Limb Lengthening Forum

Limb Lengthening Surgery => Limb Lengthening Patients Experiences => Topic started by: Keynes on February 17, 2021, 12:39:48 PM

Title: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 17, 2021, 12:39:48 PM
So, I did it…

I am putting this diary out of boredom and more than that as a payback to this forum, which I have lurked for almost a year and a half before arriving the decision to finally do the dare. I hope my journey will help the prospective in their decision to do this life altering surgery, just like experiences of the vetran LLr's have helped in mine. As much as I want to continue anonymous without posting any graphics, I very much understand that putting only text will be of no help given the nature of this surgery and will only attract the critics. So, I’ll try my best to be as detailed as possible while maintaining my anonymity.

Original height: 165-166cm
Goal: 5 to 5.5 cm
Method: LON Tibia
Date of Surgery: 9 February 2021

Day of the Surgery (Day 0):
Woke up 5 am super positive and excited, prayed the god for my wellbeing, had a chat with a few loved ones. The surgery was schedule at 1 pm, started my journey, had my close relatives drive me to the hospital. At almost half-way, I could feel all that positivity and excitement wearing off and turning into a skepticism. Arrived the hospital, was accompanied by Dr. Harry (physiotherapist). Hospital was upscale and matched pretty much to the standards of the west. Filled in all the formalities, staff took my vitals, measured my height (came out 165-166cm), showed me my private room, I changed my clothes and prepared for the operation. That moment I was so scared, a thought to back out did cross my mind. Finally, was laid on the bed and given several injectables, though the one that pained me the most was the Anti-bacterial (this is the one that is injected on the skin)

Outside the OT: Scared to  , confusion was paramount, was seriously wondering if I really need to go through this

Inside the OT: Literally had a panic attack, intense dilemma on the inside – a part of the mind was screaming to turn back and go home, while the other part was thinking of all the struggle and research I had done to be here. On the outside was sitting still and anxiously staring at all the doctors and nurses in the OT. Just before the operation, asked the doctor if I could use the toilet break – he calmly said no worries will take care of it.
Next thing I had the epidural (this one was painful), this made my lower limbs numb, I asked the doc to put me to sleep. I was waking up on and off during the procedure but couldn’t really feel anything. Operation took around 7 Hrs.

Post Op, in the room – Dr Pradip and Harry paid visit twice everyday

Day 1-2: was under the effect of epidural, pain was on and off but manageable, I’d say 1-6 on 10 but mostly 4-5. Doctor paid a visit and assured that the surgery was successful. Was able move my feet in all directions – left, right, front, back

Day 2 (night): Not much pain from the surgery, only discomfort. Harry lifted my legs and made me sit, felt good to touch the floor

Day 3: Not much pain, but too much discomfort, stomach become very upset (felt like gas explosions taking place inside). In the night I had the epidural removed so after 3-4 hour I started feeling my legs, pain level rose but still a lot manageable. Dr renewed my dressing; I could see stiches on my legs

Day 4: Bad day – effect of epidural wore out, felt stinging pain in the legs, same day had the catheter removed (this is painful, gives a burning sensation with the first piss, so I held me urine and was slowly discharging it), stomach pain, acidity, constipation intensified, another stress came from wanting to poop but unable to. Felt bit feverish, there was headache, pain in eyes. Was given anemia in the night but no help.

Day 5: Harry somehow made me sit on the pot, was then able to pass the stool – weird but was heavenly. Big relief on the stomach. Was feeling much better. Fever, headache came significantly down but was still there. Discharged the hospital in the afternoon and was shifted to the hotel.

A key point to highlight – before the surgery (i.e. the research phase), I significantly underestimated the discomfort and gave more importance to pain. But now having gone through the surgery, I can certainly tell the case is otherwise. Among others, the biggest discomfort for me was unable to pass the stool.

But worry not all of that subsides once you are out of the hospital.

That's all for now, will upload more details and pictures as I proceed in the journey
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Jamesy998 on February 17, 2021, 01:01:54 PM
Ignore any negativity man, looking forward to updates.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on February 17, 2021, 04:35:14 PM
Stay away from brainwashed person who do not know anything about limb lengthening
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Kal el on February 17, 2021, 08:11:31 PM
Shut the fk up u little twat..dnt poke ur little pecker everywhere....fckng scammer..if u wanna do the surgery thn do it..dn't speak  .
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 18, 2021, 02:33:41 AM
Ignore any negativity man, looking forward to updates.

Hey Man, read your diary stay strong and wish u all the best. :)
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 18, 2021, 02:35:34 AM
I am having trouble posting pictures, can anyone help.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: permanentlybanned on February 18, 2021, 02:47:15 AM
Upload to

Then copy the link/address here
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 18, 2021, 06:12:44 AM
x rays - next day after the surgery:
right leg -
left leg -

About a week after surgery -

Trying some moves (about 1 week post op) ->
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Jamesy998 on February 18, 2021, 06:13:04 AM
Hey Man, read your diary stay strong and wish u all the best. :)

Thank you
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 18, 2021, 06:23:35 AM
Day 8: Did nothing much, internet speed is very bad, mostly sat on the bed, did some exercises, Harry came and cleaned the pin sites, he said that lengthening will start from tomorrow

Day 9: Harry came in the morning said that lengthening will start from today. food last night was a little off-beat, so i gave my options / preferences. Feeling feverish towards the mid-day. Frames are heavy, and you feel a sting sort of pain especially when moving around on a chair. I am able to sit with legs down. I can lift my legs with support from the thigh / glutes. He advised me a couple of more exercises. Will get a new room today, with a private internet connection. Started lengthening from today - did 1mm turn on the frames.

Day 10: Turned the frame by 0.25mm first time by myself, today I'll get a new room and my private internet. I got the wifi installed. Was hoping to meet the doctor, but I guess he'll come later. Condition of legs: there is No pain at all especially when legs are resting; flexibility and ROM has improved a lot, sill there is shock sort of pain when moving around but does not last for long. I think exercise is the key. Also left leg feels relatively heavier and more sore than the right. Ended the day with fever took PCM.

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 19, 2021, 01:20:10 PM
Day 10: My bowl movement has finally improved, today bandages were removed, I could see all the stiches and osteotomy site. Body feels more mobile and active than before. When resting there is no pain in legs, also when moving the pain is lot lesser than before. My left leg is getting better, and almost matching to the condition of the right. i feel my legs have adjusted to the frame. Although sleeping is fine, i am mostly sleeping on the back. i do try to sleep sideways but it requires a lot of adjustment with the frame, so not enough options here. Sometimes I feel feverish due to the change of weather here.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 20, 2021, 10:40:37 AM
Day 11: Dr. stopped painkiller last night, this morning legs were feeling sore especially when moving from one place to another. Exercises felt tiring but post exercise legs felt stronger. Overall body is feeling tired and very exhausted. I am feeling very lazy today. Tried lifting my left leg with support of glutes and using the resistance band;  although I m able to lift the leg but it feels painful at the osteotomy site. Right leg is relatively better.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on February 20, 2021, 03:21:14 PM
Interesting diary bro, would you recommend for people to do this based on your current experience? How do you consider the pain to be? Bearable mostly? Or excruciating?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 21, 2021, 03:33:18 AM
Interesting diary bro, would you recommend for people to do this based on your current experience? How do you consider the pain to be? Bearable mostly? Or excruciating?

Thanks bro.

I'd say this is a major surgery and truly a personal choice for anyone to make. I am not sure if anybody recommending this to anyone will work unless the person who wants it is determined and desperate in his mind. Well speaking from the personal experience, if you are really committed for this you'll do your best research (both online and meeting patients in person) and work your way to the best doctor that satisfies u the most.
My current experience has been good so far with both Doctor and Physio.

About pain - nothing that I didn't expect. Soreness is there but bearable. I haven't taken painkillers for sometime now and I hope to continue the same way.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 21, 2021, 06:06:32 AM
Day 12: Today is better, pain is lesser. Left leg, although weak compared to the right, is better and feels more active than yesterday. Pain on the osteotomy site is lot lesser. On the right however there is a twitching sort of pain on the stitch site closer to the knee. ROM is getting better but only after good amount of exercises, so u really have to put in a lot, u cannot simply rest. Physio is very important here, perhaps the key to successful LL. Today I have got a pair of 5kg dumbbells, I have started doing the upper body exercises. 
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on February 21, 2021, 11:43:03 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience. I want to ask 1 question if you don't mind.
How do you feel mentally? Do you feel tired or do you normal apart from some pain in the legs? I am asking cause I want to understand if someone will be able to work remotely during the distraction phase.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 21, 2021, 12:14:20 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience. I want to ask 1 question if you don't mind.
How do you feel mentally? Do you feel tired or do you normal apart from some pain in the legs? I am asking cause I want to understand if someone will be able to work remotely during the distraction phase.

