM
I am new here and I think that the only patient that had  complications was Cooper or not? But I have read other diaries from Yagen, Glenn,Bohemia,SnD and all are well without complications. For example with Sarin there have been complications too, but Sweden is well, so what happen?

Please we shouldnt became paranoic. Dr Monegal is a high skilled surgeon(actually one of the best), the prove is that he was taught by the best and he is certificated by a high level company.Bohemia had a good recovery, Yagen , so would be ridiculous that those people hide things and that their good journasl were casuality,I think is because the care and skills of the doctor.And if we said that other surgeons have negligible complications, we should consider the number of cases too, because in the case that some surgeon has done 1000 cases failling 50, the error would be 5 %; and if other surgeon has done 50 cases and failes 2.5 would be the same apparently, but we should consider that this doesnt indicate that when the surgeon with 50 cases does 1000 will fail 50, maybe can be less(I think this is more possible because when you become more experienced you avoid and solve problems better) or more (but it is not probable).

You have no idea! Cooper is the only brave patient. He told the truth because he was free from him as he went to a different doctor to fix his leg. Other patients have to come back to him to continue their treatments or remove their nails.

Some patients may be OK but I know most of them have had or still have some issues. There have been patients with non union and pseudoarthrosis, multiple misalignments, horrible fractures, severe nerve problems, malfunction and bending of nails. There are no more than 20 cosmetic patients and a large percentage of them is having problems.

Musicmaker was the worst case. She had her first surgery 2 years ago and is still wheelchairbounded. She wasn't short. The doctor shouldn't have taken her as a patient, but he did it. Now she can't walk and her legs are ugly with scars. She had all the possible complications in her. Cooper's case is also very bad. Read his diary.

The worst part about this doctor isn't his (lack of) skill. The worst part is his dishonesty. He presents himself as the king of Leg Lengthening and hides from prospective patients the cases which went wrong. He acts very nice at the beginning and you think he is great but once he gets your money he doesn't care anymore as he is fishing new poor souls.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 19, 2016, 11:53:29 PM
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TIBIKE200 on July 20, 2016, 12:06:34 AM
Save it or take your own risks.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: CCMidwest on July 20, 2016, 12:14:22 AM
Ok, I want to know the truth, and Musicmaker why is she complications I dont understand very well. Glenn is well now ,a person confirmed it, one more thing what dou you think about Sarin?
The problem is that many of us dont have money to pay for example Paley, and what should we do?

All of the Dr. Monegal diaries on this forum. Read them; make your own decisions.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 20, 2016, 12:40:46 AM
Thank you CCMidWest, I really appreciate your help.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 20, 2016, 01:23:00 AM
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: PatientZero on July 20, 2016, 01:32:09 AM
I'm gay. For some donuts.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on July 22, 2016, 10:04:52 PM
Why have you edited your posts? Many people in this forum have things to hide.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 22, 2016, 10:10:43 PM
I edited them, because is better stay neutral in some situations because of lack of knowledge. I knew that someone will tell me that.Now I am confused.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wazzup on July 28, 2016, 06:39:55 PM
Does Dr. Monegal still work for clinica diagonal in Barcelona? I have no idea why but i can no longer find him on theirs website:
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on July 28, 2016, 09:59:00 PM
Does Dr. Monegal still work for clinica diagonal in Barcelona? I have no idea why but i can no longer find him on theirs website:

Perhaps they have realised he's not good for them. He has lots of bad cases, lack of ethics, use of profanity and improper behavior at work with patients and coworkers. Do you want some examples? In America he would have been fired many months ago but Spain is a third world country for this
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on July 28, 2016, 10:15:01 PM
Perhaps they have realised he's not good for them. He has lots of bad cases, lack of ethics, use of profanity and improper behavior at work with patients and coworkers. Do you want some examples? In America he would have been fired many months ago but Spain is a third world country for this
I don't think anyone takes you seriously lol.

Just saying.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on July 28, 2016, 10:33:34 PM
If you don't take me seriously it's your problem but do believe when I say he is facing cases and potential cases of negligence and uses improper behavior at work. Everybody in this forum knows about their patients' medical problems. Other issues... He uses obscene language and words. Before his surgery he told Cooper in the operating room 'You're my bitch' and he said he wanted to fk Musicmaker and she wanted too. He also showed her private medical pics in underwear to people. In America he would have ALREADY been fired.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: CCMidwest on July 28, 2016, 10:38:22 PM
Perhaps they have realised he's not good for them. He has lots of bad cases, lack of ethics, use of profanity and improper behavior at work with patients and coworkers. Do you want some examples? In America he would have been fired many months ago but Spain is a third world country for this

10)  Hogging the Forum

Constantly replying to a thread (or multiple threads) by repeating the same points and not adding anything new to the discussion. This can be annoying to other members as they keep reading the thread only to find out nothing new is in the discussion   The threads may be locked if the discussion  is going in circles.

he said he wanted to fk Musicmaker and she wanted too.

Major Violations (will result in a warning or immediate ban depending on severity)

1)  Insulting/Name Calling/Hostility toward another member (ie. retard, piece of s**t, mentally ill).   This include instigating/provoking another member into hostility.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on July 28, 2016, 10:39:53 PM
What the hell is going here anymore
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on July 28, 2016, 10:43:43 PM
@ Midwest I haven't insulted. I have said that he used those words with patients and that's true. Ask Cooper and other patients
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on July 28, 2016, 10:49:33 PM
If you don't take me seriously it's your problem but do believe when I say he is facing cases and potential cases of negligence and uses improper behavior at work. Everybody in this forum knows about their patients' medical problems. Other issues... He uses obscene language and words. Before his surgery he told Cooper in the operating room 'You're my bitch' and he said he wanted to fk Musicmaker and she wanted too. He also showed her private medical pics in underwear to people. In America he would have ALREADY been fired.
To be honest, I think everyone in this forum knows about your obsession with Monegal. And yet, he keeps on having succeful surgeries with his patients. You're like a broken record, man.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on July 28, 2016, 10:52:57 PM
Where are those patients?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on July 28, 2016, 10:57:47 PM
@ Midwest I haven't insulted. I have said that he used those words with patients and that's true. Ask Cooper and other patients
Why do you always say "Cooper and other patients"? isn't he a patient like many others? Or perhaps Cooper is like the only one who seems to have a grudge against Monegal just like you ::)

As far as I know, every other patient who has a diary here has defended Monegal from your attacks.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on July 28, 2016, 10:59:44 PM
Where are those patients?
A post by Midwest in the previous page, you got all the dairies there  ::)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on July 28, 2016, 11:16:11 PM
Why do you always say "Cooper and other patients"? isn't he a patient like many others? Or perhaps Cooper is like the only one who seems to have a grudge against Monegal just like you ::)

As far as I know, every other patient who has a diary here has defended Monegal from your attacks.

Ask patients who don't need him anymore not those who need him for rod removal or fixing complications
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: yagen on July 29, 2016, 10:34:01 AM
Ask patients who don't need him anymore not those who need him for rod removal or fixing complications

A good orthopedic doctor can remove the rod, it is a easy and very frequently surgery.

if you get a leg broken, doctor insert you a Intramedular rod, its the standard procedure

I prefer that my doctor remove my rod for the trust in him
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: CCMidwest on July 29, 2016, 12:22:49 PM
A good orthopedic doctor can remove the rod, it is a easy and very frequently surgery.

if you get a leg broken, doctor insert you a Intramedular rod, its the standard procedure

This is true. My local orthopedic surgeon has already told me he would remove the rods for me if I went ahead with CLL, that way I wouldn't have to fly back to Florida. He also helped me check that it would be covered by my insurance (it is), which makes rod removal significantly cheaper with him than an out of network doc like Dr. Paley.

He's a highly capable orthopedic surgeon, so I'm sure it would be OK.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: blahblah on July 31, 2016, 02:21:26 AM
So what is the conclusion of this thread. Is the doctor at clinica diagonal still or not? If so why is he not on their site any longer?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: blahblah on July 31, 2016, 10:36:19 PM
So what is the conclusion of this thread. Is the doctor at clinica diagonal still or not? If so why is he not on their site any longer?

Interesting part about this thread is that supposedly, LLUser has many many "sources" that have told him how terrible Dr. Monegal is and all the complications that the Dr has had, but none of his sources have told him if the Dr is still at Clinica Diagonal or not. Something as simple as a phone call or an email to the hospital. Hmm makes you think that he is full of crap, and doesn't really have any sources, except Cooper. So LLUser does your many many "sources" say he was fired or is he still at the hospital ruining peoples lives? ;)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Deads on August 01, 2016, 04:45:09 AM
So LLUser does your many many "sources" say he was fired or is he still at the hospital ruining peoples lives? ;)

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GuyWithAnswers on August 01, 2016, 05:22:45 AM
LLUser talks to two people Cooper and a young Spanish patient. The young kid told LLUser many things that should have not left the guesthouse. I will expose the little kid if I see anymore private details about Monegals patients. I also know most of Monegals patients do well except for the 2 bad cases we know about on this forum.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: zantac20 on August 01, 2016, 01:06:54 PM
I'm really interested in this doctor since I'm spanish and don't have the money or time to travel to Florida for Dr Paley.

Of course I'm scared because of the horror stories I've read from Cooper or about Musicmaker, but I still need to see by my own eyes...

Why is this doctor not in the Diagonal Clinic website? Does he not work there anymore?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on August 01, 2016, 02:33:49 PM
Dear all

I spoke to the guy in Charge of The Clinica Diagonal website.
Clínica Diagonal belongs To an insurance Company called Fiatc. The reason why I do not appear in The website is because I am not treating insurance holders anymore as I am now focused in LL And reconstruction procedures.

I have not been fired. This Is funny If You consider that I have peronally been contacted by The CEO of The Clinic And The President of FiATC To treat two very complicated cases (both by The way doing well).

About my Number of cases this year It Is not 20 but well beyond 50 Fitbone procedures mostly doing very well. I will not talk about Cooper as he Is now patient of another doctor And I wish him And early And 100% recovery. I really wish him The best outcome.
About The youg kid with severe nerve damage..well he had neuropathic pain after a 10+ cm quadrilateral lengthening, but now he Is fully recovered, happy And I would like not To involve him in this cruisade started by some user.
MM And I had a tougth time. She Is really an amazing patient And we can say today we overcame difficulties And we are 5 mm away from target. She Is walking on crutches, satisfied with her new heigth and improving day by day.

Medical basic concept When talking about fractures:

Delayed union: poor bone formation after 6 months
Non union: no bone formation after 1 year

Applied To LL If 5 cm take at least 2 months...talking about non union 4 months after surgery makes no Sense at all, unless You have other interest. FYI

Let me wish You all a great summer

Dr Monegal

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: CCMidwest on August 01, 2016, 03:28:11 PM
It really is a shame that the doctor himself had to come in and clarify rumors started by a single user in this community.

Happy to hear that both musicmaker and the 10cm quad kid are doing OK now.

Get your sh*t together LL forum community!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 01, 2016, 03:31:19 PM
It really is a shame that the doctor himself had to come in and clarify rumors started by a single user in this community.

Happy to hear that both musicmaker and the 10cm quad kid are doing OK now.

Get your sh*t together LL forum community!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on August 01, 2016, 05:55:07 PM
I have many sources apart from Cooper and Spanish patients. If you don't want to believe me, it's your problem. Honest patients will confirm I'm telling the truth.

I never said Monegal had been fired from Diagonal because I didn't know it. I said he would have been fired in America and he should be fired from Diagonal because he has had many bad cases and behaves recklessly and improperly from our point of view. If he is still working there because he is a friend of the CEO... you see how things work in Spain.

Monegal you haven't done 50 patients and you know it and your details about the teenage guy and MM are not accurate. People say I manipulate information but you are an even bigger manipulator. In those 50 fitbones you are including people who did quads and the many fitbones of MM. You have less than 20 cosmetic fitbone patients altogether. Then you exaggerate or aren't aware of your patients' evolution. The guy did only did 8 cm in quads (not 10+) and MM is still wheelchair bounded: bad osteotomies and her soft tissues are damaged. She even lost her job. Her life is destroyed and she would be financially broken if not for her parents.

These guys  in the forum defend you because they are not your patients yet and you are cheap and they want to have LL so badly but they don't realise that cheap is expensive at the end.

Actual patients even with good results are scared f your reckless demeanor and lack of responsiveness. You don't take proper care of your patients.

Sorry,, but consider carefully people from forum. Do I sound like a troll? No. I want to warn you against this man as I would like people had warned me before going to Spain to visit him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Deads on August 01, 2016, 05:59:08 PM
Don't want to harp on about the same old s**t, but i don't know why LLuser hasn't been banned yet.. It's not about censorship anymore (in the beginning I could see how it would be a censorship issue) it's about getting rid of a troll who brings this forum down.. We used to have an actual doctor contributing to this board and it was ruined by that clown. It's very sad. The value of this forum has been essentially reduced and everyone who is a member has to suffer as a result.

Not to come across arrogant or superior in anyway (as I do from time to time) but out of sheer curiosity, it would be nice to know from moderators themselves why this has been allowed to happen.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: CCMidwest on August 01, 2016, 06:02:35 PM
Don't want to harp on about the same old s**t, but i don't know why LLuser hasn't been banned yet.. It's not about censorship anymore (in the beginning I could see how it would be a censorship issue) it's about getting rid of a troll who brings this forum down.. We used to have an actual doctor contributing to this board and it was ruined by that clown. It's very sad. The value of this forum has been essentially reduced and everyone who is a member has to suffer as a result.

Not to come across arrogant or superior in anyway (as I do from time to time) but out of sheer curiosity, it would be nice to know from moderators themselves why this has been allowed to happen.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on August 01, 2016, 06:04:12 PM
I'm providing you with real information even if you don't like it. Not the same old  . It's my opinion and some real information from patients which some people don't like but it's true. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on August 01, 2016, 06:19:19 PM
And still nobody brought any kind of proof.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: CCMidwest on August 01, 2016, 07:06:47 PM
And still nobody brought any kind of proof.

If LLuser1 wants to be taken seriously, he is going to have to fess up that he did LL already...and by which doctor, when, and any complications he has. Otherwise I consider him to be trolling and harassing.

I've already been flagging any of his nonsense with the forum rules he is in violation of.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Penguinn on August 01, 2016, 07:53:30 PM

She even lost her job.
How do you know that? :-\
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 01, 2016, 09:13:45 PM
Do I sound like a troll?

Before his surgery he told Cooper in the operating room 'You're my bitch' and he said he wanted to fk Musicmaker and she wanted too.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 01, 2016, 09:24:18 PM
Her life is destroyed and she would be financially broken if not for her parents.

Music makes lots of money and she comes from a very rich family

Krp1 you'd be surprised to know where the real money is... Your friends Cooper and Musicmaker and Glenn are millionaires.

So...where did the millions go? You just said Monegal is a cheap option...
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: aboali1022 on August 01, 2016, 10:24:39 PM
Away from the teenage drama this clown is making, it's absurd to see the meditators are so widely ok with the continues unproven attacks on Monegal, just saying  ::)
I'm not protecting him, it's just a matter of principle.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Lgazer on August 07, 2016, 10:41:13 PM
There are some horror stories about Monegal as about other doctors. I don't see why they shouldnt be included here. It's a proven fact Cooper and other patients had complications and they weren't solved and had to go to different doctors. Other doctors' horror stories are posted here and nobody complains.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on August 07, 2016, 10:49:00 PM
There are some horror stories about Monegal as about other doctors. I don't see why they shouldnt be included here. It's a proven fact Cooper and other patients had complications and they weren't solved and had to go to different doctors. Other doctors' horror stories are posted here and nobody complains.

Nice try, LLuser1  ::)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLCaptain on August 08, 2016, 01:16:42 AM
Away from the teenage drama this clown is making, it's absurd to see the meditators are so widely ok with the continues unproven attacks on Monegal, just saying  ::)
I'm not protecting him, it's just a matter of principle.

Yeah, the forum moderators don't really give a crap. I don't blame them though, it takes a lot of energy to read LLUsers posts, let alone verify his lies/exaggerations and clean it up. "Monegal got fired in America", "Cooper broke his pinkie while lengthening his tibias", "MM has a huge house and a big dong"

It's just crazy how there's this guy, possibly adult male, possibly late 30s still living at his parents house, and spends his nights obsessing about a doctor he won't even do LL with.

I mean.. wouldn't you rather spend that time wanking it and ordering take out? Or if I was him, I'd work at Burger King to afford some second hand externals in Russia. Hm... fire roasted 90% beef patties, crisp lettuce, bacon & mayo between 2 sesame buns.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on August 20, 2016, 02:46:09 AM

So...where did the millions go? You just said Monegal is a cheap option...

Poor beautiful Musicmaker broken doll with broken legs. I feel very sorry for her. She wasn't short and she has lost everything and she doesn't say anything because the doctor takes advantage of her goodwill. She has spent more than 100k, she can't work anymore, she can't walk anymore. She lies to the forum members but the doctor lies to her. Her case is  much worse than what you read here. Liars. Other patients told me the truth.

The doctor doesn't care because he can walk and he can work and he has her money and all patients' money. He only cares about money not about patients. He doesn't give a crap about Musicmaker, Cooper and the teenage guy. Surgery is bad. Attention is bad. Some patients complained he was always late for appointments and Xrays or never showed up. You get what you pay for. He is cheap. Paley is expensive, but Paley is better. Not much attention but good surgery at least. Cheap is expensive. That's the lesson we have to learn.

Ask Cooper. He wanted to save  money and he made a very bad deal. He lost money, a very large amount. Poor Cooper would have lost his job too but he had some resources, he could work at home. Not everything was lost but he was very depressed and this affected him a lot.

This is a cautionary tale for you all. Cheap is expensive.


He said that. You can ask patients. He makes inappropriate comments all the time, sexual comments, and doesn't have a professional behavior with coworkers and patients and nurses. He said Cooper was his bitch and he said he wanted to fk Musicmaker and she wanted too. The first day he met her he invited her dinner and Musicmaker said yes. They both fancy each other and say the other is hot. Be ready to be harrasSed if you are a woman or if he wants to get something from you. He makes inappropriate comments about every woman he sees even in the hospital and he texts frantically to get what he wants from all his patients (support in forum). He behaves like a 15 year old. In America he would have been fired long time ago. Many inappropriate things going on in Spain.

@LLcaptain you make fun of me and you aren't right. Many people here know I'm telling the truth.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on August 20, 2016, 11:01:17 AM
This is a cautionary tale for you all. Cheap is expensive.

I think(and probably a lot of people will agree) that there are doctors which are pretty cheap and really decent(and for the sake of it no im not talking about monegal).

You even commended Birkholtz in his topic when he(at least comparing to the others) is pretty cheap.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: zantac20 on August 20, 2016, 02:40:18 PM

Poor beautiful Musicmaker broken doll with broken legs. I feel very sorry for her. She wasn't short and she has lost everything and she doesn't say anything because the doctor takes advantage of her goodwill. She has spent more than 100k, she can't work anymore, she can't walk anymore. She lies to the forum members but the doctor lies to her. Her case is  much worse than what you read here. Liars. Other patients told me the truth.

The doctor doesn't care because he can walk and he can work and he has her money and all patients' money. He only cares about money not about patients. He doesn't give a crap about Musicmaker, Cooper and the teenage guy. Surgery is bad. Attention is bad. Some patients complained he was always late for appointments and Xrays or never showed up. You get what you pay for. He is cheap. Paley is expensive, but Paley is better. Not much attention but good surgery at least. Cheap is expensive. That's the lesson we have to learn.

Ask Cooper. He wanted to save  money and he made a very bad deal. He lost money, a very large amount. Poor Cooper would have lost his job too but he had some resources, he could work at home. Not everything was lost but he was very depressed and this affected him a lot.

This is a cautionary tale for you all. Cheap is expensive.

He said that. You can ask patients. He makes inappropriate comments all the time, sexual comments, and doesn't have a professional behavior with coworkers and patients and nurses. He said Cooper was his bitch and he said he wanted to fk Musicmaker and she wanted too. The first day he met her he invited her dinner and Musicmaker said yes. They both fancy each other and say the other is hot. Be ready to be harrasSed if you are a woman or if he wants to get something from you. He makes inappropriate comments about every woman he sees even in the hospital and he texts frantically to get what he wants from all his patients (support in forum). He behaves like a 15 year old. In America he would have been fired long time ago. Many inappropriate things going on in Spain.

@LLcaptain you make fun of me and you aren't right. Many people here know I'm telling the truth.

You say you don't want to sound trollish but then I read this

"He said Cooper was his bitch and he was going to fk Musickmaker"

I really really doubt a sane person would say such things, at least in public. And trust me, you can't go as far as being a a renowned doctor being insane...

I thank you for warning us if you really believe this doctor isn't worthy, but I still need to talk with him and make my decision.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on August 20, 2016, 03:47:20 PM
You say you don't want to sound trollish but then I read this

"He said Cooper was his bitch and he was going to fk Musickmaker"

I really really doubt a sane person would say such things, at least in public. And trust me, you can't go as far as being a a renowned doctor being insane...

I thank you for warning us if you really believe this doctor isn't worthy, but I still need to talk with him and make my decision.

That's the key, no sane person would say that but he does. You can ask his patients. In my opinion he has a personality disorder but it's just my opinion. Having a personality disorder is not the same as being crazy, btw.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ub40 on August 20, 2016, 05:08:35 PM
Man, if monegal and one of his patients fancy each other that's their business. You're a really creepy dude LLuser. You're white knighting for someone that doesn't want you to, that's what stalkers do
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on August 20, 2016, 08:26:52 PM
By the way he has been removed from Diagonal website but also from Wittenstein website
The only fitbone doctor in Spain is Dr Ignacio Ginebreda
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on August 20, 2016, 11:05:24 PM
My case was bad but all doctors have bad cases, even Paley and Guichet, and I am happy to say that, fortunately, I'm almost done now.

I guess we are waiting for an update so we can finally end that great parade of destroying eachother sandcastles.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Deads on August 21, 2016, 11:48:30 AM
By the way he has been removed from Diagonal website but also from Wittenstein website
The only fitbone doctor in Spain is Dr Ignacio Ginebreda

-.- this is pointless

Clínica Diagonal belongs To an insurance Company called Fiatc. The reason why I do not appear in The website is because I am not treating insurance holders anymore as I am now focused in LL And reconstruction procedures.

Already been covered by the doc.

Best course of action would be to ignore all his future posts. He won't stop and mods obviously don't feel like he's worthy of banning.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dingo on September 03, 2016, 03:34:31 PM
Dr Monegal,

Can you do Precice nail instead of Fitbone?

If you can, what would be the cost of 2 femurs with Precice nails inserted through the hip and not the knee?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLuser1 on September 21, 2016, 04:27:49 PM
Dr Monegal,

Can you do Precice nail instead of Fitbone?

If you can, what would be the cost of 2 femurs with Precice nails inserted through the hip and not the knee?

Thank you.

He can't do Precice even he has said that to one member of the forum. If he does Precice Fitbone should be informed. Not allowed.

Through the hip? You don't know what you're talking about. He only uses the knee approach. Only one cosmetic case through the hip (musicmaker) and her femurs was destroyed.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on September 21, 2016, 04:48:26 PM
You are wrong again.

WE do not sign exclusivity contract with WITTENSTEIN.
I have been offered To use Precice But I prefer The Fitbone system.

