Limb Lengthening Forum
Limb Lengthening Surgery => Limb Lengthening Doctors => Topic started by: KiloKAHN on July 04, 2015, 11:08:56 AM
General information and response from Dr Jean-Marc Guichet of Leg Lengthening Clinic based in Milan, Italy and London, England. Contact the Clinic for specific details and latest updates.
Note: Previous Discussion Thread Linked Here
Surgery Method
I offer the strongest nailing technique with the fastest recovery in the world, the Guichet V2 Nail. I can also offer others, including external fixators, but when you have a Porsche, why would you like to get a Yaris?
I consult and currently do surgery in Milan, Italy, and London (which replaced Marseille). It will depend on your preferences and on the periods as I am covering both places.
An evaluation consultation is necessary to plan a specific training program for you.
It should be performed as soon as you decide to do this surgery, or want to qualify for it, knowing the preparation depends on it for designing specific training program according to your body/exam.
The nail authorizes a maximum of 10 cm, but we can achieve more with repeated surgeries. The actual gain you will get depends on your body characteristics and on your training.
It depends on your body, and that must be evaluated. Some patients stop at a 5 cm gain, while others may go to 9 or 10 cm. All patients do not have the same body or psychological capacities. In Dr. Guichet’s practice, the average gain is 68 mm in cosmetic lengthening (115 cases).
It depends also of your job and various parameters (preoperative preparation, aimed gain, etc.) that we will discuss at the consultation after the examination.
If you wish to get an initial evaluation at the clinic, the first step is to complete the joined form and return it WITH a copy of your passport (bring ALL originals with you at the consultation).
The consultation will allow me to understand your request and dream for a better answer. In addition, you will have answers to all your questions, you will meet patients during elongation and will also visit the Fitness Centre and the World Excellence Centre of FIFA where my patients are training. Allow plenty of time for that. You can also achieve the specific 3D X-rays and a strength test (Cybex Isokinetic) to save time if you want to follow.
After the consultation, the training can initiate. You need to put on muscle and flexibility. For final tuning and boosting (extremely important if you did not prepare with high level competition trainers), a one month pre-op training is often performed by patients. In this time, we will perform all necessary check-ups and exams.
As the lengthening period is far shorter than in other teams, the overall time including the preparation and the lengthening is overall not much more than the pre-op exam and lengthening period with others. But you benefit of an extremely valuable training decreasing the risks of complication and fasting your recovery.
The overall budget for one level of surgery (both femurs for instance) that you need to face is approx. 65000 Euros for surgery (hospital, implants, fees) and 2 months of training/physiotherapy (11 sessions per week), housing, exams, but not food nor transports. With a very specific preoperative training program for one month under my full control in Milano or London, count approximately 5000 Euros more.
My patients are resuming bike on the first post-operative day, and from 2015 I even created the ‘Hyper Fast-Track’ where patients, even bilateral, are resuming full exercises, walking in the corridor, climbing up (and down) stairs, and biking less than 2 hours from the awakening from anaesthesia in the operating room! It is currently the fastest recovery in the world.
44 mm are obtained in one months and 7 cm in two months. Further gains should be discussed in consultation, according to your wishes and your evaluation. At the end of lengthening, you can return home.
Intensive sports can be resumed after full fusion, which occurs generally approximately twice faster than in other teams (count 4 months for a 6-7 cm gain).
Femoral lengthening should be performed first as it heals far better than tibias. Tibia may take over one year to heal, while femur take generally far shorter. Both at the same time is too much demanding from your body and risky.
If you are interested, and for taking an appointment in consultation, I would appreciate if you could fill out with great attention the attached medical form, and return it with a copy of your passport/ID, and tell me where and when you want to come.
[link to form: ]
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
1) Why should I prepare for the operation? Will the results be worse if I do not prepare?
- Preparation allows your muscles, tendons and whole body to accept the 'shock' of the operation. Proper preparation and conditioning will make both the surgery and the healing period afterwards easier on the body and the mind.