This is a very good question. Well I am a finance professional, and before the surgery I made sure to gather all the gear essential for smooth remote working. With only 12 days since the operation, I feel really hard to focus not just 'coz of pain but discomfort too. Your legs need time to adjust to the frame, pain is on and off, not too much but makes it really hard to focus, at times the body feels exhausted to an extent that you don't step off the bed, then there is physio, sleeping in on position and so on. I requested my organization to extend my leave until this Wednesday, but I will definitely try for a further extension on my leave, until at least next week. I think by that time I'll get used to my condition and should be able to find focus to work.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 22, 2021, 05:09:47 PM
Day 13: Today there was pain in the right leg at the osteotomy site, similar to what was there in the left leg couple of days earlier. It came to notice when I was doing lifting exercise. Left leg continues to feel uneasy and weak, I have increased reps for left leg to build more strength. Eagerly waiting to reach my goal and hop out of these bulky frames. Today Harry provided a solution to the lingering pain in my left leg. After his remedy the pain level significantly reduced. Harry is indeed an expert physio, his methods are rational. Before providing any solution he educates you of the entire phenomena of why the problem is there, what is it related to, how long its going to persist, etc. LL is a long journey and honestly living in frames I don't know what lies ahead for me in the future, but so far I am content with services here. There are some issues with the hotel services but not very major, I can live with that.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 23, 2021, 03:39:03 PM
Day 14: Tired of sleeping in same posture. Not much difference in the condition of legs. Counting my days to normal life. Twitching on the left leg around the bone break site feels intensified, but bearable. Experiencing loss of muscle in the left thigh. Pin sites are now feeling tighter on both legs, especially around the ankle.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Jamesy998 on February 23, 2021, 03:48:31 PM
Day 14: Tired of sleeping in same posture. Not much difference in the condition of legs. Counting my days to normal life. Twitching on the left leg around the bone break site feels intensified, but bearable. Experiencing loss of muscle in the left thigh. Pin sites are now feeling tighter on both legs, especially around the ankle.

All is normal don't worry, I had the exact same pains and it eventually goes away.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 24, 2021, 02:27:59 AM
All is normal don't worry, I had the exact same pains and it eventually goes away.

Hi bro, Thanks. just one thing - Did u also have pain in your left leg? do you mind if I ask where did you get the most pain - near the site where they put the rod or the site where they break bone? Based on your experience in what time does this pain it go away?

Thanks and all the Best
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Jamesy998 on February 24, 2021, 11:13:25 AM
Hi bro, Thanks. just one thing - Did u also have pain in your left leg? do you mind if I ask where did you get the most pain - near the site where they put the rod or the site where they break bone? Based on your experience in what time does this pain it go away?

Thanks and all the Best

Pain went away after 1.5 months. My pains were all in the right leg, its different from person to person. My pains were mostly in the right knee.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 24, 2021, 11:59:51 AM
Pain went away after 1.5 months. My pains were all in the right leg, its different from person to person. My pains were mostly in the right knee.

Thanks, and all the best!
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 24, 2021, 03:55:26 PM
Day 15: Nothing much to report, life is monotonous. Sleeping, Breakfast, Lunch, PT, internet, PT, Dinner and sleeping. Pain is there but gotten used to it, I don't bother to care anymore. However, I do report every small development related to legs to Harry on his each visit in order to stay cautious.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Jamesy998 on February 24, 2021, 05:01:59 PM
Day 15: Nothing much to report, life is monotonous. Sleeping, Breakfast, Lunch, PT, internet, PT, Dinner and sleeping. Pain is there but gotten used to it, I don't bother to care anymore. However, I do report every small development related to legs to Harry on his each visit in order to stay cautious.

I remember I used to report and ask about every small detail too until I learned what ALL of them were haha, but now i feel much more at ease, you will too eventually, hang in there mate.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Zion on February 24, 2021, 05:37:01 PM
Good luck man I am also in the process with Dr Buldu. So far I am happy I am already doing this. We will kill this height neurosis and live a more happy life. Hang in there and when in pain, remember you are growing taller!
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 25, 2021, 03:47:58 AM
Hey Zion, Thanks Brother, indeed what u said is true. Such kind words words really empower u especially in these stressful times. 

Wish u all the best, and may god give us all the fastest recovery.  :)

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 25, 2021, 03:56:38 AM
I remember I used to report and ask about every small detail too until I learned what ALL of them were haha, but now i feel much more at ease, you will too eventually, hang in there mate.

I Guess so. Just keeping tight and hoping for the same. Anyways Thanks mate, I really appreciate your generous character. God bless us all.

Stay Strong!
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: montahn on February 25, 2021, 09:34:24 AM
So, I did it…

I am putting this diary out of boredom and more than that as a payback to this forum, which I have lurked for almost a year and a half before arriving the decision to finally do the dare. I hope my journey will help the prospective in their decision to do this life altering surgery, just like experiences of the vetran LLr's have helped in mine. As much as I want to continue anonymous without posting any graphics, I very much understand that putting only text will be of no help given the nature of this surgery and will only attract the critics. So, I’ll try my best to be as detailed as possible while maintaining my anonymity.

Original height: 165-166cm
Goal: 5 to 5.5 cm
Method: LON Tibia
Date of Surgery: 9 February 2021

Day of the Surgery (Day 0):
Woke up 5 am super positive and excited, prayed the god for my wellbeing, had a chat with a few loved ones. The surgery was schedule at 1 pm, started my journey, had my close relatives drive me to the hospital. At almost half-way, I could feel all that positivity and excitement wearing off and turning into a skepticism. Arrived the hospital, was accompanied by Dr. Harry (physiotherapist). Hospital was upscale and matched pretty much to the standards of the west. Filled in all the formalities, staff took my vitals, measured my height (came out 165-166cm), showed me my private room, I changed my clothes and prepared for the operation. That moment I was so scared, a thought to back out did cross my mind. Finally, was laid on the bed and given several injectables, though the one that pained me the most was the Anti-bacterial (this is the one that is injected on the skin)

Outside the OT: Scared to  , confusion was paramount, was seriously wondering if I really need to go through this

Inside the OT: Literally had a panic attack, intense dilemma on the inside – a part of the mind was screaming to turn back and go home, while the other part was thinking of all the struggle and research I had done to be here. On the outside was sitting still and anxiously staring at all the doctors and nurses in the OT. Just before the operation, asked the doctor if I could use the toilet break – he calmly said no worries will take care of it.
Next thing I had the epidural (this one was painful), this made my lower limbs numb, I asked the doc to put me to sleep. I was waking up on and off during the procedure but couldn’t really feel anything. Operation took around 7 Hrs.

Post Op, in the room – Dr Pradip and Harry paid visit twice everyday

Day 1-2: was under the effect of epidural, pain was on and off but manageable, I’d say 1-6 on 10 but mostly 4-5. Doctor paid a visit and assured that the surgery was successful. Was able move my feet in all directions – left, right, front, back

Day 2 (night): Not much pain from the surgery, only discomfort. Harry lifted my legs and made me sit, felt good to touch the floor

Day 3: Not much pain, but too much discomfort, stomach become very upset (felt like gas explosions taking place inside). In the night I had the epidural removed so after 3-4 hour I started feeling my legs, pain level rose but still a lot manageable. Dr renewed my dressing; I could see stiches on my legs

Day 4: Bad day – effect of epidural wore out, felt stinging pain in the legs, same day had the catheter removed (this is painful, gives a burning sensation with the first piss, so I held me urine and was slowly discharging it), stomach pain, acidity, constipation intensified, another stress came from wanting to poop but unable to. Felt bit feverish, there was headache, pain in eyes. Was given anemia in the night but no help.

Day 5: Harry somehow made me sit on the pot, was then able to pass the stool – weird but was heavenly. Big relief on the stomach. Was feeling much better. Fever, headache came significantly down but was still there. Discharged the hospital in the afternoon and was shifted to the hotel.

A key point to highlight – before the surgery (i.e. the research phase), I significantly underestimated the discomfort and gave more importance to pain. But now having gone through the surgery, I can certainly tell the case is otherwise. Among others, the biggest discomfort for me was unable to pass the stool.

But worry not all of that subsides once you are out of the hospital.

That's all for now, will upload more details and pictures as I proceed in the journey


Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on February 25, 2021, 01:03:21 PM
Are you doing anything to speed up the recovery? Have you thought about taking bone marrow aspirate concentrate?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 25, 2021, 02:06:45 PM
Are you doing anything to speed up the recovery? Have you thought about taking bone marrow aspirate concentrate?

What's that ?? I never heard of it, nor my Dr. recommended it so far.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on February 25, 2021, 02:15:48 PM

Dr. Lee in Korea uses it to speed up the process.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on February 25, 2021, 03:51:19 PM
Day 16: Harry removed my stitches, soon we are planning to get my 1st x-ray since distraction. Fingers are crossed, hope all goes well.