Nails throught The hip? I do that everyday. Problem here Is You lose The point and think CLL Is The only procedure we perform. Problem I see with antegrade Is triple:

1- You can damage gluteus medius
2- You cannot correct deformities
3- femur Is curved and putting a straight rot can cause a fracture.

It happened To me with MM...But It happened Also To Guichet, Paley and many others.

Nice To hear from You again.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TIBIKE200 on September 21, 2016, 07:47:49 PM
You are wrong again.

WE do not sign exclusivity contract with WITTENSTEIN.
I have been offered To use Precice But I prefer The Fitbone system.

Nails throught The hip? I do that everyday. Problem here Is You lose The point and think CLL Is The only procedure we perform. Problem I see with antegrade Is triple:

1- You can damage gluteus medius
2- You cannot correct deformities
3- femur Is curved and putting a straight rot can cause a fracture.

It happened To me with MM...But It happened Also To Guichet, Paley and many others.

Nice To hear from You again.

If the femur is curved, what's the difference with the entrance point? It's still curved no? Also, how does the entrance point influence deformity corrections?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Koi on October 23, 2016, 10:03:06 AM
I think Dr. Monegal is my first choice, since I'm Spanish and I live near Barcelona. However, reading these posts scares me. Could someone explain me what happened to musicmaker, please? What's with Cooper? Are they both fine again?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Mtall on October 23, 2016, 11:13:19 AM
I can hear LL user banging on the door, but the moderators won't let him in  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Koi on October 23, 2016, 12:01:16 PM
I can hear LL user banging on the door, but the moderators won't let him in  ;D ;D
I really, really hope he's just a troll... I really want to believe everything he says in his posts is false information... He has even talked about death and people with permanent complications... Even if I trust it's just bs, whenever I read one of his posts, the "finally being taller" dream falls to the ground for a moment... :-\
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: The Kaiser on October 24, 2016, 03:56:45 AM
I really, really hope he's just a troll... I really want to believe everything he says in his posts is false information... He has even talked about death and people with permanent complications... Even if I trust it's just bs, whenever I read one of his posts, the "finally being taller" dream falls to the ground for a moment... :-\

There are many doctors, so if you heard some doctors is that bad, this should not break you, you can find another doctor  ;)

About LLuser, am sure the death story is not true. I don't have many infos about Dr Monegal, but read some people's diary, i don't know if he's expert but am sure he's friendly and kind one
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on October 24, 2016, 05:46:07 AM
You all noticie that since mongeal left that women stoped posting.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TIBIKE200 on October 24, 2016, 05:53:40 AM
You all noticie that since mongeal left that women stoped posting.

 I can tell you that she is real though... I have spoken with people who have seen her about a year ago when they visited the clinic (2 people). Never asked about her condition... Just wanted to know if she is real.

 And again, if her condition is as bad as LLuser/Lgazer say it is, she is a real nutjob for staying with the doc not to speak about defending him....
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ub40 on October 24, 2016, 09:42:24 AM
I can hear LL user banging on the door, but the moderators won't let him in  ;D ;D

They finally banned that tool?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: The Kaiser on October 24, 2016, 01:18:52 PM
They finally banned that tool?

What happened to you? which method you choose and with who? i see your signature, still consolidated from May i think its a long time?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Koi on October 24, 2016, 07:42:43 PM
You all noticie that since mongeal left that women stoped posting.
I can tell you that she is real though... I have spoken with people who have seen her about a year ago when they visited the clinic (2 people). Never asked about her condition... Just wanted to know if she is real.

 And again, if her condition is as bad as LLuser/Lgazer say it is, she is a real nutjob for staying with the doc not to speak about defending him....
I did some research. None of the people that died in there had anything to do with the LL procedure. Monegal has his own reasons to stop posting here but I can tell you it has nothing to do with that incident. 

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 24, 2016, 08:38:24 PM
I really, really hope he's just a troll... I really want to believe everything he says in his posts is false information... He has even talked about death and people with permanent complications... Even if I trust it's just bs, whenever I read one of his posts, the "finally being taller" dream falls to the ground for a moment... :-\

Monegal is still using probably one of the worst nails possible, unreliable and not weight bearing. Or practices like lengthening one limb and then the other one.

Especially that he isn't really cheaper than doctors which offer Precise 2 lengthening...
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on October 24, 2016, 08:50:54 PM
Monegal is still using probably one of the worst nails possible, unreliable and not weight bearing. Or practices like lengthening one limb and then the other one.

Especially that he isn't really cheaper than doctors which offer Precise 2 lengthening...

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

This forum is full of """"""experts""""""
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 24, 2016, 09:00:35 PM
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

This forum is full of """"""experts""""""

Good that we have someone who can support his arguments somehow without pointless 1 sentence writing.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Stripes on October 24, 2016, 09:06:06 PM
What's your criticism of lengthening one leg at a time?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 24, 2016, 09:23:31 PM
What's your criticism of lengthening one leg at a time?

Risk of ending with discrepancy basically.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Lgazer on October 24, 2016, 09:42:24 PM
Risk of ending with discrepancy basically.

especially if doctor doesn't pay attention to you and this man is not organized according to his patients
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on October 25, 2016, 05:26:44 AM
Good that we have someone who can support his arguments somehow without pointless 1 sentence writing.

I can develop it a bit further: there is a 99.99% chance that you are not qualified (neither I am) to make a statement such as "fitbone is one of the worst nails possible" or call it "unreliable". You have never perform a serious, scientific study comparing all the internal nails, and if you look at the existing scientific literature, you can see that -on average- both nails have comparable complication rates and weight-bearing capacities.

especially if doctor doesn't pay attention to you and this man is not organized according to his patients

But you are not LLuser1, right? Sure you aren't  ::)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 25, 2016, 10:22:44 AM
I can develop it a bit further: there is a 99.99% chance that you are not qualified (neither I am) to make a statement such as "fitbone is one of the worst nails possible" or call it "unreliable". You have never perform a serious, scientific study comparing all the internal nails, and if you look at the existing scientific literature, you can see that -on average- both nails have comparable complication rates and weight-bearing capacities.

It's purely based on people experience. I'm mostly comparing fitbone to precise 2/gnail
Height loss and need of additional surgery.
And as far as i know Precise 2 can at least weight bear as twice as much.

I think i don't need to be qualified to be entitled to my personal opinion don't you think?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: ub40 on October 25, 2016, 11:23:31 AM
What happened to you? which method you choose and with who? i see your signature, still consolidated from May i think its a long time?

I'm at the 6-7 month mark. External are 8-10 months usually so I'm on schedule
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on October 25, 2016, 11:33:31 AM
It's purely based on people experience. I'm mostly comparing fitbone to precise 2/gnail
Height loss and need of additional surgery.
And as far as i know Precise 2 can at least weight bear as twice as much.

I think i don't need to be qualified to be entitled to my personal opinion don't you think?
The latest diary of a precise2 patient reported a malfunction in the nail which had to be replaced. Just saying.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Lgazer on October 25, 2016, 02:34:36 PM
NoRegrets you don't know what you're saying. I'm not Lluser and the case you are talking about has nothing to do with Fitbone failures. In Penguins case the nail failed in OR and was replaced immediately in the same OR (no need of extra surgery). However, when Fitbone has failed in the past it has failed in OR and they had no replacement for the poor patient (not Penguin's case) or it failed when the patient had done 1 cm or 5 cm and needed several extra surgeries. It has failed many times according to patients themselves. The doctor said to his future patients it never failed and that's the reason why Lluser and other people exposed him here.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Dr Monegal on October 25, 2016, 03:03:59 PM
Dear Users

Of Course You are not Lluser.
As To clarify with The implant subject:

In my experience I had no case of implant failure until The case You refer To. The only thing I explained To my patients was The statistic given To me by The manufacturer (12 failures in more than 2000 Fitbone 4 Implants).

About implant choice:

I have explained several times The perfect implant does not exist. There are things about Precice I prefer from The Fitbone, and things from The Fitbone I prefer from The precice. In my opinion I prefer The Fitbone because It s not just a nail, we have bone transport nail (not available with precice) and we can adapt The system To a prosthesis (in case of bone tumour).
I have been offered To use Precice (They offered me 10% profit) and I refused. WITTENSTEIN surgeons do not get any profit prom The companys.
On top of that, I have no experience with precice and You can read in Acta Ortopedica about The reliability of Precice.

About G nail It s based On Albizzia Nail. This Is way back in The implant evolution When compared with Fitbone OR Precice. Guichet Is an outstanding surgeon and he Is confident with his system. I think that at The end The system Should be a surgeon's choice based On their experience and How confident They feel about It.

About weigthbearing:

Problem with load Is that all The weigth relies in The locking screws during The first 8-10 weeks of distraction. This can cause screw loosening Or bending. I have seen tests On fitbones done with 200kg load and Implant was working after that. The screw issue Is for ANY internal implant.

Lluser said a lot of things. More than 300 posts..even saying one of The patients in The guesthouse died because of femur fracture. The other guy posted pictures of amputated People. You can defend that, But in my opinion This Should never be published in The forum because It s not true and shows a lack of respect and credibility from The user and from The forum ítself.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on October 25, 2016, 03:06:20 PM
NoRegrets you don't know what you're saying. I'm not Lluser and the case you are talking about has nothing to do with Fitbone failures. In Penguins case the nail failed in OR and was replaced immediately in the same OR (no need of extra surgery). However, when Fitbone has failed in the past it has failed in OR and they had no replacement for the poor patient (not Penguin's case) or it failed when the patient had done 1 cm or 5 cm and needed several extra surgeries. It has failed many times according to patients themselves. The doctor said to his future patients it never failed and that's the reason why Lluser and other people exposed him here.
I know exactly what I am saying and what I said its the truth.

You expect people to believe you when you're clearly lying when you say that you're not LLuser1. TIBIKE already said that you write the same way as LLuser1 and infact you do. Not just the way you write but what you write is exactly the same.

As if this isn't enough to prove you're LLuser1, Lgazer account was created during your first ban and suddenly stopped posting on the 29th ofMay. 29th of May is the day that LLuser1 got his account back and started posting again. LLuser1 is banned a 2nd time mid October and Lgazer is back in the same week as LLuser1 is banned, again.

I'm used to be polite but dude, just go fk yourself with all your lies.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 25, 2016, 03:16:58 PM
Dear Users

Of Course You are not Lluser.
As To clarify with The implant subject:

In my experience I had no case of implant failure until The case You refer To. The only thing I explained To my patients was The statistic given To me by The manufacturer (12 failures in more than 2000 Fitbone 4 Implants).

About implant choice:

I have explained several times The perfect implant does not exist. There are things about Precice I prefer from The Fitbone, and things from The Fitbone I prefer from The precice. In my opinion I prefer The Fitbone because It s not just a nail, we have bone transport nail (not available with precice) and we can adapt The system To a prosthesis (in case of bone tumour).
I have been offered To use Precice (They offered me 10% profit) and I refused. WITTENSTEIN surgeons do not get any profit prom The companys.
On top of that, I have no experience with precice and You can read in Acta Ortopedica about The reliability of Precice.

Hmm, the study is about the first generation of Precise doe.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Lgazer on October 25, 2016, 03:21:24 PM
Sorry man Noregrets you don't know what you're talking about. I posted in May, then I was out of the forum for 2 months but came back in August! Not in October. Your theory doesn't work. I haven't posted much but I have been again in the forums from August and you can check some of my posts then. I have the same opinion than LLuser in many things but I have never copy pasted

So Monegal how many implants failed? why didn't you have a replacement as Parihar did? Why did this persons have so many surgeries if Fitbone can be tested in OR? And then how many screws got loose? I have heard many patients got screws loose (50%).
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Lgazer on October 25, 2016, 03:23:01 PM
Hmm, the study is about the first generation of Precise doe.

If you read studies about first generation Fitbone they are much worse! All good surgeons know that first fitbone didn't work at all. Precise is way better. It's my opinion doe
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on October 25, 2016, 03:26:20 PM
Sorry man Noregrets you don't know what you're talking about. I posted in May, then I was out of the forum for 2 months but came back in August! Not in October. Your theory doesn't work. I haven't posted much but I have been again in the forums from August and you can check some of my posts then. I have the same opinion than LLuser in many things but I have never copy pasted

So Monegal how many implants failed? why didn't you have a replacement as Parihar did? Why did this persons have so many surgeries if Fitbone can be tested in OR? And then how many screws got loose? I have heard many patients got screws loose (50%).
No you didn't come back in August. you had 3 post on 7th August but thats about it. It's funny that even with all this evidence you still deny it.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Penguinn on October 25, 2016, 03:27:19 PM
So Monegal how many implants failed? why didn't you have a replacement as Parihar did? Why did this persons have so many surgeries if Fitbone can be tested in OR? And then how many screws got loose? I have heard many patients got screws loose (50%).
Actually that is Ellipse's policy not Dr. Parihar's. They usually ship 3 sets of nails at once.

And I do think you're LLUser1, not many people call him Monegal instead of Dr. Monegal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 25, 2016, 03:29:04 PM
Ehh and again this topic turned to be LLuser circlejerk.

Screw it, i'm done with monegal oriented topics.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Lgazer on October 25, 2016, 03:29:41 PM
I call him Monegal because Cooper said in his diary he didn't deserve Dr title
Nevermind I don't care about you. Butcher your legs if you want
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: zantac20 on October 25, 2016, 06:26:16 PM
Lluser pls you are already a meme of this forum
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: insearchofanswers on October 29, 2016, 10:00:46 PM
Where can I find Musicmaker's diary?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on October 29, 2016, 10:07:44 PM
She didnt write a diary.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 29, 2016, 10:08:44 PM
She didnt write a diary.

Nope, she had a diary here but i guess she asked to delete it.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: insearchofanswers on October 29, 2016, 10:16:05 PM
Can anybody summarize the diary for me please?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on October 29, 2016, 10:19:08 PM
Can anybody summarize the diary for me please?

She had Limb Lengthening surgery.

The end.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: insearchofanswers on October 29, 2016, 10:19:53 PM
Man be more explicit  ;D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Zaney on October 29, 2016, 10:20:43 PM
Can anybody summarize the diary for me please?

Sure, Dr. Monegal ruined her legs and ruined her life, and about a half a dozen other patients as well. Read up on the posts from Cooper...

Musicmaker is wheelchair bound indefinitely with very little hope of any kind of normal life. A bunch of people who don't want this fact to be true, cause Dr. Monegal offers cheap internal lengthening in Europe, will continue to support this doctor, but hey, there are still people who support Dr. Sarin.

What can you say, some people are just idiots!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: zantac20 on October 30, 2016, 04:13:59 AM
Sure, Dr. Monegal ruined her legs and ruined her life, and about a half a dozen other patients as well. Read up on the posts from Cooper...

Musicmaker is wheelchair bound indefinitely with very little hope of any kind of normal life. A bunch of people who don't want this fact to be true, cause Dr. Monegal offers cheap internal lengthening in Europe, will continue to support this doctor, but hey, there are still people who support Dr. Sarin.

What can you say, some people are just idiots!

My theory is that you are just Cooper and thats it.

If you are gonna talk about half a dozen patients we need some kind of proof. We all know Cooper had a bad experiencd. Musicmaker doesn't even want you to talk about her, she is happy with doctor Monehal amd thats everything thst matters.

Stop calling people idiot just because you csn't prove your words mate. Even if you were right, your obsession is making you look like a fool. Seriously, stop this, please.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Zaney on October 30, 2016, 10:22:19 PM
My theory is that you are just Cooper and thats it.

Were you wearing your tinfoil hat when you received that insightful message from the voices in your head? You forgot about my affiliation with the illuminati.

she is happy with doctor Monehal amd thats everything thst matters.

Yep, you are exactly right. Never mind her being confined to a wheelchair and unable to actually use her legs to, you know, walk.

Even if you were right

I am right, and you obviously just want to have surgery with Dr. Monegal so bad that you don't want to believe the truth. So go ahead and have your LL surgery with Dr. Monegal, you will only regret that decision for the rest of your life. But, at least you'll be happy, right?

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on October 30, 2016, 11:41:26 PM
My theory is that you are just Cooper and thats it.

Just ignore him. Hes Mr. Sarcastic  ::)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on October 31, 2016, 04:19:57 AM
Well this is mongeals thread so he really is not hijacking anything. Let them fight.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLCaptain on October 31, 2016, 05:38:18 AM
Sure, Dr. Monegal ruined her legs and ruined her life, and about a half a dozen other patients as well. Read up on the posts from Cooper...

Cooper is not active in this forum, the guy has a family and other things to do. He doesn't hang around here feeling sorry for himself.

I suspect Zaney is LLUser1/Lgazer. He's been spreading the same message for over 2 years now, astounding amount of hate from this guy.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Morissette on October 31, 2016, 05:41:23 AM
I suspect Zaney is LLUser1/Lgazer. He's been spreading the same message for over 2 years now, astounding amount of hate from this guy.

Right? I had Monegal pm me reassure me that I would be okay and not too worry(not that I was). Never once spoke to Monegal or even ever considered him as an option. If he took the time to message a stranger on a forum I would imagine he cares for his patients.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Zaney on October 31, 2016, 05:53:17 AM
I suspect Zaney is LLUser1/Lgazer.

Just ignore him. Hes Mr. Sarcastic

My theory is that you are just Cooper

Don't stop there, by all means keep going. Here i'll help you.

I was the shooter on the grassy knoll, I organized the moon landing hoax, I created the lizard people posing as humans who rule the world, the black UN helicopters who secretly kidnap people take orders from me.....

I'm sure your combined intelligence is going to take you all very far in life  ;)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on October 31, 2016, 10:43:24 AM
Don't stop there, by all means keep going. Here i'll help you.

I was the shooter on the grassy knoll, I organized the moon landing hoax, I created the lizard people posing as humans who rule the world, the black UN helicopters who secretly kidnap people take orders from me.....

I'm sure your combined intelligence is going to take you all very far in life  ;)
If you're going to deny that you're Mr. Sarcastic it just proves how much you ashamed of your previous appearences here :D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on October 31, 2016, 12:04:16 PM
Don't stop there, by all means keep going. Here i'll help you.

I was the shooter on the grassy knoll, I organized the moon landing hoax, I created the lizard people posing as humans who rule the world, the black UN helicopters who secretly kidnap people take orders from me.....

I'm sure your combined intelligence is going to take you all very far in life  ;)

The fact that your account was created just 4 days after the trollocaust (both LLuser and Sarcastic banned) is suspicious, to say the least.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on November 01, 2016, 09:08:13 PM
If you don't take me seriously it's your problem but do believe when I say he is facing cases and potential cases of negligence and uses improper behavior at work. Everybody in this forum knows about their patients' medical problems. Other issues... He uses obscene language and words. Before his surgery he told Cooper in the operating room 'You're my bitch' and he said he wanted to fk Musicmaker and she wanted too. He also showed her private medical pics in underwear to people. In America he would have ALREADY been fired.

Sorry I know its old but had to read it over and over again. :D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: BiggestProblem on November 01, 2016, 10:05:25 PM
I haven't read a lot on your case. But I would like to ask, without attacking Dr. Monegal etc. What happened that made you crippled? What went wrong?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: zantac20 on November 02, 2016, 08:12:46 AM
Sorry I know its old but had to read it over and over again. :D
He is actually funny. Every forum needs a troll, even this one  ;D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on November 02, 2016, 11:17:05 AM
I haven't read a lot on your case. But I would like to ask, without attacking Dr. Monegal etc. What happened that made you crippled? What went wrong?
and why did you get rid of journal. Dont you think its strange that he likes to do one limb at a time. I havent heard another doctor besides maybe russians say that they prefer that.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on November 02, 2016, 11:19:27 AM
Not funny at all, man.  >:(

In more than 16 years Dr Monegal hasn't had a negligence cause. In fact, no patient has reported a single complication here since Cooper had his surgery. You must decide who you trust more: a guy who has been banned twice in this forum for spreading false information or the man who has placed more fitbones in the world after Baumgart?

About Dr Monegal's patients' real opinion, I would advise you to have a look at the gift one patient gave to him some days ago:

If you don't understand the message, you can use Google Translator, like the troll does, or you can ask me.


And from some of the doctors own post here leaves me wondering how skilled he is.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on November 02, 2016, 11:38:53 AM
and why did you get rid of journal. Dont you think its strange that he likes to do one limb at a time. I havent heard another doctor besides maybe russians say that they prefer that.

187 posts here and you still don't know Rainer Baumgart?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on November 02, 2016, 12:13:06 PM
Ive looked at the topics that interest me
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: The Kaiser on November 02, 2016, 12:42:47 PM
187 posts here and you still don't know Rainer Baumgart?

I don't know him either
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on November 02, 2016, 12:51:56 PM
I don't know him either

About the doctor:

Patient diary (2-stage, femur):

(Sorry for the off-topic)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Morissette on November 02, 2016, 01:34:49 PM
I am sorry but I won't post any update about my condition because I want to keep my privacy. Some of you are really mean guys who enjoy other people's misadventures. I don't like the bad atmosphere in this forum.

Wow couldn't have said it better myself forum is full of miserable insecure childish people. I only post to keep myself busy

Either way I hope you al the best of anything I've heard about your LL is true stay strong you'll get though it.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on November 02, 2016, 01:39:57 PM
Except super obvious trolls(that are bashed almost immediately) and LLuser i've never seen anybody being "mean". Unless you are talking about PM's but you can just report that crap to moderator.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on November 02, 2016, 02:10:17 PM
Yeah unless it iss through pm. Even zaney has not said anything mean about you. The people he bashes are usually for a reason.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: TIBIKE200 on November 02, 2016, 02:31:45 PM
Nobody got rid of any journal. I never wrote a diary here. I don't want my personal and medical information to be avalaible to everybdoy.

I am sorry but I won't post any update about my condition because I want to keep my privacy. Some of you are really mean guys who enjoy other people's misadventures. I don't like the bad atmosphere in this forum.

 You lied about your condition in the start.... And you keep praising Monegal and a way which looks like publicity... You lied you got better... The trust issues with you are based on some solid evidence....
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on November 04, 2016, 03:24:05 AM
You lied about your condition in the start.... And you keep praising Monegal and a way which looks like publicity... You lied you got better... The trust issues with you are based on some solid evidence....

And you recently said you were close to recovery so will you provide photos to show us this.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Zaney on November 04, 2016, 03:37:31 AM
I won't post any update about my condition because I want to keep my privacy.

Or you are in such horrible condition that it would once again prove just how unfit Dr. Monegal is to operate on people.

I mean this will all sincerity, you need to immediately go see Dr. Paley before you become a permanent cripple...Follow in Cooper's foot steps!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Wazzup on April 26, 2017, 05:24:53 AM
Is the info on the first page regarding prices and contact still correct? I can no longer find his name on this website  :-\ Does Dr. Monegal still work at clinical diagonal?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on April 26, 2017, 06:39:08 AM
Yes, the contact info is the same And yes he still works in clinica diagonal
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notimportant on April 26, 2017, 04:44:00 PM
Yes, the contact info is the same And yes he still works in clinica diagonal

Is the info on the first page regarding prices and contact still correct? I can no longer find his name on this website  :-\ Does Dr. Monegal still work at clinical diagonal?

He's no longer a member of the staff but he rents the OR to do his surgeries.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notimportant on April 26, 2017, 04:45:02 PM
Or you are in such horrible condition that it would once again prove just how unfit Dr. Monegal is to operate on people.

I mean this will all sincerity, you need to immediately go see Dr. Paley before you become a permanent cripple...Follow in Cooper's foot steps!