Preparation for any stressful situation is necessary to help prevent unexpected complications. You would not write a university exam, run a marathon or climb a mountain without first training! If we do not 'tune' the body (as you would a car before a race), the resulting risks will be much higher, which can lead to serious complications or sequelae.
Furthermore, by properly preparing your body (and mind) before the surgery, you further increase your chance of obtaining the results you seek.
2) What exactly do you mean by pre-operative preparation? I do sports and I consider myself fairly athletic, is this good enough?
- Although you may practice sport regularly, even strenuous ones, it is very likely that you will need further conditioning to prepare yourself for surgery. Only Olympic athletes in top physical, competition-ready form would be able to have limb lengthening surgery almost immediately. For this reason we require all patients to train with a personal trainer before their surgery. This will be discussed further when you have your consultation with us.
3) I was offered an external fixator. Can I get a nail?
- In most cases, the Guichet Nail can be used in place of an external fixator. Furthermore, the long bones (femur, tibia , humerus) are ideal for lengthening using an internal nail.
4) I was told that my bone is not big enough, that there is associated axis deviation, or that my background prevents me from using a nail, and I can only lengthening using an external fixator. Is this right?
- There are very few cases in which an external fixator would be more beneficial to limb lengthening then an internal nail. This is why a consultation with the Guichet team is so important; to discuss all your options.
5) How long should I prepare for surgery?
- It depends both on your initial level of fitness and your desired outcome. During your consultation Dr. Guichet will discuss your optimal level of fitness before going into the surgery. It is important to understand that the more prepared for the limb lengthening surgery you are, the more successful your outcome will be. A body in peak condition will react better to the stress that limb lengthening places on it. This is also true of your mental state of mind. The more mentally and emotionally prepared you are, the more successful your outcome will be. A quicker recovery time is a result of thorough preparation.
6) Can I be guaranteed 10 cm of length gain? I don't want to wait, I want this surgery now.
- The amount you gain is dependent upon your body, your pre-surgery conditioning, your 'tolerance' to the lengthening procedure and your mental state. You are limited by what your body can tolerate. During your initial consultation, Dr. Guichet will assess what kind of length gain you can expect to achieve. If your body can tolerate an 8cm gain, but you want more, more preparation on your part will be necessary.
Dr. Guichet schedules your operation for when your body is able to tolerate a 10cm gain. If, however, you want the surgery immediately, you will have to accept that the amount of length gain you will achieve may be much lower then you wish. Furthermore, you must accept and understand that you risk of complications and sequelae will be much greater.
7) I do not want a consultation until right before my operation. Can I set my operation date before I arrive for my consultation?
- Not only would it be unreasonable not to have a thorough evaluation before surgery, it would be extremely risky and dangerous. The consultation is important to discuss desired results, possible complications and what can be expected after the surgery. Any surgery without prior discussion with the surgeon would be like jumping from a plane in flight without first knowing how to use a parachute.
8 ) Is there a minimum length gain I can expect? I would like to have an idea before I book my consultation.
- The leg lengthening procedure and outcome is body dependant; therefore we cannot estimate a minimal length gain. This is why a consultation is necessary. Everyone has different body and psychological capacities.
With this in mind, the average length gained in cosmetic lengthening is 6.8 cm or 2.67 inches (in a sample of over 100 cases).
9) How long will the lengthening process take? How long should I stay in Milan or London?
- It takes one day to gain 1mm of length. There are risks associated with the lengthening period, which is why you should stay the entire time. Furthermore, by staying, you will be better able to focus on your recovery.
As with any surgery, you must be prepared to stay until you are well enough to return home.
10) I want a lengthening surgery right now. Other surgeons are willing to do it for me now, why do you insist on a consultation and preparation first?
- As stated in previous answers to similar questions; you must be prepared for the surgery for it to be successful and to lower the risk of complications. The 'shock' of such rapid bone growth in such a short amount of time is very stressful to your body. This is why preparation is necessary.
Be aware that many doctors or surgeons who offer to leg lengthening surgery without a prior, in-depth consultation are likely more concerned about getting your money then actually helping you achieve your height goals. This is a dangerous surgery and thus all aspects of it should be considered with your doctor before. It is important to do you research before you commit to a surgeon. What is their experience? What is their success rate? What have previous clients said? What is the clinic like? How many similar operations have they done before?