Day 17: Today I got my X-rays, as per the X-ray my total gain so far has been 1.3cm. I am still lengthening at 1mm. As per Harry, the progress is good so I plan to continue lengthening at this rate only. We also met the Doctor, as per him all is well so far. Below is the link to my X-ray.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 02, 2021, 02:41:39 AM
Day 21: Today was different. I have started standing with help of a walker, under the supervision of Harry. I did not put 100% weight on the legs, it was in the ratio of 40:60 distributed between legs and hands, respectively. It was a good experience to stand after a long time. After the activity there was burning in the calf muscle, it felt like all of the body's energy drained at once.

Condition of legs: Not much pain, but great amount of discomfort. Sleeping has become a lot difficult than it was earlier. Muscle tightness has increased. Harry said that going forward PT will be made more strenuous.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on March 02, 2021, 03:18:15 AM
could you share one standing picture from the front side too. Because second one is not completely front facing picture
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: canterk on March 04, 2021, 09:33:37 AM
how is your pain in the pinsites specifically? are you consistently on any pain meds?

thanks for sharing your experience by the way
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 04, 2021, 11:08:06 AM
how is your pain in the pinsites specifically? are you consistently on any pain meds?

thanks for sharing your experience by the way

Hi canterk,

There is some pain but that is not the concern really, discomfort is. I am not taking any painkillers since I started distraction. Pain around pin site is like when you keep your legs folded a little over inverted 90 degree angle lying on the bed and then when you relax your legs straight to 180 degree after sometime - you feel the pinch, but that doesn't last long. This is mainly due to tightness of soft tissue due to lengthening. Despite that, pain is nowhere near the point that you would need painkiller, at least not for me I can say.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 04, 2021, 10:31:54 PM
Day 17: My standing time has improved from about 30 secs to over 2 minutes now. I am doing calf raises which totally burns my calf muscles but still better compared to the first day. Today I walked a few steps using walker, first round with PTs assistance and second round a little independently, i.e. up to 4-5 feet. Sleeping remains troublesome with these heavy frames, not much improvement in that department. Due to lack of sleep i have not been able to resume work. I asked for some sleeping pills but was denied. Guess i have to do my time.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 05, 2021, 04:24:35 PM
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 05, 2021, 04:35:51 PM
Day 17: My standing time has improved from about 30 secs to over 2 minutes now. I am doing calf raises which totally burns my calf muscles but still better compared to the first day. Today I walked a few steps using walker, first round with PTs assistance and second round a little independently, i.e. up to 4-5 feet. Sleeping remains troublesome with these heavy frames, not much improvement in that department. Due to lack of sleep i have not been able to resume work. I asked for some sleeping pills but was denied. Guess i have to do my time.

A small typo error :o - it should be Day 24
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 05, 2021, 04:39:51 PM
Day 25: Here's my walking video from today's PT session. I was able to walk short distance independently with walker's support. Burning sensation in the muscles improved and was much better than previous. Both my feet were comfortably touching the floor. However, body felt exhausted after the walking activity so much that I wasn't quite able pull any exercises on my own after that, just lying on bed.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on March 05, 2021, 05:24:50 PM
it's kinda sad to see tbh
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on March 05, 2021, 05:27:46 PM
How's the pain? The distraction phase seems to be really hard.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on March 05, 2021, 05:36:48 PM
Bro your left leg is not Okay. You have Tibial torsion , knees moving invertly. The way you are walking , I don't think you are posting it from your desires.

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 06, 2021, 05:31:40 AM
How's the pain? The distraction phase seems to be really hard.

Hi, pain is not really the issue. I'd say its manageable between 0-2 on a scale of 10.

Indeed, the distraction phase is harder not because of the pain but heavy frames. Frames disrupt your sleeping cycle, plus its irritating when changing from one position to another.     
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Bantem on March 06, 2021, 08:07:40 AM

Dr. Lee in Korea uses it to speed up the process.
Does he charge extra for it? And do you know how much it speeds up recovery?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 06, 2021, 08:30:39 AM
Bro your left leg is not Okay. You have Tibial torsion , knees moving invertly. The way you are walking , I don't think you are posting it from your desires.

Bro - are you a Doctor, prospective Patient or Veteran LL'r?? Just wanna assess your credibility on the forum.
Would have taken you seriously but I read your earlier posts on the forum, all are quite common and predictable. You seem to be targeting against a certain set of Drs.
Anyways I discussed your comment with my doctor, and you are wrong medically. I have just started walking after about 1 month with frames on, its really exhausting. This should be seen as a PT rehab and not my normal walking.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on March 06, 2021, 08:40:07 AM
No, he doesn't charge extra for it and it doesn't make that big of a difference maybe few weeks or so. There's a paper published by Dr. lee on this topic if you'll google it you'll be able to find it.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on March 06, 2021, 09:04:37 AM
Bro - are you a Doctor, prospective Patient or Veteran LL'r?? Just wanna assess your credibility on the forum.
Would have taken you seriously but I read your earlier posts on the forum, all are quite common and predictable. You seem to be targeting against a certain set of Drs.
Anyways I discussed your comment with my doctor, and you are wrong medically. I have just started walking after about 1 month with frames on, its really exhausting. This should be seen as a PT rehab and not my normal walking.
It is upto you  . I already exposed many marketing patients and patients who really have problems .
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on March 06, 2021, 11:00:18 AM
I am sorry if you are hurted ,will never comments on any diary of Dr. Pradeep. This forum to discuss the problems and share the journey.
Good luck
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 06, 2021, 11:32:33 AM
It is upto you  . I already exposed many marketing patients and patients who really have problems .

Well sir the picture you painted is completely different from the reality I am witnessing here. Understand the point, if u can - if anyone puts on a diary without posting pictures and only text, it'll will surely make u question its credibility; similarly if you are criticizing a qualified, experienced doctor, just words are not enough, you must provide a little background of yours for us to take you more seriously. We can't just take a word from any unqualified, random person surfing the forum with no medical knowledge.

And what do mean by marketing patients? If a patients appreciates his doctor, according to you he must have encountered a complication - is that u infer? are even for real?

I am localite here since birth, I know my city and I have a support system. Although I am confident about my choice, just to share, there is not just one doctor in the country, unlike the others I have the luxury of  borrowing second opinion. Based on this view, your comment on my diary earlier about some tibial torsion is not logical. I could dive deeper into this with you, now that I have discussed it with my doctor and a few others, but no point.

But please do answer the question raised earlier, for I am curious - are you doctor, prospective patient, or a vetran LL'r??
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 06, 2021, 12:09:50 PM
I am sorry if you are hurted ,will never comments on any diary of Dr. Pradeep. This forum to discuss the problems and share the journey.
Good luck

Don't be apologetic, and I am not hurt. You can comment on my diary as much as you like; besides, it is an open forum with no restrictions. However, if you genuinely have a query I am more than happy to help, and even borrow the doctors opinion for you on the respective concern. Understand sir, you pointed a complication (not even related to LL), which I had to clarify with a Doctor.

And I request you to please don't make it sound like Dr. and I are relatives. I paid the Dr. for his services, and I am getting the services. This is a professional relationship. If I am appreciating their work, please read that as my feedback.

If anywhere down the line I am not satisfied with their work I will definitely post it on the forum with same honesty. 

According to you - the so called marketing patients, if any (I doubt), (I assume) who encounter complications and hide them and still appreciate their Doctors in hope for rectification (in my opinion) are nut cases. A doctor who has  wronged you once can do it again, better not to take any chances and consult a different doctor.

Request you to please answer the question raised earlier - are you doctor, prospective patient, or a vetran LL'r??
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Jamesy998 on March 06, 2021, 02:03:13 PM
Don't be apologetic, and I am not hurt. You can comment on my diary as much as you like; besides, it is an open forum with no restrictions. However, if you genuinely have a query I am more than happy to help, and even borrow the doctors opinion for you on the respective concern. Understand sir, you pointed a complication (not even related to LL), which I had to clarify with a Doctor.

And I request you to please don't make it sound like Dr. and I are relatives. I paid the Dr. for his services, and I am getting the services. This is a professional relationship. If I am appreciating their work, please read that as my feedback.

If anywhere down the line I am not satisfied with their work I will definitely post it on the forum with same honesty. 

According to you - the so called marketing patients, if any (I doubt), (I assume) who encounter complications and hide them and still appreciate their Doctors in hope for rectification are nut cases. A doctor who has  wronged you once can do it again, better not to take any chances and consult a different doctor.

Request you to please answer the question raised earlier - are you doctor, prospective patient, or a vetran LL'r??

Ignore him, he virtually comments the same negative opinions on most peoples diary. I am also in his head rent free just come look at my diary, haha. Anyway man, good luck to you, wish you for the best recovery.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 06, 2021, 04:06:04 PM
Ignore him, he virtually comments the same negative opinions on most peoples diary. I am also in his head rent free just come look at my diary, haha. Anyway man, good luck to you, wish you for the best recovery.