Bro you couldn't have said it better.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on April 27, 2017, 09:24:09 AM
I think by now we all know that Dr Monegal had complications. In the case of MM, she was one of the first so it's normal to make mistakes. The issue is that this is a very dangerous surgery and every little mistake is multiplied times 1000. It's also to be expected that he hides his complications from the public (though I don't agree with the ethics of it). Since then he has had successful cases indeed.

Please stop harrasing patients who had complications, they have enough to deal with as it is. Also, no one takes the advice of internet trolls seriously. You are not truly concerned about MM. End the bullying.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notimportant on April 27, 2017, 09:21:42 PM
Nobody takes the advice of internet trolls seriously but what about patients? Real patients like Cooper post Dr Monegal isn't good.

I don't want to bully MM. I feel sorry for her. I still think like Zaney she should visit Dr Paley.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Body Builder on April 27, 2017, 09:54:02 PM
Nobody takes the advice of internet trolls seriously but what about patients? Real patients like Cooper post Dr Monegal isn't good.

I don't want to bully MM. I feel sorry for her. I still think like Zaney she should visit Dr Paley.
Cooper is the only one that said Monegal isn't good and this guy didn't even finished his diary while we have many people here who are active on this forum, posted x rays and say that Monegal is a respectable doctor.

So personally I don't even care for what someone like Cooper say because he never told us exactly what was the problem with Monegal, he went away from Spain soon after his surgery so he couldn't really know what was the problem (if there was one) and didn't let doctor try to fix it and finally he never finished his diary so he didn't care to inform us about what was wrong with Monegal and if he finally did fix it.

So Cooper is not a case of a trusted member for all these reasons while people like yagen, auron and helloworld are much more trusted as they are active members and posted x rays where everything looked fine.
And thats what matters for me and anyone sensible person who seeks a doctor for a successful LL.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notimportant on April 27, 2017, 10:07:45 PM
Cooper isn't the only one. There are many others. Cooper is the only brave one who exposed him here because he changed doctor. Other patients are afraid of telling the truth because they still depend on him but they talked to me in private and out forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: crimsontide on April 27, 2017, 10:47:31 PM
I won't defend Monegal too much except to say  there's other doctors that should be attacked much more than him

My leg seems fine with regards to the bone. The hospital is very nice and the city is beautiful.

India is where the negative focus should be. Third world  facilities. If my experience was bad I'd make sure everyone knew about it

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notimportant on April 27, 2017, 10:52:29 PM
Other doctors should be attacked but Monegal too. Monegal lack of experience and dishonesty
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: yagen on April 28, 2017, 08:50:14 AM
Other doctors should be attacked but Monegal too. Monegal lack of experience and dishonesty

I think there are bad patients (they dont follow the doctor advice), bad luck and every patient is a world (heal,age, cm.....)

I remember two years ago Guichet was one of the best, after Unicorn case, two month ago, folks changed his point of view despite Guichet/Paley/Monegal/Parihar/Pili look a good doctors.

Paley has bad cases like others Doctors
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Whimsical on June 01, 2017, 10:54:54 PM
Bad patients exist and also bad luck but bad doctors exist too and I don't know what to think about this case and his nail
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on June 09, 2017, 07:23:19 PM
Bad luck exists but I think Fitbone nail sucks. It has failed a lot like in Helloworld and Musicmaker many times. I hope they get a compensation because this is very serious. Big risks for each surgery. I have heard many bad stories about this doctor and they weren't published in the forum so be careful.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on June 09, 2017, 07:53:06 PM
Bad luck exists but I think Fitbone nail sucks. It has failed a lot like in Helloworld and Musicmaker many times. I hope they get a compensation because this is very serious. Big risks for each surgery. I have heard many bad stories about this doctor and they weren't published in the forum so be careful.
Please, if you have the stories would be good ir you summarize them.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on June 09, 2017, 09:04:17 PM
Stories one person told me in private. Pm me and I Will tell you. Dr Monegal doesn't recognize his mistakes and he has many not only musicmaker. He told me there are 2 guys with permanent nerve damage other than Cooper. He blames these patients and distorts facts and badmouths patients even those who defend him when it was his fault or the manufacturer's fault. Some people defend him and he stabs them in the back and the problem is these people don't want to accept reality as it is. When he gets a bad case it's never his fault even when it is evident it is. Don't ask him about his bad cases because he won't tell the truth and the truth is much much worse than what this forum shows.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 04, 2017, 09:38:49 PM
Unfortunately Datum is right and I know first hand too there are very disheartening experiences of patients and bad reactions of the doctor blaming patients and not taking responsibilities. Be careful because it's true he acts hypocrite.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on July 05, 2017, 07:01:55 AM
something strange:
Why is it that Dr. Monegal has the most patient diaries and 14 patients write positively, while on the other hand there are non-patients (LLuser, notimportant, Datum and realpatients) that all write negatively, saying they have heard something from actual patients.
Seems a bit fishy.

Actual Monegal patients: helloworld, Musicmaker, Auron, Yagan, Four Inch, Krp1, Antonio, Bohemia, Crimsontide, SnD, glenn, aboali, nomad, shortdarkandhandsome.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: antitroll on July 06, 2017, 06:35:17 AM
Unfortunately Datum is right ....

why you keep talking to yourself in the third person?

oh right, i forgot, it's because you a psycho.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 06, 2017, 07:59:44 PM
This drama should stop, people should be smart enough to decide which doc they want to go, suggestions are given, good points are given, bad points are given, end of the story.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 07, 2017, 09:25:45 PM
The problem is you don't believe I'm a real patient but I am. What other users posted here is true. I'm in touch with many patients and relatives. Many patients had nail replacements (failures, breakages, bending) and I was told others developed deep bone infection and some others had fractures and others had permanent nerve damage and others got non union medically wise so there are many bad cases and many of them don't post here. You should ask notimportant or Datum or perhaps some Monegal patients will tell you the truth in private.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 07, 2017, 09:41:21 PM
My conspiracy theory is that realpatient is anold forum member that fears talking badly about Monegal under their first username and antitroll is actually Monegal himself or perhaps someone who had a good experience with Dr. M.

Just a wild theory
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 07, 2017, 09:48:35 PM
My conspiracy theory is that realpatient is anold forum member that fears talking badly about Monegal under their first username and antitroll is actually Monegal himself or perhaps someone who had a good experience with Dr. M.

Just a wild theory

Perhaps you're partially right.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on July 08, 2017, 11:31:30 AM
My conspiracy theory is that realpatient is anold forum member that fears talking badly about Monegal under their first username and antitroll is actually Monegal himself or perhaps someone who had a good experience with Dr. M.

Just a wild theory

You havent been here long so you dont know that it is a alt account of LLuser
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 08, 2017, 05:34:17 PM
You havent been here long so you dont know that it is a alt account of LLuser

I gathered that myself but can you/someone enlighten me on who LLuser is? A former patient?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 08, 2017, 05:37:10 PM
I gathered that myself but can you/someone enlighten me on who LLuser is? A former patient?
Lluser didnt reveal Who he was, but he And Monegal didnt love exactly,
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 08, 2017, 05:46:52 PM
Lluser didnt reveal Who he was, but he And Monegal didnt love exactly,

So my theory still stands.

Plot twist. LLuser is actually musicmaker! Haha
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 08, 2017, 06:39:22 PM
Hope someday he reveals US who he is
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: onemorefoot on July 08, 2017, 08:53:45 PM
I Guess this theories Will never finish, It starts to look like x-files sometimes.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on July 08, 2017, 08:55:33 PM
I gathered that myself but can you/someone enlighten me on who LLuser is? A former patient?

Then why did you write that other stuff? Go read from about page 10 of this thread to the end  and you will be know more ahout their issues
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on July 08, 2017, 08:57:15 PM
The only thing is certainnis that lluser uses all these alt accounts with the purpose of mentioning mongeal. Sometimes very annoyingly does it.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on July 08, 2017, 09:00:02 PM
Then why did you write that other stuff? Go read from about page 10 of this thread to the end  and you will know more ahout their issues
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 08, 2017, 11:07:17 PM
Then why did you write that other stuff? Go read from about page 10 of this thread to the end  and you will be know more ahout their issues

I'm almost curious to the point that I'd hire a forensic investigator to analyze how each character types haha. Sometimes people are more obvious in their ways then they think.

I still stand by my wild theory.

Notice how MM doesn't post for almost a month but then she responds to this. But who has been active instead? realpatient. Just an observation.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 09, 2017, 12:26:39 AM
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 09, 2017, 02:39:25 AM
Me realpatient? Are you serious? What have you been smoking? I thought it was a joke. :/

I'm not joking, nor am I being serious. Anything is possible, is all I'm saying :)

There is some true to every lie so it's rather easy to discern the overall vibe of the situation.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on July 09, 2017, 03:40:12 AM
I'm almost curious to the point that I'd hire a forensic investigator to analyze how each character types haha. Sometimes people are more obvious in their ways then they think.

I still stand by my wild theory.

Notice how MM doesn't post for almost a month but then she responds to this. But who has been active instead? realpatient. Just an observation.

Well she does not really post if its not a mongeal topic.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on July 09, 2017, 03:41:21 AM

Well she does not really post if its not a mongeal topic. And what you're saying is like some Alfred hichck physcho crap.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on July 09, 2017, 11:40:13 AM
To put it simply,

LLuser aka, notimportant, aka datum, aka realpatient, etc is Cooper. So yes, he is a real patient and he hates Dr. Monegal and you can be sure you havent seen the last of him. Why? Because cooper threatened Dr. Monegal he would never give up on attempting to ruin his CLL career. Hes clearly failing hard.

Musicmaker is a patient like me and many others.

As for Dr. Monegal, he has left the forum a long time ago.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 10, 2017, 07:28:35 AM
To put it simply,

LLuser aka, notimportant, aka datum, aka realpatient, etc is Cooper. So yes, he is a real patient and he hates Dr. Monegal and you can be sure you havent seen the last of him. Why? Because cooper threatened Dr. Monegal he would never give up on attempting to ruin his CLL career. Hes clearly failing hard.

Musicmaker is a patient like me and many others.

As for Dr. Monegal, he has left the forum a long time ago.

you don't know he's failing because you will never be able to count all the people who come to this forum, never sign up and read these and choose not to go to Monegal
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 11, 2017, 12:33:32 AM
This guy is right.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: antitroll on July 11, 2017, 02:10:01 AM
This guy is right.

He is sure is, Cooper.  Makes so much sense now.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 11, 2017, 06:53:44 AM
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: RealTrump on July 11, 2017, 08:57:30 AM
To put it simply,

LLuser aka, notimportant, aka datum, aka realpatient, etc is Cooper. So yes, he is a real patient and he hates Dr. Monegal and you can be sure you havent seen the last of him. Why? Because cooper threatened Dr. Monegal he would never give up on attempting to ruin his CLL career. Hes clearly failing hard.

Musicmaker is a patient like me and many others.

As for Dr. Monegal, he has left the forum a long time ago.

Uh.. dude, Cooper is a millionaire. You think he feels sorry for himself and spends time posting on this forum? Guy has better things to do, like moving on with his life.

How do you even mix up Cooper vs someone of low intellect like LLUser1?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on July 11, 2017, 01:33:48 PM
you don't know he's failing because you will never be able to count all the people who come to this forum, never sign up and read these and choose not to go to Monegal
Your comprehension is lacking clearly. I said hes failing hard at ruining Dr. Monegal's CLL career and I stand by what I said.

Uh.. dude, Cooper is a millionaire. You think he feels sorry for himself and spends time posting on this forum? Guy has better things to do, like moving on with his life.

How do you even mix up Cooper vs someone of low intellect like LLUser1?

Err, are we talking about Cooper? The guy with about 3 diaries in the forum and updated them more often then I blink my eyes? Also, unlike LLuser, I don't give a crap if ppl find out that he is Cooper or not.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 11, 2017, 03:26:27 PM
I'm a realpatient. Biggerdreams has reason. I've met you and I know a lot about shady Barcelona. People can ask me in private.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: YourSpaceBoyfriend on July 11, 2017, 04:01:53 PM
Your comprehension is lacking clearly. I said hes failing hard at ruining Dr. Monegal's CLL career and I stand by what I said.

He probably won't. Monegal and musicmaker in the other hand....
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 11, 2017, 05:13:43 PM
Biggerdreams, you think this circus is very funny, but some of us are real people with real feelings. You'd better show respect.

Never called it a circus. Never said I thought your situation was funny. I'm laughing at the internet banter. Why do I need to show respect? How would that improve your quality of life?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 11, 2017, 09:54:04 PM
He probably won't. Monegal and musicmaker in the other hand....

Right, not Lluser, Dr Monegal himself destroyed his reputation with his weird behavior in the forum and his unprofessional attitude towards patients. Musicmaker and all his fanboys are ridiculous and some users are fake.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on July 12, 2017, 07:40:13 AM
Incels and the never ending battle with mongeal. Things that we dont need in the forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: tallernacho on July 24, 2017, 12:34:08 PM
something strange:
Why is it that Dr. Monegal has the most patient diaries and 14 patients write positively, while on the other hand there are non-patients (LLuser, notimportant, Datum and realpatients) that all write negatively, saying they have heard something from actual patients.
Seems a bit fishy.

Actual Monegal patients: helloworld, Musicmaker, Auron, Yagan, Four Inch, Krp1, Antonio, Bohemia, Crimsontide, SnD, glenn, aboali, nomad, shortdarkandhandsome.

I'm also a Monegal patient. I am currently lengthening my first leg and I'm staying at MIC these days . I'm very happy with Dr. Monegal. No complications so far. I may write a diary, but these forums have become so toxic to begin with, thanks to some trolls.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on July 24, 2017, 03:05:58 PM
You can write a diary but if bad occurs your doctor won't allow you to post. Also can you prove you are a real patient?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on July 28, 2017, 01:30:56 PM
I want to proceed this surgery with doctor Monegal,I'm from brasil, how much is it? If I pay $62000 two segments how many CM I'll gain ?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on July 30, 2017, 05:12:01 PM
regarding the price , to do my two femur how much it could be?  If i want 1 femur and one tibia and increase 11cm and afterwards do the rest ,it is possible? If yes , how much   it?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on July 31, 2017, 01:22:30 AM
regarding the price , to do my two femur how much it could be?  If i want 1 femur and one tibia and increase 11cm and afterwards do the rest ,it is possible? If yes , how much   it?

Price is on the first page of this thread. About 60K EU unless the price has gone up since then.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on July 31, 2017, 08:30:12 PM
for 60k euros how many CM is the average gain?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: biggerdreams on August 01, 2017, 06:34:48 AM
You should probably email Dr. Monegal or search "quadrilateral"
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 01, 2017, 05:35:03 PM
is there a height threshold above which stature lengthening is not done by Dr monegal? I have 180cm and my wife is 183cm I want to be 1,90m ~1,92m, I have themoney and the will
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 01, 2017, 09:27:27 PM
I wouldn't recommend to choose this doctor. You could stay in a wheelchair for years and get misaligned limbs for life as some patients. Read about Cooper, Musicmaker, the teenage patient and many others.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 01, 2017, 11:38:50 PM
can somebody prove it? Everyone make mistakes and errors,  I can understand the risk it,even Dr paley made mistakes. If you wanna increase the statue, always will be the the risk
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on August 02, 2017, 09:21:02 AM
I wouldn't recommend to choose this doctor. You could stay in a wheelchair for years and get misaligned limbs for life as some patients. Read about Cooper, Musicmaker, the teenage patient and many others.
In fact you could die, just as some patients of Dr. Paley and Dr. Guichet!
But let's look at real patients like Musicmaker and Unicorn as both represent a bad case indeed and the biggest but still realistic risk:
-bone can break (besides the cut the doctor made)
-non-union or malunion
Consequence of both does not have to be so bad, if you constantly pay attention to x-rays, and if there is even the smallest fracture resulting from the operation you stop the whole procedure until bone completely healed and if there is the slightest sign on non-union or malunion you stop lengthening.
But both is very unlikely to happen. For example, I have met personally around 12-14 patients of Dr. Monegal, 6 of which are my friends, and everyone is happy except one who is not sure if the gain was worth the pain and Musicmaker, who just had a lot of factors combine, so that she is still on her path for 100% recovery.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Knik on August 02, 2017, 10:05:14 AM
In fact you could die, just as some patients of Dr. Paley and Dr. Guichet!
But let's look at real patients like Musicmaker and Unicorn as both represent a bad case indeed and the biggest but still realistic risk:
-bone can break (besides the cut the doctor made)
-non-union or malunion
Consequence of both does not have to be so bad, if you constantly pay attention to x-rays, and if there is even the smallest fracture resulting from the operation you stop the whole procedure until bone completely healed and if there is the slightest sign on non-union or malunion you stop lengthening.
But both is very unlikely to happen. For example, I have met personally around 12-14 patients of Dr. Monegal, 6 of which are my friends, and everyone is happy except one who is not sure if the gain was worth the pain and Musicmaker, who just had a lot of factors combine, so that she is still on her path for 100% recovery.

Do you have some informations about died patients ?
I know that Guichet left France because he some accidents / trials and actually nobody is making LL in France (it's probably one of the reason)
But we can say it was his early years
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 02, 2017, 07:19:57 PM
That's bull . Where did you learn Dr Guichet or Dr Paley patients died? Your doctor lies to discredit his rivals.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 02, 2017, 08:09:18 PM
He said in fact you could die as in with complications that can happen with any doctor.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Knik on August 02, 2017, 09:32:32 PM
He said in fact you could die as in with complications that can happen with any doctor.

Nah, he said that some patients of them died. But that's not important. The major risk is still being unable to walk again.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 02, 2017, 10:02:47 PM
Nah, he said that some patients of them died. But that's not important. The major risk is still being unable to walk again.

real risk it happened to some people in the forum
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Body Builder on August 02, 2017, 10:52:56 PM
That's bullcrap. Where did you learn Dr Guichet or Dr Paley patients died? Your doctor lies to discredit his rivals.
It is not bs. Indeed one of Guichet patients died from thromboembolism as I know too.
I don't know anything about Paley's patient though.

But death from embolism is a risk from LL, especially with internals. Not big but still it can happen and it has more chances than being unable to walk again after LL.
It is another thing to limp or walk slow etc and another thing to been unable to walk. This can happen only due to major nerve damage or infection that causes ambutation, both of which are very rare especially for experienced doctors in good hospitals.
But thromboembolism can happen even with the best doctors and yes, it can be lethal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 02, 2017, 11:21:22 PM
Embolism can happen with anybody and it's often lethal but not barely walking is also a reality among some of these patients due to nerve damage and other factors
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 02, 2017, 11:42:33 PM
It's seldom to occur severe  problems  with LL done by expert doctors.  They're many doctor who need to atone and enhance their techniques.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 02, 2017, 11:57:56 PM
There is no evidence of someone dying with Paley at least nothing verified. From guichet, I can believe as we now his lack of empathy.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 03, 2017, 02:52:45 AM
About Guichet, I didnt know one of his patients died. I haven't read in any case series that a patient died, but it could have happened of course.

About Paley, I know of one patient who had a fat embolism and colapsed in the hospital. He had full recovery

About Monegal, well you already know

About Catagn, I read one of his patients died of embolism after achilles lengthening
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Body Builder on August 03, 2017, 11:01:02 AM
About Guichet, I didnt know one of his patients died. I haven't read in any case series that a patient died, but it could have happened of course.

About Paley, I know of one patient who had a fat embolism and colapsed in the hospital. He had full recovery

About Monegal, well you already know

About Catagn, I read one of his patients died of embolism after achilles lengthening
Embolism due to atl?
This mad surgery has plenty of drawbacks but I really didn't think it could cause embolism as it is generally safe.
If you are right then I have anorther reason to hate that surgery.  :D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 03, 2017, 12:13:16 PM
About alex monegal,I do not know what bad happen ,can you explain to us?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 03, 2017, 10:30:52 PM
Read the thread. He has had many bad outcomes.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 04, 2017, 12:42:12 AM
Ok I read but  i do not believe it , if this cases were true, this doctor already had been banned from medicine council.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 04, 2017, 12:44:39 AM
My name is Denis Moraes and I vouched and trusted on this doctor and I will make my surgery with him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 04, 2017, 12:50:08 AM
Of course this is true. If I were you I would investigate more carefully. Being a patient myself I know these stories are true. Don't be fooled by hypocritical manners and false charm. Some delusional people like you trusted and the doctor ruined their lives.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 04, 2017, 07:33:33 PM
My name is Denis Moraes and I vouched and trusted on this doctor and I will make my surgery with him.
Hey buddy!

Good choice, I had my surgery with Dr. Monegal and I've a diary that you can read so you can find out, more or less, what to expect. Good luck  ;)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 05, 2017, 12:00:54 AM
Auron don't mislead the guy. You know there are patients with very bad results even your friends so don't do this
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 05, 2017, 01:42:19 AM
Prove it real patient , you don't fool me, simple like that. I'll make my the surgery with him next couple months I do trust my life on his expertise and experience with nothing to atone.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on August 05, 2017, 09:02:55 AM
helloworld, Auron, Yagan, Four Inch, Krp1, Antonio, Bohemia, Crimsontide, SnD, glenn, aboali, nomad, shortdarkandhandsome
have diaries here and had good results.
Musicmaker (friend of me and of Auron and many others) had many complications, which realpatient is referring to.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 05, 2017, 10:42:42 AM
Auron don't mislead the guy. You know there are patients with very bad results even your friends so don't do this
Dr. Monegal is currently the best option in Europe for LL and if you consider how cheap it is I'd say he is the best option in the world. Why don't you stop creating accounts and accept that you have lost your little war? It's been 2 years, about time you move on with your life.
helloworld, Auron, Yagan, Four Inch, Krp1, Antonio, Bohemia, Crimsontide, SnD, glenn, aboali, nomad, shortdarkandhandsome
have diaries here and had good results.
Musicmaker (friend of me and of Auron and many others) had many complications, which realpatient is referring to.
I second this.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 07, 2017, 07:22:38 PM
Embolism due to atl?
This mad surgery has plenty of drawbacks but I really didn't think it could cause embolism as it is generally safe.
If you are right then I have anorther reason to hate that surgery.  :D

It was a study by Dr. Catagni on percutaneous achilles tendon lengthening and he reported one death due to thromboembolism. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the study anymore, maybe you'll have better luck.

Prove it real patient , you don't fool me, simple like that. I'll make my the surgery with him next couple months I do trust my life on his expertise and experience with nothing to atone.

Be VERY careful with Dr. Monegal.

Auron don't mislead the guy. You know there are patients with very bad results even your friends so don't do this

I wonder why they are like that, Auron is supposed to have already gone back home so I don't know why he is doing this. Is it because he still needs the doctor for removal? I wonder...
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on August 07, 2017, 10:14:04 PM

I wonder why they are like that, Auron is supposed to have already gone back home so I don't know why he is doing this. Is it because he still needs the doctor for removal? I wonder...
Your comments are usually very good, LL SouthAmerica.
But I do not know what you mean with "why they are doing that".
Auron is saying that Dr. Monegal is the best option and that is certainly true. I accept that you can argue if Dr. Rozbruch, Dr. Baumgart or Dr. Monegal is the best surgeon, but for somebody who does consider money as a criterion, the best option would certainly be Dr. Monegal.
Did Dr. Monegal have a patient, that did not have good results so far, "yes"! But unless you show me experienced CLL doctor who had no such patient, I think we can all (except for realpatient) agree that Dr. Monegal is the best option.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 08, 2017, 02:43:02 AM
Your comments are usually very good, LL SouthAmerica.
But I do not know what you mean with "why they are doing that".
Auron is saying that Dr. Monegal is the best option and that is certainly true. I accept that you can argue if Dr. Rozbruch, Dr. Baumgart or Dr. Monegal is the best surgeon, but for somebody who does consider money as a criterion, the best option would certainly be Dr. Monegal.
Did Dr. Monegal have a patient, that did not have good results so far, "yes"! But unless you show me experienced CLL doctor who had no such patient, I think we can all (except for realpatient) agree that Dr. Monegal is the best option.