The Guichet Team is highly skilled and has extensive experience with limb lengthening. Dr. Guichet insists on his regulations for your safety and for your best interests.
11) How much does it cost to receive limb lengthening?
- There are many factors that will affect the price of your surgery and the price of your stay during the recovery process. The cost varies by what you want (How many limbs? Which bone(s)? How much length wanted?) and what options you decide on.
During your consultation, you will be told the estimated cost of your surgery. Other costs to consider are; personal trainer, category of hotel or accommodations, length of time (the longer you stay, the more length you can expect to gain), the current exchange rate ect. An accurate quote with options will be delivered after your consultation.
Plan for higher costs then you initially anticipate. Use the remaining money for your next holiday!
12) I am of very short stature (woman; under 4'10.5" or 1.49m, men; under 5'.75" or 1.54m). Can health insurance or social security (CPAM) in France cover the cost of the surgery?
- No. Health insurance only covers 'official' dwarfism (achondroplasia, Turner syndrome, etc.) or recognized discrepancy (generally over 1 or 1.5 inches). Otherwise it is considered cosmetic. Note that if you have health insurance cover the cost of the surgery under false pretense, you will be liable for reimbursement as well as a penalty (in France €15,000).
13) I was told by another surgeon that operating on both legs at the same time would be difficult and that it would be better to do one first, then the second. Is this correct?
- No. Operating on one leg at a time means two separate procedures. Dr. Guichet's patients have only two to three surgeries in total (including the nail removal surgery) when he operates on both legs at once. By lengthening one leg at a time, you will spend twice the amount of time in surgery, twice the amount of post-operative pain and have a twice as long period of rehabilitation. There are no benefits in treating each leg as a separate case.
Studies on bilateral operations have shown that the cumulative risk of a two-step bilateral surgery is a 2 (1+1), while doing the two operations at once lowers the risk to 1.6. In other words, the more surgeries you endure, the greater your risk of complications both during and after the surgeries.
14) Will Dr. Guichet be my primary surgeon, and will he conduct the follow-up?
- Dr. Guichet performs all of his leg lengthening surgeries himself, with the Guichet nail he invented. He also plans the individual and personalized pre-operative preparation parameters and operative parameters. He also monitors all of his patients post-surgery. By eliminating any "middle-man," Dr. Guichet minimizes risk of complications. As the most experienced surgeon in the world in the use of the Albizzia and the Guichet Nails, Dr. Guichet's customized controls prevent the "dilution" of responsibility for the procedure that occurs with multiple surgeons. Dr. Guichet works closely with a team of specialists (anesthetists, personal trainers ect) to ensure that the patient receives the best treatment before, during and after surgery.
Dr. Guichet also ensures that his patients can always reach him to answer their questions or offer support, as evidenced by their testimonials.
15) I found a surgeon who has not yet used your technique, but is willing to try to do it for me. Where can I buy the Guichet Nail?
- The Guichet Nail is not currently available for use outside of the Leg Lengthening Clinic or by any other surgeon besides Dr. Guichet. Using an internal fixator is a difficult surgery and it would be extremely dangerous for a surgeon without extensive experience using the Guichet Nail to perform.
Although you may feel more comfortable receiving a surgery close to home, it is much less risky to travel to the Leg Lengthening Clinic for this difficult surgery.
16) I do not want to leave my city for the surgery. Can you recommend a surgeon who will use the Guichet Nail here?
- As explained above, only Dr. Guichet and his experienced team are currently offering the leg lengthening procedure using the Guichet Nail. Highly demanding operations should only be done by teams experienced in the techniques and the possible risks and complications that relate to it. By being operated upon by the inventor of the Guichet Nail, you are guaranteed the highest level of success possible with minimum risk. For this reason, the Guichet Nail is only offered by Dr. Guichet and the Leg Lengthening Clinic.