I know man. Don't mind at all. Stay strong and wish you all the best. :)
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on March 06, 2021, 04:14:06 PM
Where are you staying? How much are you paying to stay? Do you have any helper?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 06, 2021, 04:44:41 PM
Where are you staying? How much are you paying to stay? Do you have any helper?

I am staying in a private room in a hotel.

Yes, u get a helper.

For price related queries, please reach out Harry. He is supervising everything here. Plus, I don't want to open any figures myself or do any kind of advertising on the my timeline.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 10, 2021, 08:38:16 AM
Hi, can anyone suggest how can I better my sleep in these heavy frames, especially during night time. Would be really helpful to hear from current patients or veteran patients of LON.

Just to share, there is no pain as such but a huge discomfort when changing from one position to another. I am not quite used to sleeping straight, on my back for long time. While shifting positions, I have to be really careful of the alignment of the frames, otherwise I feel soreness around pin sites, which kind of feels like some pressure on knee. I tried using pillow as a support under the knee, but it does not seem like a lasting solution.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on March 10, 2021, 04:35:27 PM
Hey bro, just wanna say your so brave for getting this done! How's your walk so far, any updates in walking since your last vid? Any issue with constant pain? I'm looking to have LON for Tibia too, just wanted to hear more about the experiences with patients. Hope you have a smooth recovery!
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 10, 2021, 08:31:01 PM
Hey bro, just wanna say your so brave for getting this done! How's your walk so far, any updates in walking since your last vid? Any issue with constant pain? I'm looking to have LON for Tibia too, just wanted to hear more about the experiences with patients. Hope you have a smooth recovery!

Hey man, thanks for the kind words. Walking has been definitely better since the last video, however still using the walker's support. Just to share, I have not done much walking over the last couple of days as my PT advised to wait until the next x-ray, which is scheduled for this weekend. There is no report of constant pain. I have not taken any pain meds since the start of distraction phase, so pain is not much of an issue so far. In my opinion, Tibia LON is much safer and aesthetically better than lengthening femurs. Take care.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 17, 2021, 12:23:12 PM
Day 35: Hi, could not update for a long time, the last week went pretty heavy. I was under the weather since Thursday. Suffered high fever which lasted for almost 3 days. Due to weakness, I could not follow much exercises. Most of the time I was resting lazy on the bed. Also took break from lengthening. Extra points for the staff, which was very caring. Harry paid multiple visits to check on my condition, which was comforting. Doctor Sharma also paid a visit, he confirmed viral fever and advised a few medics to better the condition. Dr. examined and assured that my legs are in good condition. I felt a little anxious here as I was feeling very low out of the fact that I could not pull even an inch of exercise. I thought all my progress got pushed behind but Dr. assured that strength in legs will rebound once fever settles and weakness subsides. Today feeling is much better, legs are feeling stronger, also started mild workout. Today resumed distraction at the rate of 1 mm.

Day 36: Today I got my X-rays done, also met the Dr. according to him we are on the right track and all is well.  There is also some callus build-up that can be seen in between the bone gap. From tomorrow onwards, I will slow down the distraction rate to 0.75mm per day. Below is the link to my X-rays.

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 18, 2021, 12:50:16 PM
Day 38: Started standing against the wall since yesterday. However, today's standing was much better and longer. While standing against the wall legs were 98% - 99% weight bearing (taking into factor the wall support).
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Surfer on March 23, 2021, 12:58:27 AM
Hey Keynes, good to see you got through the fever and progressing towards your goal.  I’ll be joining you shorting as I’m arriving on 4/2.  Looking forward to meet you and become your LL mate;)
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 23, 2021, 12:40:29 PM
Hey Keynes, good to see you got through the fever and progressing towards your goal.  I’ll be joining you shorting as I’m arriving on 4/2.  Looking forward to meet you and become your LL mate;)

Sure man, you are most welcome. I am glad to meet you over the forum and will be even more delighted to meet you in person. See you soon. Take care.   :)
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on March 23, 2021, 12:54:19 PM
how can I contact your surgeon or harry? Is there a number? I can't find it anywhere. Can you dm me or post it here?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 23, 2021, 12:59:36 PM
Day 39: Today was better. While standing, I lifted my walker completely in the air so technically I was 100% weight bearing on my legs. However, Harry instructed me to use the walker support to avoid the case of pin bending. This time the walking was better as instead of dragging the walker I was lifting it up and then stepping forward, so it was much smoother. I wanted to try little bit of independent walking with frames on but there was some pain due to jerk while lifting the leg up. Also, Harry denied putting too much pressure on the frame, so I guess that'll have to wait. Overall, both feet are feeling tighter and take a few seconds to touch base.

Day 41: The happiness didn't last long. Today was bad, experienced swelling around the pin site closer to knee on the left leg. Due to this, it was painful to bend the knee and even painful when releasing the leg back to 180 degree straight. Harry said it was due to excessive weight bearing on the legs (Day 39) which had put pressure on the pins irritating the surrounding muscles therefore, causing the region to swell.

Day 42: No improvement in the swelling, I took my first painkiller in this journey so far (breaking the vow to myself). Some of the pain is also 'coz of pin tearing the skin. Harry said this is normal and shall go away in 2-3 days. I hope he is right as the pain level is very high, especially when moving the leg. I don't want to take any more pain killers.

Day 43: Today swelling is relieved, pain is much better and I am able to bend the knee. I did a lot of icing on the swelled region, also I took one anti-inflammatory. Harry suggested one more day of rest, will resume standing from tomorrow onwards. Although, I get a feeling that I can stand independently and even walk with some effort, but it is important not to rush, weight bear more responsibly on the frames and stay focused on the ultimate goal.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 23, 2021, 01:03:54 PM
how can I contact your surgeon or harry? Is there a number? I can't find it anywhere. Can you dm me or post it here?

You can reach them on +91-9560867721 (WhatsApp); email:
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 29, 2021, 04:00:00 PM
Day 44: Had to take another painkiller, pain relief noted earlier was due to painkiller. Harry cleaned the pin sites. Hope swelling comes down in1-2 days.

Day 46: Today Dr. paid a visit, he checked my legs and everything was ok. According to the doctor, swelling was due to some liquid collected at the site of pin cut / tear. Harry pricked the site to release the fluid. Now I feel much better. ROM has also improved. Started doing little exercises. Hoping to get out of these frames as soon as possible.

Day 47: Today I resumed my exercises - standing with walker, standing against the wall, etc. For some reason I don’t know my left leg feels comparatively more stiff than the right.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on March 29, 2021, 04:30:53 PM
Already told you about left leg. You believe or not its upto you.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on March 29, 2021, 11:53:43 PM
Already told you about left leg. You believe or not its upto you.

What you mentioned me earlier was something about tibial torsion which was medically wrong and completely out of the curriculum (not even related to LL). I also borrowed second opinion on that to be extra diligent.

What I mentioned in my recent post was that I feel my left leg relatively more stiff than the right, which I believe is common for most patients while they are in the frames. According to the Dr., this will subside as I remove the frame.

Request you not to twist the facts to force your invalid logics. Incase you want some clarification for your own personal knowledge you can contact my medical team on the number I mentioned in my earlier post, I am sure they will be happy to help.

Plus, I am curious to know - are you doctor, prospective patient, or a vetran LL'r??
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 02, 2021, 11:10:31 AM
A video from my PT session shot day before yesterday. This is me walking in frames using walker.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 04, 2021, 11:36:32 AM
Sharing my latest X-rays -
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 10, 2021, 07:31:10 AM
Day 60: Back after a long time. Time flew fast, thanks to the hectic office work that I picked from this week on. Finally it is the weekend, the same old excitement that u get after a week long hustle, guess some feelings neva die. Today I decided to end the day with a bottle of beer. As I gulp my drink and sail in high spirits, my nostalgia kicks in and brings me a bunch of old memories to ponder over. I am missing my life, family and friends, can't wait to get back to my normal.

This journey is different and unique in its own way. In LL you are served in a platter, an assortment of mental, financial and physical (trust me this is the least important) pain, I don't think there is any other pain left for you to test after this. TBH if you make out normal without troubles this journey is truly a gem of experience, it has a potential to transform you to a much better personality (if u r in ur right mind). It makes you mentally stronger and balanced, and introduces you to the real you, the one that is deep inside.
That's my two cents on life with LL. Wish all u beautiful people a good life and time with you near and dear ones. Take care. Will write an update on my condition in the next post. Good Night. Cheers!"
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 11, 2021, 03:02:07 AM
Day 61: As I come closer to achieving my target, I can feel the dysphoria leaving my mind already. I was told that height alone can't bring success in life (there are taller people who are not successful) but yes, if you can use it smartly in a combination with your other skills it can certainly add on to your strength and improve the outcome of your life. Its been a while, height is not something that I care about anymore but yeah there is definitely some excitement about going out and living a new life but I know there is still a lot of time left before I can do that all perfectly.