First of all, Dr. Monegal is not and will never be the best option as we all know. The price should not be the biggest concern in this surgery. Bad cases are the result of chance and many other factors, and as you said all doctors with experience have had complications. It is not the fact that Dr. Monegal has had bad cases, but rather his attitude towards them. I have spoken to many prospective and current patients of Dr. Monegal and he has some very unethical attitudes as many users in this forum have once said. However, what is most worrying is the fact the many of his patients behave like a cult saying "Dr. Monegal is the best of the world" when it is not the case. I know that Dr. Monegal doesn't allow patients to speak negatively of him in the forum and actually makes them post only positive aspects about him, which he does indeed have.

I know that Auron has already finished LL which is why I wonder why he still behaves like that as if speaking about Dr. Monegal as a god might get him some benefit. Of course, I will not argue any further in this matter because the people who told me that would not like that I speak of their current problems. I think my word is important to me, and I am not telling lies to cause damage to Dr. Monegal but sometimes this cult-like behaviour is too exaggerated for me to bear.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on August 08, 2017, 07:17:51 AM
I created a Whatsapp group for Dr. Monegal current and former patients, seperate from this forum.
This is private group, where Dr. Monegal has no access to, so we share everything about Dr. Monegal there. And of course I know about some bad stuff. So for me and every other patient Dr. Monegal is just a good doctor, nothing like a God, nor did I see that expressed here.
However, everybody, including Musicmaker, and including multi-millionaire patients, would go to him again, if they were to do LL, and Yagan is actually doing just that.
What you could do to find out, is to send a private message to each Monegal patient - there are a lot here- and ask, if they were to recommend him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 08, 2017, 09:25:10 AM
So all the cult members are accessible through this app know.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 08, 2017, 11:00:50 AM

I know that Auron has already finished LL which is why I wonder why he still behaves like that as if speaking about Dr. Monegal as a god might get him some benefit.

As a god? Please. Is your dictionary so narrow that you can't express yourself with the right words?

I've finished LL and I still recommend Dr. Monegal as a doctor. Why? Well, maybe because he has done a fabulous job with my legs and having had my last surgery in march I am already able to run. Look at helloworld and all the exercises he is able to do. I've yet to see any LLer capable of doing what he does. Sure, you can turn a blind eye to all of Monegal's best cases but the fact is that he is having a tremendous sucess with his patients, even as one of the cheapest doctors.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 08, 2017, 04:27:46 PM
First of all, Dr. Monegal is not and will never be the best option as we all know. The price should not be the biggest concern in this surgery. Bad cases are the result of chance and many other factors, and as you said all doctors with experience have had complications. It is not the fact that Dr. Monegal has had bad cases, but rather his attitude towards them. I have spoken to many prospective and current patients of Dr. Monegal and he has some very unethical attitudes as many users in this forum have once said. However, what is most worrying is the fact the many of his patients behave like a cult saying "Dr. Monegal is the best of the world" when it is not the case. I know that Dr. Monegal doesn't allow patients to speak negatively of him in the forum and actually makes them post only positive aspects about him, which he does indeed have.

I know that Auron has already finished LL which is why I wonder why he still behaves like that as if speaking about Dr. Monegal as a god might get him some benefit. Of course, I will not argue any further in this matter because the people who told me that would not like that I speak of their current problems. I think my word is important to me, and I am not telling lies to cause damage to Dr. Monegal but sometimes this cult-like behaviour is too exaggerated for me to bear.

The reason for Auron to speak good is he's visiting Helloworld in Barcelona and probably wants from the doctor. Don't trust these patients. They are manipulated.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 08, 2017, 06:49:14 PM
I created a Whatsapp group for Dr. Monegal current and former patients, seperate from this forum.
This is private group, where Dr. Monegal has no access to, so we share everything about Dr. Monegal there. And of course I know about some bad stuff. So for me and every other patient Dr. Monegal is just a good doctor, nothing like a God, nor did I see that expressed here.
However, everybody, including Musicmaker, and including multi-millionaire patients, would go to him again, if they were to do LL, and Yagan is actually doing just that.
What you could do to find out, is to send a private message to each Monegal patient - there are a lot here- and ask, if they were to recommend him.

I can say the same for Dr. Guichet patients, I'm also in 2 whatsapp groups and there are a lot of multi-millionare patients who want to have another surgery with him. I think it is the same for all the doctors after they've had good results. Yes, I agree with you that this forum is biased and to contact individual patients might bring us closer to the actual truth but I wouldn't trust all from this forum. Anyway I'm not interested in Dr. Monegal as a doctor for my future tibia surgery (if I do it in the end), I would go to Dr. Catagni or Dr. Pili.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 08, 2017, 06:56:38 PM
As a god? Please. Is your dictionary so narrow that you can't express yourself with the right words?

I've finished LL and I still recommend Dr. Monegal as a doctor. Why? Well, maybe because he has done a fabulous job with my legs and having had my last surgery in march I am already able to run. Look at helloworld and all the exercises he is able to do. I've yet to see any LLer capable of doing what he does. Sure, you can turn a blind eye to all of Monegal's best cases but the fact is that he is having a tremendous sucess with his patients, even as one of the cheapest doctors.

Actually, I speak 5 languages but I'm a master of none, so I apologize for not using the right terminology. What I meant is that many of the users here speak of the doctor in radical terms: He is the best in the world, etc etc. Look at me, I started to walk 2 months post op and normally 3 months post op... I'm back to normal life I go out, party, dance as if nothing had happened. Of course, I would wait until 6 months to start doing serious weight training and running, but I am being overly cautious it's in my nature. I don't turn a blind eye to Monegal best cases and I know every doctor has good and bad results, and many doctors have had as much success as him. It is the stories about him people who personally know him and his patients have told me that concern me. I don't think he is devoid of technical capacity, but I wouldn't say he is close to being the best.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 08, 2017, 07:31:12 PM
They speak as if he was a God because they were indoctrinated. When good results people are happy but all this propaganda by Auron and Helloworld isn't normal. Patients know bad stories of this doctor's ethics and technical capacity so please get informed before getting the surgery with him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on August 08, 2017, 09:23:45 PM
They speak as if he was a God because they were indoctrinated. When good results people are happy but all this propaganda by Auron and Helloworld isn't normal. Patients know bad stories of this doctor's ethics and technical capacity so please get informed before getting the surgery with him.

If you want to know more, you can read all the post of "helloworld" and "auron". Does that seem like propaganda? Seriously? I am really trying to be objective and helpful to other members.

On the other hand read every post of realpatient and you will that he is not interested in contributing any knowledge or insights, but just destroy reputation of Dr. Monegal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 08, 2017, 09:28:14 PM
Yours are propaganda and everybody here agrees but the fanboys and the fangirl and I don't want to destroy his reputation. I want to avoid some new people's lives to be destroyed.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 09, 2017, 12:25:32 AM
Yours are propaganda and everybody here agrees but the fanboys and the fangirl and I don't want to destroy his reputation. I want to avoid some new people's lives to be destroyed.

Now, you are being overly dramatic haha. You have to be fair, he is not a butcher from a third world country.
It is plain obvious there is exaggeration on both sides.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 09, 2017, 01:19:47 AM
Now, you are being overly dramatic haha. You have to be fair, he is not a butcher from a third world country.
It is plain obvious there is exaggeration on both sides.

The truth is always somewhere in the middle and that is the case here.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 09, 2017, 09:23:42 AM
Your sarcastic response does not change the fact that its weird how you all gather to defend mongeal. Maybe not treat him as a god but it is very weird like in your case where your fitbone was faulty the first time but you still are so adamant to defend mongeal. It almost does seem like South America says that you guys are looking to score points with mongeal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 09, 2017, 10:02:50 AM
Your sarcastic response does not change the fact that its weird how you all gather to defend mongeal. Maybe not treat him as a god but it is very weird like in your case where your fitbone was faulty the first time but you still are so adamant to defend mongeal. It almost does seem like South America says that you guys are looking to score points with mongeal.
I don't see where is the weirdness of defending a doctor from false statements. There is no such thing as scoring points with a doctor, in the end we all pay the same and are treated the same way since the doctor wants the best for all his patients, which is the best for the doctor as well (besides, we are all done with LL). Helloworld had a faulty nail and is still one of the most sucessful cases of LL history, I challenge you to find a LLer who is as fit as him less then a year post op. So, tell me, considering me and helloworld's physical condition, why shouldn't we recommend Dr. Monegal?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 09, 2017, 10:31:06 AM
You already know Llusers vendetta and none take him seriously. So what is there to defend? After all mongeals work can speak for itself. Of course it is not a bad thing to recommend him but the way you guys talk in absolutes "as we all know mongeal is the best option" etc...  makes it look like he is a all perfect doctor which we  know does not exist. Thats why I say the truth is in the middle because he has had many good cases but too many things suggest that his ethics aren't the best as guichet.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 09, 2017, 03:21:23 PM
I don't see where is the weirdness of defending a doctor from false statements. There is no such thing as scoring points with a doctor, in the end we all pay the same and are treated the same way since the doctor wants the best for all his patients, which is the best for the doctor as well (besides, we are all done with LL). Helloworld had a faulty nail and is still one of the most sucessful cases of LL history, I challenge you to find a LLer who is as fit as him less then a year post op. So, tell me, considering me and helloworld's physical condition, why shouldn't we recommend Dr. Monegal?

It is indeed a little bit weird. I remember you and other patients writing in diaries of other doctors and mentioning Monegal/Fitbone. For example, you don't see Penguinn defending Dr. Parihar in every thread where people disregard Indian doctors or say they are butchers. Even if we know that Dr. Parihar is a very respectable surgeon, Penguinn doesn't mention him at all in other threads. In my case, I had the fastest recovery from surgery to going back to life in this forum, but I don't say Guichet is the best surgeon or defend him. So it is normal to say "my surgeon treated me well, I am happy" then stop. However, it doesn't seem to be this way. Instead every time realpatient/Lluser/Cooper/notimportant criticises Monegal, you rush to defend him.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 09, 2017, 06:22:02 PM
Real patients like me know Lluser and other so called trolls' statements are real not false but they are afraid of telling the truth because they still depend on him not for lengthening but for other problems and nail removal. Dr Monegal's lack of ability is evident in some cases not in all but his lack of ethics is concerning in all cases such as lies, manipulation, profanity and others.

I'm not exaggerating when I say he destroyed Cooper and Musicmaker's lives and many others not reported here including myself.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: google42 on August 09, 2017, 06:23:28 PM
It is indeed a little bit weird. I remember you and other patients writing in diaries of other doctors and mentioning Monegal/Fitbone. For example, you don't see Penguinn defending Dr. Parihar in every thread where people disregard Indian doctors or say they are butchers. Even if we know that Dr. Parihar is a very respectable surgeon, Penguinn doesn't mention him at all in other threads. In my case, I had the fastest recovery from surgery to going back to life in this forum, but I don't say Guichet is the best surgeon or defend him. So it is normal to say "my surgeon treated me well, I am happy" then stop. However, it doesn't seem to be this way. Instead every time realpatient/Lluser/Cooper/notimportant criticises Monegal, you rush to defend him.
It seems like its only the Monegal patients that do this. You don't see other patients trying to frantically defend their doctor. Im not saying dr Monegal is bad, I just think that this is a bit weird.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: realpatient on August 09, 2017, 06:43:27 PM
It isn't that weird because he blackmails them to post good things or manipulates them like puppets like Musicmaker
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 09, 2017, 07:19:04 PM
You already know Llusers vendetta and none take him seriously.
I know, but I like to make fun of LLuser and it's army of accounts. Anyways, I could care less what a bunch of ller's wannabe think. At the end of the day its the results that count and they are out there for everyone to see.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Shadow91 on August 09, 2017, 09:23:46 PM
Check my exchange with Auron(Monegal) in Dr. Rozbruch's thread.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 09, 2017, 10:01:41 PM
Realpatient why you want to  help people who you even not  known?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 09, 2017, 10:36:46 PM
realpatient replied me

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Because I would have liked to have been told the truth beforehand

I cannot understand you, if Dr alex monegal is butcher why The medical council does not ban him from his profession?

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: mediocre on August 17, 2017, 12:14:20 PM
Every year I come here in this balmy Barcelona and this is my third time. Weather is great and so much more but I won't have surgery with this doctor based on what everyone is posting.

Ever heard of "Caveat Emptor?"
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 17, 2017, 12:31:19 PM
Ok then,come to brazil and pay 70k USD to have internal ISKD with a doctor who has 73 years old and  and only proceed 16 people.Or go to dr paley and spent 90k+22,5k= 112,5k USD,I trust dr monegal. You can rendezvous problems with any doctor. So good luck.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on August 27, 2017, 12:57:49 AM
New users considering Monegal should check this. Back in 2016 some people claimed Lluser was a troll and he was banned. Then Cooper showed the truth to everybody. Check from 24th march 2016.

-   Cooper’s diary FROM 24th march 2016:

You should check this too:

-   Doctors or salesmen? Cases of dishonesty in LL
-   Monegal debate
-   Do some doctors threaten or intimidate you if you write a diary?

There are more threads.

People said LLuser was a troll but he wasn’t. He was telling the truth the same as Cooper. Dr Monegal is really fortunate. Most users here call US TROLLS even if we aren’t, and his worst case doesn’t want to open her mouth as Unicorn did, but I can assure you as far as many of us know the case is bad enough for him to have his license revoked. You can't get out from cases like this unscathed (unless the victim driven by Stockholm syndrome decides not to denounce).
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Four Inch on August 27, 2017, 09:52:39 AM
It's obvious that Datum, although never a patient of Monegal has an axe to grind.  He posts all over the forum claiming he is just warning others about Monegal but has no first hand knowledge.  Someone this obsessed with ruining someone reputation, with no personal experience, is obviously trolling.

I considered both Monegal and Paley.  Paley's office is very close to where I live but I also though it might be better to go though this experience away from family and friends.  Although, the cost was significantly less with Monegal, cost itself was not a big driver for me. I can understand how cost can be a deciding factor, just keep in mind how specialized this type of surgery is and choose carefully.

Monegal did discuss with me a certain complication that did arise with one patient without me even prodding him to do so; the fact that neither the doctor or patient lost faith in each other was a big plus for me; a very different experience than Unicorn's. I was aware of Coopers unfortunate demise.   Perhaps if Cooper would have followed the protocol and not left Barcelona much earlier that he was suppose to leave, then perhaps his issue could have corrected before it got worse once he returned home; just speculation on my part; but following the doctors orders is obviously important.

My feeling is that any experienced doctor has or will be up against a complication at one time or another; its not a matter of if but of when.  It's how the doctor behaves after the fact that determines if they are a good doctor or not. 

It's not that I have the qualifications to claim that Dr. Monegal is an exceptional surgeon; but I do feel comfortable is stating that he is certainly competent and goes out of his way in caring for his patients. 

People said LLuser was a troll but he wasn’t. He was telling the truth the same as Cooper. Dr Monegal is really fortunate. Most users here call US TROLLS even if we aren’t, and his worst case doesn’t want to open her mouth as Unicorn did, but I can assure you as far as many of us know the case is bad enough for him to have his license revoked. You can't get out from cases like this unscathed (unless the victim driven by Stockholm syndrome decides not to denounce).
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: The Dreamer on August 27, 2017, 11:41:54 AM
As an external reader I will provide my own opinion.
Sincerely i don't see any reason that would involve LLuser,Datum,newpatient or others to attempt to destroy Monegal's carrier.Surely they are not promoving other surgeons,so it's not a competition between other suergeons.I thinks they are trying to make people to think upon all strange things that happened with Musicmaker,Cooper and others.
Honestly,as other users said, I personally find strage the behaviour of Auron,Four Inch,hellodream and other Monegal's patients: you are always attempting to strongly defend this doctor in every thread.
Statements like "he is the best in the world","amazing doctor","the best choice for cosmetic ll" ,"I love him" make people suspicious.
If I would manage to achieve a succesfull operation I cleraly would be very happy.But I would never say that my doctor "is the best in the world" or "i fall in love with him".Because I will never know how good are the oders doctors.
However if you all guys had good surgeries with this doctor,better for you
This was my opinion
The Dreamer
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Ozymandias on August 27, 2017, 01:15:50 PM
Sincerely i don't see any reason that would involve LLuser,Datum,newpatient or others to attempt to destroy Monegal's carrier.

Don't you realize that all those usernames are actually the same person?

And isn't that behavior (creating multiple usernames to "support" your own arguments) a hint that he is a mentally unstable person who should not be taken seriously?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: backrandom on August 27, 2017, 05:45:35 PM

Don't you realize that all those usernames are actually the same person?

And isn't that behavior (creating multiple usernames to "support" your own arguments) a hint that he is a mentally unstable person who should not be taken seriously?

The troll creates multiple accounts, but don't forget some Monegal patients have mental problems and do the same. Recently it was demonstrated that Neverland and Summerbreeze are the same person with different accounts created to support herself and her dumb opinions (because they aren't supported by anyone else in this forum), and also to create drama using other people's tragedies. I don't like the troll but the troll may have a reason to post   (vendetta after what he thinks it's a failed surgery). This Neverland user disturbs Monegal patients and creates drama in the forum even before surgery and that's more a hint of mental unstability.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on August 27, 2017, 06:20:39 PM

Monegal did discuss with me a certain complication that did arise with one patient without me even prodding him to do so; the fact that neither the doctor or patient lost faith in each other was a big plus for me; a very different experience than Unicorn's. I was aware of Coopers unfortunate demise.   Perhaps if Cooper would have followed the protocol and not left Barcelona much earlier that he was suppose to leave, then perhaps his issue could have corrected before it got worse once he returned home; just speculation on my part; but following the doctors orders is obviously important.

He did it because he was aware you were reading the forum but he used to lie a lot about this famous case. Back in 2015 this patient had had a dizaine of surgeries and he was dishonest enough to tell prospective patients that he had had no complications at all (read Lluser thread). He also lied in this forum about the causes of complications and new complications encountered by this patient and others.

About Cooper, PLEASE. The doctor himself told Cooper he could leave if he wanted in 1 month because he was doing 2 stages. Don't blame Cooper because he did what Dr Monegal told him and many people here can confirm this. Most people who did 2 stages came back home in 4/7 days (Paco1, Musicmaker, Yagen...). Cooper stayed in Barcelona for 3/4 weeks at least. Why do you lie?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 27, 2017, 06:30:08 PM
Why do you lie?
You're the only one lying here, get lost  ::)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Four Inch on August 28, 2017, 07:03:00 AM
Why do you lie?

It is my understanding that Cooper left the second week after surgery rather than staying at the  MICs for a full month. Others that were at MICs at the same time as Cooper that can certainly confirm.   Monegal, was insistent that I stay a minimum of 5 weeks, one week in the clinic and 4 weeks at MICs, he preferred that I stay even longer.

Just to be clear, I certainly don't know that Coopers outcome would have been different;I was just surprised when I was told he left early and that Monegal did not even know that he had returned home until later. 

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Four Inch on August 28, 2017, 07:58:27 AM
As an external reader I will provide my own opinion.
Sincerely i don't see any reason that would involve LLuser,Datum,newpatient or others to attempt to destroy Monegal's carrier.Surely they are not promoving other surgeons,so it's not a competition between other suergeons.I thinks they are trying to make people to think upon all strange things that happened with Musicmaker,Cooper and others.
Honestly,as other users said, I personally find strage the behaviour of Auron,Four Inch,hellodream and other Monegal's patients: you are always attempting to strongly defend this doctor in every thread.

Dreamer,  I understand your perception.  However, you will likely understand our defensiveness after you go through the procedure - if you decide to do so in the future. 

I went in to this thinking of Dr. Monegal as my doctor, nothing more.  However, I did build somewhat of an unintentional bond with Dr. Monegal.  This is risky cosmetic surgery and you are giving your full and undivided trust to your doctor.  You are hoping for an outcome that will improve your quality of life but know that the end result could be catastrophic.  When you place yourself into such a vulnerable situation and have a positive outcome it creates intense excitement and happiness; one is naturally very grateful to their doctor (and lady luck).

Datum was never a patient of Monegals, yet the majority of Datums posts just echo what he has stated time and time and time again throughout the forum about Monegal.  Do you really think that he is expending all his targeted energy and time to warn others?  I think not.   

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on August 29, 2017, 06:30:31 PM
It is my understanding that Cooper left the second week after surgery rather than staying at the  MICs for a full month. Others that were at MICs at the same time as Cooper that can certainly confirm.   Monegal, was insistent that I stay a minimum of 5 weeks, one week in the clinic and 4 weeks at MICs, he preferred that I stay even longer.

Just to be clear, I certainly don't know that Coopers outcome would have been different;I was just surprised when I was told he left early and that Monegal did not even know that he had returned home until later. 

You never met Cooper so you don't know if you were lied as everyone else. It doesn't make sense. Cooper was doing 2 stages and the doctor allowed him to leave as soon as he wanted as he did with Paco1, Musicmaker and Yagen and other people not in the forum. You can't talk about Cooper because you only have the doctor's manipulated version of the story. People need to know the truth.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 29, 2017, 09:26:34 PM
But I will take a little time to warn others: Avoid Dr. Monegal!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Four Inch on August 30, 2017, 11:32:48 AM
You never met Cooper so you don't know if you were lied as everyone else.

It's true that I never met Cooper but I have meet others that were here at MIC's with Cooper.  it's certainly possible that Dr. Monegal and other patients lied to me just as it's possible your were lied to by your source.

What happened to Cooper is tragic and he has spoken for himself in his diary as he should.  Coopers diary provided me with good information that I used when making my decision and I am thankful for his feedback.  However, you shouldn't be allowed to get away with barking over and over again about how incompetent Dr. Monegal without expecting to be challenged. Monegal has plenty of first hand success stories.  Having patients with complications in itself does not make a LL Doctor incompetent-  THIS IS A VERY RIISSSKKKYYY PROCEDURE - got it?   To me, it was important to know that Monegal did not abandon Cooper, he attempted to reach out to Cooper several times (this was confirmed by WhatApp message threads); Cooper exercised his judgement and decided not to seek a remedy from Dr. Monegal; perfectly understandable.

You keep claiming that you are warning others.  Do you really think anyone that is really considering Dr. Monegal is going to be persuaded by your second hand ranting?  They would be better served by reading both the positive and negative experiences posted in first hand diaries and avoid taking anything to heart from a non-patient that seems to be obsessed with Dr. Monegal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on August 30, 2017, 07:47:48 PM
Your information about Cooper isn't right. Cooper wrote to him several times after some doctors in the USA told him the surgery was a disaster and asked him to fix but Monegal procrastinated and he said 'everything will be fine... no problem at all' and denied there was a problem while the problem was evident for all doctors. Two possibilities: he didn't have a clue about LL or he lied. I don't know what's worse.