Contact Info
Studio Medico
Corso Magenta, 44
20123 Milano (MI) - Italy (metro Cadorna)
Personal Assistant: +39.329.852.0407
Private: +39.328.634.2941
Princess Grace Hospital
42-52 Nottingham Place
London, W1U 5NY - UK
SELARL du Docteur Jean-Marc Guichet
Centre Phocea, 14 Bd Ganay
13009 Marseille - France
Office: +33.491.777.547
Office (mobile): +33.664.163.890
wtf his price just increased from 44k to 65k.
The overall budget for one level of surgery (both femurs for instance) that you need to face is approx. 65000 Euros for surgery (hospital, implants, fees) and 2 months of training/physiotherapy (11 sessions per week), housing, exams, but not food nor transports. With a very specific preoperative training program for one month under my full control in Milano or London, count approximately 5000 Euros more.
Dear Kilokhan, when did you acquire this information and from where?:)
Dear Kilokhan, when did you acquire this information and from where?:)
Yesterday from Dr Guichet.
wtf his price just increased from 44k to 65k.
He's had a hefty price increase, although he's still nowhere near as expensive as docs like Dr Donghoon Lee, for example.
I want to know tithe their Guichet is good. I consider to do external tibia. Another option is Dr Robert rozbruch
He's had a hefty price increase, although he's still nowhere near as expensive as docs like Dr Donghoon Lee, for example.
What i can see the price has not changed....I mean the old price was 45k(surgery) +10k(2 months of physio)+10k(exams,housing, blod test)...making it 65k........Now the overall price is 65k am I missing something?:)
Agree with chsn. From what I can see, 65K includes the housing, PT etc while the former 43K~ is the surgery cost only. So the price might have been lifted but not as much as 20K
He's had a hefty price increase, although he's still nowhere near as expensive as docs like Dr Donghoon Lee, for example.
I wouldn't exactly say that. The new price includes new amenities.
Agree with chsn. From what I can see, 65K includes the housing, PT etc while the former 43K~ is the surgery cost only. So the price might have been lifted but not as much as 20K
Yeah it definitely includes the post-op PT. Not sure about the 1-month pre-op training. His quotes do not include the cost of housing or exams. He may have offered housing packages before but I don't think he does anymore. All the pre and post op exams can add up to an additional couple thousand euros if you do them all in Milan. Also, at least in Milan, there is a couple thousand euro deposit required for the hospital that was included in the total price too, which you'll get back at the end of lengthening assuming no complications that require additional surgeries.
Guichet is definitely my first choice when I do LL as I rather like the notion of a weight-bearing nail. The thought of being in a wheel chair/walker for the full distraction period (3 months; 7-8cm) and being completely dependent (going to bathroom , going out to buy food etc.) isn't a pleasant thought.
Anyone here do LL with Guichet?
can anyone shed some light on what these exams are, how come you can do LL with other doctors and you don't need exams?
I am planning to have the surgery in January 2016, but I am unable to fly from USA to Europe until then.
I have heard that some patients need months (?) of pre-operative physical training as prescribed by Dr. Guichet, before he will perform the surgery.
I am thinking I could start training now, and go at it intensely for 5 months, and then by the initial consultation I should already be ready for the surgery.
But I've been looking around and can't find a detailed list of what is actually part of the training - anyone have experience with this? What should I train? Just muscle mass + flexibility? Running / biking? Maybe increased calcium supplements?
As a side note I am aiming for 7.5 cm (from 170 cm), and I would be starting graduate school 18 months after the initial consultation date, so I would need to be completely healed by then. (But interviews are 6-7 months after initial consultation date so I would want to be walking mostly normally by then).
Also, I don't suppose there is any way for him to judge my physical readiness through Skype or a video consultation?
I just sent him an email, here is his reply:
Dear **,
4 months will be enough for preparation, surgery and lengthening.
I consult and currently do surgery in Milan, Italy, and London (which replaced Marseille). It will depend on your preferences and on the periods as I am covering both places.
An evaluation consultation is necessary to plan a specific training program for you.
It should be performed as soon as you decide to do this surgery, or want to qualify for it, knowing the preparation depends on it for designing specific training program according to your body/exam.