A quick update about the condition as promised - legs are normal as per Harry, pain is there but on and off mainly due to the pin tearing. I don't have any ballerina yet but some tightness definitely, especially in the right foot. Overall, I have become a lot weaker, I can feel weight loss, I can see my collar bones popping out, my thighs have lost too much muscle and hanging loose. According to Harry, this will get better as I start walking and the muscles will recover and regain tightness. I am still lengthening at 0.75mm per day, pulling each turn at about 8 hour interval. I believe this is good as it gives enough time for the soft tissues to heal, relax and stretch before the next turn.

As mentioned earlier, I have started doing my office work which was an issue before, it takes my mind off the discomfort and other things, however the bad posture has started giving me back pain, especially around the upper hip area. This is due to continuously sitting in one posture for long hours.

My PT is progressing well, I have limited my walking to once or twice a week in order to avoid pressure on the pins but I do make sure to stand on a daily basis. I hope to see things get better in the near term.

Another thing - Hotel staff has gone very lazy and keeps you waiting for small tasks, may be its due to the rising corona cases and lockdowns that they have cut down there staff. Not liking food for sometime now. This is all for now can't think of anything else to put down. Until my next post, have a good time and take care. Peace.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on April 12, 2021, 11:24:59 AM
Do u see yourself returning to normal walking and activities besides sports after 6 months?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 12, 2021, 03:28:07 PM
Do u see yourself returning to normal walking and activities besides sports after 6 months?

I hope so. Currently, I am in frames, in the distraction phase and bed ridden for most of the time. 
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on April 13, 2021, 07:00:51 AM
 :'(  Hope you get well soon. So far how are your feelings about you having done this surgery? Do you regret it from the mobility loss? Or you are confident of the future. This carries so much uncertainty Im scared to get it yet motivated.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 14, 2021, 02:08:34 PM
:'(  Hope you get well soon. So far how are your feelings about you having done this surgery? Do you regret it from the mobility loss? Or you are confident of the future. This carries so much uncertainty Im scared to get it yet motivated.

I feel satisfied about having done this procedure, as I had it in mind for a long time. At least I'll now move on form thinking about height at all the time.

Mobility loss is temporary and part of the procedure. It is not something which came to me as a surprise. It is a known fact to anyone who calls for this life altering procedure.

About future and confidence - I'd like to think positive but it remains to be seen.

About uncertainty - the element of uncertainty is always going to be present in almost anything and everything you do in life, let alone the LL. However, with proper information and research you can certainly work your way to minimize the probability of mishaps. I did a lot of research prior to entering this ordeal. I met a lot of patients and was in touch with most of them for almost an year. While some had stopped responding, I was so desperate and stubborn that didn't stop chasing them, I did a lot of cross questioning with the doctor, made a list of all viable options, spent nights filtering internet for the relevant info, I made an excel on active patients journey (measuring their time in frames to start walking). Also I can't finish thanking this forum which was extremely helpful and central to my research, and eventually the decision to do LL.

It is obvious to get scared (I was too, no denying) given the nature of this surgery. But based on my research, I am confident about my team and the potential outcome. However, I will be more happy and confident once I get out of these frames and start realizing those mini goals (like walking, jogging, etc.) towards the conclusion of this journey.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on April 14, 2021, 02:47:41 PM
Thanks for replying. Will likely get LON for its relatively low price compared to internals. How long will you need to be in frames before you can get it removed?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 15, 2021, 12:34:40 PM
Thanks for replying. Will likely get LON for its relatively low price compared to internals. How long will you need to be in frames before you can get it removed?

LON is good, its classic and much cheaper. In LON they use traditional titanium rods which find application in a variety of orthopedic procedures, unlike Stryde which is only for LL (I think). Also given the controversies around internal nails these days, LON is the best option there is for LL. The only problem with LON is the discomfort due to being in frames.

The time spent in frames depends on your goal. For 5cm, its around 2 months.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on April 23, 2021, 07:26:01 AM
Right. How's everything going for you this week Keynes?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 24, 2021, 12:18:40 PM
Day 72: Crossed 5cm this week, both ankles are feeling tighter but tightness in right foot is relatively higher. In the morning, I woke up to a severe pain around the pin site under the knee on my right leg. I had to take pain killer. According to Harry, the pain was due to lying with bent knee for long hours. Basically, I was doing that posture to support my laptop while working. He advised to keep the leg straight, and hopefully pain shall come down. Today, I tried standing but couldn't do it due to pain in the right leg. Earlier this week, I had a swelling in the right foot near ankle which was due to putting too much pressure on the pin while standing.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 24, 2021, 12:22:40 PM
Day 75: I have come closer to my target, will do lengthening for only next couple of days. Hopefully, I should be out of frames by the end of next week. There is a very bad corona situation here due to which everything is going for a toss. Hospitals are being very cautious in admitting patients, covid  test has been made mandatory and results are getting delayed by 5-6 days. Indeed, this is a difficult time.

Update on my condition - Legs are better, pain in the right leg has come down but is still. I am trying to avoid painkiller as much as I can instead I take Pcm when in need. Today I did standing and some walking on my own. While standing my left leg heel touches floor but right leg heel takes almost a minute extra before touching the floor. So my right leg foot is relatively tighter, and needs extra work. Sometimes, I am feel irritated and frustrated of being in bed, in the room all the time. I am desperately in need of some fresh air. My patience level has gone down especially as I near my goal. I hope these days get over soon and I start walking.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Stretch on April 24, 2021, 01:16:02 PM
I hope these days get over soon and I start walking.


Thank you for your diary posts.

I am also considering LON Tibia.

Hopefully you reach your goal in due course.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on April 24, 2021, 06:05:48 PM
Are they really still performing these operations in India? What will happen if someone in your guest home gets a severe complication and needs hospitalisation now?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 25, 2021, 04:56:01 AM
I hope these days get over soon and I start walking.

Thank you for your diary posts.

I am also considering LON Tibia.

Hopefully you reach your goal in due course.

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 25, 2021, 05:21:47 AM
Are they really still performing these operations in India? What will happen if someone in your guest home gets a severe complication and needs hospitalisation now?

Yeah I was anxious too but according to my doctor, for general category patients there is no problem in admission.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on April 25, 2021, 08:57:31 AM
Yeah I was anxious too but according to my doctor, for general category patients there is no problem in admission.

Good to know! The news from India is scary. Hope you all stay safe!
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 27, 2021, 04:15:45 AM
Yeah, this corona situation is going bizarre. Daily cases are climbing through the roof.

Sharing my x-rays below, I have reached my desired length so I have stopped lengthening. Yesterday, I only turned my right leg to compensate for 1mm discrepancy. Right now I am waiting for my COVID result and if all is well, I will proceed with the operation to remove the frames.
My lengthening (distraction phase) journey has been really smooth opposite to what I had imagined at the start. The only struggling points, where I actually felt pain was when I crossed 3cm mark and 5cm mark. Apart from that, it has been mostly discomfort (from not being able  to sleep, lack of mobility, pin irritation, etc.) rather pain. I can't wait to see the next phase of rehabilitation.

Meanwhile, there is no denying these are unprecedented times and I hope all stay safe and get properly vaccinated in time. Good luck and best wishes.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: firefly on April 27, 2021, 05:21:21 PM
Hlw bhaiya..i've met with you few days ago along with harry sir. I need some personal info from you.Hope u'll help me out.Can i contact u personally?This is my mail🙏
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on April 28, 2021, 07:14:48 AM
Hlw bhaiya..i've met with you few days ago along with harry sir. I need some personal info from you.Hope u'll help me out.Can i contact u personally?This is my mail🙏

Hi, I am happy to help but not quite comfortable in sharing my personal contact, which I hope you'll understand. However, you can connect with me by calling Harry's phone and I'll be happy to answer to all your queries. Or u can personal msg me here on the forum.

Best wishes, have a good day ahead! 
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on May 01, 2021, 05:03:07 PM
If you could afford stryde what would you choose between LON and stryde given that stryde is at least 3 times or more expensive.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 04, 2021, 05:45:06 PM
If you could afford stryde what would you choose between LON and stryde given that stryde is at least 3 times or more expensive.

Prior to issues with the internal nail, may be. But in the present day after learning the problems with internals, I would again go for LON over internals. 
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 04, 2021, 06:12:13 PM
Status Update: Unfortunately, I am still in frames. My frame removal surgery was scheduled for Friday last week but Dr. Sharma's COVID result came positive so he is observing quarantine and my surgery got postponed by 10 days. Meanwhile, Harry is utilizing the time by training me with more stressful exercises. We have increased the standing time, we are walking more in frames using the walker.