Did the doctor show you whatsapp texts from him? Everybody knows that this doctor doesn't respect privacy but this is too much. Showing whatsapp texts to other people is unethical but if a doctor shows whatsapp texts from one patient to another patient it's against the law and he can be denounced and of course I will tell Cooper to denounce this too.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on August 30, 2017, 08:40:00 PM
Your stupidity knows no bounds. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

Your stupidity, not mine. The professional duty of confidentiality for doctors covers what patients may reveal to doctors and what doctors may conclude, based on their assessment of patients. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including x-rays, ) as well as communications between patient and doctor,. The duty of confidentiality continues even after patients stop seeing or being treated by their doctors. Once doctors are under a duty of confidentiality, they cannot divulge any medical information about their patients to third persons without patient consent.

What Is Covered By Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?

The professional duty of confidentiality covers not only what a patient may reveal to the doctor, but also any opinions and conclusions the doctor may form after having examined or assessed the patient. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including medical history, pre-existing medical conditions, x-rays, lab-reports, etc.), as well as communications between the patient and the doctor. Generally, this also includes communications between the patient and other professional staff working with the doctor.

What Constitutes a Breach of Confidentiality?

A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without his or her consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced.
Patient confidentiality is protected under state law. If a patient's private information is disclosed without authorization and causes some type of harm to the patient, he or she could have a cause of action against the medical provider for malpractice, invasion of privacy, or other related torts. Of course, if the patient consented to the disclosure, no breach occurred.

How Long Does Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Last?

The duty of confidentiality continues even after a patient has stopped seeing or being treated by that particular doctor. The duty even survives the death of a patient. That means if the patient passes away, his or her medical records and information are still protected by doctor-patient confidentiality.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 30, 2017, 08:40:47 PM
I want everyone to know that as I told before, I have inside knowledge from some of Dr. Monegal ex patients, that he threatens them not to post in the forum when they have complications (faulty nails, fractures, and other complications), and actually forces patients to post good stuff about him. He constantly monitors this forum and reads post from well-known users. This is the truth people have given me and I believe them.

I have said the same to plenty of members here by inbox and many agree with me.

I'm writing this because there is a user deniscef that is threatening me to give him information about this if not he will post our private inbox in this forum. I will not put my friends in danger and while if he had asked me in a non-threatening manner, I might have complied (removing all personal information). I will never send proof to him because now I know the kind of person he is.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on August 30, 2017, 08:49:06 PM
LOL I find it funny that so far the doctors that interacted the most with the patients turned out to be on the bad side  ;D.

Sarin, Monegal, Barinov

I guess the pattern here is that a doctor's work should speak for itself and he doesn't need promotion from people. Those who do then it means that their work isn't worthy of speaking for itself  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 30, 2017, 09:04:05 PM
Datum is a troll with nothing to atone

A troll would not have dedicated so much time. He has a vendetta against mongeal, whether it is justified or not.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 30, 2017, 09:06:43 PM
«Sent to: deniscef on: August 29, 2017, 09:13:19 PM»
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All stories that tell the troll (Lluser, notimportant, Datum) are true (iatrogenic fractures, broken nails, nails that do not work, loose screws). I spoke with several patients of Dr. Monegal both in the forum and in whatsapp, and they confirmed it to me. I have no proof because I've never been his patient, nor would I want to be.

before he posted to me

No, I'm Peruvian, but I did an internship at Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo and I was there for two months. I loved your country and I will be back in the future. I would like to keep my privacy and so I do not speak by whatsapp with anyone in the forum. However, feel free to ask anything you want through the inbox or forum.

Good luck with your stretching!

He says he does not give whatsapp to anyone but then he contradicts himself by saying that he talks to forum people on whatsapp, when I asked him for proof, he got all angry
LLSouthAmerica is a troll ,he cannot prove one word that he writes

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on August 30, 2017, 09:10:30 PM
LOL, I find it funny that so far the doctors that interacted the most with the patients turned out to be on the bad side  ;D.

Sarin, Monegal, Barinov

I guess the pattern here is that a doctor's work should speak for itself and he doesn't need promotion from people. Those who do then it means that their work isn't worthy of speaking for itself  ;D ;D

If you mean rickey case, he had done many things to complicate his recovery like walking without crutches when he was not supposed to. From what I heard barinov will treat any complications occured for free so that is a good doctor in my book.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 30, 2017, 09:12:36 PM
Well, believe what you want to believe, guys. I'm an actual LL veteran.

Deniscef is the kind of guy who posts private info you've told by inbox.

You didn't ask me for proof, you threatened me and told me you would post my private messages if I didn't give chats to you. That's the kind of guy you are.

Of course I wouldn't give my phone to such a person.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on August 30, 2017, 09:24:28 PM
So much drama around one doctor. Not a good impression
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LongHairGirl on August 30, 2017, 10:05:23 PM
As someone who recently visited with Dr. Monegal I can tell everyone that all the bad news you hear about him is 100% true. Not only did I speak with several patients in private who told me their own horror stories about Dr. Monegal care and how they regretted having surgery with him, but every single female patient I spoke to said that he constantly hits on them and makes them feel very uncomfortable. Two girls started crying to me back in their rooms about how much they regret their decision and feel like they are in the care of an abusive partner. It was so sad... I have every reason to believe these girls because Dr. Monegal hit on me during my consultation and made me feel very uncomfortable. He really is quite a sleezeball.

As for the male patients I spoke to. The stories about their complications completely freaked me out. I would never have imagined so many people are suffering such terrible complications. There was a guy who can't even walk properly and he had surgery almost 3 years ago. Another guy has had something like 5 operations on just one leg to try and fix his problems with no improvement. One guy told me that the pain is so unbearable at times that he sometimes thinks about purposely overdosing on pain meds. He said his life is ruined so whats the point in living. He had femur surgery over 2 years ago and lengthened less than 6cm. I didn't sleep for a couple of night after my consultation. I was so lucky I met those people in private and they told me they would never have said anything if Dr. Monegal was around. It's a good thing my parents are originally from a Spanish speaking country and taught me Spanish growing up. It might have saved me from making the worst decision of my life.

I created my own thread about my experience with Dr. Monegal.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 30, 2017, 11:59:04 PM
Your stupidity, not mine. The professional duty of confidentiality for doctors covers what patients may reveal to doctors and what doctors may conclude, based on their assessment of patients. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including x-rays, ) as well as communications between patient and doctor,. The duty of confidentiality continues even after patients stop seeing or being treated by their doctors. Once doctors are under a duty of confidentiality, they cannot divulge any medical information about their patients to third persons without patient consent.

What Is Covered By Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?

The professional duty of confidentiality covers not only what a patient may reveal to the doctor, but also any opinions and conclusions the doctor may form after having examined or assessed the patient. Confidentiality covers all medical records (including medical history, pre-existing medical conditions, x-rays, lab-reports, etc.), as well as communications between the patient and the doctor. Generally, this also includes communications between the patient and other professional staff working with the doctor.

What Constitutes a Breach of Confidentiality?

A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without his or her consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced.
Patient confidentiality is protected under state law. If a patient's private information is disclosed without authorization and causes some type of harm to the patient, he or she could have a cause of action against the medical provider for malpractice, invasion of privacy, or other related torts. Of course, if the patient consented to the disclosure, no breach occurred.

How Long Does Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Last?

The duty of confidentiality continues even after a patient has stopped seeing or being treated by that particular doctor. The duty even survives the death of a patient. That means if the patient passes away, his or her medical records and information are still protected by doctor-patient confidentiality.

It's easy to copy paste but do you know how to interpret it?

No where in all your copy pasted text says the doctor can't show his whatsapp msgs to another patient. What cannot be done is sharing personal and medical information about his patients, not just to other patients but to the ppl in general.

Oh and please, note this:

1st- "Cooper" doesn't exist, and even if cooper existed, what ever information that Monegal could possibly share about "Cooper" was already made public by "cooper" in this forum. He has a god damn diary of his LL experience.

2nd- Your text is worth ZERO. I'd like you to prove anything in a spanish court presenting this source.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: The Dreamer on August 31, 2017, 06:53:47 AM
How do you know that Cooper doesn't exist ? I have read his diary and there are a lot of users here that believes him,some stated that are still in contact with him.
Do you have proofs ? If not,it's hard to believe you
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Four Inch on August 31, 2017, 08:08:48 AM
Your stupidity, not mine.

You have no idea what your talking about Datum; just another example of your assumptions and off the cuff posts.  Doctor/Patient confidentially relates to PHI (Personal Health Information) and that was not shared...except what Cooper himself shared on this forum.  Anything posted on this forum is information in the public domain.  Confidentiality does not apply to information in the public domain nor would it apply to messages simply showing concern that one attempted to make contact.

Albeit totally within his rights, Copper posted some very scathing and derogatory posts about Monegal.  Yet, Monegal still wanted to engage Cooper.  He didn't just say the hell with him and move on to the next paying prospect like a money grubbing prick like he often suggest. 

Your ignorance and maligned behavior is just stunning.  It's mind boggling why you seem to think that what could be interpreted as slanderous behavior is ok, but its out of line for actual patients to disagree you. in fact I question if you even have a second hand source; you seem perfectly content on speaking out of your butt hole.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on August 31, 2017, 10:25:42 AM
Cannot remain shut up.

As a female patient from Dr Monegal what #Longhairgirl says is absolutely FAKE. I have never seen such a bunch of lies, and I ask moderators to take action inmediately.

Regarding #Datum we all know he is a troll and always comes to post the same stories under different Alias time after time. What trolls do not realize is that everytime you put MONEGAL in the net you are attracting more and more attention towards him. If people read carefully they will find only one or two people trolling and attacking and a lot of positive stories like #yagen #helloworld #Kirp1 and many others. There are 2 ways...follow the trolls or the patients.

#LLsouthamerica is a diferent story. He is a troll fan or troll's pet. No point in any of his supportive posts to the troll. Maybe he is not even a true patient. But cannot see the point to all his anger. He is not a patient of dr Monegal... Maybe he is angry after undergoing surgery with a more expensive doctor with a way more painful method.

As I said in my thread this doctor changed my life for ever. I cannot be more thankful.
He is a great surgeon, better person and surgeon instructor for CLL. This pisses off some ignorant people and creates haters...The better you are the more haters you will have.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on August 31, 2017, 12:49:32 PM
How do you know that Cooper doesn't exist ? I have read his diary and there are a lot of users here that believes him,some stated that are still in contact with him.
Do you have proofs ? If not,it's hard to believe you
Your iq isnt high enough to understand what I meant by "Cooper" not existing so I won't bother to explain.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on August 31, 2017, 03:01:19 PM

I'm trying to be fair now. I've received information from some expatients and they say they don't know those girls. I met one guy in touch with MICS staff and he says they don't know about this. I have to be fair. However they said LLuser was right about one old guy living MICS (not Monegal patient) who had a femur fracture and died and Musicmaker was in hospital september last year not for work (as Monegal said) but for complications. This is what I know from MICS through my friends.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on August 31, 2017, 03:25:32 PM
Cannot remain shut up.

As a female patient from Dr Monegal what #Longhairgirl says is absolutely FAKE. I have never seen such a bunch of lies, and I ask moderators to take action inmediately.

Regarding #Datum we all know he is a troll and always comes to post the same stories under different Alias time after time. What trolls do not realize is that everytime you put MONEGAL in the net you are attracting more and more attention towards him. If people read carefully they will find only one or two people trolling and attacking and a lot of positive stories like #yagen #helloworld #Kirp1 and many others. There are 2 ways...follow the trolls or the patients.

#LLsouthamerica is a diferent story. He is a troll fan or troll's pet. No point in any of his supportive posts to the troll. Maybe he is not even a true patient. But cannot see the point to all his anger. He is not a patient of dr Monegal... Maybe he is angry after undergoing surgery with a more expensive doctor with a way more painful method.

As I said in my thread this doctor changed my life for ever. I cannot be more thankful.
He is a great surgeon, better person and surgeon instructor for CLL. This pisses off some ignorant people and creates haters...The better you are the more haters you will have.

I am not a troll fan or troll's pet. I simply speak and warn other because of the Monegal stories I heard during my lengthening and because of the patients I've spoken to through this forum.
It's easy to attack the person instead of what they are saying. I have no anger towards Monegal. I'm not a patient of his, and I'm VERY glad I'll never be. I can pay for more capable and ethical doctors.

I've said the things I wanted to say, only to warn people against going to Monegal. I've heard of faulty nails, loose screws, fractures. I haven't particularly confirmed many of the allegations from Datum or this new user, but I've plenty of reason to believe at least part of what they are saying.

Not all my posts are directed to attack Monegal, I'm simply trying to help others. You can believe that or not.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 31, 2017, 06:49:59 PM
a bunch of trolls came here to accuse dr monegal of many dire things,but they cannot prove anything .who accuses must bring the proves. Only words without any prove,that is easy. And besides it , why someone will  lose your own time to help strangers,it does not make any  sense at all.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 31, 2017, 07:10:14 PM
There are many trolls posting bullcrap in the forum, but your posts are also bullcrap. You are a hideous person who published South America's private messages in this thread without his consent. That's a dck thing to do. It's normal you can't understand some people coming here to help. It doesn't make sense for you because you're not a good person.
he accuses Dr Mobegal ,I ask for prooves and Am I what? pardon
the trool contradicts himself in what he said
Normal people came here to exchange knowledge, the trools came here to accuse without any proove
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on August 31, 2017, 09:46:10 PM
if you accuse someone you have to bring evidence and this south america said to have such evidence, why he does not show it ? I got annoyed with that, he is a midget liar.

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As pessoas que falam bem do doutor, fazem isso porque o doutor os obriga. Os pacientes estão ameaçados e eles não falam aqui ou falam coisas positivas do doutor também

translate be
People who speak well of the doctor do so because the doctor obliges them. Patients are threatened and they do not speak here or speak positive things about the doctor as well

when you accuse someone of threat you have to prove, because threaten is a crime.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LongHairGirl on August 31, 2017, 09:57:05 PM
I stand by everything I said about the Butcher From Barcelona. He is a dirty older man that constantly hits on and makes sexual advances towards his younger female patients. Disgusting! Dr. Monegal has absolutely ruined a number of his patients lives by causing them crippling complications that he is unable to fix. If you talk to these patients in private when the good doctor is not around to monitor what they say, that's when you will hear the whole story. I really don't care what anyone says about me on this forum, call me a troll or whatever...My father raised me to be a much stronger girl than to care what some strangers say about me on the internet.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: patientprivacy on August 31, 2017, 11:42:55 PM
I stand by everything I said about the Butcher From Barcelona. He is a dirty older man that constantly hits on and makes sxxual advances towards his younger female patients. Disgusting! Dr. Monegal has absolutely ruined a number of his patients lives by causing them crippling complications that he is unable to fix. If you talk to these patients in private when the good doctor is not around to monitor what they say, that's when you will hear the whole story. I really don't care what anyone says about me on this forum, call me a troll or whatever...My father raised me to be a much stronger girl than to care what some strangers say about me on the internet.

Unless you give some kind of proof, your story is a FAKE. I have talked to people living at MIC and they said your story is a FAKE. Even the troll says your story is a FAKE! You're a FAKE!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on September 01, 2017, 03:07:20 PM
I won't write the same again and again.
Even when I was 1.68 I never found crazy for an 1.73-5 man for instance to do LL.
But for an 1.80+ I always found it completely crazy, and before my LL and now.

And no, it is not coming from what you say at least for me.
I never fancied tall men, I don't think they look better than average men and they are no better physically in almost amything.
The only reason for me is for dating as most women with heels on clubs are about the same height as me and I want to have a good difference of 6-7 cm to have an easier job in attracting new girls.
So simple as that.
So I don't care if taller than me men do LL and become even taller, I only want to have a good height difference from the average woman, nothing else.

And although LL is a cosmetic surgery, that doesn't mean that it is justified for all people the same.
Above average men don't bemefit from LL but they are so insecure about themselves and think that extra height will help. Almost all the times it won't. On the other hand, a short or an average man benefits a lot from LL as it fixes one drawback he has.
So for a tall man LL fixes nothing but for average and less men LL fixes a minor to big (the shorter you are) drawback so it is justified and really helps.
Things are very simple although tall men support that LL is the same for anyone.
No, it is not.
this is a  COMESTIC SURGERY, the midget guys offen using the average height to justify the reason for LL. Let's rack, if is average it's obvious that will be slight differences from up and DOWN, why the average bother them ?

But all people here has the same goal : to be more tall, the rest is only  bullcrap. And for everybody here ,my spouse is more tall than me. We all in the same situation
The only cases that this surgery is not a cosmetic is to real midgets patients

It's funny the way why things are. A man who decides to transform all body and became a female/shemale is normal everybody has to agree with  that , notwithstanding a man who is unhappy with his stature cannot even thinking in solve his problem because a shorter man thinks that is incorrect
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on September 02, 2017, 12:07:28 AM
I threatens people ? You all trolls accuse Dr Monegal WITHOUT ANY PROOF and Am I crazy?
If you cannot prove anything he is innocent, I belivieve dr monegal , he's very responsible and diligent .
I do not accept false accusation without any proof , you're a lier.
southamerica told to me that he has proofs , why he does not show to everybody?Is simple he does not have NOTHING, only vagues words without any proof. If the justice does not have proofs , it consider innocent . simple that way.

You are a nobody to demand anything. This is not some court trial where he has to present you evidence. He said himself that he was going to protect the privacy of his friends. Why would he place that privacy in risk for you just because you ask. Especially one that gets violent and makes demands, trys to blackmail people.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on September 02, 2017, 12:31:49 AM
If you don't want to compromise the privacy of others still there you would not share that information. Again I tell you this is not a court house but a public forum. Just like datum posting you can choose to belive or not, his word is not fact so why do you get butt hurt over what he says. In any case, you are not even his patient, and no sane doctor would operate a lunatic like you.
I like justice,it is not fair to Dr monegal what the trolls are doing with him
If this guy has the proofs why he does not show? he wrote it  now he have to show
Because It
he  sent to me
I have Xrays and pics of infected wounds and deformed limbs but I don't know how to send them to you without revealing the patients' personal information.
Please don't show this message to anybody because I don't want to be identified. This doctor is like the mafia.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: patientprivacy on September 02, 2017, 12:52:09 AM
Deniscef, you're damaging the doctor's reputation with your aggressive behaviour and your stupidity. Although you claim to be a patient, you aren't a patient. You're a wannabe, just like the Asian lady with her histrionic personality disorder. I don't think any cosmetic doctor should accept people with intellectual disabilites and personality disorders like yours. Moreover, you're 6 feet. This means you also suffer from BDD. I'm with Bander72, 'no sane doctor would operate a lunatic like you'.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on September 02, 2017, 02:50:58 AM
I think it is pretty concerning the fact that all people who say something bad about Monegal are attacked, insulted by "patients" and "prospective patients". They still continued to attack me even though I said I would drop the topic. Just ask yourself... is this normal human behaviour? That when the doctor is attacked/criticised, their patients grateful or not would insult you, blackmail you and try to delegitimize you?

Just think, something wrong is happening here. I think that there is no point in continuing this thread. From both sides, people can create infinite accounts both for and against the doctor, with fake stories to benefit or cause damage. This is all a mess. I said what I wanted to say, believe it if you wish... and move on. Nobody will change their minds in this pointless discussion.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on September 02, 2017, 03:27:50 PM
I like justice,it is not fair to Dr monegal what the trolls are doing with him
If this guy has the proofs why he does not show? he wrote it  now he have to show
Because It
he  sent to me
I have Xrays and pics of infected wounds and deformed limbs but I don't know how to send them to you without revealing the patients' personal information.
Please don't show this message to anybody because I don't want to be identified. This doctor is like the mafia.
Denis, you are right,it is terrible to ascertain that a patient of Dr. Monegal complaint about him, especially if that is not the true.
ANd I understand that you do not believe such statements as other users you have written to, like for example myself, have told you only positive thing about Dr. Monegal.
However, posting private messages to the public is something you should never do under any circumstances. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bander72 on September 02, 2017, 03:32:01 PM
Denis, you are right,it is terrible to ascertain that a patient of Dr. Monegal complaint about him, especially if that is not the true.
ANd I understand that you do not believe such statements as other users you have written to, like for example myself, have told you only positive thing about Dr. Monegal.
However, posting private messages to the public is something you should never do under any circumstances.

Besides being a dck thing to do. He makes threats and demands thing as you can see in his writing " he wrote it know he have to tell me because he send it to me".
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: helloworld on September 02, 2017, 03:41:42 PM
I just caught up to everything that was posted here during last week and have to almost cry and laugh at the same time.

I do not want to give another opinion but facts:
1. I have personally talked to and seend around 12 patients of Dr. Monegal and all except one are doing great
2. the patients I have meet include 3 IT developers, one investment banke, one medical doctor, one tenured professor, 2 entrepreneurs, one economist, one state employee ( of several others I do not know their occupation), and generally these are very smart people and successful people.
3. you have 680 posts about Monegal currently, more than about anybody else
4. you have twice more diaries than for the next popular doctor
5. Dr. Monegal offers internal LL at one of the best prices world wide and I think the best in developed countries

For that reason it is hard for me to imagine a good reason why anybody would chose another LL doctor. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on September 02, 2017, 04:51:15 PM
Besides being a dck thing to do. He makes threats and demands thing as you can see in his writing " he wrote it know he have to tell me because he send it to me".

I really believe whether or not you believe that Monegal is a good doctor/person, everyone can agree that Deniscef is mentally unbalanced, and dangerous. He has made threats and posted inbox messages. This is enough cause to ban this user.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on September 02, 2017, 05:00:45 PM
I really believe whether or not you believe that Monegal is a good doctor/person, everyone can agree that Deniscef is mentally unbalanced, and dangerous. He has made threats and posted inbox messages. This is enough cause to ban this user.

For the first time I find one of your posts acceptable.
I would also ban this user and Longhairgirl...and you as well as you afirmed law due to him which is absolutely false. You were decent enough to edit your post and delete what you wrote in it.
So congratulations. Everybody deserves a second chance to redeem his/her mistakes.
As I stated, a good doctor is the one that solves your problem and, in case it occurs, your complications. So for me, been crippled after an vidente when I was 12, and the way he managed the situation and how I feel today, he is an excellent surgeon and better person.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLSouthAmerica on September 02, 2017, 05:08:41 PM
For the first time I find one of your posts acceptable.
I would also ban this user and Longhairgirl...and you as well as you afirmed law due to him which is absolutely false. You were decent enough to edit your post and delete what you wrote in it.
So congratulations. Everybody deserves a second chance to redeem his/her mistakes.
As I stated, a good doctor is the one that solves your problem and, in case it occurs, your complications. So for me, been crippled after an vidente when I was 12, and the way he managed the situation and how I feel today, he is an excellent surgeon and better person.

Never lied... I said I heard about a law suit, never said it was against the doctor. To be specific I read in a very old thread back when I was considering LL before I had an account that there was a problem (criminal one) with a fake PT. The only reason I edited my post is that it sounded like I was saying the doctor himself had an active law suit which is something that I do not know of / heard of. I have heard of very concerning remarks about the doctor about the way he interacts with female patients but to say that I know of an active harassment law suit would be wrong. I apologize if it sounded in a way I did not intend.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: deniscef on September 02, 2017, 09:35:48 PM
LOOOOOL Cause you doing it at 175 cm are perfectly sane right ?  ;D ;D ;D

You do realise the only people who do it that would be considered sane are dwarfs? The last time I checked dwarf is less than 4'10. Everyone else is doing it for cosmetic reason.
I would say something but you said all in this post, that's it. 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on September 02, 2017, 10:00:11 PM
Never lied... I said I heard about a law suit, never said it was against the doctor. To be specific I read in a very old thread back when I was considering LL before I had an account that there was a problem (criminal one) with a fake PT. The only reason I edited my post is that it sounded like I was saying the doctor himself had an active law suit which is something that I do not know of / heard of. I have heard of very concerning remarks about the doctor about the way he interacts with female patients but to say that I know of an active harassment law suit would be wrong. I apologize if it sounded in a way I did not intend.