The nail authorizes a maximum of 10 cm, but we can achieve more with repeated surgeries. Sequential or repeated lengthening can be performed, and one of our patients got 18 cm of gain (7 inches) in 2 surgeries. The actual gain you will get depends on your body characteristics and on your training.
The consultation will allow me to understand your request and dream for a better answer. In addition, you will have answers to all your questions, you will meet patients during elongation and will also visit the Fitness Centre and the World Excellence Centre of FIFA where my patients are training. Allow plenty of time for that. You can also achieve the specific 3D X-rays and a strength test (Cybex Isokinetic) to save time if you want to follow.
After the consultation, the training can initiate. You need to put on muscle and flexibility. For final tuning and boosting (extremely important if you did not prepare with high level competition trainers), a one month pre-op training is often performed by patients. In this time, we will perform all necessary check-ups and exams. As the lengthening period is far shorter than in other teams, the overall time including the preparation and the lengthening is overall not much more than the pre-op exam and lengthening period with others. But you benefit of an extremely valuable training decreasing the risks of complication and fasting your recovery.
The overall budget for one level of surgery (both femurs for instance) that you need to face is approx. Count approximately 65000 € for surgery (hospital, implants, fees) and 2 months of training/physiotherapy (11 sessions per week), housing, exams, but not food nor transports. With a very specific preoperative training program for one month under my full control in Milano or London, count approximately 5000 € more. In Italy it is a bit less, but for people who have housing in London, it may not be a better option.
We offer, in addition to the surgery package (hospital, implants, fees, 2 months of training/physiotherapy post-operatively, i.e.11 sessions per week), additional packages for housing, exams, and also a very specific preoperative training program for one month under my full control in Milano or London, but not food nor transports. The initial consultation is 300 €.
My patients are resuming bike on the first post-operative day, and from 2015, I even created the ‘Hyper Fast-Track’ where patients, even bilateral, are resuming full exercises, walking in the corridor, climbing up (and down) stairs, and biking less than 2 hours from the awakening from anaesthesia in the operating room! It is currently the fastest recovery in the world.
44 mm are obtained in one months and 7 cm in two months. Further gains should be discussed in consultation, according to your wishes and your evaluation. At the end of lengthening, you can return home.
Intensive sports can be resumed after full fusion, which occurs generally approximately twice faster than in other teams (count 4 months for a 6-7 cm gain).
Femoral lengthening should be performed first as it heals far better than tibias. Tibia may take over one year to heal, while femur take generally far shorter. Both at the same time is too much demanding from your body and risky.
If you are interested, and for taking an appointment in consultation, I would appreciate if you could fill out with great seriousness and in depth the attached medical form, and return it with a copy of your passport/ID, and tell me where and when you want to come. Please, us the procedure below.
For further e-mails, please use directly:
I am looking forward to meeting with you at the consultation and presenting you my Team and patients in the process of lengthening.
Yours Sincerely,
Jean-Marc Guichet, MD, PhD, Doct. Sci.
Good info but way too expensive for me
oh right so he doens't do france anymore, its either london or italy.
oh right so he doens't do france anymore, its either london or italy.
any clues how he does after care, how do you see him, does he stay in london for the duration of lengthening if you do the op. in london, or is it skype or something?
Dr guichet is a good businessman.
it's still not clear what the 65k Euros covers. does it cover pre-op training? does it cover housing?
it is clear that it does NOT cover food or transportation.
can anyone clarify this?
Why doesn't he offer this in France anymore? I thought the U.K had banned this procedure before (I could be wrong)?
Lastly, which Fitness Center and the World Excellence Center of FIFA is he referring too? I'm assuming the one in London but I don't know.
any clues how he does after care, how do you see him, does he stay in london for the duration of lengthening if you do the op. in london, or is it skype or something?
He doesn't stay for the duration of a patients lengthening and travels between both. During my stay in milan we had "weekly" in person consultations that in reality were about once every two weeks because of his travel. there was a stretch of 3 weeks where I didn't see Dr. G in person because he was operating in london. we could have skype consultations during those weeks but I didn't find them particularly useful since he can't see you or take measurements. you also have weekly consultations with a doctor at the isokinetic center.
he's not the kind of doctor who's gonna check in on you everyday to see how you are doing, but he is very responsive to his patients by phone and email if they need to reach him
Lastly, which Fitness Center and the World Excellence Center of FIFA is he referring too? I'm assuming the one in London but I don't know.