Condition of legs: Much better, I am regaining the flexibility. tightness in ankles is there but much lesser. Wounds from the first surgery have lightened a lot, but noticeable to certain degree. Only when I bend my knee, I feel some soreness due to pin tear below the knee area on the backside of the leg. As per Harry, the reason behind this relief in legs condition is because I have stopped lengthening. Harry has advised me to turn only 0.25mm once every two days, so to make sure that I don't loose any height due to pin pressure while doing rehab.

Seriously, can't wait to hop out of these frames. Its becoming difficult to kill time now.

Will post my in-frames walking video soon
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 06, 2021, 04:21:53 PM
My walking video -
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: las vegas baby on May 06, 2021, 05:04:23 PM
good job. your legs dont look atrophied much.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 15, 2021, 04:32:17 PM
Day 91-92: Finally got out the frames. My surgery was scheduled early in the morning, I guess I was the first patient to walk in the hospital that day. It was a day procedure, I made it out the same day. It was hell crazy to feel that operation room again. It was done on spinal epidural against the initially planned general anesthesia. This shift was due to the shortage of oxygen due to COVID-19. I must remark that the situation right now is very serious, and most hospitals across the country are running low on basics like oxygen and have reduced their patient in take.

But I am happy it is finally over for me. Life feels a lot better outside those bulky frames. After shifting to the hospital room, I tried lifting my legs unknowing with the similar force I used when they were in frames, and I felt my legs to be lot lighter and easily lifted. I was able to move my legs in all directions, however my ROM was limited. Most of the pain that I highlighted earlier was notably reduced. I think Harry was right in saying that those pains came from the pin sites / pin irritating the muscles. I can recall getting super anxious at all times about those pains I used to feel in and around the knee area and ankle, despite the Dr. telling me that they'll go away with the frame removal. Anyways all of that is a past now.

Current Situation / State of Legs: Can't say life is back to normal, there is still a long way to go. Post surgery, I feel weakness and pain all over my body (effect of anesthesia), it was like the feeling you get next morning after hitting the gym after a long time and doing that mixed workout. There is soreness in both legs; comparatively more in the right than the left. Both feet are super tight with some ballerina. I was really surprised at this 'coz when in frames there was tightness but no ballerina as both feet used to fully touch the ground and my legs were full weight bearing as also evident from the video I posted earlier. Now it really hard to have both feet touch the floor. Harry says that it is normal for feet to become tight following the frame removal surgery and that this tightness will subside in 4-5 days with rehab. 

Another thing that I forgot to mention earlier is that since the surgery day, I am on heavy pain killers and antibiotics which makes me feel drowsy and is putting me to sleep at all the times. Will continue the dose for another 3-4 days.

Posting a few pictures I could click. - Hospital glimpse - Post removal bandages

Day 95: Both feet are still tight but loose compared to earlier. Harry has leveled up the rehab. Rehab has become difficult to bear with all those new painful stretching exercises. Right continues to feel more sore than the left, especially when doing calf raises. When I stretch my right feet front and back using resistance band I feel pain in my shin bone; in this regard, the left leg is much smoother. Also tried standing with support of the walker, my right leg is stiff and takes time to touch the floor compared to the left leg. Also when standing, there is same pain happening in the shin bone. Additionally, for the past couple of days my right leg feels stone solid in the shin area when I wake up in the morning. Harry said that he'll will take me to x-rays day after tomorrow in order to assess the progress so far. Hope all goes well.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on May 15, 2021, 04:34:42 PM
congrats. Looking forward to see you bear weight and walk unassisted.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 15, 2021, 04:43:06 PM
congrats. Looking forward to see you bear weight and walk unassisted.

Me too. Thanks.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Serilium on May 15, 2021, 04:52:55 PM
Keynes what country are you from
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 15, 2021, 06:07:10 PM
Keynes what country are you from

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 16, 2021, 02:26:06 PM
Here is my first X-ray post frame removal surgery. Apparently, the callus build is lesser in the right leg. I doubt, if that's what causing soreness in the right leg's shin area as I'd indicated earlier. My both feet are almost touching the ground but still stiff and need some work. I also did a little walking with walker's support, this was my first walking post frame removal. While taking steps, I was feeling more pressure in the right leg as compared to the left. Harry has advised me to get a shin brace for support and cautioned me to avoid putting full weight on the leg for a few days.

This is actually a surprise 'coz when in frames my right leg was fine and left leg was more troubled but now the condition is just opposite.  (1st X-ray post frame removal)  (walking with support)
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on May 17, 2021, 05:28:44 AM
At this point do you forsee yourself being able to walk unassisted after another 3 months? As of yet do you regret doing the surgery?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 23, 2021, 11:59:54 AM
Hi Guys - Apologies for the long break, got busy with some personal stuff, couldn't find time for the forum. Please find below the update on my situation

Day 103: I am able to sleep well and sound at night. My sleep cycle is improving. Pain and soreness in both legs is down compared to when in frames. On a standalone basis (not comparing the frame time), when my legs are stationary they feel just normal without pain; however when I do walking exercises, I feel some pain in the right legs shin and in left leg the pain is below the knee. The reason I have been told for the pain is - In the right leg, shin pain is due to less callus formed compared to the other leg so when I walk or exert pressure, with less callus the pressure comes straight on the rod giving me a sting sort of pain. In the left leg, because strength and flexibility is relatively more than the right, the pain arises due to excess weight being transferred on the leg to support balance, which causes stress in the tendons (the rubbery muscle below the knee). Harry says that both of these pains will tame down with time.

I have started full weight bearing. My walk is improving with walker. Started experimenting crutches. On the first day, crutches were real pain and exhausting. however, the performance is getting better with time and I am regaining balance.

Posting a new video with walker:

Will soon post a video with crutches in my next post, hopefully my walking will get better by then.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Activatedxx on May 23, 2021, 12:13:21 PM
Hey Keynes, do you feel a drastic improve or noticeable improvement in stature?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 23, 2021, 12:46:36 PM
Hey Keynes, do you feel a drastic improve or noticeable improvement in stature?

Yes - 2.25 inches are sure noticeable. I am still mostly on bed, but when I stand and walk I do feel the difference. 
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma / Harry
Post by: Keynes on May 24, 2021, 09:22:44 AM
Just thought of giving Harry the due credit for effort he has made on me. thanks a million ton.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Activatedxx on May 24, 2021, 01:42:24 PM
Praying for your swift recovery buddy
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 24, 2021, 03:46:32 PM
Praying for your swift recovery buddy

Thanks man - wish u all the best !
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma / Harry
Post by: Keynes on May 28, 2021, 01:18:32 PM
Day 107: Posting my new walking video with crutches. The activity is still exhausting, I feel pain in different regions of both the legs. For now I am working on my left leg's mobility. As you will note in the video that my left leg does not fall in line with the right. Well, technically it is my right leg, which lacks in strength to support my left legs stepping action. It is likely that callus generation in the right is not as good as in the left. There will be more clarity on this in the next x-ray.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on May 28, 2021, 01:20:56 PM
Good job keynes.

Do you have a full length x-ray of your legs? Could you post a pic with both your feet together and knees straight?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 30, 2021, 04:43:39 PM
Day 103: Attaching a shoot from the last nights PT session, finally we took it to the outdoors. Was a different experience all together to walk the road after a long time, feeling was good but tiring. Ankles, mainly Achilles tendon area on the back of the foot was hurting a lot in both legs.

Also got my X-rays: My left legs callus seems fine but my right legs callus is less.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: dexter1930 on May 31, 2021, 08:16:01 AM
great, I wish time fly fast to another 30days so I can remove the fixtator nails and walk with crunches like you
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on May 31, 2021, 08:33:51 AM
Day 103: Attaching a shoot from the last nights PT session, finally we took it to the outdoors. Was a different experience all together to walk the road after a long time, feeling was good but tiring. Ankles, mainly Achilles tendon area on the back of the foot was hurting a lot in both legs.

Also got my X-rays: My left legs callus seems fine but my right legs callus is less.

I think you'll be able to walk unassisted in 1 month.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on May 31, 2021, 05:35:45 PM
Day 103: Attaching a shoot from the last nights PT session, finally we took it to the outdoors. Was a different experience all together to walk the road after a long time, feeling was good but tiring. Ankles, mainly Achilles tendon area on the back of the foot was hurting a lot in both legs.

Also got my X-rays: My left legs callus seems fine but my right legs callus is less.