As said before it sounded like, but your act of editing the message honours you. Everybody deserves a second opportunity. As a female patient of Monegal I must say he is kind, and very close but nothing to do with harassment. He receives many patients from all over the world (not many girls as I am only aware of MM and the Guichet lady) and the cultural differences could be sometimes misunderstood.
As a patient at Clinica Diagonal I met excellent physios (2 of them also working at Fútbol Club Barcelona). I was not al MIC, but I think patients are given the chance to have either a physical trainer and/or a physiotherapist.

I don't think doc would risk his patients using non-trained people.

Quizás la comunicación sería más precisa si hablásemos en nuestra lengua materna. Tal y como dijiste, a veces las cosas expresadas en otra lengua o la interacción entre personas de diferentes culturas puede dar lugar a confusiones.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: bander72. on September 03, 2017, 03:50:32 PM
Man, do you really think the users in this forum are as gullible as you? As gullible as the guy who mistook a troll called Dr Monegal for Dr Monegal himself? There are many signs, both purely linguistic and pragmatic, that show you're Deniscef himself. It's really sad you have to create an account to support your lunatic pretensions. For your good and Dr Monegal's you should leave the forum.

I can see your bias ,you have 21 post and all of them are about Monegal and you aren't a Monegal patient,so I can ignore you.   
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: bander72. on September 03, 2017, 04:45:27 PM
My bias? What are you talking about? I’m pro Monegal, yes, but my agenda is very clear. I’m here to defend Dr Monegal, his patients and, above all, THEIR PRIVACY. Lluser, Neverland and Deniscef (with all their aliases) have RECALCITRANTLY VIOLATED other users’ PRIVACY, and that’s why I’m against them. I also think SLANDER and IMPERSONATION are serious crimes that can’t go unpunished. Do you have anything against my agenda?
I just a guy who is considering doing my LL with monegal, simmer down. I've been talking with him via whatsapp and the doctor seems to me nice surgeon and a nice person too. I have been organizaed my agenda to procced this surgery in some time next year.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Datum on September 03, 2017, 11:24:38 PM
Never lied... I said I heard about a law suit, never said it was against the doctor. To be specific I read in a very old thread back when I was considering LL before I had an account that there was a problem (criminal one) with a fake PT. The only reason I edited my post is that it sounded like I was saying the doctor himself had an active law suit which is something that I do not know of / heard of. I have heard of very concerning remarks about the doctor about the way he interacts with female patients but to say that I know of an active harassment law suit would be wrong. I apologize if it sounded in a way I did not intend.

LLSouthAmerica has reason. Longhairgirl is FALSE but LLSouthAmerica is 100% ACCURATE in this.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: GeTs on September 04, 2017, 12:19:00 PM
This is what Dr. Paley said on people with normal height wanting to do it

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: bander72. on September 06, 2017, 12:11:01 AM
No. We ALSO ask for evidence and proofs, and we also think Longhairgirl is a disgusting fake. That's NOT the problem. The reason why you seem mentally unbalanced to all of us is your aggressivity and the fact that you threatened some users in this forum with publishing their private messages, as you finally did. That's a dck thing to do. The fact that you want to do LL when you're 6 feet also indicate that you suffer from BDD. The fact that you mistook fake Monegals for Monegal himself, together with your syntax and spelling, show that you suffer from some kind of intellectual disability as well. That’s why you are unfit for this surgery, and no sane doctor should operate on you.
All people here suffer of  BDD. The LL is only necessary to Dwarfism, the rest is esthetic.Even some dwarfs with money don't want to undergo this surgery because its risks.  like bander72 said Gotta do whatever makes you happy,if the guy has the money and it makes him happy, nobody has the authority to stop it. Plus ,I do believe that is better being tall than short by sure.If I had a choice among  being 6 or 6"3, I'd choose 6'3 by sure and far.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Body Builder on September 06, 2017, 01:21:44 AM
All people here suffer of  BDD. The LL is only necessary to Dwarfism, the rest is esthetic.Even some dwarfs with money don't want to undergo this surgery because its risks.  like bander72 said Gotta do whatever makes you happy,if the guy has the money and it makes him happy, nobody has the authority to stop it. Plus ,I do believe that is better being tall than short by sure.If I had a choice among  being 6 or 6"3, I'd choose 6'3 by sure and far.
Speak for yourself.
A less than average height and moreover a short man who wants LL don't necessarily has bdd. He has a real drawback and wants to imorove-fix it, like a man with a curved nose who want ton straighten it.

In the other hand, a more than average man (especially someone who is 6ft) don't have any flaw with his height as he is more tall than the average man. And everything better than average is never a problem.
So someone taller than average who want something so extreme like LL clearly has bdd.

Even if tall guys here want to compare themselves with less than average people like me and many others, we are not the same. We have real reasons to do LL and that make us sane people and not tall lunatics with bdd who want to become godzilla like tall to feel ok with themselves.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: bander72. on September 06, 2017, 04:42:00 PM
I am 4'11 tall man.
I have a master degree in forensic linguistics, and from your first post I could clearly notice you were Backrandom. Mods should ban your clone accounts.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: patientprivacy on September 07, 2017, 12:32:55 AM
I am pretty sure I am actually a sentient fitbone nail.

press your receptor against me.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: sanosuke on September 08, 2017, 10:12:17 AM
I'm considering to do that surgery with fitbone because i have one tibia shorter than the oder (4 cm aprox.). I'm from barcelona, so this doctor seems perfect.

Do you know how much will be the price for this surgery?

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Body Builder on September 08, 2017, 12:53:05 PM
I'm considering to do that surgery with fitbone because i have one tibia shorter than the oder (4 cm aprox.). I'm from barcelona, so this doctor seems perfect.

Do you know how much will be the price for this surgery?


About half the money that doctors want for LL I think so about 20k euros.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: RealTrump on October 07, 2017, 11:14:12 PM
About half the money that doctors want for LL I think so about 20k euros.

Bro, the pricing is on the first page of this thread.

We are talking about the most advanced limb lengthening nail straight out of Europe here. Fitbone is rated best nail ever.

20k euros don't even cover the price of the nails.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Body Builder on October 08, 2017, 12:41:36 AM
Bro, the pricing is on the first page of this thread.

We are talking about the most advanced limb lengthening nail straight out of Europe here. Fitbone is rated best nail ever.

20k euros don't even cover the price of the nails.
He wants to do one leg only. And both feet costs 37.000 euros so one of them will be about the half.

And maybe you are trolling but fitbone is definitely the best nail as it is very unreliable and less weightbearing than precise 2.2 which is imo the best nail available.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: james_r on February 01, 2018, 06:03:09 PM
Is this doctor really as bad as they say on this forum or is it a case of rumor spreading? What makes the fitbone worse than Precise? The fitbone doesnt require awkward manipulation of the limb... Is there any idea other than the usage of fitbone about what makes this doctor's procedures worse than others?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: patientprivacy on February 01, 2018, 10:25:03 PM
No, he isn't bad. He is a great person and a great doctor. He Works at University Hospital in Barcelona, he's a Fitbone trainer, and an expert consultant for Limb lengthening and reconstruction for European Union. The only people who criticize him in this forum are trolls who have been acting like this for years. In spite of having been banned many times, trolls always come back under different aliases, and their   remains in the forum. This is the Law of the Web. Brilliant people get haters.

If you want real information, you should better read the diaries by Auron, Yagen, Fourinch, Helloworld, Krp1, and many others, as Dr Monegal is the doctor with most diaries in this forum. You can also write to the patients or to Wittenstein itself ( They recommend Dr Monegal for this procedure, and that's for a reason. Why would they recommend a bad doctor?

It's true that Dr Monegal has had some difficult cases, like Musicmaker's, but the doctor fixed and supported her. She should be considered his best case. Some patients, including me, can confirm she's doing well.

In short, the industry supports him, the medical boards support him, his patients support him. Trolls are the only users who attack him. Following trolls or real LL patients remains at your choice.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Higher Up on February 02, 2018, 01:40:03 PM
Is this doctor really as bad as they say on this forum or is it a case of rumor spreading?

Hey james_r, pay absolutely no attention to patientprivacy. That's probably just Dr. Monegal himself, or patients who he threatened, that have to post good things about him on this forum or suffer the consequences. This is all you need to know about patientprivacy. Click the following link-
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Higher Up on February 02, 2018, 01:43:48 PM
As for Dr. Monegal, read the following from Cooper, he was a patient who was crippled by Dr. Monegal before he went to Dr. Paley and Dr. Rozbruch to be fixed so he could just walk again.

Cooper's own words-

"I had very bad experience with Tibia lengthening. I made terrible mistake of doing tibia with Monegal. I probably went through worst ultimate nightmares. I usually write Dr. in front of him but he lost that honorary title long time ago. Ever since I came to US I had some nuisances about right tibia. It felt something did not go well. But I was giving benefit of doubt. I have been telling all LLers’ through private chat tibia should be easy and since this is one leg I should have much better experience than femur.

Late last year I went to see Dr. Rozbruch in New York to check on tibia. Immediately after reading x-ray he pointed out 3 major issues. 1) Provactum tibia bone curving 2) Fibula migrated up. When the monegal fixate tibia and fib bones he somehow pushed the fibula up and fixate. The angulation is not correct this is major issue out of three 3) low callous and possible non-union 4) lost nerve on feet about 25% (not major but had to fix).  Dr. R advised to fixed all three and his assistant wrote a note which I forwarded monegal right away. I asked precisely to Dr. R what can be done with him. The answer was reverse everything and put external fixator for tibia and small monorail for tibia and lengthen. I was devastated to hear that!"

Cooper's own words-

"I emailed monegal and hoped he can correct the issue. But he denied any of that need fix. Similar response to Crimson: ‘everything is fine' and keep lengthening to your desire 5.5cm. He also advised me not see any LL specialist. I told him ok. But I was not stupid. I knew by then I have major issues and I was only about 3.5cm. I keep lengthening and start looking for a solution to fix right leg and lengthen left leg. I was determined to get it done in US because I cannot take more chances.
The two US doctor I communicated:
1) Paley : first chastised me for going for inexperience doctor second the complication is major and will require more time and money to fix. His recommendation is take out the fitbone, put external fixator to not to loose the distraction gained, inserted non lengthening rod, lengthen fibula by 1cm, plated fibula, fixated tibia/fibula, bone grafted tibia and fibula for non-union, nerve decompression and put new non lengthening rod. He estimated about $100K for fix and left leg lengthening with precise.
2) Rozbruch: fist he did not want to help and asked me to go my first surgeon. I told him monegal is not capable of fixing and cannot be trusted. He said he will help. Cost about the same.

I also contacted few other doctors and everyone agreed on the three issues. I picked one of the US doctor and currently in recovering."
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Higher Up on February 02, 2018, 01:44:51 PM
Cooper's own words-

Monegal Issues:
1)   Dishonest: He did not disclose all the information and lied on patient count and his experience. He emailed he performed 600 bone segments. Come to find out I was third tibia patient. One of his patient told me in Spain everyone lies. His manipulates deliberately and black mailed his patient to write good things about him and defend him as often as necessary. You cannot trust this doctor and his patient specially from Spain!!!
2)   Unethical: If you are not honest than you do not have ethics. Especially in this profession you want to go to doctor who respects patient rights, if something is not right than let the patient know and possible solution to fix. Just not to say everything will be ok. You need more time.
3)   Poor Osteotomy: Most of his patient has issue with callous formation. Interesting part is all of the patient with few exceptions are lengthening less than 6cm. Still have poor bone formation. I have both fibula and tibia non-union and misalignment. Grafted both and I gained only 5.3com. I thought I did 6 but the x-ray show 5.3com.

Cooper's own words-

4)   Poor logistics: When I had my surgery I was in recovery room for long time. He could not find me and went home without meeting me in person. He later phoned me to say everything went ok. They forgot to put catheter and I did not pee for long time. I screamed and used profanity to get attention at the hospital. The epidural was not turned on and I was in pain for long time. Nursed blamed me tempering with epidural and told monegal I shut it off.
5)   Pain management: I was in 10/10 pain level during first night. The worst pain of my life. Nurses and caretaker does not know how to manage pain. Their respond will be ‘that is normal’. On my last two surgery my pain level never went more than 2/3.
6)   Fibula bone: For monegal fibula bone is not important and ok to have non-union. Even mentioned he can take fibula bone put some place else for bone lengthening while I was in Spain. Fibula is sort of extra bone put in reserve. Such a stupid comment coming from surgeon. His action is not to do anything regarding my fibula non-union.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Higher Up on February 02, 2018, 01:52:47 PM
 Cooper's own words-

7)   Forum: He is using forum to fish new patient and anyone raised flag he tries to shut him off either by himself or through his patient. He gets mad to his patient if anyone writes bad thing and continuously monitor forum thread. He probably spends more time in forum than any of us out here.
8)   His Patients: most of his patients are good people by heart. We all come from same height neurosis industry and wanting to get taller. I feel forum is fraternity to support each other. This doctor is exploiting forum to his advantage. We need to stop him. I am still in contact with few of them. They need him to fix the issue, correct whatever complication and have to oblige whatever he asks them to write. I would not be surprised if few of his patients come to this thread and try to defend him.
9)   Complication: Almost all of his patient has some complications. Many of them cannot walk without crutches. Complications includes but not limited to premature fitbone fracture, fitbone malfunctions, loose screws, serious nerve issue, misalignment and unkown. Unknown are other complications which patient does not know because they have not seen other LL specialist.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Higher Up on February 02, 2018, 01:54:58 PM
As for Musicmaker, well she has been under Dr. Monegal's so called care for years and is still unfortunately a cripple. I forgot to mention that Musicmaker lied about how awful her physical condition was until a person on the forum who knew her and Dr. Monegal called out her lies and she was forced to tell the truth. In life the truth always eventually comes out one way or another.

Dr. Monegal's army of trolls will come online to praise their almighty leader. It's old, it's played out, it's boring, its' predictable, and only the most gullible people believe them.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on February 02, 2018, 02:23:03 PM
Is this doctor really as bad as they say on this forum or is it a case of rumor spreading? What makes the fitbone worse than Precise? The fitbone doesnt require awkward manipulation of the limb... Is there any idea other than the usage of fitbone about what makes this doctor's procedures worse than others?
He is an excelent doctor, any patient who has had surgery with him will tell you that. The rumors come from new accounts created by 1 person to defame Dr. Monegal. You probably already noticed it...
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on February 02, 2018, 02:57:26 PM
There he is again!
Welcome back you stupid troll!
Monegal is an excellent doctor with most successful diaries.
I have spoken with several patients and Cooper was a dumbass.
He was only 16 days in Barcelona and never came back, not even for follow up.
I had a very complicated issue following femur fracture when I was 12. This guy fixed me and I am back to sports, work and normal life.
You can create as many accounts as you s been like 6-7 accounts in the last 2 years... all banned for your paranoia and obsessive posts.
When was Cooper's surgery? 2 years ago? In the meantime doc has performed dozens of successful cases. Cooper went to Paley....oh Paley god.
All LL have bad cases but read this...,amp.html

Totally unacceptable...even in god hands.

Bye dear Lluser/Datum we all know who you are
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: patientprivacy on February 02, 2018, 11:46:05 PM
Cinderella is right. Dr Monegal has been attacked by some obsessive trolls for years. He doesn't deserve this.
In my opinion this new troll isn't a clone account of Datum, but of Mr Sarcastic. His writing is unmistakable.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Whimsical on February 23, 2018, 01:25:11 AM
Is this doctor really as bad as they say on this forum or is it a case of rumor spreading? What makes the fitbone worse than Precise? The fitbone doesnt require awkward manipulation of the limb... Is there any idea other than the usage of fitbone about what makes this doctor's procedures worse than others?

Fitbone fails and fails a lot, and compensations aren't given. I've also read some concerning remarks about this doctor, his methods and his demeanour. I would advise to stay away from him
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Bohemia on February 24, 2018, 05:53:58 PM
Hello Everyone,

I have completed both my Fitbone implant and removal surgeries with Dr. Alejandro Monegal in Barcelona, Spain this past week.

It has become a moral necessity for me to protect and support the honor of Dr. Monegal due to a number of toxic posts that have appeared.

1. The Wittenstein Fitbone technology functioned 100% for me every time without any disruption. They also replied to my requests at their help desk immediately with helpful courtesy. They convene with their surgeons annually and closely oversee which doctors they allow to use their technology. In fact, a team of Wittenstein engineers personally viewed my removal surgery on Wednesday. Their lengthening nail has been scientifically proven to function and weight-bear. These facts alone allow you to safely disregard any troll comments.

2. Dr. Monegal has become a dear friend of mine. He implanted and removed my Fitbone nails and has remained in discussion with me by text message for the last two years to personally guarantee my safety and happiness. You may not know this, but he graduated top of his class in medical school, currently innovates the latest procedures, and is considered a top surgeon in Europe. Many apprentices and aspiring medical students travel to intern and watch him.

I would like to place my name on record that I fully support Dr. Monegal and consider myself lucky to have found him and his clinic.


P.S. Photo of me, Dr. Monegal, and his radiologist Claudio when they came to my hospital room to help me feel better.


Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Whimsical on February 25, 2018, 11:04:48 PM
I don't like your post. There are many stories about these men in the forum, also about criminal charges. And the Claudio guy isn't a radiologist nor a physiotherapist. Don't bring the bs excuse of friendship to defend them. You aren't his friend. You have a customer relationship. Even if you were a friend of them or worked for them, that wouldn't be a reason to defend them if they were agaisnt the law.
Fitbone worked in your case but it has failed in other cases and the experiences of those patients are as valid as yours. Cooper, Musicmaker, Helloworld and others had problems and, seriously, even MM and HW with their heavy promotion have more credibility than you. I checked your videos, your pics and can't take you seriously. Moose said you were a fake. I don't think you are but I would advise people not to trust you for many reasons.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on February 25, 2018, 11:47:24 PM
ALERT: troll attack
Welcome back  
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Carlos Uriel on February 26, 2018, 11:55:56 PM
Guys, new to this forum of chat and wondering if you can help !!!!

Thinking to do Cll next year 2019; I’m thinking dr Monegal is a good option but would consider other doctors recommendations. I’m planning  to do four segments surgery but trying to choose the correct cll doctor, method, Timing, and price

Very athletic/muscular
Height 165cm
Goal is 12cm
 Can you help ? :)))
Thank you thank you 🙏
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Whimsical on February 27, 2018, 04:39:08 PM
Guys, new to this forum of chat and wondering if you can help !!!!

Thinking to do Cll next year 2019; I’m thinking dr Monegal is a good option but would consider other doctors recommendations. I’m planning  to do four segments surgery but trying to choose the correct cll doctor, method, Timing, and price

Very athletic/muscular
Height 165cm
Goal is 12cm
 Can you help ? :)))
Thank you thank you 🙏

You'd better consider other options. If you have the money go to Paley or Rozbruch. People here say they are the safest. Other cheaper solutions are Pili or Birkholtz
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Whimsical on February 27, 2018, 04:42:11 PM
ALERT: troll attack
Welcome back 

Who is the troll? Seriously you talk like Monegal's troll.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: lurker1 on April 26, 2018, 12:58:39 AM
Is Dr. Monegal still at Clinica Diagonal? I don't see him listed on the website.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Life on April 27, 2018, 06:47:59 PM
He was removed for mysterious reasons long time ago. I guess reputation related. Not serious at all.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on April 27, 2018, 08:22:48 PM
He does not appear in the webpage because clinic belongs to an insurance company. He is no longer visiting and treating insurance holders but carries on operating limb lengthening and correction patients.
Regarding reputation he is Fitbone instructor for other surgeons (yagen posted a picture of Dr Lee from Korea, and many others like Solomin have visited him) and one of limb correction and limb lengthening experts at EU. Works at University hospital and he is only 40-41. Not a bad background so far. As all other doctors might have had complications but he is probably the guy with more successful diaries in this forum. Cheers
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Life on April 27, 2018, 08:41:53 PM
Cinderella are you an alt account of Dr Monegal, Musicmaker, Auron or his mob? You sound exactly the same.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: justice on April 28, 2018, 09:04:26 PM
I don't like your post. There are many stories about these men in the forum, also about criminal charges. And the Claudio guy isn't a radiologist nor a physiotherapist. Don't bring the bs excuse of friendship to defend them. You aren't his friend. You have a customer relationship. Even if you were a friend of them or worked for them, that wouldn't be a reason to defend them if they were agaisnt the law.
Fitbone worked in your case but it has failed in other cases and the experiences of those patients are as valid as yours. Cooper, Musicmaker, Helloworld and others had problems and, seriously, even MM and HW with their heavy promotion have more credibility than you. I checked your videos, your pics and can't take you seriously. Moose said you were a fake. I don't think you are but I would advise people not to trust you for many reasons.

TRUE. I haven't heard anything about Monegal's criminal charges but the fake PT was criminally charged. He was scamming, threatening, and humiliating patients who paid for his services as if he was a real PT while he wasn't because he wasn't licensed. A group of users verified with the Colegio Oficial de Fisioterapeutas that his credentials were fake and he was reported. This is a serious crime in Spain.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on April 28, 2018, 09:25:23 PM
Cinderella are you an alt account of Dr Monegal, Musicmaker, Auron or his mob? You sound exactly the same.

Yes I'm cinderella.

By the way, has anyone seen my glass slipper?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Life on April 30, 2018, 12:53:30 AM
Yes I'm cinderella.

By the way, has anyone seen my glass slipper?

Haha man you know what I'm saying. Cinderella shows the typical childish discourse of Monegal's mob, but it's ok guys. You aren't harmful just annoying and zero credibility.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 05, 2018, 06:58:25 PM

I want to tell you something about this doctor and I’m not a troll. I’m a former patient of his. I don’t have any interest in pursuing a vendetta. I’m not Lluser. But I think some members of the forum deserve the truth. I have nothing to deal with him anymore so I can tell the truth.

For me Dr Monegal isn’t a good option. I could finish LL unscathed but many patients experienced complications and many had to deal with the doctor’s craziness. His behaviour is erratic and reckless. My first impression was: get out of here. I didn’t. I feared for my security from the very beginning. The clinic is not prepared for international patients (nobody speaks English). The doctor is showing off all the time and he tries to beat his own time records during surgeries, in detriment of his patient’s safety. He drives like a madman when he takes patients by car resorting to all kind of profanity and exceeding the speed limits. He doesn’t care about patients’ wellbeing. He only cares about himself and his reputation. He has outbursts of acute paranoia related to this forum and is insanely obsessed with the trolls here. The trolls have taken things too far, but most of what they have said is true. This doctor never admits his mistakes and blames patients of their bad results. What is worse, he hides his worst cases from prospective patients and the rest of the world so that nobody can criticize him. If people find out about them, he denies his responsibility. He’s a pathological liar. Don’t let his superficial charm fool you. He’s not a good person.

So my advice: if you can, stay away from him.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Body Builder on May 05, 2018, 07:11:27 PM
Many weird things about Monegal.
And many patients saying good things about him like he was their father...or because they are afraid of something.