He's referring to the isokinetic center. they have multiple locations, including london and milan
He doesn't stay for the duration of a patients lengthening and travels between both. During my stay in milan we had "weekly" in person consultations that in reality were about once every two weeks because of his travel. there was a stretch of 3 weeks where I didn't see Dr. G in person because he was operating in london. we could have skype consultations during those weeks but I didn't find them particularly useful since he can't see you or take measurements. you also have weekly consultations with a doctor at the isokinetic center.
he's not the kind of doctor who's gonna check in on you everyday to see how you are doing, but he is very responsive to his patients by phone and email if they need to reach him
was that frequency of consultations ok with you?
from leechlet's videos it appeared like he would be around all the time.
What would you do if you felt nerve pain and you can meet him only next week?
was that frequency of consultations ok with you?
from leechlet's videos it appeared like he would be around all the time.
What would you do if you felt nerve pain and you can meet him only next week?
Fortunately I had no major complications during lengthening so it wasn't a problem, but in the back of my mind I wouldn't have been ok with it if anything really bad happened to me. I still had supervision under his PT and the isokinetic center the whole time there, but Dr. G is the most important person to have around if complications occur. there were some patients with nerve issues while I was there and if he wasn't around, they would talk over the phone to determine how serious and treatment (usually slowing clicks or prescribing medication from what I saw). the PT and isokinetic doctor would also be there to evaluate you and relay any important info to Dr G. if you wanted to see him in person though, the you'd have to wait until he got back or skype at best. No idea if it would be different if there was an emergency as I saw none. also, he was typically always around during the few days youre in the hospital after the surgery.
I can't say for certain why leechlet's experience seemed different. I think he was a special case given his mental needs plus the dr. knew he was doing a diary on the forum. Or maybe the dr happened to be less active in london at the time. I also read some old diaries where dr. G used to visit patients in their apartments, but that's definitely not the case anymore from my recent experience.
Fortunately I had no major complications during lengthening so it wasn't a problem, but in the back of my mind I wouldn't have been ok with it if anything really bad happened to me. I still had supervision under his PT and the isokinetic center the whole time there, but Dr. G is the most important person to have around if complications occur. there were some patients with nerve issues while I was there and if he wasn't around, they would talk over the phone to determine how serious and treatment (usually slowing clicks or prescribing medication from what I saw). the PT and isokinetic doctor would also be there to evaluate you and relay any important info to Dr G. if you wanted to see him in person though, the you'd have to wait until he got back or skype at best. No idea if it would be different if there was an emergency as I saw none. also, he was typically always around during the few days youre in the hospital after the surgery.
I can't say for certain why leechlet's experience seemed different. I think he was a special case given his mental needs plus the dr. knew he was doing a diary on the forum. Or maybe the dr happened to be less active in london at the time. I also read some old diaries where dr. G used to visit patients in their apartments, but that's definitely not the case anymore from my recent experience.
were you worried about this the whole time?
is nerve pain usually diagonizable by phone? will meeting in person help?
were you worried about this the whole time?
is nerve pain usually diagonizable by phone? will meeting in person help?
just sometimes worried. there was always the PT to talk to everyday about my random pains. probably would've been more worried if I ran into any major problems though
For nerve pain I guess but I really don't know. I think most of the symptoms of nerve issues from LL are well known by dr. G by this point. meeting in person is always better in my opinion, though maybe not always necessary
Concerning the consultation meeting with Dr. Guichet:
Does he give you advice on how much you could/should lenghten, to stay healthy? AND
Does he calculate your proportions, during the consultation or do you have to go to him with an exact plan what do you want to do?
I am just curious how prepared I have to be, when I meet him. And how much I have to study the human anatomy of the femur/tibia, proportions, etc. to get the most out of it.