A small typo  :o - This is Day 109 not 103
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 01, 2021, 04:15:27 AM
Day 112: Posting a new video from todays PT session. My right leg continues to remain a problem due to less callus, therefore trying to be careful and putting less weight on it. My left is doing majority of the work here.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Unknown on June 01, 2021, 05:54:10 AM
Day 112: Posting a new video from todays PT session. My right leg continues to remain a problem due to less callus, therefore trying to be careful and putting less weight on it. My left is doing majority of the work here.
Nice progress! Any differences you notice in terms of how you perceive others and how others perceive you yet? Do girls react better to you now?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 02, 2021, 03:46:56 PM
Day 114: Today I took Harry's car for a drive. It was a night time, can't say this is my best drive but quite a decent performance for starter. I was driving very cautiously for two reasons (1) Harry trusted me with his car, (2) I have been bed ridden for almost 4 months now, I haven't tried anything like this in a long time, so was not quite confident at the start. I barely took it beyond 30-40 Kmh speed limit.

Overall, I would say that it was a nice and different experience for me. Also, driving is a lot easier than walking. Walking is more stressful activity now. Point to note, I could feel my foot work got better as this was a manual transmission car.

when I walk, my feet and ankles, especially in the right leg hurt a lot. This kind of disrupts my attempt to balance my body weight.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on June 05, 2021, 06:17:58 AM
Good job keynes.

Do you have a full length x-ray of your legs? Could you post a pic with both your feet together and knees straight?

Hi Keynes, do you have this? At least the latter?

Thank you
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 05, 2021, 06:29:57 AM
No, I don't have full length x rays. and, bro I am not comfortable in sharing my full legs picture as I wish to keep my anonymity, hope you will understand.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on June 05, 2021, 07:04:10 AM
No, I don't have full length x rays. and, bro I am not comfortable in sharing my full legs picture as I wish to keep my anonymity, hope you will understand.

You have already been sharing videos of you walking in shorts. A photo with your feet together and knees not bent, would not be much different, would it?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 05, 2021, 08:10:57 AM
You have already been sharing videos of you walking in shorts. A photo with your feet together and knees not bent, would not be much different, would it?

Yeah, that is the best I could share for now. If you are concerned about my leg alignment, rest assure all is fine.

About the full length x-rays, it is certainly a part of my to do list and I will definitely post them when I get them done.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on June 05, 2021, 08:39:20 AM
Day 112: Posting a new video from todays PT session. My right leg continues to remain a problem due to less callus, therefore trying to be careful and putting less weight on it. My left is doing majority of the work here.

From these videos it appears like you have mild genu valgum. I don't known if it's clinically significant. Just an honest opinion, hope you don't take it in the wrong sense.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 05, 2021, 03:02:06 PM
From these videos it appears like you have mild genu valgum. I don't known if it's clinically significant. Just an honest opinion, hope you don't take it in the wrong sense.

"Thanks for your concern. I checked with my doctor and also understood the concept in detail, based on which I can tell that I don't have any such condition. May be due to my penguin like gait (which is normal to expect following LL) it might appear like genu valgum as u mentioned, but all is well. I will see if I can post a standing picture of my bare knees and feet. But I can't disclose my bare legs above knees. Also, I will post my full leg x-rays as and when I get them. 

Genu valgum is a medical condition in which a person is unable join his knees and feet simultaneously given a standing posture. That is not the case with me.

And please note, these videos that I posted here have been shot at a very early stage of rehab. I have not even completed 1 month post my second surgery (the frame removal) and progress seems quite good according to the doctor. Please be clear, the walking in these videos is not normal and definitely not perfect, this walk has to seen as an exercise, a part of rehabilitation (I am in no rush to run a marathon, LOL). All these videos are recordings from my PT session. I don't want to exaggerate with these videos but share my LL journey the way it is, I understand the mental stress that short people go through and speaking with words may not suffice (given the extreme nature of the surgery). To be honest, when I am walking, I feel extreme stretch in Achilles, pain on the osteotomy site (especially in the right leg), and most important I have to concentrate on body balancing. All these issues have improved significantly compared to the start, but they still exist and have not completely gone away."
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 05, 2021, 03:08:52 PM
great, I wish time fly fast to another 30days so I can remove the fixtator nails and walk with crunches like you

I am quite sure you will, just be strong in your mind. Best wishes and take care. 
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 13, 2021, 06:43:36 AM
Posting a new video from my PT session. Day before yesterday I took about 1/2 km walk on a nearby street with Harry, on and off the crutches (using only one elbow crutch). Also had a party yesterday with Harry and some other LL patients, it was fun. Overall I still have pain here and there, hope they all reduce with time.

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on June 13, 2021, 09:04:03 AM
Thanks for the video man. I honestly still feel like you have knock knees because it takes effort to put feet and knees together and there might have been a possible slight knee bend as well.

But as you say it could be because of muscle weakness too. Hope to continue seeing you recover and the problem might disappear as you gain strength.

All the best!
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 13, 2021, 06:11:27 PM
Thanks for the video man. I honestly still feel like you have knock knees because it takes effort to put feet and knees together and there might have been a possible slight knee bend as well.

But as you say it could be because of muscle weakness too. Hope to continue seeing you recover and the problem might disappear as you gain strength.

All the best!

You are wrong. It appears that way because I’ve lost too much muscles in my thighs. Like I Mentioned in my earlier post, I have not even completed one month post my frame removal surgery. at such an early stage of rehab, It takes time to join feet because it disturbs my balancing, which is one of many things that I concentrate on when I’m walking. The job is easier when I am lying on the bed as balance is out of question.

In the case of knock knees, you loose the ability to join your knees and feet together given a  standing posture. You can look for this online, there are research papers and even images of the condition.

I will definitely post a video in couple of months, hopefully my muscles should recover by that time.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on June 14, 2021, 08:41:57 AM
I really don't want to comment on your dairy But in starting I informed you something wrong in your left leg. Just saw your walk it seems left legs angular problem. By standing and walking knock knees can't be diagnosed .
The best way to diagnose knock knees is by taking a standing X-ray, and drawing the straight line on the image from the hip to the ankle. If that line passes to the outside of the knee, there is genu valgum present. Additional diagnostic lines can be drawn to determine if the source of the angular deviation is coming from the femur (thigh bone) or the tibia (shin bone).

Good luck . I hope you recover soon and injoy life . cheers
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 16, 2021, 06:09:31 PM
I really don't want to comment on your dairy But in starting I informed you something wrong in your left leg. Just saw your walk it seems left legs angular problem. By standing and walking knock knees can't be diagnosed .
The best way to diagnose knock knees is by taking a standing X-ray, and drawing the straight line on the image from the hip to the ankle. If that line passes to the outside of the knee, there is genu valgum present. Additional diagnostic lines can be drawn to determine if the source of the angular deviation is coming from the femur (thigh bone) or the tibia (shin bone).

Good luck . I hope you recover soon and injoy life . cheers

Thanks for your kind wishes, appreciate the concern. By the way what you mentioned me earlier was something about tibial torsion, the topic that was completely out of context and not even related to LL. I had already posted a medically valid reply on that comment. You can revisit the details and refresh your memory.

Also it will be a great help if you can answer my previously asked question of whether you r a doctor, LL veteran or a prospective patient? I see you have been lurking a long time around this forum, just wanna assess the credibility of your opinions on this forum. I hope you don’t mind, thanks.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 16, 2021, 06:31:59 PM
I have already talked too much about it, and don’t want to stress anymore on this topic. Most people on this forum behave like wannabe the doctors misguiding with their limited medical knowledge and dangerous opinions. To address their gap in knowledge, I am pasting below the link on information about knock knees and how to detect the same.

Quote from the link “ If someone with knock knees stands with their knees together, their lower legs will be spread out so their feet and ankles are further apart than normal. A small distance between the ankles is normal, but in people with knock knees this gap can be up to 8cm (just over 3 inches) or more”

Also, Lon method can never cause knock knees, unless the person already has it before the surgery. If a person has knock knees before the surgery then LON method can definitely amplify the condition making his X-legs look more evident. All this has to be examined before the surgery, experience of the surgeon is important here.

I have discussed with my doctor about this in detail, and I’ve also had a second opinion from another doctor. I can say my walking is not perfect yet but I do not have knock knees or any symptoms of the same. According to the doctor, (as stated earlier also) it is basically the lack of muscles in the Hip and thigh area which is causing my gait to look the way it is in the videos, with time the condition is going to improve. My request is to be patient, I’m just one month ahead of the frame removal surgery. I will definitely come back to post a video of my gait / progress from time to time.

Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 16, 2021, 07:10:46 PM
Today Harry took me to a nearby mall. Idea was to lift my confidence in public places. We had a small treat. I can walk without crutch for short distance, it is actually my stamina which runs out too fast. For long distance, I still have to use crutch as after walking independently for sometime I start feeling soreness in the legs, mainly in the shin area. Overall it was a good day.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on June 17, 2021, 07:16:26 AM
Posting my latest x rays.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: tallmen on June 17, 2021, 10:44:55 PM
Posting my latest x rays.