All these are too much for me. I just want to do a successful LL, not to investigate what is going on Spain and this very weird case of doctor.
For me, I camt believe that all the bad things mentioned are lies. Maybe some of them are but not all.
After all, for about the money this doctor wants for the unreliable fitbone there are other doctors who perform with the far superior precise 2 so I really don't think this doctor is a good choice.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Oh So Arrogant on May 11, 2018, 12:23:51 AM
As for Dr. Monegal, read the following from Cooper, he was a patient who was crippled by Dr. Monegal before he went to Dr. Paley and Dr. Rozbruch to be fixed so he could just walk again.

Cooper's own words-

"I had very bad experience with Tibia lengthening. I made terrible mistake of doing tibia with Monegal. I probably went through worst ultimate nightmares. I usually write Dr. in front of him but he lost that honorary title long time ago. Ever since I came to US I had some nuisances about right tibia. It felt something did not go well. But I was giving benefit of doubt. I have been telling all LLers’ through private chat tibia should be easy and since this is one leg I should have much better experience than femur.

Late last year I went to see Dr. Rozbruch in New York to check on tibia. Immediately after reading x-ray he pointed out 3 major issues. 1) Provactum tibia bone curving 2) Fibula migrated up. When the monegal fixate tibia and fib bones he somehow pushed the fibula up and fixate. The angulation is not correct this is major issue out of three 3) low callous and possible non-union 4) lost nerve on feet about 25% (not major but had to fix).  Dr. R advised to fixed all three and his assistant wrote a note which I forwarded monegal right away. I asked precisely to Dr. R what can be done with him. The answer was reverse everything and put external fixator for tibia and small monorail for tibia and lengthen. I was devastated to hear that!"

Cooper's own words-

"I emailed monegal and hoped he can correct the issue. But he denied any of that need fix. Similar response to Crimson: ‘everything is fine' and keep lengthening to your desire 5.5cm. He also advised me not see any LL specialist. I told him ok. But I was not stupid. I knew by then I have major issues and I was only about 3.5cm. I keep lengthening and start looking for a solution to fix right leg and lengthen left leg. I was determined to get it done in US because I cannot take more chances.
The two US doctor I communicated:
1) Paley : first chastised me for going for inexperience doctor second the complication is major and will require more time and money to fix. His recommendation is take out the fitbone, put external fixator to not to loose the distraction gained, inserted non lengthening rod, lengthen fibula by 1cm, plated fibula, fixated tibia/fibula, bone grafted tibia and fibula for non-union, nerve decompression and put new non lengthening rod. He estimated about $100K for fix and left leg lengthening with precise.
2) Rozbruch: fist he did not want to help and asked me to go my first surgeon. I told him monegal is not capable of fixing and cannot be trusted. He said he will help. Cost about the same.

I also contacted few other doctors and everyone agreed on the three issues. I picked one of the US doctor and currently in recovering."
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Oh So Arrogant on May 11, 2018, 12:24:24 AM
Cooper's own words-

Monegal Issues:
1)   Dishonest: He did not disclose all the information and lied on patient count and his experience. He emailed he performed 600 bone segments. Come to find out I was third tibia patient. One of his patient told me in Spain everyone lies. His manipulates deliberately and black mailed his patient to write good things about him and defend him as often as necessary. You cannot trust this doctor and his patient specially from Spain!!!
2)   Unethical: If you are not honest than you do not have ethics. Especially in this profession you want to go to doctor who respects patient rights, if something is not right than let the patient know and possible solution to fix. Just not to say everything will be ok. You need more time.
3)   Poor Osteotomy: Most of his patient has issue with callous formation. Interesting part is all of the patient with few exceptions are lengthening less than 6cm. Still have poor bone formation. I have both fibula and tibia non-union and misalignment. Grafted both and I gained only 5.3com. I thought I did 6 but the x-ray show 5.3com.

Cooper's own words-

4)   Poor logistics: When I had my surgery I was in recovery room for long time. He could not find me and went home without meeting me in person. He later phoned me to say everything went ok. They forgot to put catheter and I did not pee for long time. I screamed and used profanity to get attention at the hospital. The epidural was not turned on and I was in pain for long time. Nursed blamed me tempering with epidural and told monegal I shut it off.
5)   Pain management: I was in 10/10 pain level during first night. The worst pain of my life. Nurses and caretaker does not know how to manage pain. Their respond will be ‘that is normal’. On my last two surgery my pain level never went more than 2/3.
6)   Fibula bone: For monegal fibula bone is not important and ok to have non-union. Even mentioned he can take fibula bone put some place else for bone lengthening while I was in Spain. Fibula is sort of extra bone put in reserve. Such a stupid comment coming from surgeon. His action is not to do anything regarding my fibula non-union.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Oh So Arrogant on May 11, 2018, 12:25:02 AM
Cooper's own words-

7)   Forum: He is using forum to fish new patient and anyone raised flag he tries to shut him off either by himself or through his patient. He gets mad to his patient if anyone writes bad thing and continuously monitor forum thread. He probably spends more time in forum than any of us out here.
8)   His Patients: most of his patients are good people by heart. We all come from same height neurosis industry and wanting to get taller. I feel forum is fraternity to support each other. This doctor is exploiting forum to his advantage. We need to stop him. I am still in contact with few of them. They need him to fix the issue, correct whatever complication and have to oblige whatever he asks them to write. I would not be surprised if few of his patients come to this thread and try to defend him.
9)   Complication: Almost all of his patient has some complications. Many of them cannot walk without crutches. Complications includes but not limited to premature fitbone fracture, fitbone malfunctions, loose screws, serious nerve issue, misalignment and unkown. Unknown are other complications which patient does not know because they have not seen other LL specialist.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Oh So Arrogant on May 11, 2018, 12:25:36 AM
Notatroll's own words-

I want to tell you something about this doctor and I’m not a troll. I’m a former patient of his. I don’t have any interest in pursuing a vendetta. I’m not Lluser. But I think some members of the forum deserve the truth. I have nothing to deal with him anymore so I can tell the truth.

For me Dr Monegal isn’t a good option. Many patients experienced complications and many had to deal with the doctor’s craziness. His behaviour is erratic and reckless. My first impression was: get out of here. I didn’t. I feared for my security from the very beginning. The clinic is not prepared for international patients (nobody speaks English). The doctor is showing off all the time and he tries to beat his own time records during surgeries, in detriment of his patient’s safety. He drives like a madman when he takes patients by car resorting to all kind of profanity and exceeding the speed limits. He doesn’t care about patients’ wellbeing. He only cares about himself and his reputation. He has outbursts of acute paranoia related to this forum and is insanely obsessed with the trolls here. The trolls have taken things too far, but most of what they have said is true. This doctor never admits his mistakes and blames patients of their bad results. What is worse, he hides his worst cases from prospective patients and the rest of the world so that nobody can criticize him. If people find out about them, he denies his responsibility. He’s a pathological liar. Don’t let his superficial charm fool you. He’s not a good person.

So my advice: if you can, stay away from him.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Oh So Arrogant on May 11, 2018, 12:27:14 AM
Notatroll's own words-

Many patients  I met suffered a lot. Some of my LL friend (successful business men and Ivy League trainees) couldn't help crying. Pain and psychological distress were so unbearable. The bravest patient I met was Musicmaker, with 10 surgeries and more piling up, and she kept active taking on hobbies but I could see sadness in her eyes and at night she used to cry like everybody else. LL is quite hard and not for everybody.

You'd better rule him out for your safety. He's not a good doctor. He has many bad cases and can't handle complications well.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Oh So Arrogant on May 11, 2018, 12:39:45 AM
Life as a cripple is sad. I don't know how those patients managed to keep suicidal thoughts away (one of them commited suicide though)

This is so incredibly sad. Dr. Monegal causes the problems with his horrible surgical technique, then he can't fix the problems, so the patient feels helpless and takes their own life.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: patientprivacy on May 11, 2018, 12:44:07 AM
This is so incredibly sad.

Only a psychopath would use that information to damage the reputation of a doctor.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 11, 2018, 01:46:31 AM
This is so incredibly sad. Dr. Monegal causes the problems with his horrible surgical technique, then he can't fix the problems, so the patient feels helpless and takes their own life.

Only a psychopath would use that information to damage the reputation of a doctor.

AGREE. It was a tragedy but we don't know why he did it. Respect my friend.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 11, 2018, 05:27:50 AM
Rspect? You are fake
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Great321 on May 11, 2018, 06:29:07 AM
Thank you for warning. We should be honest about doctors and not sugar-coat them.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: justice on May 11, 2018, 07:44:09 PM
He has patients with complications but his worst problem is his lack of honesty. He doesn't tell the truth about patient count and the extent of his complications. He's sneaky and of course surrounded by sneaky people. If you go there be prepared to be ripped off. The fake PT who isn't licensed and asks for more money than a real PT. The orthopedist who charges 600$ per chair. Lack of honesty is the main problem if you choose Spain.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 11, 2018, 07:57:44 PM
Rspect? You are fake

Sorry but I'm not a fake. Many user here know I'm real. But who are you? Nobody has ever met you.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on May 11, 2018, 08:03:28 PM
For everyone who is wondering,

Cinderella is Cooper.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: justice on May 12, 2018, 12:15:13 AM
I forgot to tell some patients were stolen their money, their bags and mobile phones in Clinica Diagonal and in the guesthouse. Be prepared to be ripped off.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: amigos on May 12, 2018, 03:02:51 AM
AGREE. It was a tragedy but we don't know why he did it. Respect my friend.

RESPECT mi amigo. Estabamos amigos mucho amigos. Trolls aren't allowed to mention him. I agree Monegal lacks ethics, and perhaps one day I will say why and tell my experience. BUT The memory of my friend shoud be kept intact.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: badexperience on May 14, 2018, 08:29:54 PM
I want to tell you something about this doctor and I’m not a troll. I’m a former patient of his. I don’t have any interest in pursuing a vendetta. I’m not Lluser. But I think some members of the forum deserve the truth. I have nothing to deal with him anymore so I can tell the truth.

For me Dr Monegal isn’t a good option. I could finish LL unscathed but many patients experienced complications and many had to deal with the doctor’s craziness. His behaviour is erratic and reckless. My first impression was: get out of here. I didn’t. I feared for my security from the very beginning. The clinic is not prepared for international patients (nobody speaks English). The doctor is showing off all the time and he tries to beat his own time records during surgeries, in detriment of his patient’s safety. He drives like a madman when he takes patients by car resorting to all kind of profanity and exceeding the speed limits. He doesn’t care about patients’ wellbeing. He only cares about himself and his reputation. He has outbursts of acute paranoia related to this forum and is insanely obsessed with the trolls here. The trolls have taken things too far, but most of what they have said is true. This doctor never admits his mistakes and blames patients of their bad results. What is worse, he hides his worst cases from prospective patients and the rest of the world so that nobody can criticize him. If people find out about them, he denies his responsibility. He’s a pathological liar. Don’t let his superficial charm fool you. He’s not a good person.

So my advice: if you can, stay away from him.


I got a similar impression and I decided not to get the surgery

I had in person consultations with Dr Guichet and Dr Monegal and I have taken them out from my list of possible doctors for different reasons. I will share my experience.

2.   DR MONEGAL: Dr Monegal is the opposite of Dr Guichet in many aspects, not serious and rigorous at all. He was late for our appointment and didn’t offer proper information about LL. He didn’t say a word about motivation letters, training requirements or preop agreements. He wasn’t detached like Guichet, but overtly friendly, inapropriately close I would say. A doctor should be profesional. He talked about facts not related to LL and jumped from one topic to another without answering my questions about LL complications (Musicmaker). His attention was constantly drawn to unimportant items. He talked about football, women and the trolls of the forum with offenssive language and no manners. He didn’t have money in his eyes. He had madness in his eyes. I was really scared. He said he was the best surgeon in the world and spoke messianic   that made me question his sanity (saviour of the world etc). His demeanour was scary, as if he was experiencing a manic episode. I'd never allow this man to touch my legs.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 14, 2018, 09:23:11 PM
You took the right decision. Have a look at my diary;topicseen#msg85675

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: morpheus on May 19, 2018, 11:24:40 PM
I started LL with this doctor but I didn't like it. I finished LL with another doctor.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 19, 2018, 11:41:38 PM
I started LL with this doctor but I didn't like it. I finished LL with another doctor.

Send me a PM. All Monegal victims should create a group and prepare a class action lawsuit perhaps
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: iwontallow on May 19, 2018, 11:50:33 PM
Send me a PM. All Monegal victims should create a group and prepare a class action lawsuit perhaps

I don't know if they are allowed in Europe.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: morpheus on May 19, 2018, 11:54:10 PM
Send me a PM. All Monegal victims should create a group and prepare a class action lawsuit perhaps

Not sure if I want to sue

I don't know if they are allowed in Europe.

I'm not European
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Auron on May 20, 2018, 12:38:13 AM
Send me a PM. All Monegal victims should create a group and prepare a class action lawsuit perhaps
All you have to do is join all your 10 new accounts in 1 group and have a monologue just like you have been doing in this forum   ;D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 20, 2018, 02:08:20 AM
All you have to do is join all your 10 new accounts in 1 group and have a monologue just like you have been doing in this forum   ;D

You say that because that's what you do Dr Monegal - PatientPrivacy - Cinderella - Auron and Music manipulated by Monegal. I beg mods to check your IP and those and also mine and those you say it's me. I'm telling the truth. You aren't.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 20, 2018, 05:51:03 AM
Oh poor troll! Yet to post x rays proving he is not a fake patient.
You can change your IP but your speech remains the same.
Get lost
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: iwontallow on May 20, 2018, 02:53:19 PM
Oh poor troll! Yet to post x rays proving he is not a fake patient.
You can change your IP but your speech remains the same.
Get lost

You pro-Monegal troll, leave him alone. He doesn't have to prove anything in public. That's the mods' task.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 27, 2018, 12:25:29 PM
Some people (Cinderella) are accusing me in private. They call me a fake. I'm not. I was in Barcelona and had the surgery. I will post some evidence soon. Does anybody know if it's legal (not moral) to post information and Xrays got from a whatsapp group? Everyone who wants to know more please write to me. I don't know how to prove I'm real.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 27, 2018, 12:45:56 PM
Post your own x rays.
You said you would do that in private...
And you did not. I do not think posting private conversations and Other people x rays is legit.
Called you fake because you do not bring any evidence of YOU
Just the same rubbish as usual.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 27, 2018, 02:12:59 PM
I have the links to some pictures of Monegal's 'masterwork'. It's really the worst cosmetic case I've ever seen. Worst case ever. Fractures, bad fixation, strong misalignment, terrible wounds (butcher). This is unacceptable in cosmetic surgery. This so called surgeon should be sued by the patients. Their legs are totally destroyed and they were a healthy person before. Other patients have had problems but you won't see anything like this. I'm not sure if it's legal to post the link and I don't want to make the patient suffer, so send me a PM if you want to see.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 27, 2018, 02:18:54 PM
Post your own x rays. Troll
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 27, 2018, 02:37:22 PM
Post your own x rays. Troll

What for? To have revenge upon me, Monegal spy?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 27, 2018, 02:47:50 PM
To proof you are a patient and not a troll.
Yet to proof anything...just threatening in private either me and MM.

You said I am not a cosmetic patient and I should stay away from this forum.
Do not forget LL was created to treat people like me having a LL discrepancy.
I had a SUFI when I was 12 which ended causing a 2,6 cm LLD and premature hip osteoarthritis.
Monegal fixed my leg and put me back to a normal life...and 3 years after Here comes the troll calling me ‘fake’, ‘spy’ and telling me to stay away from this forum.
Yet to proof anything but you having a severe mental issue, if I were mod here I would ban you for life. You are PM me and MM with your useless speech and paranoid obsessive speech.

So if you have own medical evidence post it. Otherwise the one to be out of this place is you. Mods should take immediate action.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 27, 2018, 02:58:03 PM
To proof you are a patient and not a troll.
Yet to proof anything...just threatening in private either me and MM.

You said I am not a cosmetic patient and I should stay away from this forum.
Do not forget LL was created to treat people like me having a LL discrepancy.
I had a SUFI when I was 12 which ended causing a 2,6 cm LLD and premature hip osteoarthritis.
Monegal fixed my leg and put me back to a normal life...and 3 years after Here comes the troll calling me ‘fake’, ‘spy’ and telling me to stay away from this forum.
Yet to proof anything but you having a severe mental issue, if I were mod here I would ban you for life. You are PM me and MM with your useless speech and paranoid obsessive speech.

So if you have own medical evidence post it. Otherwise the one to be out of this place is you. Mods should take immediate action.

I have never threatened anybody but it's true I sent a PM to MM. How do you know? Are you an alt account of MM perhaps?
I would send xrays to mods but wouldn't publish them here because this is full of Monegal spies and I fear revenge.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 27, 2018, 03:06:12 PM
I know because I am in touch with her.
You should wash your mouth before saying MM name. She is a brave real patient. She overcame her complications whatever you say.

You are only a poor soul. Yet to proof you are a patient and not a troll.
Revenge? I do not think anybody pays attention to your sick mind. Anyone reading 99% of your posts sees you have issues and a hidden interest.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 27, 2018, 03:13:44 PM
I know because I am in touch with her.
You should wash your mouth before saying MM name. She is a brave real patient. She overcame her complications whatever you say.

You are only a poor soul. Yet to proof you are a patient and not a troll.
Revenge? I do not think anybody pays attention to your sick mind. Anyone reading 99% of your posts sees you have issues and a hidden interest.

Of course she's brave. When I see the pics I don't understand how she has been able to cope with all the horror created by this so called surgeon for years . She needs people to fight for her. I encourage her to join our group and sue.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: patientprivacy on May 27, 2018, 06:03:12 PM
Dear users,

Dr Monegal's patients inform all users of this forum that they will take legal action if their private information is posted without their consent.

I would also beg ill-willed people to stop spreading false rumors about fellow patients. Remember that people who hurt eventually face their own karma.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: hanshi on May 27, 2018, 06:19:08 PM
Take it as a general rule: stay away from European doctors who do cosmetic LL.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 27, 2018, 06:56:06 PM
Yes Europe! That stupid place where LL was created. Where first internal implants were created.
That stupid place where American Idol surgeons were trained...
Go to USA...that wonderful land with less than 300 years of history. Where immigrants are no longer welcome.

The land of free. The place where you pay over 150.000$ and you can get this,amp.html

By the way it is at least better place than Swaziland
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Johnson1111 on May 27, 2018, 07:01:41 PM
Yes Europe! That stupid place where LL was created. Where first internal implants were created.
That stupid place where American Idol surgeons were trained...
Go to USA...that wonderful land with less than 300 years of history. Where immigrants are no longer welcome.

The land of free. The place where you pay over 150.000$ and you can get this,amp.html

By the way it is at least better place than Swaziland

It's the US hospitals that are overpriced more than anything. However I agree the doctors STILL charge far too much and are too greedy.

As far as immigrants go, Immigrants are still accepted but they should have stopped long ago.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Shadow91 on May 27, 2018, 07:07:56 PM
cinderella, patientprivacy is monegal the lunatic...monegal get lost you hack!
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Life on May 27, 2018, 07:10:52 PM
Yes Europe! That stupid place where LL was created. Where first internal implants were created.
That stupid place where American Idol surgeons were trained...
Go to USA...that wonderful land with less than 300 years of history. Where immigrants are no longer welcome.

The land of free. The place where you pay over 150.000$ and you can get this,amp.html

By the way it is at least better place than Swaziland

Cinderella you can't be that stup.. . Hanshi is a very smart guy. I think he's right. Read what he says

In most European countries the doctor is almost certain to win any lawsuit against a patient. The burden of proof is on the patient, but the doctors have all the evidence. The patient must prove 2 things, the fact that the doctor made a mistake and that his damage was caused by this mistake. The only way to prove this is to get an expertise from another doctor. Doctors normally stick together and help each other.
Also, there is no FDA in Europe which would control medical devices like lengthening nails. The manufacturers control themselves. The US regulations are much better here. That's the reason why e.g. some European lengthening nails are advertised as fully weight bearing. You won't see that with FDA approved nails.
Further, in the unlikely case a doctor loses a case, the compensation he has to pay is minuscule in comparison to what the patient would get in the US.
It's all about the legal position of the patient.

According to my experience where there's smoke there's a fire. The whole cosmetic LL scene is extremely shady and most of the doctors who did it in the past were crooks. Most European countries have very unfair laws with regard to patient protection, since the burden of proof is 100% on the patient, but all the evidence is in the hands of the doctors and can easily be manipulated by them. Therefore these European doctors don't have a high risk in case something happens to the patient and take the patient's risk very lightly.
These doctors are very arrogant and want to take credit only for the good outcomes and blame the patients for the bad outcomes.
I don't know Dr. M.personally but the whole discussion here shows a pattern familiar from other LL doctors.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on May 27, 2018, 07:27:42 PM
Oh yes he seems smart. In Europe we do not have FDA?
Do your research
Medical implants and equipments need EU approval.
I am a PT myself and anyone involved in the health sector knows about that.

Anyway thanks for the reading. Anything that brings light and knowledge is very much appreciated.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Life on May 27, 2018, 07:32:46 PM
Oh yes he seems smart. In Europe we do not have FDA?
Do your research
Medical implants and equipments need EU approval.
I am a PT myself and anyone involved in the health sector knows about that.

Anyway thanks for the reading. Anything that brings light and knowledge is very much appreciated.

But it's not the same. In USA patients have more rights.

cinderella, patientprivacy is monegal the lunatic...monegal get lost you hack!

Add Auron and Musicmaker. They're related.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Shadow91 on May 27, 2018, 07:47:43 PM

Add Auron and Musicmaker. They're related.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: amigos on May 27, 2018, 11:56:00 PM

They sound brainwashed. What a broken record that of Cinderella 'x rays you troll'.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: justice on May 28, 2018, 12:12:57 AM
Oh yes he seems smart. In Europe we do not have FDA?
Do your research
Medical implants and equipments need EU approval.
I am a PT myself and anyone involved in the health sector knows about that.

Anyway thanks for the reading. Anything that brings light and knowledge is very much appreciated.

Jesus Christ! Are you the fake PT? OMG!!!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: hanshi on May 28, 2018, 10:56:04 AM
Oh yes he seems smart. In Europe we do not have FDA?
Do your research
Medical implants and equipments need EU approval.
I am a PT myself and anyone involved in the health sector knows about that.

Anyway thanks for the reading. Anything that brings light and knowledge is very much appreciated.
Did you even read the link you posted? Tell us about the 'EU' approval lol. You could google "PIP scandal" for example.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on June 27, 2018, 08:22:08 PM
I talked to the admin of this forum and explained I can't publish all the bad stuff about Dr Monegal yet, but I sent him some evidence. Guys, I'm not a troll. I can't publish the worst details yet because our lawyers told us not to disclose any data if there will be active lawsuits. I can post something though. Justice sent me  this screenshot and gave his  permission to publish here. It’s totally legal. This information  was uploaded in a public webpage for a while

It's about the fake PT. This guy (Claudio) showed up in our rooms in Clinica Diagonal introducing himself as our 'physiotherapist' when he wasn't licensed. The PTs in Clinica Diagonal told one patient in 2015 Claudio wasn't a PT but an OR cleaner. Some patients investigated and found out in the internet that he had a fake profile in a Spanish webpage for doctors ( where he said he was a doctor (radiologist) and a physiotherapist. He later removed that information but some patients got screenshots.You have one of the screenshots above. If you call the Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Catalunya they will confirm this guy doesn’t have a license.