Concerning the consultation meeting with Dr. Guichet:
Does he give you advice on how much you could/should lenghten, to stay healthy? AND
Does he calculate your proportions, during the consultation or do you have to go to him with an exact plan what do you want to do?
I am just curious how prepared I have to be, when I meet him. And how much I have to study the human anatomy of the femur/tibia, proportions, etc. to get the most out of it.
You don't need to go in with an exact plan or even how much you want to lengthen. I think it's helpful though to have some idea though.
You do not have to study anatomy or proportions as these are subjective and he's more focused on flexibility. He will give you his recommendation on how much you can lengthen based on your current flexibility. He did not calculate my proportions but I'm sure you can ask him what he thinks about your proportions.
To make the most of it I'd read up as much as you can like about internal femur LL in general, his method, clicking, and complications so you can get your remaining questions answered that you can't already find out on the internet.
I see. Do you think 6 months of preparation is enough by medium-to above average fitness? (I would say that I have quite good muscle mass on my upper legs).
Why did he leave france? It's wierd
Why did he leave france? It's wierd
.... Probably because he wanted to.
if i live in the UK do you think they would cut some of the package out as i wont need all of it and intern be cheaper?
I want to have my surgery with Dr. Guichet but I am very worried about the cost of $90,000+ U.S. Dollars :-[
This is what I have found so far.
I would say at least 65,000 euros for the surgery + post-op PT + Guichet time, EXCLUDING all I had listed before.
Expect to pay between £500-1,000 per week for a helper.
His homework list which I've just completed (phew!) - all of it took about 2 weeks :
- Blood tests (serology, coagulation, blood group, blood count, ESR, CRP, liver tests, CTX, Alc Phosphatases £180/NHS)
- Pre-op cardiological ECG report (NHS)
- Pre-op dental report (£60)
- Bone densitometry (full body, hip and spine) £450
- EOS 3D Body xray (anterior-posterior, lower limbs) £330
- Psychiatric consultation (1hr) £350
- Daily supplements of folic acid and ferrous sulphate
- Motivation essay (yes!)
- Surgery understanding questionnaire (where he asks me to lists all the possible complications/risks by each category like bone, venal, arterial, tendon, ligament, muscular, blood, possible infections, scarring, limping, amputation, septicaemia, bone grafting, non-consolidation...etc. It was like studying for my driver's license albeit for a guaranteed car crash/hospitalisation/rehab!!!)
- Daily 2hr personal training (1hr cardio, 1hr alternate upper body and lower body muscle training)
- Daily practice usage of crutches £36
65,000 Euros = 72,000 U.S. Dollars
1,000 British Pounds = 1,250 U.S. Dollars
Plus I have to add on the price of accommodation + food + transportation + medication + miscellaneous expenses for 3-4 months near London.
Did I miss something or do something wrong with my calculation? Please help me if I did!
Anyone know roughly what the 2018 rates are (for those living in London)?
Ummm yea this girl paid the big money and got shafted and drained of all her cash from this doctor.
does anyone know what anticoagulant Dr. Guichet gives to his patients for thombosis prophyaxis?
does this doctor still operate?
does this doctor still operate?
That is terrifying.
Many horror stories that are reality
How does he have a licence to operate still? serious question
Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Dr Guichet. I'm considering him for my LL journey. I've seen his youtube which seems too good to be true.
Appreciate your response.
Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Dr Guichet. I'm considering him for my LL journey. I've seen his youtube which seems too good to be true.
Appreciate your response.
I think he is the surgeon with most deaths and complications. One lady never recovered and is in a legal battle with him. Another dude died.
Hi All,
I'm wondering if anyone has experience with Dr Guichet. I'm considering him for my LL journey. I've seen his youtube which seems too good to be true.
Appreciate your response.
Good luck then. He is the worst LL doctor in the world (taken in mind his price and complication rates, even deaths) for me.
Good luck then. He is the worst LL doctor in the world (taken in mind his price and complication rates, even deaths) for me.
Now that's scary. Someone recently recommended him in one of the diaries, so that picked my interest. Thanks man!
Good luck then. He is the worst LL doctor in the world (taken in mind his price and complication rates, even deaths) for me.