How much bone healing is required for weight bearing?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Beforeandafter on July 03, 2021, 06:13:57 PM
Today Harry took me to a nearby mall. Idea was to lift my confidence in public places. We had a small treat. I can walk without crutch for short distance, it is actually my stamina which runs out too fast. For long distance, I still have to use crutch as after walking independently for sometime I start feeling soreness in the legs, mainly in the shin area. Overall it was a good day.
Impressive recovery
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on July 11, 2021, 02:50:44 AM
How much bone healing is required for weight bearing?

Don't know the medical technicalities here, however speaking from personal experience, my bones have not yet fully consolidated but I am able to weight bear (there is definitely some soreness still but I am doing it pretty well compared to my time in the guest house). In fact, I was able to weight bear quite early, in about 3.5 months post initial surgery, i.e. w/o walker support. While in frames, I used to weight bear but with the help of either walker support or just stand against wall. Hope this helps. 
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on July 11, 2021, 02:51:18 AM
Impressive recovery

Thanks !
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on July 11, 2021, 03:15:31 AM
Day 152: I am walking very much independent. I don't quite use my crutch, however I still carry it along esp. when travelling long distance, much as a safety measure. When walking long distance, I feel some pain on the right leg osteotomy site, this is where the bone formation is also less. My left leg has partly consolidated. I visited the doctor and Harry this week, I might get some screws removed in about next couple of months. I don't feel any pain when walking, but I feel some soreness in the area below knee when standing up and sitting down. Overall, my hams and quads are very weak, I am advised to exercise and work on the same.

I am getting a little busy these days but will definitely take time to shoot a video and post in 15-20 days.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: BMW on August 01, 2021, 03:42:03 PM
Day 152: I am walking very much independent. I don't quite use my crutch, however I still carry it along esp. when travelling long distance, much as a safety measure. When walking long distance, I feel some pain on the right leg osteotomy site, this is where the bone formation is also less. My left leg has partly consolidated. I visited the doctor and Harry this week, I might get some screws removed in about next couple of months. I don't feel any pain when walking, but I feel some soreness in the area below knee when standing up and sitting down. Overall, my hams and quads are very weak, I am advised to exercise and work on the same.

I am getting a little busy these days but will definitely take time to shoot a video and post in 15-20 days.
Congratulation man .your x-ray is looking good.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: firefly on August 02, 2021, 07:23:48 AM
Hello brother., any further update of your condition?? Hope all things are going well.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on August 09, 2021, 04:46:45 PM
It’s been a long time since my last post. I have not been active on the forum lately as I am focused on other things, especially my career. Just to update on my condition, I paid visit to the doctor recently and got my x-rays. Based on the report, my left leg is 95% consolidated. My right leg is lagging behind with around 50 to 60% consolidation. I have started climbing up & down the stairs. Climbing up is no issue, but walking down the stairs is a little stressful, especially with respect to the right leg. Also I feel some soreness when I transition from a resting position for a stand or walk, I have to take a few seconds to settle. When walking, I look pretty close to normal. Doctor has advised against running and jogging. I am planning to start gym from next week onwards. I wanted to record a video of my progress but given the lockdown I am mostly keeping indoors and I don’t want to reveal my private space while shooting for a video. I will definitely shoot a video when I get outdoors.

 I tried posting X-rays but unable to generate the link in Imgur. Will try again in sometime.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: firefly on August 30, 2021, 07:20:51 AM
Any new update of your condition bro?
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on September 27, 2021, 04:35:12 AM

I recently got my x-rays done. Since my last update, my stairs climbing up and down has improved a lot. Downstairs is still a problem but much better than previous. Still no running and jumping, but I can do fast walking. Right leg is consolidating relatively slower. sometimes I feel soreness will walking long distances. I am planning to out one of my screws in the Left leg in the next couple of months.

Link to my latest x-rays:
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: yash on September 27, 2021, 05:44:27 PM
hey keynes, . meeting you has given me more  confidence and energy in my own journey.. also you had really great proportions and gait...
all the best for further recovery..
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on September 27, 2021, 05:55:09 PM

I recently got my x-rays done. Since my last update, my stairs climbing up and down has improved a lot. Downstairs is still a problem but much better than previous. Still no running and jumping, but I can do fast walking. Right leg is consolidating relatively slower. sometimes I feel soreness will walking long distances. I am planning to out one of my screws in the Left leg in the next couple of months.

Link to my latest x-rays:
It has been almost 9 months still your bone did not connect please see other LL dr. to review
something very serious happening with you
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on September 27, 2021, 05:58:28 PM
hey keynes, . meeting you has given me more  confidence and energy in my own journey.. also you had really great proportions and gait...
all the best for further recovery..
Hello under pressure man , his condition still not good , he is struggling to have a normal life. almost non-union.
please stop fooling
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: yash on September 28, 2021, 03:47:36 AM
Hello under pressure man , his condition still not good , he is struggling to have a normal life. almost non-union.
please stop fooling
hey more,, i have seen him in person . so i dont need to listen to any no purpose man like you... there is his recovery video in the youtube  can watch it, instead of spreading non sense
also this probably is my last reply to your post. you understand that no one gives a  duck about you in this forum
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on September 28, 2021, 05:13:26 AM

Just to update further on my progress. My recent video, shot a few days back. This is after 7 months 12 days post operation. As I said earlier, (also seen in the video) only climbing downstairs there is some jerk felt, all else is so far good. Will update again in 9 months.


Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Keynes on September 28, 2021, 05:14:59 AM
hey keynes, . meeting you has given me more  confidence and energy in my own journey.. also you had really great proportions and gait...
all the best for further recovery..

Thanks man. All the best.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: NEET on September 28, 2021, 05:16:41 AM
Hello under pressure man , his condition still not good , he is struggling to have a normal life. almost non-union.
please stop fooling
HI Dr. more how many surgeries have you performed ?

seriously  need your advice, you are senior doctor here. Giving free advice you are a great man.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: NEET on September 28, 2021, 05:21:03 AM

Just to update further on my progress. My recent video, shot a few days back. This is after 7 months 12 days post operation. As I said earlier, (also seen in the video) only climbing downstairs there is some jerk felt, all else is so far good. Will update again in 9 months.


Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: yash on September 28, 2021, 05:47:27 AM
HI Dr. more how many surgeries have you performed ?

seriously  need your advice, you are senior doctor here. Giving free advice you are a great man.
lol... dont you know that Dr more is more experienced than paley ... :)
but i seriously think he is promoting a doctor, posts   on other doctor's diaries and wants other accounts to be banned..
giving him any importance is a waste of our time..
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on September 28, 2021, 08:18:14 AM
hey more,, i have seen him in person . so i dont need to listen to any no purpose man like you... there is his recovery video in the youtube  can watch it, instead of spreading non sense
also this probably is my last reply to your post. you understand that no one gives a  duck about you in this forum
You saw him personally and didn't notice his left leg has knock knee. That means you are blind if you can't see this in open eyes .
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: yash on September 28, 2021, 09:31:01 AM
i am doctor myself.. i am here because i am also a limb lengthener myself
i dont know why some idiots with no knowledge about limb lengthening nor are prospective patiens are lurking here.. they should probably get a job or something or maybe this is their job to promote dr sarin and post non sense on other diaries.

but as it has always been said:
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: Want-3-inches on September 28, 2021, 09:52:20 AM
You saw him personally and didn't notice his left leg has knock knee.

yeah to some extent I can see it too. I hope it is due to weak muscles and will improve with rehab.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on September 28, 2021, 09:55:00 AM
i am doctor myself.. i am here because i am also a limb lengthener myself
i dont know why some idiots with no knowledge about limb lengthening nor are prospective patiens are lurking here.. they should probably get a job or something or maybe this is their job to promote dr sarin and post non sense on other diaries.

but as it has always been said:
See the video again please . Any orthopaedic surgeon will easily notice  his left leg knock knee and non-union in right leg. and silence is the best way please don't comment again here.
You are doing good that's i didn't comment on your diary.
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: yash on September 28, 2021, 09:55:55 AM
yeah to some extent I can see it too. I hope it is due to weak muscles and will improve with rehab.
Yeah it is due to weak muscles and once muscles are will disappear
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: more on September 28, 2021, 11:14:03 AM
What you mentioned me earlier was something about tibial torsion which was medically wrong and completely out of the curriculum (not even related to LL). I also borrowed second opinion on that to be extra diligent.

What I mentioned in my recent post was that I feel my left leg relatively more stiff than the right, which I believe is common for most patients while they are in the frames. According to the Dr., this will subside as I remove the frame.

Request you not to twist the facts to force your invalid logics. Incase you want some clarification for your own personal knowledge you can contact my medical team on the number I mentioned in my earlier post, I am sure they will be happy to help.

Plus, I am curious to know - are you doctor, prospective patient, or a vetran LL'r??
So i was right, i told you something wrong in left leg but you didn't listen. it could have corrected during frame removal surgery. but now......
Title: Re: My LL Journey - Tibia LON - Dr. Pradip Sharma
Post by: montahn on March 19, 2022, 05:33:18 PM
any update ?