So the guy wasn't licensed. He was a fake physical therapist.. When people discovered  this, they didn't want him but Monegal obliged them to hire Claudio. Monegal is as guilty as Claudio because he imposed an unlicensed physiotherapist to his patients. Perhaps he received a commission. Claudio didn't know how to treat patients, charged ridiculous amounts of money and was mean with many of them. I heard many complaints when I was a patient. Many people were unhappy incuding Monegal fans like MM.

The fake PT isn't there anymore because some people sued him. I think Monegal could be sued too. A honest doctor wouldn't put his delicate patients' limbs in the hands of an unlicensed guy without any proper credentials. This is just one proof of Monegal's LL dishonest practice.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: rafa on June 30, 2018, 07:14:09 PM
 ! You have proof. And it's also true about the dirty man. Some time ago I found on the web a sexual video of this doctor uploaded by Souzana or Susana Sousa. I do not know if she is a patient. Do you know? But the one in the video was him. His face and full name visible in title and video. It caught my attention. Nobody in full susb shows the face in those videos. I was petrified. I downloaded it but I can not find it at the moment because it was a while ago. If I find it I will send it to admin. I do not think you can upload that material in the forum.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on July 04, 2018, 10:52:51 PM

I don't like this doctor but idk about that video. It's true he sent Christmas greetings with Mrs Santa Claus strippers and he made dirty remarks. He also made some sexual comments about Cooper, Musicmaker, other women and himself but there aren't any Souzana patients. If you find proof send it to me
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on July 05, 2018, 05:03:40 AM
You 2 guys are disgusting. Your ban should be on again.
Carry on Lluser aka Notatroll and so on....
it is really noticeable you have never met Dr M.

Yet to proof you are a real patient 😂😂😂😂

How many times have you been banned? How many account have you already used?
And by the way: marry Christmas....just in case they ban you again
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on July 06, 2018, 02:22:21 PM
Oh yes he seems smart. In Europe we do not have FDA?
Do your research
Medical implants and equipments need EU approval.
I am a PT myself and anyone involved in the health sector knows about that.

Anyway thanks for the reading. Anything that brings light and knowledge is very much appreciated.


The EMA does not control medical devices. For approval of medical devices there is no agency in Europe. To get the CE approval the manufacturer hires one of many so-called notified bodies, which are private companies and treat the manufacturers as customers. These companies then check, whether the paperwork from the manufacturer is correct. After getting the approval for the paperwork the manufacturer can put the CE marking on his product.
Most people are unaware of this. The EU is very strict with regulations about the curvature of cucumbers and bananas, but for medical products the manufacturers basically only control themselves.

This is absolutely correct.  To get an FDA approval, it's a very long, exhaustive and expensive process requiring a lot of R&D funds (~5 years).  And they stress test years of research results and requires every stringent requirement is met for consumer safety.

A CE seal is simply a manufacturing approval to comply by European standards and can be a self-certifying declaration.  It is used to promote free trade within the EU and is NOT a seal of approval or guarantee of quality.  A CE label not only doesn't mean much, manufacturers need to report every device failure etc to keep their label current but because it's based on self-reporting, many CE labels are actually legally invalid.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Johnson1111 on July 07, 2018, 08:38:53 PM

Are you just here only to insult and talk down on Monegal? I know you have pictures but shouldn't you have the literal and exact proof by now that you said you would have??
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on July 07, 2018, 09:39:35 PM
Are you just here only to insult and talk down on Monegal?

I'm talking to Cinderella about FDA and CE seal but you're right Cinderella is probably Monegal or his staff.

I know you have pictures but shouldn't you have the literal and exact proof by now that you said you would have??

What do you mean by literal and exact proof? I won't post my friends' names if that's what you mean
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Cinderella on July 07, 2018, 11:09:24 PM
Are you just here only to insult and talk down on Monegal? I know you have pictures but shouldn't you have the literal and exact proof by now that you said you would have??

Yes he is. In fact he was banned many times for multiple accounts.
Been here for a while now 😂😂
If you check his posts you will figure out an obsessive pattern.

You call me Monegal or staff when I am indeed a real patient.
You call yourself a patient when you are still yet to proof that... never posted an x Ray of yourself but you published private medical info about others...

It is nice to have you arround but I suggest you can use Trolly or TroLL for your next user account. I think I prefer TroLL.

Merry Christmas

Oh and by the way my name is Jud... ask your sources. Maybe you can private message MM and ask her if I am real...instead of sending her your rubbish and send her private x rays to other users. This is not just a reason to be banned, it is reason to be permanently banned and sued by user MM
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on July 19, 2018, 09:27:55 PM
Yes he is. In fact he was banned many times for multiple accounts.
Been here for a while now 😂😂
If you check his posts you will figure out an obsessive pattern.

You call me Monegal or staff when I am indeed a real patient.
You call yourself a patient when you are still yet to proof that... never posted an x Ray of yourself but you published private medical info about others...

It is nice to have you arround but I suggest you can use Trolly or TroLL for your next user account. I think I prefer TroLL.

Merry Christmas

Oh and by the way my name is Jud... ask your sources. Maybe you can private message MM and ask her if I am real...instead of sending her your rubbish and send her private x rays to other users. This is not just a reason to be banned, it is reason to be permanently banned and sued by user MM

The only person to be sued is Monegal. He sent private medical pics of patients in underwear to other patients and published personal information in the forums. We are collecting evidence and will sue him. He should be deprived of his license. And you Monegal staff will lose your job. You aren’t real.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: raku on September 16, 2018, 04:12:56 AM
Hello every one.
I could not find Dr Monegal listed in clinica diagonal, and the clinica did not show any cosmetic limb lengthning information in their website. Did any one know why?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on September 24, 2018, 03:27:22 PM
Hello every one.
I could not find Dr Monegal listed in clinica diagonal, and the clinica did not show any cosmetic limb lengthning information in their website. Did any one know why?

To be honest I don't know why Dr Monegal isn't listed in clinica. I investigated google opinions about the clinica. I found this review written 8 months ago

A una familiar la mandaron para casa sabiendo que tenia una bacteria muy infecciosa a riesgo de sepsis, tras haberla cogido en su quirófano después de una operación de fémur.. Todo terminó con la amputación de la pierna en un hospital público... Del médico que la atendió ni hablar... Una verguüenza

I understand there was infection after femur surgery in Clinica Diagonal. This woman was sent home and her leg had to be amputated in another hospital. Does anybody know if she's a cosmetic patient?

Can you get a screenshot and post it before someone says it's fake? It's Google reviews. My screenshots not working.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on November 15, 2018, 11:30:49 PM
To be honest I don't know why Dr Monegal isn't listed in clinica. I investigated google opinions about the clinica. I found this review written 8 months ago

A una familiar la mandaron para casa sabiendo que tenia una bacteria muy infecciosa a riesgo de sepsis, tras haberla cogido en su quirófano después de una operación de fémur.. Todo terminó con la amputación de la pierna en un hospital público... Del médico que la atendió ni hablar... Una verguüenza

I understand there was infection after femur surgery in Clinica Diagonal. This woman was sent home and her leg had to be amputated in another hospital. Does anybody know if she's a cosmetic patient?

Can you get a screenshot and post it before someone says it's fake? It's Google reviews. My screenshots not working.


I'm asking people (Spanish speakers) to investigate if thad had to do with Monegal. I found this in Clinica Diagonal Google reviews (from 10 months ago)
A una familiar la mandaron para casa sabiendo que tenia una bacteria muy infecciosa a riesgo de sepsis, tras haberla cogido en su quirófano después de una operación de fémur.. Todo terminó con la amputación de la pierna en un hospital público... Del médico que la atendió ni hablar... Una verguüenza
Even if not related to Monegal It's related to the place where he operates, A Clinica that caused an amputation in a femur surgery because there was a bacteria in OR isn't a good thing.

Yes of course... amputations happen everyday I all hospitals of the world like Mayo Clinic, special Surgery In NY, Saint Mary Hospital, Katmandú hospital..
En Español le llamamos hacer demagogia. Es simple como esto.
It seems like you do your biased research but it is clear you are not in the health field. Bone infection normally occurs throught heamatogenous way. You can search in Wikipedia but basically it is a bacteria migrating from other part of your body and settles in the bone.
It is very disgraced event to occur...but it can happen anywhere.
Or are US hospitals free of infection cases.
Well do your research

Amputations after accidents YES, but this case was a femur surgery that ended in amputation because there was a bacteria in OR. The hospital wasn't clean. VERY BAD. After reading this I feel happy I could keep both legs (although I limp)
No hablar espanol.

No you are wrong. Do you have any idea how rare an amputation is due to a bacteria infection from the OR? All good hospitals/good physicians make sure the OR is as clean as possible. This type of thing only happens at bad hospitals
This means that
1. The OR was not clean enough to operate. Contamination within OR will cause potentially infectious material during surgery
2. Translation: "A family member was sent home knowing that she had a very infectious bacterium at risk of sepsis, after having taken it in her operating room after a femur operation .. It ended with the amputation of the leg in a public hospital ... From the doctor that attended her or speak ... A shame."
The surgeon in charge knew about the infection and still sent her home without treatment, and ultimately the infection ate away tissues of the leg and caused sepsis. This amputation was due to physician negligence, and could be a reason why Monegal's names is not on the website. Something to note.

Even if this was not Monegal, it proves that the hospital he operates at is notorious for hiring incapable/bad physicians.
Can you imagine a story like this happening in the United States and the huge lawsuit that would follow?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: justice on November 17, 2018, 12:58:17 AM
The case of amputation is the worst I've read. Remember the man in charge of cleaning OR in Clinica Diagonal is Claudio the FAKE PT (Monegal and non Monegal surgeries). This proves Monegal is surrounded by incompetent and dangerous people. Clinica Diagonal isn't that good if they hire unqualified individuals. I agree Dr Monegal shouldn't do CLL. Nobody should take that risk in Spain. Take care of your limbs
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: legpatient on November 29, 2018, 12:54:41 AM
I checked the bacteria story in Google reviews  and it indeed happened. I had a good opinion about the Clinica until I read this story. However this kind of stuff happens in many hospitals and we don't know if this was a Monegal's case.

I think Dr Monegal isn't a bad surgeon and he's really nice sometimes with people. However he has indeed extreme mood swings and a very weird behavior for a doctor. He did speak weird stuff about some patients and nurses. I didn't feel safe as a patient. I had a minor complication and I didn't like his attitude at that particular moment. I also know he will be mad when he reads my post. I can't imagine what he's capable of with people like Cooper, Musicmaker or Yagen. They have reasons to be scared.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: justice on November 29, 2018, 04:31:59 PM
I checked the bacteria story in Google reviews  and it indeed happened. I had a good opinion about the Clinica until I read this story. However this kind of stuff happens in many hospitals and we don't know if this was a Monegal's case.

I think Dr Monegal isn't a bad surgeon and he's really nice sometimes with people. However he has indeed extreme mood swings and a very weird behavior for a doctor. He did speak weird stuff about some patients and nurses. I didn't feel safe as a patient. I had a minor complication and I didn't like his attitude at that particular moment. I also know he will be mad when he reads my post. I can't imagine what he's capable of with people like Cooper, Musicmaker or Yagen. They have reasons to be scared.

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: awatim on December 12, 2018, 03:09:38 AM
nail insertion through the knee; is it correct ?-does it require subsequent operations to fix the knee and avoid permanent pain
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Milko on December 12, 2018, 03:45:09 AM
Yeah through the knee. I had no problems with knee pain yet but am still in the process. The advantage from what i understand is that this method alllows the nail to distract in the mechanical rather than the anatomical axis, thus avoiding things such as x legs.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: legpatient on December 12, 2018, 04:41:33 PM
Many people have reported limitating and permanent knee pain after retrograde nailing (through the knee). Insertion through the hip (antegrade) is preferred by Dr Paley, Dr Betz, Dr Guichet and other reputable doctors.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on February 03, 2019, 09:52:11 PM
Yes guys I'm using the forum to vent out my feelings again but my knee hurts as hell. I haven't been able to sleep for 2 days and couldn't go out from home. I pity those patients who had worse complications than me: Cooper, Musicmaker, American guy, teenage guy and many patients who aren't here in forum. I don't know how this so-called doctor can sleep at night after all the limbs and lives he has destroyed
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: raku on February 04, 2019, 03:12:29 AM
Yes guys I'm using the forum to vent out my feelings again but my knee hurts as hell. I haven't been able to sleep for 2 days and couldn't go out from home. I pity those patients who had worse complications than me: Cooper, Musicmaker, American guy, teenage guy and many patients who aren't here in forum. I don't know how this so-called doctor can sleep at night after all the limbs and lives he has destroyed

Well actually several month ago I just believe there are some people write some bad thing and not true to ruin their business rival.
So I always paid attention to what notatroll said.
But now maybe  I  would choose to believe the brave guy because he actually know what happen of the patients.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on February 14, 2019, 05:57:15 PM
Well actually several month ago I just believe there are some people write some bad thing and not true to ruin their business rival.
So I always paid attention to what notatroll said.
But now maybe  I  would choose to believe the brave guy because he actually know what happen of the patients.

Thanks man, I'm posting the truth indeed. People deserve the truth about this so called doctor. It's worse than you can imagine in your worst nightmares. Every day new people write to me with bad results caused by him. They have asked not to publish his names but do believe me. Many people have been disgraced by this quack 
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: legpatient on April 27, 2019, 08:06:00 PM
Thanks man, I'm posting the truth indeed. People deserve the truth about this so called doctor. It's worse than you can imagine in your worst nightmares. Every day new people write to me with bad results caused by him. They have asked not to publish his names but do believe me. Many people have been disgraced by this quack 

Notatroll I think he isn't that bad (worst nightmares) but I agree he's reputation-obsessed and a shady salesman. He has disgraced many people including Cooper, Musicmaker, Notatroll, Chinese patients and others.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Berry on April 28, 2019, 10:50:31 PM
Oi, você está falando do Richard Luzzi? Sou de SP, quero fazer ainda esse ano, mas não decidi o medico
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: wannagrowtaller on April 29, 2019, 01:34:26 AM
This thread is about Monegal, a spanish doctor.

Richard Luzzi is fking expensive and use isdk (an old nail).
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 04, 2019, 10:39:00 PM
There are other people complaining about something related to MRSA bacteria in Clinica Diagonal in Google Review (Questions).

Montserrat Cortes Compte

Bona nit ja som 5 personas las que tenim mala experiencia espero resposta de perque entra aquirofonu sense mirar istoria i no amb diun que te la bacteria marsa al meu fill transplantat de ronyo pot ser molt greu i per vostes igual espero resposta

Domes teniu fatxada res mes

Bona nit ja som 5 people who had bad experience I hope resposta de perque come aquirofonu sense to look istoria i do not amb diun that the bacteria marsa al meu fill transplantat of ronyo pot be molt greu i per vostes alike i hope resposta

Domes teniu fatxada

Need help with translation but they mention the MRSA bacteria I'm sure
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: curlyfella on May 29, 2019, 07:06:49 PM
Does anybody think that limb shortening to level out the legs is risky?
I've been told it completely destroys the knee.

Why are some specialists recommending this?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 30, 2019, 06:23:23 PM
Does anybody think that limb shortening to level out the legs is risky?
I've been told it completely destroys the knee.

Why are some specialists recommending this?

Idk if shortening destroys the knee. What I can say is this doctor destroyed my knees in limb lengthening.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Americanfootball on May 30, 2019, 08:23:15 PM
Show your proof that your knee has been destroyed! It s too easy to claim such a bull  here. Send me report ! I have seen lots of Monegal patient, they had no knee pain and they were doing even plyometrics training.

I had  removing-operation a few month ago   in Clinica Diagonal. It was absolutely clean and sterile.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on May 31, 2019, 07:44:20 PM
Show your proof that your knee has been destroyed! It s too easy to claim such a bull  here. Send me report ! I have seen lots of Monegal patient, they had no knee pain and they were doing even plyometrics training.

I had  removing-operation a few month ago   in Clinica Diagonal. It was absolutely clean and sterile.

About bacteria I'm reporting what I found in Google reviews. Are you saying those users lie? It's you who lie moron. Removing operation? No way. Your nails are still inside.

My knees are destroyed. It's not apparent in xrays but they are. Don't dare question me and the damage Monegal caused to me and many others.

You're a disgusting promoter who sold himself for football tickets. I won't send anything to Monegal spies and staff
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Americanfootball on June 01, 2019, 08:03:11 AM
Am i moron because of sharing my experience and my journey with real proof and x rays?

Am i disgusting person because of sharing very important details , key points that people learn about some info?

Am i animal because of met with Star-Ray and helping,supporting him on his journey? (Ask him)

Am i spy because of loving Football, being Barcelona Fan  that s why my doctor gave  a nice gift to me?

Am i tall? Yes i am  ;D ;D

Now Get out of here , you weak Bastard :o

Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: notatroll on June 09, 2019, 11:24:30 PM
I had  removing-operation a few month ago   in Clinica Diagonal. It was absolutely clean and sterile.

Why are you lying? You didn't have your nails removed. Why do you say you had? Perhaps Monegal told you to do so 'to clean' the name of the clinic. You should have done a better job. You had surgery only some months ago. You can't have had your nails removed yet and everybody here realizes you're lying.
Yes, you're a disgusting person. You're poisonous according to many users here and telegram. You shouted and threatened to kill some people here. You're a psychopath. I call you moron coz your discussion of facts is typical of a moron. Nobody is interested in you nor in your delusional, pretentious LIES. GTFO.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Americanfootball on June 10, 2019, 03:03:11 PM
I apologise to  everyone that I use some words to this troll. please understand me, normally if this troll had talked face to face with me , I would kicked his ass but anyway!

you fking tiny bastard,
antenna cable were removed on right leg( second leg) if you weren't a stupid Moron, you would realize that antenna were removed. you brainless one, who removed the nails in 10 months with 8 cm ? I have never seen a such a brainless  ! hey people you see that as always this motherfker accusing me of lying without reading my diary.

Kill someone?  hahahaha I'm fking tall with good body shape and style. I want to spend my rest life by enjoying it not being im prison. so please be sensible !  while God give  everybody brain, where were you?  ;D

you know my success makes you crazy like a little girl. My x rays are there, my proof are there, my scientific tips are there, I would be happy if I help to people on their journey.

Look , you have insulted me since beginning. enough of this twaddle!  come at me , Barcelona, St Mic Jordi, 17 June. I will be there.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Americanfootball on June 10, 2019, 03:13:45 PM
Uptade: 1 May 2019 :   4.5 month after second leg operation and 10 months after first operation

Hey what s up forum? 
there are some news.  I finished the lengthening a few week ago and then the second leg cable was removed so that second leg took  3,5 months to reach first leg discrepancy.


Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: tlannister on June 10, 2019, 09:41:07 PM
Just wanted to chime in and warn you against Americanfootball
he went by the name GoodFootballer on old forum which is offline now. He did tibia with Salameh, with a medieval torture device. Totally unecessary, never listening to advice.
Every time other members told him to not do it he answered: "OOH OOH OHH ME Cristiano CRonnie7 footballer, me play fotball after LL. Me OOOH OOH OHH"

Since completing his first LL, nobody has seem this guy run again, let alone play with a football.
The only competition he will participate is Champions League Paralympics   :'(
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLwarrior on June 10, 2019, 10:38:40 PM
This guy is obsessed with CR7, big freak, have you had missalignament after your LL  with Salameh ? tell us the all the truth
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: LLshouldbebanned on June 10, 2019, 11:04:29 PM
Just wanted to chime in and warn you against Americanfootball
he went by the name GoodFootballer on old forum which is offline now. He did tibia with Salameh, with a medieval torture device. Totally unecessary, never listening to advice.
Every time other members told him to not do it he answered: "OOH OOH OHH ME Cristiano CRonnie7 footballer, me play fotball after LL. Me OOOH OOH OHH"

Since completing his first LL, nobody has seem this guy run again, let alone play with a football.
The only competition he will participate is Champions League Paralympics   :'(

This is funny as fk! In normal circumstances I wouldn't approve mocking an individual, but this guy (AmericanFootball) is hideous. He has a very bad temper, he threatens with physical violence other users, and he comes accross as a dangerously unhinged megalomaniac. Read his posts. He talks like a monkey. He's a super moron.

This guy is obsessed with CR7, big freak, have you had missalignament after your LL  with Salameh ? tell us the all the truth

He's a liar as well. He should be banned.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Americanfootball on June 11, 2019, 07:26:32 AM
 ;D ;D ;DLots of Bullst.
We were enjoying, making fun on old forum :) you sick minded. That was 7-8 years ago. People there was not like here But you know I don’t just give a fk and im laughing actually.  So i shouldn’t answer to such a silly little babies. first of all grow up then talk to me.

And STAY STRONG not small  :P :P
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: legpatient on June 13, 2019, 10:16:54 PM
;D ;D ;DLots of Bullst.
We were enjoying, making fun on old forum :) you sick minded. That was 7-8 years ago. People there was not like here But you know I don’t just give a fk and im laughing actually.  So i shouldn’t answer to such a silly little babies. first of all grow up then talk to me.

And STAY STRONG not small  :P :P

How old are you (mentally speaking)? Poor Monegal gets many freaks
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Berry on August 18, 2019, 07:15:27 AM
De que médico vc está falando?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: Abbot on November 06, 2021, 07:03:17 PM
I am saying this because I'm remembering a guy from old forum who was operated by a surgeon in Barcelona and his knees were completely destroyed. I don't know if he was operated by this doctor or by another one in that city but this is making me worry. Well, I'm posting this just for you, to think twice before going to him, bcs I won't go to Spain. I don't know where I'll go. I would have chosen Russia, but the political crisis worries me.

Monegal did a great job on me....was I lucky?  I don't know but no knee pain and good results.  Simply put, I think he got better over time.  I am sorry if anyone had other than good results.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: jibble on December 01, 2021, 04:57:17 AM
How do you contact Monegal? Went to the clinic's website and can't find him listed under surgeons in the bone division. Anyone know if he is still practicing?
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: marcjero on December 09, 2021, 08:52:38 PM
How do you contact Monegal? Went to the clinic's website and can't find him listed under surgeons in the bone division. Anyone know if he is still practicing?

I contacted him using the email mentioned in page 1. I will visit him next week.
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: thrillerr on September 23, 2023, 06:37:21 PM
I contacted him using the email mentioned in page 1. I will visit him next week.

Is he still using that email address? anyone contact him recently??
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: rodrick10 on January 23, 2024, 10:43:59 PM
I contacted him in September 2023.
Not sure what to expect because there isn't any recent diary about this doctor...

These were the prices:

Surgery prices
★Fitbone  (femur: 38400/Tibia: 38.400)
★Precice 2:Femur 41500€\Tibia:  41.500)**
**price for 5 days/4 nights stay

2 nails: 3800€
4 nails: 4800€

[Others necessary prices]

individual apartment: 1900€/month
double apartment: 1100€ per person
(It depends on the size of the apartment and the possibility of sharing)

★Physical Therapy:
(It depends on number of sessions)
Title: Re: Dr Alex Monegal (Barcelona, Spain) Clinica Diagonal
Post by: bcnman on December 29, 2024, 12:57:21 AM
He denies this, but some deaths have been reported due to several problems and some patients have sued him. Not to be trusted at all.