Haven't even consulted him, saw a video and was wondering if he's that good, there will be many of his clients on the site. Its a sure NO!
Guichet makes you go thru all this unnecessary training adding thousands to your bill plus he is a jerk. Why not try the Greek doc Giotakis or something like that
If you want to do internals in a first world country it’s going to cost at least 70k USD. That’s just what it costs :P
Good luck with going to the worst LL doctor for his price in the whole world.
And also have at least 20-30k euros more to fix the complicationa that you will probably have.
Guichet is the only one with weight-bearing nails on the market that's not booked until Feb 2022 (Betz). He also performs ITB release. The death of the Indian kid was due to him not taking his prescribed blood thinners.
65k Euro is 76.8k USD
You don't need a helper, so 80k USD is what you're looking at, maybe 90k if you choose to do it in London.
Ok. Mixed reactions.. :). I sure won't jump on this till I read more diaries of those who went with Dr Guichet! At least in the recent years. If anyone can point to a link, that'd be great.
Dr. Giotikas in Athens is doing Guichet's weight bearing nail now.
Has anyone done LL with Guichet recently ?I think it's well-known he's a jerk but he's done plenty of procedures, as I understand, and has success stories
Ok. Mixed reactions.. :). I sure won't jump on this till I read more diaries of those who went with Dr Guichet! At least in the recent years. If anyone can point to a link, that'd be great.
I am one of Dr Guichet's recent patient here in this forum. I had my surgery on May 2021 and gained 96 mm in 3 months. I had a different experience from what other people are saying about him in this forum. Please go read my story...
You need to know that every surgery has risks and if you do not comply to the rules to prevent those risks, you will not have a successful procedure. I think that every surgeon will explain you that.
On my first consultation Dr Guichet explain me and my family the risks of the procedure and how to prevent them. I complied to all his reccomendation which help me go throught easily those 3 months of lengthening period.
When I was in Milan during my lengthening, occasionally patients of Dr Guichet who already had lengthening, will pass by to greet the Team and meet us patients, they would tell us their experiences and give us tips. I was in a group of 5 patient in that period and we are all walking with our 2 feet.
Here is a short clip of me walking after 12 days of stopping my clicks.
Many here really respects Dr Giotikas as a doctor, and he is using Gnail now, invented by Dr Guichet. Do you think a respected doctor like him would trust Dr Guichet if he really is a bad doctor as must of the people are saying. I am sure Dr Giotikas did his research, and found Dr Guichet's method and nail trustworthy.
I am one of Dr Guichet's recent patient here in this forum. I had my surgery on May 2021 and gained 96 mm in 3 months. I had a different experience from what other people are saying about him in this forum. Please go read my story...
You need to know that every surgery has risks and if you do not comply to the rules to prevent those risks, you will not have a successful procedure. I think that every surgeon will explain you that.
On my first consultation Dr Guichet explain me and my family the risks of the procedure and how to prevent them. I complied to all his reccomendation which help me go throught easily those 3 months of lengthening period.
When I was in Milan during my lengthening, occasionally patients of Dr Guichet who already had lengthening, will pass by to greet the Team and meet us patients, they would tell us their experiences and give us tips. I was in a group of 5 patient in that period and we are all walking with our 2 feet.
Here is a short clip of me walking after 12 days of stopping my clicks.
Many here really respects Dr Giotikas as a doctor, and he is using Gnail now, invented by Dr Guichet. Do you think a respected doctor like him would trust Dr Guichet if he really is a bad doctor as must of the people are saying. I am sure Dr Giotikas did his research, and found Dr Guichet's method and nail trustworthy.
1) your having internally rotated right foot in your videos I think there is a rotation deformity. correct me if I am wrong
2) Guichet does not waits for 1 week after surgery for latency period before announcing the start of lengthening. Giotikas waits. there is already a difference in method.
Guichet nail is weight bearing and solid no doubt about that.
Did you ask him about the several patient deaths under his supervision?
Unicorn888 gets compensated from Dr. Guichet for complications
So was it the doctor's fault in her case? If so, is there any action from the medical body as well?